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Tuesday, December 4, 2018
The Art of Transmutation--Deeper, Higher Into the NOW of the ONE--Arcturians
Great YouTube about all the Galactic Beings
The Art of Transmutation
Deeper and Higher Into the NOW of the ONE
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
you ready to remember the “Art of Transmutation?” Transmutation is more
than third dimensional change. Transmutation is a shift of
consciousness, and thus perception, into a higher and higher frequencies
of the ONE.
is different from “Change” in that it is a shift into a higher
frequency of reality, whereas “change” often occurs within the same
frequency of reality.
order to perceive and/or be aware of this change, your consciousness,
and thus your perceptions, will need to resonate to a higher frequency
of synaptic interactions within your brain, as well as a shift from
Conditional Love into Unconditional Love
Love is guided by your third and lower fourth dimensional
consciousness, whereas “Unconditional Love,” is guided by your higher
fourth dimensional and fifth dimensional states of consciousness.
“state of consciousness,” which is the blending of your thoughts and
emotions, determines your choice of perceptions and how you inter-act
with these perceptions. If your state of consciousness is based on love
and happiness, you will perceive your life, and the life that surrounds
you, in a positive, hopeful manner.
solutions to “problems” will be more easily found, you will trust
yourself more and thus enjoy your life more, and you will feel a deep
need to be of assistance to others, to Gaia, and to enjoy the reality
that you can recognize as you own creation.
your own life feels good, centered, and ready to serve, you are present
when others need you, you enjoy your “work,” and look forward to what
else life will reveal for you.
you are centered, you are able to admit that all life has it’s ups and
downs, and are able to enjoy the good times, as well as “forgive” the
people and situations that are more difficult to address.
you feel strong within your self, you may choose to take on a task that
you did not believe that you could address before. One of these tasks
is to assist other people, situations, or parts of Gaia’s beings that
need your assistance.
fact, because you can now consciously perceive your own “Inner
Assistance,” you feel confident that you can assist others to also
connect with their own Inner Assistance. Different people will need
different types of assistant, and different people will offer different
types of assistance.
this version of reality, most people, animals, and even Gaia’s Nature
can remain calmer and deeply centered within their own “need to assist
with the process of transmuting Gaia into Her fifth-dimensional
does NOT just mean change. Transmutations mean “change into a higher
frequency of resonance.” The “art” of transmutation means the ART of
creating, healing, enjoying, and/or guiding one’s self, or others, into a
higher frequency expression of their current reality.
is the higher frequency of synaptic interactions that allow you to
shift your thinking, your emotions, and thus your perceptions, into a
higher frequency of resonance. Likely, you would not be consciously
aware of this shift into a higher frequency of resonance.
you would likely think it is a great day, you are having fun, and/or
having a sudden burst of creative ideas. Many, if not most, of the
members of your society, do not perceive higher frequencies of reality
that resonate beyond the spectrum of their third-dimensional
very few people would be aware that they had just transmuted their
third/fourth daily thinking into their fifth-dimensional thinking.
However, they would definitely feel a wave of joy, happiness, creativity
and/or a need to call a friend to have a nice conversation.
We the
Arcturians would like to remind you to call your “Higher Dimensional
Friends,” who have likely been over-lighting you since you were born.
Many of the “imaginary friends” that children have are actually members
of their higher dimensional friends.
brave warriors to take an earth vessel within this NOW, we Arcturians
wish to remind you again that these are times in which there are more
and more fifth-dimensional energy fields. Often, the purpose of these
fifth-dimensional energy fields is to assist humanity with their process
of transmutation.
“What exactly is the process of transmutation?” we hear you ask us. The process, or the art, of transmutation, is that the frequency rate and/or carrier wave of a message comes into your consciousness so quickly that it appears to “just suddenly be there.”
It is
the process of transmutation that allows our grounded ones to converse
with their own fifth-dimensional self, and/or the fifth-dimensional
expression of their Higher Guides. We say “Higher Guides” because it is
the fifth-dimensional beings who are your Higher Guides.
often, but not always, your Higher Guides are a higher dimensional
expression of your own Multidimensional SELF. Many of you, the grounded
ones, have Pleiadian fifth dimensional expressions on the Star Ships
that are NOW invisibly protecting Gaia, as well as on your higher
dimensional Home Worlds.
call them “Home Worlds” because these higher dimensional expressions of
the many, multidimensional planets, actually provide Schools where you,
our brave warriors to take earth vessels on Gaia, can prepare for your
upcoming incarnation on Earth.
One of
the many things that you are all learning during your nightly visits to
your Homeworld and/or Starship is how remember your innate ability to
transmute your physical reality on Earth into the “landing pad” for your
own Higher Dimensional SELF who will be entering and merging with the
earth vessels that you are currently wearing.
We say
“wearing” your body as a means to remind you that you have many
frequencies of your SELF. Therefore, just as you may go into your closet
to decide what clothes you wish to wear, your various higher
dimensional expressions of SELF will choose the “3D Body” that we wish
to wear for each incarnation on Earth.
you invite the higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional
SELF to join you during your third-dimensional incarnation, you will
feel confident that you will remember your true SELF in the higher
dimensions of your Starship or Homeworld.
that memory often leaves your consciousness when you “grow up” and have
to face the many challenges of Gaia’s current third/fourth-dimensional
planet. However, when you take a physical earth vessel, it is made of
the same elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water as the planet.
this manner, you will be reminded before you take your earth vessels
that when you collaborate with these elements, and the living elementals
that can only be perceived with fifth-dimensional vision, you will go
deeper and higher into the NOW of the ONE.
you ready to remember the “Art of Transmutation” into the NOW of the
ONE? To enter this fifth-dimensional experience of being within the NOW
of the ONE, you will need to have the courage to “surrender” into the
YOU that has over-lite you for your entire life.
surrender into this YOU that is a higher dimensional expression of the
YOU who is currently wearing an earth vessel, you will need to allow to
remember that which you have chosen to forget. When you can allow your
self to remember the many dreams, meditations, and memories of a higher
dimensional reality that was guided by Unconditional Love and
Multidimensional Light.
reality cannot be perceived via your third-dimensional perceptions or
even your third-dimensional thoughts. This higher dimensional reality of
your own higher dimensional SELF has been over-lighting you since you
entered your mother’s womb. When you left your mother’s womb, you had a
third-dimensional physical body.
you also “gave birth” to your fifth-dimensional form. Your
fifth-dimensional form may or may not look like your physical body, as
it may just appear to you as a calming sensation of LIGHT. You could see
that LIGHT for only a few years, if that much, as no one else in your
reality could see it.
you learned to keep the memory, the light and the unconditional love of
this “invisible” being to your self. You likely discovered that if you
tried to tell others of your experience, they could not understand, or
they may even have criticized you. Therefore, you learned at a young age
to keep these experience of your LIGHT a secret from others.
because you could perceive your own light you could also perceive the
light of others. You could tell when someone’s “light was low,” and when
they had remembered to transmute their own inner light into their own
“higher light.”
people did not share that process of turning on their Inner Light, as
others would only laugh or criticize you. However, the Inner Light did
not leave your consciousness unless YOU forgot to honor that light,
listen to that light, and even just remember that light.
you honored the Light, you also remembered the “art of transmutation.”
This “art” thought you that, if you looked for the Light, you would find
it. However, this Light changed with different situations. It also
responded to your emotions. When you were sad, the Light appeared to be a
bit gray, but when you were happy and enlightened, the Light became
gold and seemed to flow into and through your body.
fact, many of you had your first experience of the power of the Light
within you when you had a Kundalini experience and the Light rose up
from the base of your spine and rose all the way to the top of your
Crown Chakra.
fact, your Chakras served as power centers in your body which were able
to amplify your inner light or to dim it. Your emotions had a great deal
to do with the amplitude of your inner light. When you were sad, you
inner light dimmed. When you were angry and/or sad, your inner light
became gray.
when you grounded your body into Gaia’s Earth and called upon your
higher guidance, you could go into a higher state of consciousness and
feel this Inner Light stir at the base of your spine and rise up your
spinal cord—chakra by chakra.
your Inner Light reached your Crown Chakra, you inter-dimensional
communication with your higher dimensional expressions of SELF-joined
you to assist you to remember you're true SELF. You may not have
remembered this experience, as your third-dimensional brain has a
difficult time remembering your fifth-dimensional experiences.
we highly suggest that you document this experience in some
manner—writing it down, speaking into a recording or even drawing a
picture. Then, one day in an unknown future, you will somehow feel drawn
to look in your journal and find the documentation of an
Interdimensional Experience, which your third-dimensional brain could
not remember.
you find the written story of your experience, we suggest that you share
this experience with others. When you find the courage to share your
“Interdimensional Experiences” you will find that many others are also
having a similar experience, but did not share it with others for the
same fear of judgment that you had.
are humans fine with anger, judgment, and criticism from others, but are
too threatened by other’s response to their own spiritual experiences
of awakening?
answer is “a lifetime of judgment” from “other humans.” One of humanity
greatest fear is “fear of the unknown.” They are partially afraid of the
unknown as there is a safety in being like the others around you.
However, your personal evolutions, which we perceive as your “personal
return to SELF,” WILL be judged by others who are afraid of change—any
once you allow yourself to have, and most important, to remember,
document and share with others, your “Art of Transmutation” of the gray
illusions of fear into the Golden Experience of your own
Multidimensional SELF.
when you allow yourself to expand your consciousness into the higher
frequencies of reality, the first perception you have is very often the
vision and/or the words, of your own Multidimensional/Higher Dimensional
remember to document this experience in some manner, as your
third-dimensional brain will likely forget this higher dimensional
experience. Also, once you have awakened enough to remember how to
connect with your own Higher SELF, you are ready to begin the
fulfillment of your REASON FOR EMBODIMENT.
all of you had a reason why you chose to take your current Earth Vessel.
And, if you have discovered our message, were ready to read it, and are
moved to share your process of awakening, you have found YOUR reason
for an embodiment.
We the
Arcturians, are very happy that so many of our “volunteers to take an
earth body to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension” have remembered
to “Awaken to their SELF” so that they can remember and fulfill their
“reason for incarnation.”
they/YOU remember the “Mission Statement” that YOU made before YOU took
this incarnation, YOU will begin to understand how EVERY event in YOUR
life has prepared them to be strong and brave enough to remember YOUR
“Reason for Incarnation!”
remembering dear multidimensional beings who have chosen to take an
earth vessel to assist dear Gaia with Her PLANETARY ASCENSION!
from the Arcturians. Please remember that we are ALWAYS available to
assist you in your process. We resonate to the fifth dimension and
beyond. Therefore, we have no “time” as you know it and are ALWAYS
available to accept your call and assist you with your “Process of
Transmutation” which will take you
Deeper and Higher Into the NOW of the ONE
Blessings, We are the Arcturians
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