Monday, December 30, 2019

In this moment, the Universe wants you to know... Matt Kahn

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In this moment, the Universe wants you to know...


Matt Kahn Unsubscribe

Sun, 29 Dec, 12:04 (1 day ago)

to me
Dear Eliphas,
Despite your greatest effort, you couldn’t have been the perfect person, parent, child, or partner. You were too busy being exactly what everyone, including yourself, needed you to be. You played your part immaculately, as a way of furthering the evolution of everyone in sight — no matter how messy or regretfully it all played out.
From your soul’s clearest view, may you come to acknowledge perfection as your spiritual essence, not a personal achievement to chase or maintain. In order to feel more of the spiritual essence of perfection, it is essential to be honest about the pain that lingers within you. The more openly you share, the more perfection can be revealed
From our hearts to yours, may we all ride the miraculous wave of this most auspicious time transitioning from 2019 into 2020 with relaxed ease, surrendered grace, authentic self care and in the spacious flow of One Love.
We're with you in every moment...
All for love,
Matt & the AFL Team
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Saturday, December 28, 2019

share, What is the NOW?, Awakening to the NOW of the ONE--The Galactics

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Friday, December 13, 2019

Awakening to the NOW of the ONE--The Galactics through Suzanne Lie

(Note to readers: Hi, Sue here. I have been channeling private readings too many wonderful people, so I have not written much on the Blog. However, I am back to my usual habit of writing a new Blog every couple of days, which I also enjoy.)
Awakening to the NOW

  The Galactics Through Suzanne Lie

Beloved Ones,
We are the members of your Galactic Family, who have come into your NOW to remind you that YOU are special.  Yes, we mean YOU, the one who reads, and/or shares of this message with others.
We have come here into your a higher frequency of Self that directs you to remind yourself that NOW is the week, the day, and/or the minute in which YOU can begin the process of awakening to the NOW.

"What is the NOW?" 
we hear you say.  Our answer is that the NOW is when you have released all excuses and reasons that make it "impossible" to answer the "Inner Call," which seems to become louder and louder the more you try to ignore it OR when whenever you decide to hear it. 

"After all, why would anyone want to ignore their chance to awaken to the NOW?" 
we hear you say. 
Sadly, our answer is often because too many grounded ones have completely forgotten their true Galactic Heritage.

Just as it would be challenging to remember a past incarnation in which you were/are a member of a Starship, and your duty was/is to remind the humans on Earth to remember their Higher Dimensional Galactic SELF, it is your duty and joy now, to remind the other humans with whom your share your third dimensional reality, that WE are all ONE!
Unfortunately, some of our brave warriors to take an earth vessel on Gaia may have become lost in the illusions of the third dimensional frequencies of Gaia's Earth. Therefore, these ones may have forgotten the very Mission that thy chose to fulfill on Gaia's Earth.

Therefore, we have come to you within this NOW to remind you that, even if you cannot remember your fifth dimensional life on your Starship, you can still visit that reality as often as you like while your 3D earth vessel is sleeping.

In fact, while your human self is sleeping, your Multidimensional SELF is coming by to pick you up and take you for a visit to your Star Ship. Of course, it is difficult for your to stay awake enough to remember your "dreams/higher visits" to your higher dimensional reality.

However, we see that more and more of you are beginning to remember some of your nightly (or during deep meditation) experiences of Awakening to the NOW of the ONE. Of course, you come from your Starships, or your  higher dimensional realities, but your human self has likely forgotten that detail.

In fact, your human self will likely forget your entire night time, sleeping adventure. Fortunately, there is a "feeling" that the "awakening ones" have as they slowly, or quickly, begin to "remember" that which they had spent most of their curren incarnation forgetting.

We want you to know that the "forgetting" is important so that you can maintain confidence in the 3D reality which you human self may perceive as the "only reality." However, there is always a portal, through which you can travel to experience, and/or remember, that there are higher and higher dimensions of reality.

And, as the picture above shows, there is always a "Greeter" to meet you at the threshold into the higher frequencies of Earth's reality. In fact, more and more members of Gaia's humanity are beginning to remember dreams and/or meditations in which you experience a reality in which there is a higher frequency than your third, or fourth, dimensional perceptions.

At first, you may just remember "something," but gradually, that same "something" shows up in different dreams, or different memories, or different doodles that you draw when you are "just relaxing."

In fact, it is when you are sleeping or relaxing that you are most likely to remember that YOU are much, more that your third dimensional self can remember. It is for this reason that more and more humans are beginning to remember their dreams, and "interesting visions," that they do not understand, but simultaneously vaguely, or even clearly, remember.

"Wow, that was a cool dream," or "This may seem weird, but it feels like you have seen, heard, and/or recognized that being on a Starship and/or an experience that you woke up remembering. If you "woke up" and remembered "something," does that make it real? Or does that mean that it was just a dream?

In fact, how different is a dream from your imagination? If you "just imagined" that there was a portal that you seemed to go through, how do you know if it was not "just a dream" or a "real inter-dimensional experience," that you were somehow able to remember?

Your "everyday self" may ask, "Was that a Starship I just saw, or was it something else, and I just thought I saw a Starship? Perhaps, the important part may be that you were  happy to think of "what ever it was" as a Starship, and you were  happy, and fearless  when you were able to experience what you identified as a Starship.

You may wonder if the Galactics are "trying out the humans" to see if they are NOW ready to be happy to see a Starship, and do NOT reach for their weapons, like they would have in the past. Does this mean that humans are becoming more open minded and/or more fifth dimensional?

Of course, you would like to have the answer be Yes-Yes!! In fact, you may have seen what looked like a Starship, usually cloaked in what appeared to be a cloud, on several different occasions. But, how can one discern between what they want to see and what they do see?

You may have thought that in order to know that you are really seeing a Starship, as opposed to believing that you are only thinking of seeing Starship, and therefore, believed it was a Starship because you wanted it to be a Starship!

We, your Galactic Family, say YES, YES, YES, please find your own inner courage so that you can begin to and/or expand your knowing that YOU are a Multidimensional Being, who is living on the Multidimensional Planet of Earth.

"Did this just happen?", you may ask.

Our answer is that once your consciousness can expand enough to perceive, and believe, that there is a fifth dimensional frequency of reality on which your own Higher Dimensional SELF presides, and  from which you receive the fifth dimensional information that you are becoming more and more ready to believe and to LIVE!!

What does it mean to LIVE in the fifth dimension?

Are YOU curious about that question?

Do you feel that you have found the answers to some of the questions which you have asked your own Higher SELF?

If that answer is YES, do you share you experiences with others?

If the answer is now, are you curious to find out about these "possible experiences?"

There are many questions to be asked within this NOW of Planetary Transition into a higher frequency of resonance. Yes, "The darkest night is just before dawn!" Therefore, you will need to go inside  your own consciousness and ponder the answers to your questions with your own Higher Dimensional Frequency of SELF!

Yes, YES! You ALL have Higher Dimensional Frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF. In fact it is because you are a Multidimensional Being that you are able to think, feel, question, and honer that which you receive from the higher dimensions of Gaia's planetary SELF.

Also, those of you who think of Gaia as a living being, are well aware that She is suffering every day at the hand of selfish, materialistic, and lower dimensional humans who can only thing about what they want for their self.

Therefore, we invite all of our Awakened Ones to visit us, your Higher Dimensional Galactic Family, to come into your meditations, your dreams, your questions, and your remembrances of your SELF!

Are YOU ready NOW to walk through that Interdimensional Portal to the NOW of the ONE?
When you are ready, we, the members of your Galactic Family will be there to embarrass you with-

Unconditional Love and Fifth dimensional LIGHT!

If any of you who are currently wearing a third dimensional form, wish to meet up personally, just call us with your Loving Heart and KNOW that you will Share your LIGHT

Blessings from the Arcturians

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Arcturian Group Message 12/15/19 <>
Sun 12/15/2019 11:43 AM

DECEMBER 15.2019

Dear readers, welcome to our message in this seasonal time in which much of the world is celebrating according to their beliefs and traditions. It is a time during which many who have chosen to live closed off from others inadvertently for the first time experience a sense of oneness.

Love and giving even at their most primitive and unaware levels are facets oneness. The spiritual evolutionary journey begins at a level of unawareness. Younger souls are unable to love at the same level as those who have learned and evolved though the experiences of many, many lifetimes. Their Divine nature is fully present within, but they are not yet prepared to understand and embrace it.

Young children love easily because they have not yet been conditioned by beliefs of separation and duality

Love is only able to flow with the same resonance as the consciousness of the person from which it is flowing. Because Divine Consciousness is all that exists, all things are created and flow from this One Consciousness. However, when Divine Consciousness individualized becomes conditioned with false beliefs and concepts, its expressions will reflect that.

Examine honestly and often what you may still be holding as truth in consciousness for you are creators by virtue of being who and what you are for there is no unexpressed consciousness.

The highest expression of love for those living fully enmeshed in the third dimensional belief system may simply be giving old clothes or goods to another or a thrift shop, dropping a coin into the red bucket, or simply greeting a homeless person--simple actions, but actions that hold a potential for opening tightly closed doors to deeper awareness.

It is very important to honestly examine the intention behind every action, dear ones. "Am I doing this charitable action or loving act to be seen by others, to feel good about my value, or am I sharing from the realization that what I give physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually never comes from me personally where it can be depleted, but rather through me from that Infinite Source within that never runs dry?"

What matters is the intent behind every action. A treasured dime donated from a heart filled with love and oneness is much more powerful for the giver and the receiver than hundreds of dollars given with no thought or love other than to get a tax write off.

It is imperative to be open and honest with regard the intentions that underlie ordinary words and actions. You are quickly moving beyond a great deal of old programing at this time and a personal fine tuning is taking place. Many ordinary but low resonating habits considered to be nothing actually have the ability to hold a person in some facet of outgrown old energy.

During these celebratory times ask yourself what exactly is it that you are celebrating--the birth of a Christed individual 2000 years ago, the miracles of Hanukkah, or just because it is the season for parties and gifts ? You who read these messages are ready to take your awareness of the season to a deeper level through understanding that the Christmas story is your story--that the miracles and birth represent the birth of your own Christhood.

We have stated in previous Christmas messages but will reiterate that the Christmas story represents the birth of the Christ consciousness that takes place at some point for every person. All must eventually wake up. A conscious choice to evolve allows the reality of Oneness with Source to awaken and eventually express as one's personal Christmas--the culmination of outer and inner experiences through hundreds of lifetimes that finally birth the fully realized state of consciousness.

One's personal Christmas can only be born in the state of consciousness that is represented by the lowly stable. One that over lifetimes has been stripped free of beliefs in, yearning for, and seeking from three dimensional concepts of good. A consciousness aware that all that is needed is already present within and thus good or what is needed will express ITself without seeking. (Gifts of the Magi)

A fragile new born Christ consciousness must be protected and held close until it becomes strong enough to endure the slings and arrows of those who fear and hate the Christ consciousness.

(King Herod) but eventually, perhaps over lifetimes, the Christ consciousness is no longer fragile or in need of protection for it has matured into its innate wholeness where the nonsense of the three dimensional belief system can no longer effect or hold power over it.

The Christ Consciousness is ITs own protection by virtue of being fully realized as the one and only power.

Each now moment is the right time to begin journeying toward the stable. In particular, the energies of celebration and giving make it easier to love and experience oneness. Every loving gesture no matter how seemingly small to material sense adds Light and lifts the energy of the collective. The energies that flow from loving celebration between people overrides the energy of chaos and destruction for the energies of love are real, whereas chaos and destruction have no reality or law to maintain or sustain them.

Become Christmas by allowing acceptance and recognition to your Divinity, allowing it to flow out to a hurting world through every word and action regardless of how it may be accepted. Be who you are never fearing to love through whatever forms resonate with you for there is no lesser or greater love unless it is personalized.

Love is the energetic glue connecting all things within the ONE. This reality has been ignored and disregarded through ignorance forming the basis of all beliefs in separation. Many, through fear of being "different" continue to live concepts of separation long after attaining knowledge that only one "Something" exists.

This "Something" can be called God, Consciousness, Power, Reality, or even fiddlesticks for IT is un-namable and can never be understood with the limited human mind. Truth cannot be avoided forever because it is the reality just awaiting full realization--Christmas.

Let your Christmas, Hanukah, or other celebrations blossom into loving fruitage that does not cease at the end of December. Give, serve, and love in whatever ways seem appropriate as you view the world from a level of spiritual empowerment.

You are ready. You have done the work. Now accept who you are and live it through the celebration and joy that comes of of understanding the real meaning of Christmas.

We are the Arcturian Group 12/15/19

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Friday, December 20, 2019

share, A+, RE-read, Arcturian Group Message 12/1/19

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Arcturian Group 
12/1/19 <>
Sun 12/1/2019 9:16 AM
26165231 10211340861977370 4144333152999956561 n
DECEMBER 1, 2019
Dear readers, welcome once again, to the Arcturian Group Messages. 

These messages, are intended to assist, those who desire a greater understanding of why they are on earth, at this time. 

We see, and love, all who resonate with the messages. Call upon us in your quiet time, for clarification of that which you do not fully understand, and we will respond, in a form that resonates with your energy.
Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan, in spite of outer appearances. 
The chaos, exposures, and discord that is manifesting the world over is helping to awaken those who remain asleep, to more enlightened ways of living. 
For the first time, many are beginning to question their personal beliefs.
The world is moving into a new and higher energy, but cannot do it overnight, nor can an exact date, be determined, because the consciousness of mankind is creating it. 
There is a great deal of assistance to earth at this time, from the higher dimensional realms, but, free will determines that mankind, must do the work.
The third dimension, is a dimension of time, and space. 
If an individual were to suddenly be infused with the fullness of high dimensional energy, their physical body, would not be able to handle it, and would die.
Spiritual evolution is a gradual awakening, into higher awareness through experience, receptivity to change, and the acceptance of one's innate personal power. 
For eons of time, mankind has looked to others, to make decisions for them, in the false belief, that others were smarter, braver, wiser, holier, and more qualified.
This does not mean that you never evaluate the ideas of those who have studied, and work in areas of guidance, or those who have lived through the very experiences that you may be dealing with, but does mean, that you trust your intuition, with the final word.
Many, have, or are now discovering, that the emperor, indeed has no clothes , (not a person, but the whole common belief system). 
This, can be shocking to those who have always depended upon others, to make decisions for them, but, is going to continue to manifest in all areas of ordinary life. 
Sadness, often accompanied by feelings of guilt, anger, and foolishness, are frequently experienced when a person discovers, that so much of what they have accepted as truth, from the government, organized religion, and family tradition, was actually false.
If you have these emotions, allow them to flow through, and out again. 

Acknowledge them, without resistance, and anger, and, rejoice in the realization, that you have experienced a shift of awareness-
-a vital and necessary step, toward moving to your next level, of consciousness.
An awareness of the inherent error underlying many familiar beliefs taught to and believed by the majority, is a first step toward removing them, from personal consciousness. 

Seeing with new eyes, allows a person , to recognize that many common laws, beliefs, and ideas, are meant to benefit a select few, who need mankind's continuing ignorance for their continuing benefit.
Not all who hold privileged positions of power, live solely for themselves. 

There is nothing wrong, with being rich, or famous, for abundance, is a Divine Law. 

If it comes through one's realization of spiritual completeness, or, from an innate talent for business, or profession, and, is carried out with love, respect, and sharing, then, it is the natural expression of the universal law of abundance. 

Wealth and fame, become negative low resonating concepts, when they become one's sole source of validation, and sense of superiority, over others.
When wealth, or fame, causes a person, to believe that they are better, and more entitled than others, they are imbued with the energy of duality, and separation, thus, creating for themselves, experiences that will reflect the pairs of opposites. 

Many of them, go on to spend their time and energy in vain attempts to maintain the illusion of who they have been in the past.
In the three dimensional world of duality, and separation, success, is usually defined by how rich, beautiful, athletic, educated, employed, or smart, one is. 

Beliefs that categorize people through concepts of more and less, good and bad, always reflect duality and separation. 
"Success" is not known or recognized in the higher realms, because all are known to be expressions of Source. Energies reflecting duality, and separation, can never align with higher frequencies of Light and truth.
On earth, everyone is experiencing some or all of their pre-birth chosen lessons.

Some, have chosen to experience being poor, or sick, or mentally handicapped. 

Others, have chosen to experience some catastrophe, live in an undeveloped country, or one at war, in order to have these experiences, or, to spiritually, move beyond some karmic need for them. 

Some, choose to be rich, beautiful, or athletic, for the experience, rather than for ego gratification, but, once in the lower frequencies of the physical realm, often get lost in the hype and nonsense of the three dimensional belief system.
The energy of duality allows any three dimensional experience to carry the potential for its opposite to express. 
As mankind evolves, many commonly accepted pairs of opposites (success/failure, peace/war, love/hate) will begin to fade, into the nothingness they really are. 

This can cause those who continue to believe these things are attainable only through struggle, and pain, to pursue their goals in unwise, and self indulgent ways, that may feel old and unnecessary to those around them.
If you have been feeling despondent 
about not achieving some hoped for dream, rejoice, for it means, 
you are moving beyond the need for validation through the world's concepts of success and achievement which often signals a spiritual readiness for your next level, the one you came for but do not remember.
We would reiterate, that there is nothing wrong with failure, of any kind. 

 It is only the third dimensional belief system that promotes failure as a bad thing. 
Failure is always a tool for deeper growth, if understood , and accepted as such.
On the other hand, if you are being guided toward a goal that strongly resonates with you, go within, acknowledging, and more deeply aligning , with the truth of the Divine, ever present wholeness, and completeness you are, allowing it to manifest outwardly as.... 
Then take whatever human footsteps are required toward your goal.
Three dimensional concepts of success are beginning to dissolve in collective consciousness, because they have nothing real to maintain them, other, than a belief in them. 

Many, are beginning to recognize that, the hype and value given a person, simply because they can run faster, are richer, or prettier than another, is really a silly 
"much ado about nothing". 
Fun and games, yes, but distracting and not really important to the bigger picture unless it serves as an evolutionary lesson for those engaged in it.
Many who have had success, or fame, try to maintain it long after it is finished, in the belief, that their accomplishments, possessions, partnerships, or physical appearance, define who they are. 

If you have been, or are now successful, according to the world's sense of success, honor that, and give gratitude for the experience, but, do not allow the past, to hold you in bondage, and, keep you from moving on to what may very well be something better, higher, and more satisfying if allowed.
Continuing to grasp at and attempt to recreate some accomplishment, or relationship, that is finished in the belief that you are nothing, or nobody without it, keeps one spiritually "in place" until they are able to utilize the experience, as a catalyst for spiritual growth. 

Periods of success, in all areas of life, are often meant to be a segue leading to the next phase of one's chosen experiences.
Everyone, is a Divine Being on earth to experience that which they have planned, as being necessary for their spiritual growth and learning. 

No one is on earth simply to be rich, beautiful, powerful, or to rule over others. 
Indeed, some in ignorance, actually believe they can do this, but, eventually, there will always come failure and forced growth, if not in this lifetime, then in another, for these things are always temporary.
The dissolution of popular concepts personally and globally is bringing about the chaos you see. 
The divide is widening between those awakening and those choosing to do whatever it takes to maintain the status quo.
Trust, that you are indeed a spiritual being having human experiences. 
This realization will dissolve the need to search and seek for fame and success in order to feel loved and acceptable. 
Trust that your higher self knows what you need and when, allowing your good to manifest in new and higher ways appropriate for you at the right time and which may in no way resemble world concepts of good.
It is a powerful time of change in which human egos fear losing themselves. 
Once you truly accept that it is impossible to lose self because in reality you are SELF, you will come to know and accept that now, and always, you have been complete, whole, and successful.
We are the Arcturian Group 
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share, read, reread, The Power of the “Primitive ONES”

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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Power of the "Primitive ONES" The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

The Power of the
 “Primitive ONES”
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me to share with all the many awakening and awakened ones?
Dear Grounded Ones,
We always have a message for any of Gaia’s Grounded Ones, who are now wearing an earth vessel on Gaia’s Earth. 
We are very pleased to observe, how, more and more of Gaia’s humans, are beginning to remember, or never forgot, that Gaia’s planet is a living being. 
Planet Earth, known by the Galactics and awakened ones as “Gaia,” is in a “state of transition.” 

The reason that Gaia is in a “state of transition” is because many humans, who have been known as one of the most evolved beings on Gaia’s Earth, are beginning to remember that Earth is a living being. 
When humanity was “primitive”, the beings of Gaia were VERY aware, that the planet on which they lived, was a Living Being. 

In fact, these “primitive ones” worshiped Gaia, and took on the responsibility of protecting Her, and, having many rituals to Honor their Mother Gaia.
These “primitive” ones knew that it was their responsibility to take care of their planetary home, and to have regular rituals in which they fasted, meditated, and gave offerings to Gaia. 
They also had rituals to remind themselves, of the great responsibility, that they had to protect the elementals of 
Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, 
which, were vital for Gaia, and for Her humans' survival.
But, then, the “primitives”, became “modern man”, who had largely forgotten that their Mother Earth, was a living being, who needed Her human inhabitants, to take good care of Her 
Earth, Air, Fire and Water. 

These four elements were needed for humans to survive, on Gaia’s Planet. 
Gaia’s Planet, is now also known as Earth. 
However, when the Sirians came to Earth, they, did not Love Gaia’s Earth, Air, Fire, or Water. They came from their distant homeworld, to take from Gaia, what they needed, or wanted.
Worse yet, they took, from Gaia, without any concern for the fact that Gaia was, is, a living being, who needed all her third/fourth dimensional elements, and elementals, in order for Her planet, to thrive. 
When the Pleiadians became aware of the damage that the invaders from Sirius were doing to Gaia’s body, they decided that they, too, needed to visit Earth, to assist Gaia, to send these destructive invaders, back home, to Sirius. 
At first, the “Pleiadians,” were very successful with banning the Sirians from Gaia’s Earth. 
But, then, the Pleiadians had problems in their area of space, and, could not give Gaia, all the assistance that she needed. 
However, as many Pleiadians as possible, stayed on Earth, to assist Gaia, to stave off the dark ones. 
These “Dark Ones”, were harming Dear Gaia’s pristine planetary body. 

Many of these Sirians, took the form that was known on Gaia, as “humans.” 

The Pleiadians, who were Gaia’s protector, also took human forms, when they went to Earth. 
Then, there was the challenge of experiencing power over others, fear, and anger. 

On their Pleiadian Home worlds, they only experienced “unconditional love and power within.” 

However, the Sirians, who had also come to Gaia, lived by 
“power over others.”
It was then, that the battle between LIGHT, and MIGHT, began. 

The Pleiadian Homeworld was based on Light and Power Within, and the Sirian Homeworld was based on Power Over. 
Now, that “Power Within” and “Power Over” civilizations lived on the same planet Earth, many things began to change!
Before the dark ones came to Earth, sweet, beloved Gaia, could easily maintain Her loving essence of a beautiful Earth to live on. 

Gaia was filled with abundance. 

There was always clear air to breathe, enough tree branches to offer shade from the Sun, and old, broken logs, to create warm fires, as well as abundant lakes and waterways to drink of the water, and to travel on boats from place to place.
All was good! 
Gaia was happy, and so were most of Her human inhabitants. 
Gaia’s plants, animals, waterways, and Sunlight allowed the inhabitants of Gaia’s planet to live in abundance and peace. 
But, then, the dark ones discovered Gaia’s pristine planet and decided that they wanted to take it for themselves. 
The “Dark Ones,” as they were named, did not worry about keeping the water clean, or the sky clear, nor did they allow Gaia’s earth to choose what plants grew where. 
These dark ones even polluted the sky with the fires that they used to clear off the forests, so that they could make their houses. 

They also sullied the fresh waters and the air was tainted with the many fires, as well as the forest fires, so that the was no longer blue and clear.
These Dark Ones, were later named the “humans.” 
The humans, were actually Galactics, who had come to inhabit, honor and protect Gaia from the vast destruction that they could feel would soon threaten Gaia’s pristine world. 
However, too many of the “humans” became greedy about the many beautiful parts of Gaia and wanted to keep them just for themselves.
Who were these “humans,” and why were they eventually called “the dark ones?” 
Initially, the “humans” were the very Pleiadians, Antarians, Venusians, and all the members of the first Starships that landed on Gaia and claimed that land as their own.
It was the “claiming Gaia as the property of the landing Galactic ones” that began Gaia’s demise. 

At first, the Sirians began to fight with the Pleiadians about who got what land, what water, what woodlands etc. 
Eventually, the formerly peaceful Galactics, fell into “different” Galactic Groups.
It was the “difference from each other” that began the beginning of Gaia’s demise. 
All the different Galactics from different areas of space wanted a part of Gaia’s land. 
Therefore, they began to fight over who got what land. 
At first, there were meetings, and civilized talks between the different Galactic Beings.
However, something happened that they never thought would happen. 

Gaia , was NOT just a planet, made of rocks, water, sunlight, and massive waterways.
The planet Gaia, was (and still is) a LIVING BEING. 

“How can a planet be a living being?” 
we hear you ask. 
Our first answer, is, that Gaia’s innate frequency, is of the fifth dimension. Therefore, while Gaia was still resonating to Her innate fifth dimensional frequency of love, light, community and instant forgiveness, She was able to depend on the innate function of the living trees, that communed with the water, who cooled the air and kept the earth fertile.
As long as Gaia was a “living planet,” all of Her inhabitants could live together in a peaceful, loving manner. 
However, when the first Sirian invaders came to Gaia’s planet, everything began to change, because “power over,” “greed,” “possession,” and eventually, WAR came to Gaia’s pristine planet of LOVE and LIGHT!
You can imagine Gaia’s grief. 

The human ones, who were supposed to be the most evolved species on Her planet, were harming Her beloved Planetary Self. 

It is sad to tell of all the damage that was left on Gaia, as the humans had more and more wars,  as well as other means to greatly harm dear Gaia’s body.
However, Gaia had grown loving feelings for Her humans. 

She had observed how humans sought to evolve their physical forms, and love and protect all the beings who lived on Gaia’s loving planet. 
Within some eras the humans learned/remembered that Gaia was a living being. 
During those eras of “enlightenment,” humans were experiencing a “peak society” in which love, light, studying and deeply engrained concern for Gaia’s Planet was magnified by the people with their love, dedication, and ability to revere ALL life.
There were no life forms that were better than or worse, then, as all the humans, animals, fish, birds, and all the beings were components of Gaia’s Planetary Being. 
None of Gaia’s people were better or worse. 
Dear Gaia was a Planetary Being who echoed and expanded the energy field, Unconditional Love!
Unfortunately, as more and more humans came to Gaia’s Earth, the humans forgot that Gaia was a living being. 
Or, perhaps, they did not care whether or not Gaia was a living being as long as they could take what they wanted. 
AND, they took 
and took and took…
The “primitive ones” were forgotten, as were all their powers. 
All the “primitive ones” could do was try to protect their family, their selves, their land and their water from the “human beings,” who seemed to have come more and more from other planets, such as Sirius, that cared more about conquering than they did about loving.
Then, the “long dark nights” of running, hiding and trying to survive became much more common than sitting around a fire and singing a happy song. 
“What has gone wrong?” 
asked the 
“primitive beings,” 
who were actually much more intelligent than the 
“invader ones,” 
but they did not have the weapons to protect themselves.
“Why did this happen?” 
cried the ones who had only been trying to warm with their guests from the sky. 
They received no answer, and as their lives became more and more dangerous, there was no time for questions.
Fortunately, every now and then a Master came to assist them, but these Masters were often killed by the very ones that they had tried to assist. 
We see that you, the reader, is becoming a bit depressed by the truth of this story. 
However, we ask that you remember to remember that YOU have something that the “lost ones” cannot find.
You, the Ones Who are Ready to Remember, can decide to Remember that there is LOVE and there are Higher Beings who have come to Gaia’s Earth to assist Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants to remember how it was and how it can be again.
If faith in Unconditional Love dies, you, the awakened ones, will lose a vital thing that does occur, which is Faith in your SELF, Faith in your friends and family, Faith in the Higher Beings that you will recognize more and more as you have 
“Faith in your SELF.”
This “SELF” is not just the human form that you are currently wearing. 

This SELF is your 
“Multidimensional SELF” 
who resonates not just to the challenges, but, to the joys of your physical life. 
This Multidimensional SELF that you ALL have, even if you do not know it, or refuse to believe it.
You ALL have a Higher SELF whose resonance is NOT limited to the third dimensional earthly reality. 

Many humans are only using about 10% of their brain's full capacity.
However, if you can connect with the innate Unconditional Love that is constantly being sent to you via your own Multidimensional SELF, if you can Unconditionally Love even 10% of your true Multidimensional SELF, YOU will greatly evolve your consciousness beyond the limitations of only using 10% of your higher potential into even 50%, or more, of your innate inner powers of: 
Remembering your Higher Dimensional SELF, deciding to expand your consciousness down into the Core of Planet Gaia. 

You all wrote your 
“Ascension for Gaia Plans” 
before you took your present earth vessel. 
And, if you can believe that the Third Dimensional YOU, and/or your Third Dimensional consciousness, expands beyond the limitations of your physical world, you will have the JOY and Honor of meeting with your own Higher SELF. 
You innate higher dimensional expression of SELF is the core of your being. 
A Multidimensional Being. 
You have chosen to take a third dimensional earth vessel so that you can better understand how YOU can assist dear Gaia, who is also a fifth dimensional planet, but, currently, limited by the overflow of humans, only perceiving their third dimensional body.
What if the humans allowed themselves to wonder, 
“Hmm, I realize that I have had many experiences, challenges and victories while only using a small capacity of my innate brain power, as well as using a small capacity of my innate “Heart Power.”
you ponder. 
“What if I expanded my Brain Power, and maybe even expanded my 
“Mind Power?” 
In fact, what it I expanded my Brain Power and my Heart Power by only 10%?
What would happen then?
Our response is: 
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