Thursday, February 28, 2019

126, Respuestas, Andrómeda, extranjero, 2014, 67P,

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Vídeo 126
Respuestas de un extranjero de Andrómeda - Vídeo ciento veintiséis -30 de Noviembre del 2014

Buenas noticias amigos, nuestro hermano está de vuelta en su puesto aquí en su flota en el planeta.
Su hermana, a la que él llamó "Ticy" está muy bien, tiene la pierna regenerada con un tipo de tecnología que reproduce todas las funciones originales de las células madre, y del gen que contiene toda la información de la formación original del cuerpo. 
No quedarán cicatrices. En cuatro semanas estará de regreso atendiendo sus responsabilidades como antes. Ella nunca se había lastimado de una manera tan traumática, y tomará un tiempo para olvidar parcialmente ese dolor que sintió. 
Ella dijo que por un lado era bueno tener una mejor idea de la intensidad del dolor al realizar su trabajo de servicio en accidentes de gran escala. 
Fue un rescate de suerte llegaron antes de que perdiera más del 50% de los fluidos vitales, pero tuvo suerte.

Amigos, el 17 de noviembre del 2014, CB publicó este aviso de Mythi en el sitio de chat de la página:
"Amigos, ayer después de leer las consideraciones que comenzaron a arremolinar en Internet sobre la misión Rosetta, me las arreglé para comunicarme con Mythi y le pregunté si podía hacerme un favor y echar un vistazo a lo que realmente sucedió, y se puso en contacto con la unidad minera en el asteroide 67P (que es un asteroide y no un cometa, como se ha llamado erróneamente). 
La respuesta fue la siguiente: 
"Observamos el paso de un objeto artificial, pasando a un promedio de 15,000 kilómetros de nuestra unidad, pero no hizo ninguna maniobra para orbitar a este asteroide, ni dejó ningún objeto sobre la superficie, acabó de pasar y desapareció en el espacio ".

Esa fue la respuesta, por lo que cualquier mención, imagen o información de otro tipo es mentira. 
La misión de 10 años y un billón de dólares fracasó miserablemente. 
Esta nave está muerta ahora mismo. 
Ellos no podían disparar los cohetes para re-dirigirlo después de 10 años estando inactivos. 
Viajó allí por inercia sin utilizar el motor de vacío porque no hay fricción, sólo con una RLS, enviando señales de vez en cuando. 
El equipo envejeció con el bombardeo de la radiación cósmica y la misión fracasó invariablemente. 
Sin novedad... 
Están haciendo este teatro porque si dicen que la misión falló es simplemente admitir la incompetencia, así dirán que si llegó allí, pero que sucedió un imprevisto … únicamente teatro para justificar un "éxito parcial" que nunca sucedió. . ".

PERO... sucedió otro hecho intrigante; hoy después de su regreso le mostré una foto del asteroide 67 P y me dijo que no es el objeto en cuestión, le pregunté qué estaba mal, el dijo "todo", el asteroide que viaja en la ruta descrita hacia el objeto no tiene esta forma y no este aspecto, la relación solo se puede aproximar. 
Según él, la forma se asemeja a una pera grande. 
De este modo podemos llegar a la conclusión de que todo fue un gran engaño. 
Sobre el objeto, pasando a 15.000 kilómetros de distancia confirmado por los mineros que trabajan en el asteroide, parecía un viejo faro que emite una señal de ruta tal como se utilizan en las rutas de las antiguas generaciones de naves espaciales de transporte, antes de la introducción de los portales de la CG en esta región, y no parecen venir del planeta tierra, por el ángulo de paso, que venía de un origen diferente. 
Mythi se entristece por la secuencia de decepciones que hemos pasado, pero los hechos son los hechos, no importa a quién le duela.

Ahora las preguntas de varios mensajes del correo electrónico con el mismo tema que se preguntaron muchas veces:
Mythi, ¿es realmente posible entrar en un agujero negro sin morir? Y si es así, ¿qué veríamos?

- Esta posibilidad existe, pero es poco probable que esa experiencia sea eficaz. 
Hay "agujeros negros" como ustedes los llaman que chupan, y otros, que bombean energía, dependiendo de la presión de la expansión cuántica en regiones específicas de cada uno de los universos relacionados. 
Los agujeros negros son válvulas de escape entre dos o más universos tridimensionales, no la conexión entre la tercera y cuarta dimensión porque los materiales y energías involucradas no son las mismas. 
La actividad de los agujeros negros genera la agregación o separación de los cuerpos celestes y son responsables de la formación de las galaxias, de la expansión o retracción, dependiendo de la dirección del flujo de energía implicada, generando más o menos fuerza de la gravedad regional. 
El viaje a través de un agujero negro implica fuerzas gravitacionales inconmensurables. 
La velocidad de las partículas cuánticas mezcladas con gases y otros materiales físicos generan un campo energético extraordinario más allá de la compresión de fricción, esto hace que sea prácticamente imposible crear un campo de fuerza aislante para proteger una nave espacial. 
Pero, suponiendo que pasan con éxito a través de un agujero negro de succión, sería un viaje sin retorno, usted tiene que encontrar un agujero negro en la dirección opuesta para poder volver algún día... y, lo que vería, sería una vieja galaxia, o una nueva en formación, a la que ese agujero negro pertenece, casi lo mismo que usted ve aquí, galaxias y más galaxias.

Mythi, sabes lo que el árbol de la vida significa? Muchos me dieron respuestas diferentes y quiero saber lo que piensas que es...
- El Árbol de la Vida es una idea simbólica, y conceptual, de la conexión existente con todo lo que se ha creado en esta tercera dimensión.
El significado es simple, todo está interconectado... del mineral a la luz, el grano de arena del átomo que rodea y sostiene desde la raíz hasta las hojas que convierten todo químicamente gracias a la fuerza de la luz.
Esta conexión perfecta muestra la interdependencia de todos con todos y cada uno con todo lo que existe y sobrevive en nuestro universo. 
La vida para llegar a la luz, todas las necesidades que la sostienen hasta que crecen las hojas que absorben la energía de la luz y por lo tanto pueden multiplicar el proceso a través del universo.

Mythi si hay una tercera guerra mundial, que será el escenario más probable para nosotros?

- Verás, primero ustedes tienen que tener en cuenta que los Pleyadianos bajo el mando de la CG buscaran todas las soluciones posibles para que no se dé un conflicto de grandes proporciones, pero en mi opinión, como científico en esta área, los conflictos que existen serán un resultado de la manipulación política. 
El grupo opuesto (y excluido) por los élites que sostienen actualmente el control monetario es el con las mejores cartas en el juego del poder, si algo sucede a nivel global, ustedes estarán bajo una "nueva dirección" y los elites actuales serán eliminados significativamente del tablero. 
Si esto sucede, los grupos disidentes de estos élites buscarán mantener las regiones en un caos total para boicotear a la "nueva dirección" solamente para causar problemas, y se desgastaran tratando de encontrar soluciones a nivel regional. 
Cuando se inicie esta "linea de poder", la economía mundial se detendrá y ustedes tendrán que estar preparados para sobrevivir independiente del país y regionalmente aislados durante el período que dure.

Mythi, ustedes, como seres físicos, necesitan dormir
 ¿y en caso afirmativo, 
¿cuánto tiempo necesitan dormir? ¿Por qué necesitamos dormir después de todo?

- Sí, dormíamos también, pero ahora los descansos son en realidad "almohadas" para las neuronas para recuperarse y re-introducir al sistema la cantidad de fósforo y demás elementos necesarios para la próxima jornada de actividad. 
Necesitamos una hora de descanso cada 12 horas de ustedes, esto es ideal para nuestro metabolismo. 
Ustedes también necesitarán dormir menos cuando estén viviendo más equilibrados. 
De todos modos, los bebés duermen más que los adultos...

Mythi, y los cambios en y fuera del planeta?
 ¿Qué podemos esperar para finales de este año?

- Bueno, lo que esta pasando, es que los Krulianos ejercen enormes campos de fuerza para no neutralizar sólo la radiación, sino también para crear puntos de baja gravedad en el sistema, puede ser que la CG ya hayan decidido las nuevas y órbitas finales de Taus. 
La foto que CB me mostró no es de un gran objeto detrás de Saturno, era sólo un reflejo de uno de estos campos de fuerza Krulianos proyectado de esa manera, al encontrarse el planeta Saturno en ángulo diagonal orbital a este campo de fuerza cuando esta imagen fue capturada posiblemente por un telescopio de la superficie de la Tierra.

- En la superficie, el planeta está más cerca de mover la corteza para completar la ampliación prevista. 
Cuando Taus se coloque, hará del "contrapeso", que se encuentra actualmente todavía en el cuadrante sur del planeta tierra, y va a posicionar su nuevo ángulo del eje de rotación de acuerdo a la nueva distribución de peso superficial. 
La actividad volcánica tenderá a aumentar gradualmente hasta que toda la presión puede realizar el trabajo de modificación física de la corteza. 
Estén preparados para los eventos climáticos que tengan lugar a nivel regional y estén alerta a todo lo que sus gobernantes están haciendo como ya hemos comentado a menudo. 
Seamos conscientes.

Mythi, con respecto a las bases en construcción que has citado, se podría dar una idea de cuántas personas podrían ser alojadas en estas unidades a nivel mundial 
- Estos números son conocidos por los Arcturianos y los equipos asignados por Camelopardalis que también se encuentran bajo tierra, expertos de exploración, ellos transfirieron suficiente equipo como para trabajar juntos con los Arcturianos. 
Yo creo que las bases se pueden ampliar cada vez que sea necesario, pero la CG debe tener un cálculo aproximado de lo que pueda necesitar en términos de espacio físico. 
Calculo mil millones si es necesario, pero yo no soy el propietario de estos números. Estos refugios se pueden utilizar para dar cabida a las comunidades que no pueden sobrevivir en sus regiones, como en el caso de las regiones sumergidas, pero muchas regiones pueden subsistir sin necesidad de tener que ir a los refugios. 
Vamos a estar aquí, y ustedes siempre pueden contar con nuestra ayuda cuando nos lo permiten. 
Hay mucho para ponerse al día, así que estén bien todos ustedes!

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Video 126
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundred and twenty six – November 30, 2014. Good news friends, our brother is back to his post here in his fleet on the planet. The sister, who he called “Ticy” is fine, had the leg regenerated with a type of technology that plays all original functions from stem cells and of the gene containing all the information from the original body formation. Not scars will stay. In another four weeks she will be back to their duties as well as before. She had never hurt this traumatic way, and the pain she felt will take a while to be partially forgotten with time. She said that on the one hand was good for her to have a better idea of the intensity of pain when performing their service work in large scale accidents. It was a lucky rescue has arrived before she lost more than 50% of vital fluids but she was lucky. Friends, on Nov-17-2014 I CB publicize this notice on Mythi Site Chat Page: “Friends, yesterday after reading the considerations that began swirling on the internet about Rosetta mission, I managed to communicate with Mythi and asked if he could do me a favor and check out what really happened, and he successfully contacted the mining unit on the asteroid 67P (which is an asteroid and not a comet, as has been erroneously called). The answer was as follows: - "We note the passing of an artificial object, to an average of 15,000km abeam of our unit, but it did not make any maneuver to orbit this asteroid, nor released any object on the surface, just passed and disappeared into space.” That was the answer, so any mention, picture or information otherwise is outright lie. The mission of 10 years and a billion dollars failed miserably. This spacecraft is dead right now. They could not fire the jets to redirect her after 10 years inactive. She traveled there by inertia without using engine because vacuum have no friction, only with an EPIRB on, sending signals from time to time .. The equipment aged with the bombardment of cosmic radiation and the mission failed invariably. Nothing to report... They are doing this theater because if you say you failed is simply admitting incompetence, you say it got there but an unforeseen happened is something else ... only theater to justify a "partial success "never happened ...” BUT… happened another intriguing fact; today after his return I showed a picture of the asteroid 67P to him and he said that is not the object in question, I asked what was wrong he said "everything", the asteroid that travels on the route described for the object does not have this format and not this appearance, only the ratio can be Approximated. According to him the shape resembles a large pear. We can thus come to the conclusion that everything was a great deceit. About the object passed to 15,000Km away cited by miners working in the asteroid seemed an old beacon that emitted a signal route as used on the routes of old generations of transport spacecraft, prior to CG portals in this region, and did not seem to have come from the planet earth, by the angle of passage, it was of a different origin. Mythi is saddened by the sequence of disappointments we have been through, but facts are facts, no matter who it hurts. Now questions from various emails with same subject asked many times: Mythi, is it really possible to enter a black hole without dying? And if so, what would we see?
- This possibility exists, but it is an experience unlikely to be effective. There are "black holes" as you friends call that suck and others who pump energy, depending on the pressure of quantum expansion in specific regions of each of the related universes. Black holes are as exhaust valves between two or more three-dimensional universes, no power communications between third and fourth dimension because the materials and energies involved are not the same. The activity of black holes generate the aggregation or disaggregation of celestial
bodies are responsible for the formation of galaxies, expansion or retraction, depending on the direction of energy flow involved generating more or less force of regional gravity. The trip through a black hole involves immeasurable gravitational forces. The speed of quantum particles mixed with gases and other physical materials generate an extraordinary energetic field beyond the compression of friction, this makes it virtually impossible to create an insulating force field to protect a spacecraft. But assuming you pass successfully through a black hole sucking, would be a trip of no return, you would have to find a black hole in the opposite direction to be able to return one day ... and what you would see would be an old galaxy, or a new one in formation, to which that black hole belongs, about the same as you see here, galaxies and more galaxies. Mythi, you know what the tree of life mean? Very one gave me different answers I want to know what you think it is... - The Tree of Life is a symbolic and conceptual idea of the existing connection to everything that was created in this third dimension. The meaning is simple, everything is interconnected ... from mineral to light, the grain of sand of the atom that surrounds and sustains the root to the leaves that turn all chemically by the force of light. This perfect connection shows the interdependence of all with each and all with all that exists and survives in our universe. Life to reach the light needs all that sustains it until they grow leaves that absorb light energy and thus can multiply the process throughout the universe. Mythi if there is a third world war, which likely scenario will be for us? - You see, first you friends have to take into account that the Pleiadeans under the command of CG will try all possible solutions so that there is not a conflict of large proportions, but in my opinion as a scientist in this area, any conflicts that there will be a result of political manipulation. The opposite group (and excluded) to currently elites in monetary control is with the best cards in the game of power, if something happens at a global level, you friends will be under "new direction" and the current elites shall be significantly removed from the board. If this happens, dissident groups of these elites will seek keep the regions in total chaos for the "new direction" only to find problems, and wear to find solutions to regional levels. When this "power cord" starts the world economy will stop and you friends need to be prepared to survive independent of the state and regionally isolated during the period it lasts. Mythi, do you as a physical beings need sleep and if yes, how long do you need to sleep? Why do we need to sleep after all? - Yes, we slept too but are actually "pillows" for neurons to recover and reintroduce in the system as much phosphorus as other elements required for the next journey of activity. We need an hour's rest every 12 hours of you, this is ideal for our metabolism. You will also need less sleep when you are living more balanced. Anyway, the babies sleep more than adults... Mythi, and on changes in and off-planet? What can we expect later this year? - Well, by the movement that is happening, the Krulians exercising enormous force fields to neutralize not only radiation but also to create low-gravity points in the system, it may be that the CG has decided for the new and final orbits of Taus. The photo that the CB showed me a large object behind Saturn was just a reflection of one of these Krulians force fields projected that way, to be the planet Saturn in orbital diagonal angle to this force field when this image was possibly captured by a telescope from the Earth's surface.
- On the surface, the planet is closer to move the crust to complete the planned expansion. When Taus is positioned, will be taken out the "counter-weight" which is in the south quadrant of planet earth, and that will position its new angle of the axis of rotation according to the new distribution of surface weight. The volcanic activity will tend to gradually increase until all pressure can perform the physical alteration work of the crust. Be
prepared to climate events that will take place regionally and be on the alert to everything that your rulers are doing as we have already commented often about. We are aware. Mythi, regarding the bases being built that you quoted, you could give an idea of how many people could be housed in these units globally? - These numbers are known to the Arcturians and teams assigned by Camelopardalis which are also underground exploration experts and transferred enough equipment to work together with the Arcturians. I believe that the bases can be enlarged every time should the need arise, but the CG must have a close estimate of what you may need in terms of physical space. I estimate a billion if necessary, but I am not the owner of these numbers. Such shelters can be used to accommodate communities that cannot survive in their regions as in the case of submerged regions, but many regions may subsist without necessarily having to go to shelters. We will be here, and you friends can always count on our help when permitted. I am plenty to catch up on, so be well all of you! Captain Bill – November, 2014 Atlanticobr Channel Pseudo hoax “Comet 67P”
Video 127

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sharing, Which Reality is the REAL Reality--Pleiadians and Arcturians through Sue Lie

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Which Reality is the REAL Reality--Pleiadians and Arcturians through Sue Lie


Which Reality is the REAL Reality

The Pleiadians and Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
and Kim Garland

Greetings, we are the Pleiadians and the Arcturians speaking as ONE voice. Within our fifth dimensional and beyond reality, it is quite common to join our communication with others, as we primarily communicate via our Heart/Mind.

Our Heart/Mind is the collective message of our thoughts and emotions, which directly merge with the Heart/Mind of those to whom we speak. It is for this reason that we can communicate with our friends and family who are now wearing a physical earth vessel.

Of course, these volunteers to assist Gaia by taking an earth vessel, maintain their fifth dimensional and beyond the frequency of reality. However, they have chosen to take a third dimensional earth vessel to better communicate and guide those who are presently wearing a human vessel.

Our earthbound ones can also connect with other Galactics who are wearing an Earth form. It is in this manner of inter-dimensional connection that they can remember “which reality is the real reality.”

We say that for the sake of the humans who still think in terms of “either/or.” However, those of us who are still aware of their higher fourth and fifth-dimensional form think in terms of “here and now.”

One of the greatest challenges for our Galactics wearing an earth form is to determine,
“Which reality is the REAL reality?” Of course, the “real reality” is the reality that they are experiencing within each NOW.

However, that fact is that one of the first things that our volunteers to assist Gaia’s Earth are most likely to forget. Once they, who are often you, chose to experience a certain third/fourth dimensional reality, you opened a Portal to that particular reality.

From our fifth dimensional perspective, we naturally understand how all realities are occurring within the same NOW. However, once we bond with our human, earthbound form, we soon forget that fact.

Once our fifth/dimensional SELF chooses to experience an experience a certain third/dimensional reality, we begin to forget about our true Multidimensional SELF. We can often feel a “knowing” of our true SELF, as it slips away in the midst of our daily third/dimensional life.

It is for this reason, that we, your Pleiadian and Arcturians family, connect with you as soon as your consciousness expands into the fourth and fifth dimensions. This expansion of consciousness occurs when you meditate, pray, call your Galactic Family, are walking in Gaia’s Nature, or are deeply loving others.

It does not matter which “others” you connect with. 
One day you may connect with Nature. 
Another day you may have a powerful meditation. 
You may also be with friends and family and feel the camaraderie of being with other humans which whom you feel safe, inspired and, most important, loved.

Fortunately, there are more and more humans who are remembering how to “unconditionally love” ALL life. It is this “Unconditional Love” for all of the beings on your planet that initiates your process of ascension.

We say “process of ascension,” as ascension is a process of returning back to your true, higher dimensional SELF. Of course, in order to return to your Higher SELF, you will need to remember that you have a Higher SELF.

Then, quite often, the second component of remembering your Higher SELF is to “unconditionally LOVE” the self that you are within each moment of your daily life.

Unconditional Love has no need for conceit or for recognition from others. In fact, Unconditional Love is something that you have allowed your self to receive from the Higher Beings whom you have met in your dreams and meditations.

Believing in the fact that “YOU” have a higher dimensional SELF, will guide you into the process of remembering that YOU also resonate to higher frequencies of reality.

Within these higher dimensions, there is no better, or worse, within these higher frequencies of reality, ALL higher realities are FREE of judgment, and based on Unconditional Love.

“What is Unconditional Love?” your third/dimensional self may ask. We, your Galactic Family, are constantly sending Unconditional Love to YOU. You are our brave ones who chose to take an earth vessel to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension.

Those who look will see that poor Gaia has been gravely mistreated by many of Her human inhabitants. In fact, humanity is the primary, if not the only, beings who ignore the needs of their Mother. By that, we mean your “Mother Earth!”

We, your Galactic Family, are happy to remind you that more and more of our “volunteers to take an earth vessel” are awakening to the FACT that they too are members of the very Galactic Family that they are trying to assist during this NOW in which Gaia has suffered FAR too many wounds to Her Planetary Body.

Fortunately, there are more and more humans who are awakening to Gaia’s needs more and more each day. Therefore, we, the members of your Galactic Family, will be coming into the consciousness of those who are ready to believe that there is SO MUCH MORE to reality than the surface of poor Gaia’s much aligned and gravely damaged Earth.

Comments through Kim:

My dear ones, we wish to clarify the “poor Gaia gravely damaged.” We see that is without is as it is within. The decay of Gaia represents the decay that exists from within many beings. To many, this invokes pain, fear, and suffering. The “damage” you perceive externally is a signal of what exists internally.

It may feel insurmountable to address what seems overwhelmingly disordered, and it can be if the reliance is upon “doing” fixes, or addressing what it appears with the mind. We say these words here because we sense many could read the words “poor” and “damage” and will respond with a lower frequency of fear, anger or disgust.

Check in with yourself now and see how you feel. And in this “feel” how do you perceive? And in this perception, you may feel helpless, hopeless because in this “doing” lower frequency field you cannot see your power.

It is the NOW to think of Gaia, not as a “thing” that we live ON, but as a living being that many live inside of as well as on. Within the core of Gaia, there is an ancient civilization with beings from all over the Galaxy, who have come to assist dear Gaia in Her time of need and great transmutation.

Gaia’s need is for humanity, who is the main, if not only, cause for ALL of the great damage to Her planetary body, as well as the increasingly dangerous climate changes that not only endanger humanity but Her entire Planetary Being. Much of the damage to Gaia’s present Earth body is due to climate changes.

Comments through Kim

My dear one, we wish to clarify danger. The intensity of the signals your experience is merely to get your attention. We ask you again to check into your body as you read these words as an exercise of consciously working with your frequency. To fully perceive this message is to track your perception throughout the transmission. There is no judgment with the galactic beings, we do not fear, for fear is a low frequency.

However, ALL, or at least MOST, of the climate changes are due to humanity’s mistreatment and disrespect of the planet that has offered itself to be a home for the humanoids whose own Home Worlds has been damaged and are no longer habitable.

Some of that damage was due to natural causes, but a greater percentage of that damage to Gaia’s Earth has been due to the beings who are now known as “humans.” Many of the first immigrants to Gaia, such as the Pleiadians, were wonderful Planetary Guardians.

However, there were other beings, such as the beings now known as the Sirians, from the planet Sirius, came to Earth to rape and pillage the gold, precious metals, and clear waters. Therefore, dear Gaia has an early history of being victimized by invaders.

Comments Through Kim

There have been many who search and dig through Gaia seeking “treasure” believe the loot is hidden within her body. What is found is converted into some other form to fill lower level frequency needs, wants, and desires. It is a fascinating experience to observe the longing feelings to be responded to externally.

Gaia has been a planet that has allowed many beings to utilize her abundant resources as a laboratory for experiences. Like a whiteboard where many ideas can be considered they can also be wiped clean. We wish to draw your attention to the whiteboard to notice the board is very full and there is little white space remaining.

Unfortunately, those early invaders, in their present human form, are still damaging Earth. However, there are other reasons for Gaia’s increasingly “bad weather” and destruction to much of Her earth, air, water, and eithers.

Fortunately, there are still many Galactics who chose to take a human form to assist dear Gaia with the grave problems that she is now facing. However, every problem has sources that at deeply hidden within the unconscious of those who chose to be unaware of the real issues, or who want their money, fame, and lifestyle, even if these choices mean disaster to those who follow after them.

Therefore, we, your Galactic Family, ask you again, “Which reality is the Real Reality?”

Is the “real reality” a world based on selfish needs and personal denial of the “real reality” that has been speaking to humanity VERY loudly during your year of 2018.

Do you choose to have more and more disasters in the year of 2019, or can YOU decree:

I, your name here, choose to dedicate myself to assist Gaia in the manner that I can best serve!

Comments through Kim

Dear ones, we wish to add clarity on the word “serve.” You may perceive “serve” as “doing” something. This service is a commitment to elevating your frequency which will shift your perception. And in this elevated state choices will organically become clear. It is a simple step to change your focus from external to internal. Simple is not the same as easy. For it does require a focus on the NOW.

Do you choose to go into the year of 2019 with a greater dedication to serving Gaia in the manner which you chose before you took this incarnation? Most of you who will be drawn to read this article are already serving Gaia.

Therefore, we, your Galactic Family, ask that YOU find the manner of your choosing in which YOU will serve dear Gaia and make your New Year’s Decree be not for your own personal gains, but for the Unconditional Love and Constant Commitment to your beloved Mother Earth—Gaia!

Go into deep meditation, join with your friends, go into Gaia’s Nature and send you deepest Unconditional Love and Deepest Commitment to assist dear Gaia in 2019 and beyond!

We, your Galactic Family will feel your great contribution and assist you to assist Gaia!

Happy Holidays to YOU and to GAIA

From your Galactic Family AND your Galactic SELF

Posted by Suzanne Lie at 11:17 AM

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Vídeo 111

respuestas de un extranjero de Andromeda - vídeo ciento once - 7 de enero de 2014.

- Este gran número de grupos y personas que desaparecen en mayor escala en todo el planeta es parte de los programas de protección que algunas razas ya están proporcionando a sus compañeros, sembrado aquí hace mucho tiempo con su ADN. Un gobierno de Asia, el país más poblado del planeta sabe acerca de estos movimientos y están tratando de trabajar con algunas razas para la protección de ciertos grupos étnicos, a cambio de una participación mayor en la nueva sociedad que se creará en el planeta. Ellos proporcionan incluyendo lugares apropiados para estas deslocalizaciones. Está claro que la ayuda está siendo bien recibida por algunas razas, pero eso no significa una posición de administración para este gobierno de que se trate en la sociedad del futuro. Las cosas están empezando a ocurrir, independientemente de sus medios de comunicación que no informan en ningún momento la veracidad de los hechos. Todo lo que de alguna manera deseaba ver y sentir las muestras del fin de la sociedad actual y siempre expresó su decepción cuando la Comunidad Galactica interfirió para minimizar los hechos, ellos desearán y pregunte por estas interferencias con certeza. Muchos han criticado a CB por la transcripción de las conversaciones, sin entender la secuencia de los acontecimientos, no seguir estos años de orientación sobre los acontecimientos, y estos son los que van a llorar por ayuda cuando se pase por dificultades y sentir en la piel la falta de preparación y concientización de ellos y sus familias. 

- Sí, algunas tecnologías alienígenas antiguos, protegidas por el tiempo en su "oriente medio" durante miles de años, y otros sitios de Siberia y las Américas fueron llevados por la fuerza de sus lugares de depósito. Los más peligrosos fueron seleccionados por los Pleyadianos para evitar ser detonado por la ignorancia total de sus científicos en su operación. Esta desactivación de artefactos antiguos que podrían ser peligrosos está siendo llevada a cabo por equipos Pleyadianos solamente. Las consultas sobre los últimos acontecimientos en las instalaciones militares en América del Norte están vinculados a la desactivación de artefactos que fueron retirados de sus puestos, en su mayoría antiguos depósitos mantenidos por los pueblos del Medio Oriente como algo sagrado, y sin razón, requieren para la investigación científica. Además del hecho de que han sido objeto de miles de muertos en las guerras de fachada promovidos con el único objetivo de apoderarse de estos artefactos. Una gran vergüenza de sus elites. 

-. Sólo voy a mencionar este tema por última vez, en los estados de esa "Federación Galáctica", la Federación de palabra no se usa en ninguna forma de determinar las razas soberanos de los planetas independientes Una federación puede reunir únicas colonias de diferentes razas en el mismo planeta. En un nivel galáctico, sólo hay "comunidades" que están libres para acceder a los planetas en el nivel uno de la tercera dimensión y que deseen unirse. Ningún planeta soberano está obligado a ser parte de  una "Comunidad", a diferencia de una "Federación" Por lo tanto, te puedo decir que no hay ningún tipo de "Federación" cuando se habla de razas y planetas autónomos. 

- Decir la última vez que el planeta no va a ir a un cuarto o quinto o cualquier otra dimensión. Esto es una tercera dimensión universo, y todo está todavía aquí en la tercera dimensión. Eso tiene sentido para usted? Y otra cosa que también hablo por última vez, no hay interacción entre la tercera y cuarta dimensión, no hay interacción multidimensional, es una ensoñación romántica de su comunidad pseudocientífica. Hay 10 niveles en la tercera dimensión que son fácilmente confundidos con "otras dimensiones". Todo lo que tu comunidad pseudo-científico no puede explicar converge a esta historia de . "multidimensional" La única interacción con la cuarta dimensión es cuando estás sin cuerpo, en un estado cuántico diferente No se deje engañar más por esos términos mal formulados.. 

- En relación con el comienzo de los cambios físicos del planeta, siga el clima, se entenderá donde los nuevos polos se ejecutarán, prestar atención a sus océanos, van a ser los primeros en manifestarse, como resultado de los alivios de presión tectónicas y las grandes demostraciones de fuerza de tu ambiente. Los agujeros en la magnetosfera causada por la interacción de las fuerzas con el sol, las posibles emisiones de energía fuertes como resultado de las alineaciones que se sumarán los túneles gravitacionales de diferentes planetas del sistema durante este período causará cambios de temperatura que pueden variar más de 50 grados centígrados durante el mismo día en algunas partes del mundo, y que puede alterar sus sistemas eléctricos y electrónicos, para ciertos períodos, días o meses. poblaciones regionales deben adaptarse a estas realidades que pasa, hasta que se estabilice el planeta de nuevo. Esta noticia ustedes no tendrá en su rutina de medios.

- ¿Te acuerdas de hace muchos meses cuando hablé de los propulsores instalados en la luna para posibles maniobras? Bueno, estos propulsores serán probados por estos días, en el caso de los océanos del mundo comportará el fin de causar grandes extinciones? Luna se utilizará para compensar los movimientos oceánicos Si se utiliza realmente, usted será capaz de observar su maniobra lunar en diferentes órbitas hasta que se estabiliza de nuevo en función de la posición final de la inclinación resultante del planeta.. 

- Tendrás noticias de los meteoros que entran en su atmósfera, es más peligroso en lugares donde la distorsión de la capa hacen un espesor menor, e incluso noticias sobre ataques alienígenas falsos se pueden ejecutar en sus medios de comunicación "oficiales". Otra cosa que considero importante decir, los extranjeros no son "demonios caídos" ni "ángeles caídos", sino todo lo contrario, todos los que viajan en naves espaciales en el universo son mucho más desarrollado que cualquier terrícola que todavía se basa en las novelas transformadas en normas de vida a través de sus viejos pero activos "religiones", y no  en su propia conciencia 

- Como he dicho al principio, muchos grupos se reubicarán "desvanecimiento en el aire", como muchos ya están desapareciendo.
- Asegúrese de que vamos a estar aquí; no te dejan en paz. 

- Esa luz . y perseverancia, siempre esté con ustedes
! Gracias por mirar, únase a nuestro canal Asegúrese de que usted es bienvenido! 

Capitán Bill - Enero, 2014 Atlanticobr Channel
 Saludos para todos!


Video 111

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundred and eleven – January 7, 2014.

- This large number of groups and people disappearing on a larger scale across the planet is part of protection programs that some races are already providing to their peers, seeded here long ago with their DNA. An Asian government, of the most populous country of your planet knows about these moves and are trying to work with some races for the protection of certain ethnic groups in exchange for a higher stake in the new society to be created on the planet. They provided including appropriate places for these relocations. It is clear that aid is being welcomed by some races but that does not mean a position of trustees for this government in question in the future society. Things are starting to happen, regardless of your media does not inform in no time the veracity of the facts. All that somehow desired to see and feel the samples of the end of current society and always expressed their disappointment when the Galactica Community interfered to minimize the events, these will want and ask for these interferences with certainty. Many have criticized CB for transcribing our conversations, not understanding the sequence of events, not following these years of guidance on the happenings, and these are the ones who will cry for help when going through difficulties and feel on the skin the lack of preparation and conscientization of them and their families.
- Yes, some ancient alien technologies, protected by time in your "middle east" for millennia, and other sites of Siberia and the Americas were forcibly taken from their places of deposit. The most dangerous were screened by Pleiadeans to avoid being detonated by total ignorance of your scientists on their operation. This deactivation of ancient artifacts that could be dangerous is being carried out by teams Pleiadeans only. Questions regarding the recent events at military installations in North America are linked to deactivation of artifacts that were removed from their places, mostly ancient deposits kept by the people of the Middle East as sacred, and wrongly required for scientific research. Besides the fact that they have been the subject of thousands of dead in facade wars promoted with the sole aim of getting hold of these artifacts. A great shame of your elites.
- I'll only mention this subject one last time, on statements of such a "Galactic Federation”, the word Federation is not used in any way to determine breeds sovereign of independent planets. A federation can gather only colonies of different races on the same planet. In a galactic level, there are only "communities" that are free to access the planets at level one of the third dimension and that wish to join. No sovereign planet is bound to be part of a "Community", unlike a "Federation". Therefore, I can tell you that there is no kind of "Federation" when talking about races and autonomous planets.
- Saying the last time the planet will not go for a fourth or fifth or any other dimension. This is a third dimension universe, and everything is still here in the third dimension. That makes sense to you? And another thing that I also speak for the last time, there is no interaction between the third and fourth dimension, there is no multidimensional interaction, it is a romantic reverie of your pseudo-scientific community. There are 10 levels in the third dimension that are easily confused with "other dimensions". Everything that your pseudo-scientific community cannot explain converges to this story of "multi-dimensional". The only interaction with the fourth dimension is when you're disembodied, in a different quantum state. Do not be deceived anymore by those poorly formulated terms.
- Regarding the beginning of the physical changes of the planet, follow the weather, you will understand where the new poles will run, pay attention to your oceans, they will be the first to manifest as a result of the tectonic pressure reliefs and large demonstrations of strength of thine atmosphere. The holes in your magnetosphere caused by the interaction of forces with your sun, possible strong energy emissions as a result of alignments that will add the gravitational tunnels of various planets of the system during this period will cause changes in temperature that may vary more than 50 degrees centigrade during the same day in some parts of the world, and it can disrupt your electrical and electronic systems, for certain periods, days or months. Regional populations must adapt to these realities passing, until to stabilize the planet again. This news you guys will not have in your routine media. Be prepared!
- Do you remember many months ago when I talked about thrusters installed on the moon for possible maneuvers? Well, these thrusters will be tested by these days, in the case of the world's oceans behave so as to cause major extinctions moon will be used to offset the oceanic movements. If it is actually used, you will be able to observe your moon maneuvering in different orbits until it stabilizes again depending on the final position of the resulting tilt of the planet.
- You will have news of meteors entering your atmosphere, more dangerously in places where the distortion of the layer cause a smaller thickness, and even news about fake alien attacks can be run on your "official" media. Another thing that I consider important to say, aliens are not "fallen demons" nor “fallen angels”, quite the contrary, all who travel by spaceships in the universe are much more developed than any earthling that still based on novels transformed into rules of life through your old but active "religions", and not in his own consciousness.
- As I said in the beginning, many groups will be relocated "fading in the air" as many are already disappearing.
- Be sure that we'll be here; we will not leave you alone.
- That light and perseverance, always be with you.
Thanks for watching, join our channel! Be sure that you are welcome there!
Captain Bill – January, 2014 Atlanticobr Channel

 Cheers for all! 

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