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Arcturian Group Message
Onenessofall.com <Marilyn@onenessofall.com>
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FEBRUARY 24, 2019
Dear ones, we and all others helping from the higher dimensions are well
aware of the pain and struggle that so many are experiencing during
these times of intense negativity where things seem to be getting worse
rather than better.
Most people remain totally unaware of the illusory nature of the third
dimension and because of this when faced with something they do not
like, will resist or take violent actions which simply add energy to the
situation. However, the resulting attention is
often the very thing needed to awaken those who remain oblivious to the
fact that there even is a problem.
The third dimension forms its "reality" from the substance of the
collective conditioned consciousness of the majority. As God Beings,
every individual is a creator, creating from the substance of their
attained state of consciousness, but the majority is as
of yet unaware of this fact.
This is why it is so important to feed your consciousness with truth at
all times rather than allowing it to fill with false concepts and
beliefs simply because it is easier. Your consciousness goes with you
wherever you go because it is who and what you are.
Many believe that moving to a new location or entering a
convent/monastery will change their lives, but then soon find that this
is not the case as same old issues (their creations) reappear.
Know that no three dimensional creation is capable or ever could be
capable of actually removing the Reality which is held infinitely in
place by Divine Law.
An awakened collective Consciousness is what will express as a new and
higher dimensional world. Do not waste your time looking to evolved
extraterrestrials, some long awaited savior, or new politicians to do
it. Higher levels of Light frequencies automatically
dissolve the false creations of a world consciousness imbued with
concepts and beliefs of duality and separation because they have no law
to hold them in place.
Dark creations of today as well as long ago are being exposed in order
to be seen by the majority. These things are not new but have been
covered up and often excused away as being normal, necessary, and right.
Ascension energy is opening the eyes of more people
each day allowing them to realize that many of societies' long held
beliefs are neither true or acceptable.
Nothing coming to light at this time is new, no, rather people are
finally becoming aware of these things. The resulting chaos and
negativity are necessary facets of the ascension process because the
majority must first see and know what they don't want before
they can decide what they do want. The new will replace the old as the
old is allowed to die.
Some are not ready or willing to have anything change because it would
interfere with their sense of self importance and financial status. Life
is going to become increasingly difficult for those out of alignment
with the new and higher frequencies. Those refusing
to open or change in any way will at some point either leave or be
moved to where they can continue to live in duality and separation.
As Gaia continues to shift into increasingly higher frequencies, those
choosing to remain fully three dimensional will not be able to align
with the higher energy. No one can adequately predict when these types
of changes will occur because you are creating
them now.
The balance of the Divine feminine and Divine masculine is a necessary
facet of the evolutionary process and will continue to unfold outwardly
regardless of any resistance from either side.
Old concepts and beliefs die hard because for many these things
constitute their foundation, represent their security, and are
frequently their "claim to fame". Many live their whole lives believing
that their belief system is who they are and that if they
were to change anything, they would no longer be that person.
The so called "gates of hell" are opening and exposing the deceptions,
lies, and game playing of many who have pretended to stand for the
common good. Those who through ignorance, personal laziness, and
complacency have remained unaware or uninterested in anything
other than what they have been told are being forced to wake up either
through personal trauma or the collapse of their belief system. Those
spiritually ready but ignoring it, are getting wake up calls.
Do not allow yourselves to fall into despair and depression because of
what you witness around you, but rather see these things as reminders
and opportunities to spiritually shine. Over lifetimes you have
accumulated all the experiences and tools necessary
to do this. You are the way showers for those ready to awaken.
Whenever you witness, experience, or become aware of negative events,
bring to mind the truth you know. This does not mean that you will never
feel sad or wish things could be different, but rather means that as an
awakened individual you understand that your
first step is to acknowledge the truth underlying each particular
appearance and then take the human footsteps that may be necessary.
As this becomes a habit, you will find yourselves experiencing
synchronicity and solutions never expected or imagined because as
consciousness becomes less filled with concepts of how things should or
must be, it is able to express ITself in higher and better
The human mind is very limited because it is unable to access anything
outside of what is already present in the universal collective
consciousness. Lifting the collective was the mission of the Master
called Jesus . He seeded the universal consciousness with
new and deeper truths and making them available to those spiritually
prepared to access them.
New ideas, solutions, inventions, and creative breakthroughs of all
sorts can only be accessed from their Source--the Divine Consciousness
that lies fully present but unrecognized within every person.
Allow your personal evolutionary process to flow without resistance,
dear ones, always trusting that your Higher Self knows what you need,
when you need it, and how it will come which can mean necessary learning
experiences as well as well as spiritual ones.
Regardless of societal status, education, or religious qualifications no
person can ever really know what God is with the human mind. Many have
tried and are still trying while some continue to believe they have done
it and are therefore entitled to preach
their limited concepts to everyone else.
You can call God whatever you want, describe God qualities, or continue
holding on to your favorite concepts for as long as you desire but none
of that will change the fact that GOD IS-period, and what GOD IS can
never and will never be fully understood through
the limited human mind.
God reveals ITself to ITself when ITself is spiritually ready. Ponder this..
Everything is proceeding according to plan both personally and globally
even though it may not look that way. Evolution, which is simply the
process of remembering who and what you are, cannot be stopped. It can
be avoided, ignored, denied, and ridiculed, but
never stopped because it is a Reality maintained and sustained by
Divine Law.
You have chosen to be a part of the powerful spiritual ascension process
now taking place on earth. It is being observed by the many star beings
from evolved planets who are assisting, They will show themselves when
mankind is prepared to accept that they even
exist. Many are already on earth in human form, an act of love on their
part because in order to incarnate they must lower their frequencies.
Make it a habit to silently meet every experience, both good and bad
with the words; "God alone is Power". You will discover that doing this
takes the sting out of whatever you are witnessing and helps to shift
you from reverting back to old reactions.
At this time you are integrating powerful frequencies into your physical
bodies through newly activated meridians which can leave you feeling
exhausted and depressed. You may even be experiencing a sense of
"deadness" having no interest in many of the things,
people, or issues that used to be important to you. This is a good sign
because it means you are no longer in alignment with much that
constituted your personal three dimensional belief system.
Relax, allowing your personal ascension process to unfold without
conditions or expectations. It is a matter of spiritual trust, one
without doubt that simply knows everything is proceeding as it needs to.
You are ready.
We are the Arcturian Group 2/24/19
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