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share: Tiamat: The Vastness of Who You Truly Are Becomes Strikingly Apparent

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The Vastness of Who You Truly Are Becomes Strikingly Apparent

John Smallman, January 5, 2019
Georgi Stankov
I have decided to publish this latest message from John Smallman, whose messages are always beautiful and correct, but rather redundant on the long run, for one simple reason: It relates to the current most crucial period in our ascension process when you, the PAT, begin to incorporate the I AM Presence into the physical vessel and to re-live your amazing pristine nature as omniscient, omnipotent, multidimensional creator beings existing simultaneously in multiple realities and timelines (read here and here).
The key statement of Jesus’ message is the following:
“Your awakening, the collective awakening of humanity, is nothing but your return to full awareness of who you are, and, as such, it will be a mind-blowing experience that will dissolve all your doubts, fears, and suffering in an instant.  Over the eons a few have enjoyed this experience and have reported on it to those who would listen, consequently there is a large amount of significantly pertinent information available to those who wish to know more, especially since modern communications technology has made so much information on myriad subjects easily accessible to all who choose to seek it out. But of course reading about the experiences of others, while helpful and interesting, is rather like having the flavor of ice-cream described, because it is basically meaningless until you taste it for yourselves.”

This statement holds true in particular for your I AM Presence – when it enters your physical body, it will blow you away as it carries everything which you are and could not experience during this incarnation prior to the descent of your I AM Presence. Therefore, words cannot describe this ecstatic feeling which will embrace you. However, this feeling can come only after a painful period of adjustment when the powerful high vibrating energetic structure of the I AM Presence first dissolves all the remnant dark sides of your personality in form of hidden fears and blockages in your body and cellular memory as these low vibrating patterns are not compatible with the energies of the I AM Presence and must be eradicated through destructive interference. This can take some time and be rather debilitating and painful, even more so than the pangs of the LBP, to which you are already accustomed.
There is no such thing as “free lunch” on this planet and this multiverse, and this is a weak point of John Smallman as a messenger who is himself not fully in the LBP. Therefore, his source does not deal with this critical aspect of the ascension process. It always paints the rosy side of the ascension as is tradition in the New Age “Love and Light” illusion, which is the greatest illusion of all. This also applies to most New Age channellers who do not directly participate in the ascension process as conduits of the Source, contrary to  the PAT who is the driving force behind the planetary and mankind’s ascension.
That is why except for the spearhead of humanity, the PAT, nobody is currently speaking of and experiencing the descent of the I AM Presence as most light workers are not yet ready for this event, but have to be prepared for it in a gentle way by concealing the full truth from them at the beginning. Incarnation on this planet is one incessant and deliberate obfuscation of the truth by our HS with regard to the limitations of the collective and individual human ego-mind.
While you are now preparing for the descent of your I AM Presence into your physical body, keep in mind this warning of Jesus:
“At present you can have no idea of what to expect, apart from having been told that it will absolutely blow your minds.”
Therefore refrain from any spiritual fixation as to how your I AM Presence will feel like in your body as a prerequisite to your transfiguration to 5D and the cities of light and be open to all surprises. And do not forget that your I AM Presence is in the driving seat in this process and you can do nothing to control it, but to surrender and fully accept the accompanying pain. Begin by being the witness from the higher dimensions who is witnessing the witnesser, yourself, in the waning 3D matrix and be in the full knowing that you are much more than the physical vessel that is currently feeling the pain.
I know this is a weak consolation, but even God and All-That-Is cannot offer you more at this moment in time. Juts keep in mind that everything is temporary and has an end. “Only a German sausage has two ends” (“Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei”, which is also a famous carnival song in Germany) as the saying goes, and you do not want to be a “Wuerstchen” (hot dog)  or “Hanswurst” (Joe Frankfurter), which means in German slang a “weak person” and a “baffoon”, in this life. Cosmic humour is the most precious survival tool of incarnated man.
Spass muss sein! – there must be fun! And the fun has just begun.

The Message
The apparent separation that humans experience  is but a trick of the ego.”
We are ALL.  That is: all sentient life is one Consciousness that is infinitely aware and all-knowing in every moment. However, since the apparent separation occurred, those in human form have lost this awareness of the one Consciousness which is who they truly are in every moment of their existence.  This is what separation is about – loss of knowing  who you are.  Every sentient being is permanently and inseparably connected to and one with Source, and no other state is remotely possible!
All can access this knowing by allowing it into their awareness. Nothing else is required.  However, part of experiencing the unreal state of separation involves focusing solely on your human form which carries a label, the name given to you by your parents when you were born, and believing this to be your true identity. This is not who you are! But, because you have been addressed by this label or name for as long as you can remember, it appears to be your true identity, and when people use it to address you, you have been conditioned to respond to it automatically.
By going within to meditate, relax, contemplate, or reflect – and, as you well know if you have been following these messages regularly, I keep on reminding you that you do need to do this daily – you quieten the endless flow of thoughts through your mind sufficiently to enable you to become aware of the space between thoughts, and therefore, aware that you are not your thoughts but that you are the awareness that is aware of those thoughts, and of your body, and of all the physical sensory perceptions with which your body provides you.
When that awareness arises into your consciousness, as the distractions of the input with which your bodies constantly supply you are quietened, or even completely silenced, the vastness of who you truly are becomes strikingly apparent.  When that first occurs it can be stunning! Or it may come about gently over a period of time, as you learn ever more effectively to release or not cling to the identity that your name – attached as a label to your human form – provides, in the misleading belief that it is the totality of who you are.  Nothing could be further from the truth!
Who you are contains all that exists, from the smallest particles to the multiverse. That obviously sounds impossible, but that is only because your perception of who you are is enormously limited.  There is only One, Source, Mother/Father/God, and You are that!  Source is creating from Itself, with Itself, like unto Itself, eternally.  Creation is ongoing, unceasing, and, therefore, so are you. There is no separation, there is only the One. You all get intimations of this from time to time when you sense or intuit something that there is no way you could have known from the information available to you through your physical human form.  That is Oneness at work, as It always is, with you having temporary  awareness of It.  You truly are far, far greater than anything of which you, as a human, severely limited by your human form, could possible conceive.
Your awakening, the collective awakening of humanity, is nothing but your return to full awareness of who you are, and, as such, it will be a mind-blowing experience that will dissolve all your doubts, fears, and suffering in an instant.
Over the eons a few have enjoyed this experience and have reported on it to those who would listen, consequently there is a large amount of significantly pertinent information available to those who wish to know more, especially since modern communications technology has made so much information on myriad subjects easily accessible to all who choose to seek it out.
But of course reading about the experiences of others, while helpful and interesting, is rather like having the flavor of ice-cream described, because it is basically meaningless until you taste it for yourselves.  You have to experience awakening for yourselves, individually.  And that is a paradox because, as One, you are All.  Nevertheless, the awakening will be experienced by each individual with each also being aware of and knowing the experience of All.  Thus all will be in joy because all will know that all are awake.
At present you can have no idea of what to expect, apart from having been told that it will absolutely blow your minds.  Therefore, let go of all expectations,because none of them will in anyway prepare you for the wonders that are about to envelop you.  Fully conscious awareness of who you truly are will bring you infinite and eternal joy.  That is the divine Will for you, it always has been, and it is also your will, therefore it is inevitable.
This awakening has been divinely planned since the moment that the thought of separation occurred, placing humanity into an unreal or dream-like state that has left it confused and fear-filled ever since.  What you think of or consider your history is but a selection of memories of your ongoing dreams and nightmares which have convinced you of the reality of the state of separation that you are seemingly experiencing. This conviction or belief strongly encourages you to focus on it because, through your human bodies, you do experience physical sensations that can be pleasurable or painful, and because your human bodies are so vulnerable to illness and damage, you live with almost constant anxiety about adequately maintaining them due to their need for regular food and shelter.  They are both a responsibility and a gift, and they demand inordinate amounts of your energy and attention to keep them operating smoothly and efficiently.
Since the industrial revolution more and more humans have been given the opportunity to live with their basic survival needs easily available, giving them the time and the opportunity to contemplate the meaning of life.  Not too many initially used this opportunity to their advantage, choosing instead to spend their lives seeking pleasure and satisfaction outside themselves, from others and from material things.  This was unfortunate because you already had everything you needed within the energy field, the life force, the field of Love that ensures your eternal existence.
However, within the last few decades, more and more people have finally chosen to engage in contemplation about the meaning of life, and have communicated on the subject with other like-minded individuals. This started your awakening process, or rather, more powerfully strengthened your collective motivation and intent to awaken. The tipping point has been reached, and there are now enough people holding that intent, and holding the intent to be loving whatever arises, to ensure that your awakening process will rapidly come to completion, just as divinely planned.  So, as you have been told a number of times already: CELEBRATE! (This is a good historical overview that also implicitly includes the key role of the PAT as the motor of ascension and awakening of humanity; note, George)
Celebrating intensifies your energy fields by flooding them with enthusiasm for life, and when you are filled with that enthusiasm it becomes increasingly difficult to remain asleep, unconscious, lost in the unreal world of dreams.  Truly, humanity is awakening.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
Read also this messageTHE CORNUCOPIA
This message is insofar of great relevance as it confirms the massive shift both Carla and I experienced independently on January 30th that propelled us beyond the 9th dimension and right into the Source. We had this experience individually and only then talked about it on skype. This is what I wrote on January 30th to Carla:
“I am lifting up, the energies are like a huge propeller and a vortex above my head and throughout my body. I honestly cannot imagine myself staying much longer in this body and reality. My ascension is now energetically very real, it is actually a miracle how they still keep me here and not pop up.”
“This was the biggest vortex I have ever felt directly!”
This shift paved the way for the current period of ascension from Feb 1 to Feb 19, when each one of you has the possibility to complete his ascension and firmly move to the 5D or higher. By this I mean in terms of vibrations and not necessarily the ultimate transfiguration which is highly individual and unpredictable
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