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Saturday, February 2, 2019
Fifth Dimensional Gaia--The Arcturians through Sue Lie
Your Galactic Family, through Sue Lie
We will now talk
about the initial phases of being on a fifth dimensional reality, ship
or planet.
A fifth dimensional reality does not need a “place” and you
live primarily within your consciousness.
A fifth dimensional
ship is a Galactic Starship, which can be cloaked to the 3D world, or we
can choose to briefly reveal it. However, we usually cloak the ship
again so as not to frighten humans who are not, yet, aware of us.
We appear to be a
separate “reality” or “ship” because the type of reality is the manner
in which most humans perceive their planet.
t is for this reason that
our Starships are usually cloaked for the protection of those who would
be too frightened to see them in their sky.
On the other hand,
when we sense that a person and/or a group of people have a high enough
state of consciousness to happily perceive us with celebration rather
than fear, we often show our higher fourth and fifth dimensional Ship
for what would be a very short amount of third dimensional time.
When humans are in a
higher state of consciousness, we can reveal our ships for a longer
period of third dimensional time.
We say, "third dimensional time," as
we Galactics do not have "time" in the manner that your third
dimensional planet has.
Most humans are
aware that their fourth dimensional "dream time" is different from their
from their third dimensional daily, work time.
Hence, when we see that a
human is resonating to a higher frequency of consciousness, we may
decide to "wave hello" by revealing our Ship for a short "time."
However, we mostly
stay away from any third dimensional exposure to Earth, as there are too
many people in that frequency of reality who would become frightened or
would try to shoot us down.
Of course, they could not “shoot us down,”
but, they may frighten others, or their weapons could hit something else
and harm others.
We wish to remind
you again that reality is specific to each person's state of mind, and
level of consciousness.
Therefore, some people have spent their lives
finding ways to educate themselves and others that Gaia is a living
being and that humanity has been treated Her VERY poorly.
On the other hand,
some people see the planet as a place where they can take what they want
to have, no matter what the cost to the planet, and do what they want
to do, no matter what cost there is to the planet.
These people are
often called the Illuminati, or the Dark Ones, or those who live via
“power over others” with no concern for others.
Unfortunately, there are
leaders who do not care about the planet or even the people who live on
These Dark Ones only care about themselves, their own money, and their own power over others.
These humans will NOT be able to even perceive the higher dimensions of
reality, much less enter into that vibrational world or our higher
dimensional starships.
On the other hand,
more and more “awakened ones," who have expanded their consciousness
into the fourth and fifth dimensions.
These awakened humans are
answering Gaia’s SOS and dedicating themselves to assisting Gaia.
These advanced
beings are so dedicated to Gaia, and Her efforts to ascend Her Planetary
Self, that they actually came to planet Earth during your present time
in order to assist with Gaia's Planetary Ascension.
Also, any time a
planet is able to ascend, which means that the planetary being is able
to raise its Planetary Frequency into the frequency of the fifth
dimension and beyond, ALL the beings that can synchronize their personal
frequency with the planet's ascending frequency, will also ascend.
Furthermore, when
all these ascending ones gather into ONE, the ascension energy fields of
the planet will assist the entire Solar System to expand their resonant
frequency to resonant to the fifth dimension.
It is within that NOW
than an entire Solar System greatly benefits from the flow of fifth
dimensional light.
We Galactics
applaud the valiant attempts of the “Awakened Ones” to participate in
the great honor merging their higher, fourth and fifth dimensional
personal consciousness with Gaia’s planetary fifth dimensional
If you have found
this inter-dimensional message, and have taken your “earth time” to read
it, you are likely among those who are remembering, and awakening to,
your own higher dimensional expression of SELF.
We Pleiadians, as
well as the Arcturian and our other Galactic friends, thank you for your
“higher dimensional service.”
Please remember that Gaia is a “planetary
school” who was meant to teach humanity that “energy out is energy
Gaia also has on her
curriculum courses to assist Her “students” to release the third/fourth
dimensional illusion of “time and space.”
Once that illusion is
released, Gaia and Her inhabitants will remember how to return to their
fifth dimensional Operating System of the Here and NOW.
There will need a
blend of both Gaia AND Her inhabitants calling for the fifth dimensional
frequency within the same NOW to initiate Gaia's Planetary Ascension.
Enough of the members of humanity have not thought of Gaia as a living
Unfortunately, too
many humans think of Gaia as a "thing" that they "bought" when they
bought their house or their land. Unfortunately, there are still far too
many of those humans who cannot even conceive of Gaia as a living
being. Too many of these humans think of Gaia, Her Earth, Air, Fire,
Water, as well as vast Elementals, as just "things" that they, the
humans do NOT need to care for, or even respect.
Many humans want to
experience their personal evolution, but they want to do so without
having to join with, and assist, in Gaia's planetary evolution.
In fact,
within your NOW, far too many humans do NOT feel any obligation to care
for the planet that serves as the EARTH on which they have their house,
the AIR that allows humans to breathe (and thus stay alive) the FIRE
which is within Gaia's Core and Gaia's Sun.
Of course, what we
have stated above is just a small component of the great damage that
humanity has done to their "homeworld."
Gaia is ready to transmute into
Her higher dimensional planetary expression.
However, Gaia is so
busy trying to heal herself from all the damage that the humans have
done for Her Planetary SELF to transmute into the fifth dimensional
reality that seems to be further and further away.
We, the Arcturians,
realize that there are many humans who fight hard to save Gaia, and set
better rules and regulations to protect Her.
However, humanity, instead
of assisting with planetary ascension, to too often allowing planetary
Therefore, we, your Galactic Family, ask you,
"Are YOU willing to LOVE and PROTECT Gaia during this great time of Her need?
We, your Galactic
Family, want to remind you that we are HERE within your NOW to assist
you with a monumental evolutionary shift.
Will you assist, or will you
We, the Arcturians, want to hear
your truthful answer.
If you will speak to
us, the Higher Dimensional Galactics, you, will open the portal, that
will allow YOU,
will US, to speak, to you.
Also, is you speak with us, then,
you will KNOW, that you are ready to protect, heal, and, unconditionally,
love your planetary home.
The Arcturians and your Galactic Family
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