Tuesday, April 12, 2022


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New Earth is a frequency that we can access via our hearts, because that is where the "bridge" is found.

Today is the 1st of April, and we can expect, as we move into April with its theme of resurrection and regeneration, that the energies will continue to be powerful and turbulent.
The heart space is where we can find our inner peace and harmony.
Many of us have felt the need recently to withdraw from the craziness and spend time in our own quiet space and in our hearts. In this space we are protected from the turbulence of denser energies who are spinning out as the powerful incoming light codes place great stress on their physical, emotional and mental bodies.
The best way to cope with these powerful energies is to walk the path of the new masculine...with love, strength and hope. Be at peace with yourself and with others, follow the flow of divine light and be kind to yourself and others.
Also, try to work with your creativity, in whatever form that takes. Some people are bursting with new ideas right now and some are feeling flat and empty. If you have too many ideas, slow it down a little, you can't do everything at once and you are learning how to choose between many potentials and possibilities.
If you feel flat, now is your time to rest and realign so that you can reconnect with your soul and its mission at a higher level.
All is well and April should be a creative month of renewal and regeneration on many levels.
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