Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Arcturian Group Message 5/5/19, Begin to question and ask yourself, to question

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Arcturian Group Message 5/5/19

Onenessofall.com <Marilyn@onenessofall.com>


MAY 5,2019
Dear readers, we welcome you to this message of guidance and wisdom with which you also receive energies of Light. You have reached a place of readiness for more than main stream news and doctrines filtered through the three dimensional consciousness of others. You have the ability to access information from within.
Whether information comes from a government, church, corporation, family member, or your own mind, learn to stop accepting it at face value and without deeper consideration. Begin to question and ask yourself; "In the Light of what I now know, is this true or simply what the majority believes?"
The outer scene is manifesting a "changing of the guard" so to speak. Many third dimensional creations are beginning to dissolve as increasingly more people awaken out of the third dimensional dream and stop feeding them with their energy. If allowed, the higher frequencies of Light replacing them will begin to form better versions of whatever it is--health, government, spirituality etc.
The effects of the collapse of beliefs long considered "tried and true" is causing confusion even for those who know what is taking place. It is at this point the human mind struggles to salvage the familiar with solutions based in what is already known and believed by the collective.
The question continues to be asked; C Why do things seem to be only getting worse?" You are witnessing the result of Light penetrating into the world's dark and previously hidden places which is stirring up and illuminating everyone and everything living there.
Exposures are allowing many to rethink their belief system and re-evaluate what they heretofore accepted as normal. Frequently a person's belief system must be negatively impacted in some way before they will even begin to question it.
When you choose to awaken, you automatically become a way shower for others. Once truth becomes an attained state of consciousness, it automatically flows into every aspect of life. For example--business. Businesses formed from a consciousness of lack and limitation, will do whatever it takes to make money, often dishonestly. These businesses can only fail as they will be out of alignment with the new and higher energies.
Whereas those created from a consciousness of oneness and function from levels of love and gratitude will be in alignment with the higher frequencies. These are ordinary businesses who express love as; "We are happy to provide whatever goods and services you may need." and in turn receive the gratitude of customers more than happy to provide payment for their wonderful service. You are all familiar with both kinds of businesses.
Way showers live without effort from a place of unconditional love (realization of Oneness) becoming examples to those around them. It is not necessary for a way shower to join a group, engage in protests, or take actions unless they are intuitively guided to do it which some of you may be. Rather, a way shower is simply an evolved person living life from his highest level of awareness and those who are spiritually ready, will observe.
You who read these messages are prepared to step boldly into your power and claim the gifts of your true nature. Begin to live and make decisions from this level at all times rather than just when a decision isn't "really" important. 
Many receive guidance and intuitively know what needs to be done, but then allow experts, family, friends etc. to persuade them with three dimensional advice and solutions rather than trusting what they get from within. 
In the third dimension, power is always seen as power over someone or something. Throughout time rulers have held the power of life or death over their subjects. Organized religions have and still hold power over their followers through threats of punishment for anyone who does not obey their man made rules. Families with strict traditions often endow these traditions with a power not to be questioned or denied. 
"Power over" anything always reflects old 
energy based in duality and separation. 
You are beyond that now. Many intellectually grasp this truth, but cannot accept that all power resides within because they are trying to understand truth with three dimensional thinking--wondering how dollar bills could be inside of them.
Empowerment is the realization that Divine Consciousness, the substance of all that exists and thus everything is a form of it but conditioned by universal collective belief. 
Empowerment is no longer fearing to say: 
"Thank you for your opinion, 
but I am going to do this." 
Empowerment is allowing those whose acceptance, love, and friendship is based on your obedience to certain concepts and rules, to fade out of your life.
Empowerment lies in the conscious realization that all answers are already present within. It is knowing that you have attained a state of consciousness that no longer needs others to interpret spiritual truth for you.
Empowerment begins dissolving three dimensional fears allowing harmony to flow through even the most ordinary of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual endeavors and situations.
Empowerment means knowing, living, and trusting that the I AM you are knows how to live IT's life as you and then allowing it to do so. It means allowing the human mind take a less important role than in the past even while it continues to push the three dimensional rules, standards, and beliefs.
Empowerment is letting go of the belief that you need validation from anyone or anything outside of yourself because you realize that I AM is infinitely validating ITSELF through and as you.
There comes a point at which all that is old and false must be left behind. It is foolish to continue pretending to be a part of something you no longer resonate with simply to please other people which in reality is the surrendering of one's personal power to them. The time has ended (in most countries) where you could lose your head for your beliefs so be who you are even if you have to do it silently and secretly.
This does not mean that you cannot participate in religious holidays with family and friends who may still need these tools. It does not mean you cannot enjoy ceremonies or functions even though they no longer resonate with you as they once did. It does not mean you are free to ignore rules created for the protection and good of the majority even though you have moved beyond needing rules and regulations to tell you how to live. Let your intuition guide you in these matters.
It does mean that you realize you are no longer in alignment with much that you once were in alignment with and that if "push came to shove", you would choose to stand in your truth.
The realization and acceptance of personal power brings with it trust through the understanding that there is an infinity of good accessible at any time because IT is you. It is learning to rest in this awareness throughout each ordinary day knowing that IT will express ITself as the Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent Being that it IS, if not kept hidden behind three dimensional concepts and beliefs.
Know that all is proceeding according to plan personally and globally. When an individual or collective opens to enlightenment (a choice often made on an unconscious level) the journey begins and the Higher Self does not need to be told how to proceed.
Trust, trust, trust, and allow, allow allow.
We are the Arcturian Group 5/5/19
Donations are welcomed

©2019 onenessofall.com | Marilyn@onenessofall.com
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