Tuesday, July 5, 2022

reread - Arcturian Group Message - will physically or emotionally re-manifest

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Arcturian Group Message

Onenessofall.com <Marilyn@onenessofall.com>


Welcome dear readers of the 
Arcturian Group messages. 
Increasingly high frequency energies pouring to earth at this time are serving to bring up deeply buried personal and global fears on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels for many already awakened as well as for the un-awakened.
Much of this fear has its root in the programing that has taken place for everyone on earth throughout their hundreds of lifetimes. Mankind has been taught that if they are "good", obey the ten commandments, go to church, and follow the laws and rules of those in charge, God will reward them--if not on earth then in the afterlife.
These teachings epitomize the myth of separation, one in which spirituality consists of pleasing a male God made in man's image and likeness that resides somewhere up in the sky and who spends his time watching each person's every move in order to assign them to his naughty or nice list for future placement in heaven or hell. You who read and understand these messages have long moved on from this myth, but sticky remnants of it can and do often pop up to effect even the most evolved.
Intense higher dimensional frequencies of Light are exposing these still active lower resonating energies. This in turn is causing issues to surface through one or more areas-- physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. Rather than reacting with shock, resistance, or denial if or when this happens, rejoice, for it indicates that you have attained the spiritual readiness necessary to acknowledge and clear these obsolete energies.
Occasionally the energy of some past life trauma or disease will physically or emotionally re-manifest for a short time as their clearing takes place. It is fine to seek some basic relief if a clearing becomes painful or intense but avoid remedies that obliterate the clearing process (heavy drugs).
As uncomfortable as some clearings may be, they are a necessary part of the ascension process as low resonating energy cannot exist in the higher frequencies. Do not assign power to uncomfortable clearings but rather simply allow the process to unfold and you will find that it soon completes.
Some believe that by clearing all old energy, they lose their individuality and become spiritually "neuter". Nothing could be further from the truth. 
Every life experience serves to create individuality. Energetic clearing removes energies of attachment, fear, and power accumulated from certain experiences, but not the lessons learned or the joys experienced which become a part of one's state of consciousness and unique soul signature.
All is proceeding according to plan. 
Have no fear for the success of Gaia's ascension process because the 
"train has left the station" 
and cannot be stopped at this point. 
Because the third dimension is under the influence of time and space, ascension can only take place as a process and that process is activated and governed by the collective consciousness of the people on earth.
No matter how many evolved galactic, Higher dimensional Beings of light, and spiritual Guides stand ready to assist, under the law of free will they cannot step in with their advanced technologies and higher ways to change and "fix" earth's problems. Change can only manifest from the consciousness of the people because consciousness is the substance of all form.
This is why so many Starseeds and highly evolved souls are presently incarnated on earth while more continue to come. They have chosen to be on earth at this powerful time in order that the Light of their evolved consciousness can become a part of the collective thus helping to shift world consciousness.
You are them
Love is the frequency of ascension.
 When an individual evolves to where they understand and accept love to be the interconnectedness of the many within the ONE, they begin to experience this state of consciousness throughout all aspects of ordinary daily living where peace manifests and flourishes.

Love is continually preached, sung about, written, and filmed but usually in accord with three dimensional beliefs of blame, judgement, conditions, and concepts. 
Unconditional love is an attained state of consciousness that is able to see through appearances to the Divine that lies hidden within every person or situation. 
This is not easy to change one's way of seeing the world because throughout eons of time and hundreds of lifetimes everyone has been three dimensionally programmed. This is what you are in the process of moving beyond at this time which doesn't mean you ignore or remain uninformed regarding personal and world events, but rather means that your daily agenda is no longer based in three dimensional values.
In the beginning, most students of truth continue to respond to certain people and events with "knee jerk" reactions. 
This is normal. 
Never judge, criticize, or feel yourself a spiritual failure for reacting in some old habit because this reaction is your first step toward recognizing old beliefs still being carried in consciousness. 
Ask yourselves:
"What am I believing that is making me feel this way?"
As you begin to recognize and acknowledge old programming, you initiate the process of sweeping out the little hidden corners of your belief system that were not previously a problem. This in turn allows unconditional love to become natural and easier. You begin to meet situations, personal or global, from a higher sense of love, one not based in emotional attachment to someone or something but based in the realization that only God is.
Life gets easier as you attain a consciousness of Oneness. 
The I that I am flows ITself through energies of harmony, orderliness, wholeness, balance, cooperation, cohesiveness etc. 
An attained consciousness of Oneness cannot help but manifest as Divine harmony without personal struggle or thought. 
Solutions to even the most mundane of problems often simply appear and synchronicity becomes the norm.
This is how many master musicians, scientists, inventors etc. created their masterpieces--somehow and often without conscious thought they opened themselves to receiving original and high resonating ideas from within as well as from High resonating Beings there to help them bring original and often necessary ideas into form from the other side.
Some learned to be silent for a bit which allowed those never before manifested ideas in alignment with their profession or talents to flow into conscious awareness. 
Some believed that these ideas came from their mind but others began to recognize that there was a Source other than themselves.

Truly original ideas and solutions can never flow from the human mind but rather flow through it because the source of all knowledge and creativity is only present within just awaiting recognition. The human mind on its own is only able to access information already present in the collective.
Love is the key dear ones, for absolutely nothing exists but the one Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Consciousness you call God and therefore of which, in which, and from which everything must be formed. There is nothing else--period. 
It is false, conditioned, and erroneous states of consciousness that form the world of duality and separation mankind has come to accept as reality.
All are brothers and sisters within the Infinite ONE, made of the same Substance and therefore embodying all the qualities of that Substance. 
Attaining the consciousness of this truth is to remember, live, express, and forever be the fullness of what in reality you already are. This is the goal of evolution.
Beings living on already ascended planets live their lives in the higher dimensional energies of oneness. Earth is being observed and assisted by these beings who understand because they too have experienced an ascension process although most planets did not begin at the density levels of earth.
Humans are not alone in the universe as so many continue to believe, nor are they the most intelligent species as you have been taught. 
Humans are an integral part of the vast collective of Divine consciousness manifesting Itself in infinite form, variety, and individuality. Those who continue to believe that they are alone in the Universe and that the human mind is the pinnacle of intellect are in for a great surprise.
Be not impatient with the process, for there remain many just beginning to become aware of the bigger picture behind world events and personal experiences. All will continue to move forward dear ones, for evolution can be ignored, denied, and avoided but cannot be stopped.
You are spiritual beings made of Divine Consciousness and can therefore change form but will never cease to exist. You are God individualized and not lowly beings subject to and needing protection from every three dimensional belief floating about in the universal collective consciousness. This is the reality of you, your essence, your soul, your real selfhood.
Never forget this and once and for all stop allowing others to persuade you otherwise regardless of how many college degrees they may have attained or what three dimensional positions of power they hold.
Claim your Christhood for that is the reality.
We are the Arcturian Group 8/25/19
Donations are welcomed

©2019 onenessofall.com | Marilyn@onenessofall.com
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