Tuesday, August 23, 2022

compassion, Arcturian Group Message

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Arcturian Group Message

Onenessofall.com <Marilyn@onenessofall.com>


OCTOBER 20, 2019
Dear readers, once again we come to you with great love and respect especially during these times when so many are experiencing chaos and seeming loss--the birth pains of bringing forth a new earth, new collective consciousness, and more evolved humans. Be not afraid or doubtful based on what you see but know that mankind is well into the evolutionary changes that have been unconsciously desired and sought throughout time.
Once an individual attains some measure of spiritual awareness, they are never forced to incarnate. 
You chose to be on earth at this time. 
Many wanted to be here during these times but were not permitted because their Light was not yet of a sufficient level to assist in earth's ascension process.
You who read and understand these messages are here to serve the Light as examples and teachers. 
This does not mean that in order to do this you must first become a spiritual guru, channel, or teacher in the ordinary limited sense of these titles. You become these things and much more as you begin to secretly and silently align with Truth in each now moment while going about your ordinary daily activities.
The three dimensional belief system based in duality and separation has created gods, saints, and royalty. It has taught for eons and still teaches that some individuals, as well as a nebulous male god in the sky are better than you and must be looked up to and even worshipped. In reality, these designations simply represent facets of separation, the belief that those who have attained some "man ordained" qualification either by birth or experience are more valuable, wise, loveable, and "holy" than everyone else.
A "saint" is nothing more than a person who has fulfilled certain three dimensional concepts of spirituality. Many of those declared saints were not awake to real spiritual truth. Because you are creators, a person who spends 24/7 thinking about and concentrating on the stigmata, or some concept of a God experience will easily create it for themselves.
This is why it is important to let go of all concepts regarding what spirituality must look like in order to be authentic. Allow your personal evolutionary process to unfold, trusting that your Higher Self knows what is right for you and when, which may be totally different than someone else's experience.
Three dimensional titles mean nothing in the larger scheme of things because even though there is individuality, all life is in and of the ONE and only life. This does not mean that you cannot give honor and respect where it is deserved, but to worship and seek to emulate some saint, famous person, or three dimensional concept of God at the expense of one's own divine nature is idolatry.
Most souls do not incarnate for the purpose of becoming famous or to attain that which will make them valuable, loveable, or important to others according to three dimensional standards. However, most incarnating souls forget and lose sight of their purpose when entering into the denser energies of earth.
There is nothing un-spiritual about pursuing a career or activity that results in fame and glory. Often a person is drawn to some activity and is very good at it because they have done it in other lifetimes. Professional perfection or fame of some sort may well be the necessary component to one's chosen Light work--a way to show others that a person can be famous, rich, or physically beautiful while living a high level of spiritual awareness.
Those in positions of authority or fame of some sort have great responsibility because they are looked to as examples by those who as of yet have not realized their own uniqueness and thus often imitate them. The only spiritual error of any life choice is in using it solely for service to self and in looking to it rather than within, for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual validation.
Make these times a time for rejoicing rather than suffering, for prison walls are coming down and allowing those inside to wake up and begin experiencing the realities of their already perfect consciousness while the prison masters scurry about pulling out all stops in a futile effort to maintain the status quo.
We wish to speak of compassion and how it is not always seen in its truest form. 
Compassion is a state of consciousness able to understand, accept, and unconditionally love without becoming an enabler or doormat. 
Many still falsely believe that in order to be a loving or spiritual person they must just allow what another does to them physically, mentally, or emotionally.
Compassion never denies a situation but rather sees through it to its underlying components while at the same time taking whatever human steps are necessary and understandable for self and the other. 
No matter how well intended, giving words of truth to someone who has not yet attained a consciousness that is able to to align with them is folly.
This is why the practice of proselytizing or forcing one's beliefs no matter how true on another represents a false sense of ego--the belief that only the proselytizer has the right answers and everyone else is wrong.
Proselytizing can be harmful in many ways. It creates guilt, false beliefs, and often the loss of a person's already present spiritual foundation (frequently more evolved than what is being taught). Every evolving soul eventually attains a state of consciousness in which the beliefs of others no longer have the power to cause doubt or questioning.
Compassion does not align with another's low resonating energy as sympathy does. 
It is very important for those who work professionally in medicine, psychology, law, social work etc. to understand the difference between compassion and sympathy. 
Those in these fields of work are exposed every day to dense frequencies of sadness, pain, suffering, and victim consciousness.
When you work with others from the level of sympathy--
"I feel your pain" 
rather than from compassion-- 
"I recognize your pain" 
you align with the other's lower resonating energy which then feeds from yours leaving you feeling tired, drained, and unable to provide understandable but high level solutions that can help the person's situation.
Even if this is not your professional work, most of you are finding others being increasingly drawn to you confiding their pain, problems, and sad stories. This is happening because as a person becomes more spiritually evolved their energy field broadcasts more Light and because everyone consciously and unconsciously seeks Light, those with little of their own are drawn to yours.
This happens for those in physical body as well as those on the other side which is why it is important to keep your energy levels high and filled with Light at all times. You can ask your Guides to help you with this and when you feel yourself slipping into density, stop and center while visualizing yourself in golden/white Light. Lower resonating energy cannot enter in to the higher, but the higher can allow itself to slip into the lower.
Allow your Lightwork to be wherever you are--to come to you. There is no need to seek it out. It may be as ordinary as someone in a grocery line that you intuitively know is in need silent spiritual recognition. A teacher may be intuitively guided to a troubled student needing someone to talk with. It could be a friend or relative that is receptive and desirous of learning more about the spiritual truth you know.
When you live from compassion, you live at a higher level of awareness in which others if ready and receptive, can be lifted higher. This is how true healing takes place but it is then up to the other to keep themselves in that state of higher awareness. Your job is never to carry another indefinitely out of a false sense of love, that is enabling not love and may be taking away their chosen lesson.
As earth energy becomes increasingly high and intense, more will find their way to you at work, home, in a crowd, or at a party--wherever-- for help of some sort. This is why you chose to be on earth at this time and this is how concepts of duality and separation will dissolve into the nothingness that they are.
Be in the world as fully as you desire or are guided to be, but be not of it.
We are the Arcturian Group
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