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Carl Jung:
"Depression is like a woman dressed in black." (Mourning)
If she appears, do not
push her away, invite her, offer her a seat, treat her like a guest, and
listen to what she has to say ...”
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AUGUST 27, 2017

Greetings dear ones.
We seek through these messages to answer some of the questions you may still hold silently and secretly within. Because it is a new and energetically powerful time with so much taking place, many are questioning how your observations align with the idea you hold about these times.
The world in general has been comfortably ensconced in third dimensional
thinking throughout the ages and thus the awareness and integration of
new and higher Light frequencies is causing some confusion because many
of the changes taking place seem unnecessary, that some things are
perfectly acceptable just as they are.
Some things will not totally change, but will gently and gradually shift
into higher expression. For example medical personnel and hospitals
will not disappear, but will become more open and receptive to higher
and better forms of caring for and healing those who come to them.
Individual reactions may vary from; "I have lots of life experience, and
this is the right way for things to be done." to "Too much change is
never good." Dear ones, very little is going to remain the same for
those who have chosen to move into and live from higher dimensional
energies. The manifestations of duality and separation must eventually
dissolve when there is no longer anything to hold them in place.
This is not to say that the world as a whole will suddenly cease having
experiences of duality and separation, but you personally will find your
life becoming ever more reflective of the peace and harmony embodied
within a consciousness of Oneness.
For years, and through lifetimes of experiences you have been preparing
for these times. You have been confronted with and have released
(physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually) painful stored
cellular memories and the fears you have dragged through many lifetimes.
As you replace these old heavy energies with Light and truth, you make
yourselves fit vehicles for truer ways of believing, living, and being,
Even those spiritually ready, but not fully aware of this fact are
feeling the intensity of Sacred Light pouring to earth and available for
all to accept.
You have arrived, the time is now. Be patient, and avoid believing that
"Nothing ever changes." or "Things are just getting worse." or "It is
all a hoax." because things may look that way. The integration of new
and higher frequencies into the physical must be a process as the human
body could not withstand the intense higher frequencies were they to
integrate all at once.
Continually waiting for this or that particular experience as necessary
proof of evolution is an exercise of futility based in concepts. Judging
yourselves against the experiences of some "saint" or "holy" person,
ideas in some book you may of read, or rigid religious concepts of what
constitutes spirituality simply reflect a belief in separation.
Every person's soul journey is unique and your experiences will never
mirror another's because everyone has lived through different
experiences in hundreds of lifetimes. Every individual has their own
chosen lessons to learn and truths to integrate while on earth in
physical form.
All are one with Source--All, no exceptions. Every individual must
eventually arrive at the full realization of the truth about themselves
because it is the unchanging reality. Nothing exists outside of Divine
Consciousness and the sense of something other than that ONE is
illusion. The world and all its natural kingdoms are NOT ILLUSION, false
concepts about the world and its natural kingdoms constitute the
Everything you can become aware of is a mind formed concept of a
spiritual reality. For example you are consciousness, not a physical
body. Your real and permanent bodies are made of Light. What you see and
experience as the physical body is a concept of the permanent spiritual
body reflecting your attained state of consciousness.
We wish to speak about the "spiritual journey". The idea of a journey is
illusion dear ones, for you have never been and never can be separate
from the reality of who and what you are. The idea of an evolutionary
journey began when souls through a series of ancient events, forgot that
they were individualized Divine Consciousness who had chosen to
experience a sense of separation.
Because their creations seemed so real, a sense of separation became
their state of consciousness and they continued to create experiences of
separation manifesting as pairs of opposites--duality. Unity
consciousness began to increasingly reflect these false creations giving
birth to the fear and negativity in all its forms that is the three
dimensional world of today.
You are now ready to remember who you really are. Healers are
remembering ancient healing techniques, artists are remembering
previously attained creative talents, and all willing souls are
beginning to once again experience unconditional love and a sense of
Oneness. Many are starting to question man's inhumanity to man and the
natural world even if they are not fully conscious of why their thinking
has changed.
Awakening happens through the Higher Self when an individual is ready
for the next phase of their "journey". Eyes are opening and beginning to
see through appearances. Mankind is discovering that indeed the
"Emperor has no clothes". This is evolution.
Become an observer. Stand back, resting in your and everyone's identity
as a spiritual being, and observe. Let go of the belief that you must
heal, change, or fix anyone or anything by translating what you see into
the truth that underlies all appearances--that the world and everything
in it is already perfect and whole.
Recognize outer appearances of both good and bad to be manifestations of
concepts and beliefs. Your realization of the truth helps to dissolve
the energy of these miscreations for there is nothing to hold them in
place but a belief in them. This is healing.
We do not say to ignore the suffering of others. Have your hand out and
ready to grasp the hand of those seriously seeking answers rather than
simply wanting you to do their work for them. Never act to change
another's path of learning in the belief that it is your duty to "save"
This sort of thinking is based in human ego, a belief still touted by
many religious groups who teach that it is loving to step in and remove
someone from a difficult situation they themselves may of specifically
chosen for spiritual growth and learning. You must walk a fine line in
these situations. It is different if a child someone helpless is at
risk. Always seek out, trust, and let your intuition guide your actions.
Because you now know that you are creators, you must honestly ask
yourselves; "What am I choosing to create?" Do you intend to continue
creating images of duality and separation simply because the world says
it is the reality or because these things are familiar and comfortable?
Truth either is, or it is not. God either is, or is not. It is the free
will choice of every individual as to which they accept but understand
that life can get very uncomfortable for those who choose to live with
one foot in both worlds as many have or are about to find out.
The time has come to rest in truth, be the truth, and live the truth,
releasing every remaining concept or belief built upon beliefs of
separation from Source. It is time to claim your identity as God in
expression. It is time to "leap off the cliff" so to speak, trusting
that you always have been, are now, and forever will be Divine
Consciousness in expression regardless of appearances.
We are the Arcturian Group
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