Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Almine, Why Does the Infinite Not Set Things Right? - ¿Por qué el infinito no arregla las cosas? 

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Why Does the Infinite Not Set Things Right? ★ The Seer Almine

Why Does the Infinite Not Set Things Right?

Why does the Infinite not display more power in setting things right in the Cosmos and on Earth?
The Seer:
 1) Firstly, because everything when seen from an eternal perspective, is already in perfect order. Even wthat you see as a catastrophe is merely like a tree shedding its leaves in autumn.
2) Although it’s clear that the Infinite has a “physical” embodiment, the cosmos can be seen as the Infinite’s greater Embodiment.
The cosmos may be billions of Earth years old, but from the Infinite’s perspective it is only a day old — the cosmos is a newborn. 
A newborn body is not yet under the newly-birthed being’s control. 
It cannot control its own body movement in order to reach for its bottle, for instance. 
All the power the newly-arrived individual has, is still latent within its uncontrolled body. 
It will have to learn how to master its own power, and be in control of what happens to its body, over the coming ‘years’.
 The Infinite’s expression as a cosmic body, is a newborn.
It is this insight that will enable the Runemasters to wield the tool of the 12th Rune deck
Posted by Rogier on December 19, 2019

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Why Does the Infinite Not Set Things Right?


Why does the Infinite not display more power in setting things right in the Cosmos and on Earth?

The Seer:

1) Firstly, everything seen from an eternal perspective, is already in perfect order. Even that which is seen as a catastrophe is merely like a tree shedding its leaves in autumn.

2) Although it’s clear that the Infinite has a “physical” embodiment, the cosmos can be seen as the Infinite’s greater Embodiment.

The cosmos may be billions of Earth years old, but from the Infinite’s perspective it is only a day old — the cosmos is a newborn. A newborn body is not yet under the newly-birthed being’s control. It cannot control its body movement to reach for its bottle, for instance. All the power the newly-arrived individual has is still latent within his uncontrolled body. It will have to learn how to master its power, and be in control of what happens to its body over the coming ‘years’ The Infinite’s expression as cosmic body is a newborn.

It is this insight that will enable the Runemasters to wield the tool of the 12th Rune deck.

Posted by Rogier on December 19, 2019

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¿Por qué el infinito no arregla las cosas? 
Pregunta: ¿Por qué el Infinito no muestra más poder para arreglar las cosas en el Cosmos y en la Tierra? El vidente: 1) En primer lugar, todo visto desde una perspectiva eterna, ya está en perfecto orden. Incluso lo que se ve como una catástrofe es simplemente como un árbol que pierde sus hojas en otoño. 2) Aunque está claro que el Infinito tiene una encarnación “física”, el cosmos puede verse como la Encarnación mayor del Infinito. El cosmos puede tener miles de millones de años terrestres, pero desde la perspectiva del Infinito, solo tiene un día: el cosmos es un recién nacido. Un cuerpo recién nacido aún no está bajo el control del ser recién nacido. No puede controlar el movimiento de su cuerpo para alcanzar su botella, por ejemplo. Todo el poder que tiene el individuo recién llegado sigue latente dentro de su cuerpo descontrolado. Tendrá que aprender cómo dominar su poder y tener el control de lo que le sucede a su cuerpo en los próximos "años". La expresión del Infinito como cuerpo cósmico es un recién nacido. Es esta percepción la que permitirá a los Maestros de las Runas manejar la herramienta del mazo de la 12ª Runa. 
 Publicado por Rogier el 19 de diciembre de 2019
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