Friday, January 31, 2020

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The Blindness of the Historical Sciences

Otfried Weise, January 9, 2020

Prophecies are considered imprecise and risky unless only approximate trends are given and no exact numbers. In contrast, the historically oriented sciences – history, archaeology, anthropology, earth history, etc. – claim to be able to provide relatively accurate data. After all, scientists and laymen alike assume that the past is, at least in principle, irrevocable, so to say “engraved in stone” in the archeological artifacts they dig out, apart from the errors due to incorrect classifications or inadequacies of measurement methods. Is this really the case?
First of all, let us look at the method of time measurement. It is based on the course of the sun and moon and leads to various calendar systems that seem to be compatible with each other. However, numerous articles and books are published again and again showing that the usual time calculation is anything but exact and that certain periods of history are skipped. This is particularly noticeable in the context of the history of man, which, pressed into a rigid corset, excludes everything that does not fit into the established doctrine. The books ”Forbidden Archeology: The Full Unabridged Edition: The Hidden History of the Human Race” by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson and ”Lexikon der verbotenen Geschichte: Verheimlichte Entdeckungen von A bis Z” by Luc Bürgin are representative in this respect.
If one follows the division of prehistory and early history into Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and numerous subdivisions, then the Egyptian pyramids must have been built with copper and bronze tools (here) …
If one writes into Google search: ”Forbidden archaeology, what is science hiding” you get more than 2 million entries … for ”forbidden archaeology” one gets 4.55 million entries…

The five-volume work: ”History: Fiction of Science?” by Dr. Anatoly T. Fomenko, Dr. Gleb V. Nosovskiy, et al. shows that much of the history taught today is made up or manipulated. The work contains the results of 40 years of meticulous and extensive research (see also “Maps and Coins vs. History“, volume 17 by the same authors).
The renowned historian Heinz Quirin and Hans-Ulrich Niemitz, professor for the history of technology at the University of Leipzig, speak of a large-scale forgery campaign by the church, which in the Middle Ages had all documents destroyed or manipulated. Hundreds of monks were busy in the Vatican and numerous monasteries writing on parchments and invented 300 phantom years with popes and emperors who never lived.
The Munich systems theoretician Heribert Illig has explored the early Middle Ages in detail in his books “Das erfundene Mittelalter” (also known as phantom time hypothesis) and “Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht?” (“Who has turned the clock?”). He critically compares the written evidence with the archaeological and architectural findings of the time. Countless contradictions come to light, which so far could not be resolved, but only covered up (see also here).
In his book: ”Der größte Irrtum der Weltgeschichte” (“The greatest mistake in world history ”) Hans-Erdmann Korth writes:
”Scientific data refute the ancient year count! See for yourself: There is not one event in Greco-Roman Antiquity the traditional date of which could be independently verified. For quite some time now, new evidence has been discovered that the common dates of the ancient world are three centuries too old. Stars, C14, tree rings, ice cores, as well as doublings confirm these doubts about the traditional calendar. How could this happen?”
Of course, we cannot and do not want to go into detail here about the findings mentioned in the quoted books and articles, and of course we cannot claim that the quoted critical books are correct in all points, or even that the official academic science deliberately spreads only falsehood. A discussion of these innumerable results is not even necessary for the purpose of this analysis and would only be a distraction. We have quoted these writings only because they show, by way of example, the shaky foundations on which all historically oriented sciences stand. We could have also proved this with the compelling evidence that there is not even any correct, reliable knowledge about present-day events or the recent past, although these are taking place in front of our eyes. In the following, we shall examine what the actual root cause of the largely deficient human historiography is.
We don’t need to go too far for that and only have to ask the historians, archaeologists and earth scientists a single question:
“What is your definition of TIME?”
However, this question is not explicitly answered – it is tacitly assumed that the time on which the historical sciences are based corresponds to the current standard conception of time as defined by Joe Six-pack. The fact that time is a relative (relativistic) concept and that people’s understanding of time varies according to their consciousness, level of education and cultural background is not taken into account.
‘‘Time passes everywhere at the same pace, one should actually think. And yet we are mistaken, because time is actually an idea and the mechanical measurement of time is an invention from the 14th century. “Europeans have the clock, we have the time”, says a Kenyan proverb. In the past, people dealt with time differently. It was primarily based on the natural sequence of time, such as day and night, sunrise and sunset. And even today, we still have the most diverse perceptions of time in the world’‘,
writes Friedrich Popp, Managing Director of the Foreigners’ Advisory Council of the City of Nuremberg.
”Absolute, True, and Mathematical Time, of itself, and from its own nature flows equably without regard to anything external, and by another name is called Duration: Relative, Apparent, and Common Time is some sensible and external (whether accurate or unequable) measure of Duration by the means of motion, which is commonly used instead of True time; such as an Hour, a Day, a Month, a Year… All motions may be accelerated and retarded, but the True, or equably progress, of Absolute time is liable to no change.”
I. Newton, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica; translated from Latin by A. Motte, London, 1729.
With these words, Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727) described “absolute time”, which he defined as “true and mathematical” contrary to the “relative apparent and common time” humans refer to in daily life. Newton was of the opinion that absolute time was something that could be taken for granted – as an “immutable” quantity of nature – and did not need further explanation.
The reason for this is simple. Newton describes nothing other than the idea of time in classical mechanics that is still innate in all humans, most of whom cannot comprehend the theory of relativity dealing with relativistic time and space. The latter discipline is a correction and further development of Newtonian classical mechanics, precisely because scientists realised that the absolute time of Newton did not exist. Hence, according to the tacit agreement of all conventional social scientists and in particular of all historians, who neglect the theory of relativity, there is only one time that runs evenly everywhere in the universe and by default in the history of mankind. This is already a grievous theoretical and cognitive mistake of historical sciences that should be addressed at this place from the position of accepted physics.
According to Newton, absolute time has three characteristics:
– it is universal, which means there is only one time, which is the same everywhere;
– it is regular in the sense that it does not change, i.e. it does not accelerate or retard;
– it exists independently of all other things associated with humans and thus pertains to divine Nature.
For further reading I recommend the thorough discussion of Newton’s ideas on time and space by Georgi Alexandrov Stankov in Volume II (section 8. SPACE-TIME CONCEPT OF PHYSICS, chapter  8.1 CLASSICAL MECHANICS, page 333). Essentially Stankov proves that Newton refers in his definition of absolute time and space (as one cannot define time without introducing space simultaneously in a circular manner) to the empty, free of energy Euclidean space in classical mechanics where all observations of gravitational interactions are described. It is the abstract reference surrogate of „absolute time” and “absolute space“ to which all other physical motions are compared by the method of geometry according to the principle of circular argument.
It is the primary inertial reference frame of all reference frames, in which the false Newton’s law of inertia (1st law) holds true. This law stays, however, in an apparent contradiction to Newton’s second and third law, and the law of gravitation describing gravitational force as the origin of acceleration. While the first law of inertia based on absolute time is a mathematical fiction, the other laws of classical mechanics assess true physical reality where gravitation as energy exists.
Thus, Newton’s classical definition of absolute time, which is also uncritically adopted by all historians, builds a fundamental paradox between the first law of inertia and the other laws of gravitation in classical mechanics. This cardinal blunder of Newton has been eloquently summarized by the famous physicist Born:
“Here we have clearly a case in which the ideas of unanalysed consciousness are applied without reflection to the objective world.“
In “Einstein’s Theory of Relativity“, Dover Publ., New York, 1965, p. 57-58.
Born’s conclusion is undoubtedly valid for all historians, archeologists and social science researches who uncritically and, for the most part, unconsciously adopt Newton’s absolute time and space as an unquestionable fact, although this is not even true in physics as we have shown above.
This hypothetical time of Newton is currently also called linear time. Historians could have implicitly referred to Isaac Newton in their theoretical disquisitions and we don’t know if they ever did, as none of them display any true knowledge of physics. Nor do we know whether historians have even thought about what time (and space) truly is, although this phenomenon is at the heart of their science, but it is an undeniable fact that there is no theoretical discussion about this topic in all their books and articles in scientific journals.
This objection stems explicitly from the fact that not even physicists can give an accurate answer to the question what space and time is as they do not even know what energy is, although their entire science is ultimately about describing interactions and exchange of energies. First and foremost, they have failed to realize that they can only assess and measure energy as space-time by artificially separating it into space and time, and that time is, therefore, merely a sensory perception of energy, as this has been conclusively proven by Stankov in his new physical and mathematical theory of the Universal Law. Scientists obviously have a general habit of not caring at all about the theoretical – philosophical and epistemological – foundations of their sciences.
This omission also affects mathematics, which has been in its ”foundation crisis” for almost a century, which could only be ended by the discovery of Stankov’s Universal Law.
These theoretical topics concerning a valid definition of time are now open for a debate. Given the vagueness of current scientific terminology and the tradition of imposing rigid doctrines in science in the 20th century, it is uncertain whether they can ever be answered unambiguously by conventional scientists, unless they begin to study and implement the new theory of the Universal Law.
Currently, most of the studies explicitly dedicated to the history of time do not even address these problems: Instead of a systematic analysis of time, many works that have “time” in their title and often adopt a longer diachronic perspective offer a bewildering smorgasbord of observations on theories of time, measurements of time, changes in daily and work routines, as well as artistic or literary works on time, as Rüdiger Graf writes in his astute and very enlightening essay entitled: ”Time and the conception of time in contemporary history”.
Perhaps it would be appropriate for historians to begin with Bergson’s famous concept of la durée as a subjective experienced time of human consciousness, from which they would then also better understand the concept of freedom as the physical, energetic overcoming of linear time as this will very soon be experienced by many humans in the process of ascension.
After this lengthy, but necessary, fundamental introduction, we pose once again the initial question about the cause of the incredible inconsistencies and deficiencies in historiography, pre- and early history, archaeology and earth history, especially in relation to the experiences and evolution of mankind that disqualify them as categorical systems of true knowledge. For example, there is very serious and well-documented evidence that man and dinosaurs populated the earth at the same time and that the Darwinian hypothesis of the evolution of man is completely wrong (here):
”….In retrospect, to maintain that the human physical wonder consisting of a cellular accumulation of 100 trillion cells and metabolizing at quantum levels with the speed of light and only to arise from a primordial organic ooze affected by Darwinian-proposed natural selection forces over millions of years imparts a pretentious gullibility to the extreme. The religious-based converse of that argument that humanity was created some 7,000 years ago is also an exercise in absurdity as documented in the geomorphological record”.
We will show in the following that the main cause for all the historical errors in science lies in the wrong conception of time. Let us adopt the holistic perspective: Everything that exists – also called All-THAT-Is – consists of energy. There is only energy and everything else – including linear time – is an illusion of our limited perception within the 3D world we live in. Humans perceive this energy as space-time.
According to Stankov’s Universal Law, All-THAT-Is is a closed system that consists only of energy. This system is composed of different energies, which interact with each other, i.e. they are open. These are U-subsets of All-THAT-Is and contain themselves as an element. All parts are U-sets of the Whole. There is nothing else. In other words, there is the unity of All-THAT-Is and the variety of different energies that interact harmoniously within it, which are perceived as parts (U-sets)- systems and levels – thereof.
For the definition of space-time as energy/frequency read: “Realitas infinita part II’
One of these U-subsets is the energy system in which we live in – the earth – and of which we are a part. This system represents a special case, an experiment so to speak, whose expansion and cause will not be discussed at this place (read here and here).
The living beings in it – including us – are held captive in this system and the exchange with other systems is very limited. About the topics ”Concept Time and Quarantine on Planet Earth” read here.
We live here on earth to have certain experiences and expand our consciousness beyond its initial limitation. The conditions and the learning processes are at times very stressful and frightening because we have forgotten who we are and that this is only a temporary experiment (see the video “Understanding the Book of Life”).
The crucial point is that we have to go through many incarnations within a kind of bubble around the planet Earth or Gaia until we redeem ourselves because the experiment has been successful and we have attained higher consciousness. However, these incarnations do not take place one after the other in linear time but simultaneously, they are in constant interaction with each other and represent different frequency bandwidths/ timelines/worlds of experience of the incarnation experiment ”Earth”. Our incarnations are multidimensional and simultaneous.
These many frequency bandwidths (ranges) have subjectively a beginning and an end. We humans create them by choosing from the infinite possibilities (= different, alternative frequency ranges as parallel realities or probability worlds with a specific information) the one alternative we want to experience. The soul decides whether the choice of the incarnated personality, defined as free will, fits into her overall plan and she is the one who allows or prevents the choice.
Every time we make a decision, we activate/ occupy other frequency bandwidths of different probability alternatives. We can consciously decide which scenarios we want to experience, provided we know and use this inner ability to create our reality. The process is unconscious for most people, but is always controlled by the soul. When one of these scenarios has fulfilled its purpose, it dissolves or rather goes into the background. Hence there is always a temporal component in the perceived experience, the true nature of which will remain unknown to us as long as the human mind is attached to the brain, whose neurons function very slowly and can only experience linear time as a sequence of events and not in their true simultaneity.
Imagine a giant cluster of frequency bandwidths that intertwine and pulsate together. Many different alternative behaviours and destinies are tried out for each person at the same time and influence each other simultaneously, but are perceived by the incarnated personality as a chronology of events.
In this way we experience the past as history.
How can historians construct from this multidimensional conglomerate a single linear timeline that is binding for all the people on the planet?
This is a totally impossible task. This linear time does not exist at all.
That is why every attempt – no matter how subjectively pure the intention may be – is a priori doomed to failure. Not only every human being, but also every culture and every geographical area is constantly ”on the move” to infinite different frequency ranges which evade the attentions of the historian and are not presented in his history of mankind. Hereby the intrinsic limitations of human language – oral and written – as a communication means among humans and between generations (as books and other written artifacts) play a decisive role in the distortion of what really occurs.
When the long-awaited ”revelations” about the true history of mankind in the sense of apocalypse will be announced any time soon, there will be no new generally binding historical narrative. Based on the Akashic chronic – where everything is energetically recorded – questions can only be answered intuitively on an individual level. For example, someone might ask whether his frequencies overlap with a certain other person in the past or whether he/she has learned certain techniques in another world of experience which can then be transferred to other frequencies/lives. Tesla, for example, made his inventions known to us intuitively – his soul has acquired them on other higher evolved frequency realities and has passed them onto the frequency bandwidth of the earth at the beginning of the 20th century as to foster industrialisation of mankind. One could also find out, for example, how much reptiloid blood he carries and under which conditions he was cloned by the Anunnaki – probably by Enki and Ishtar (read here).
In the broadest sense, humans will very soon take notice of their many simultaneous incarnations on other planets/solar systems or galaxies, such as Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda (Galaxy), etc. That is why this treatise is of such great actuality and importance. If you want to understand the gnostic background, you should read the three articles ”Realitas infinita” quoted above as we do not want to repeat ourselves here.
Historians create their (in)accuracy problems by themselves because they start from the illusory idea of time. They impose their one-sided idea of linear time over the whole system of human history that does not fit at all – it is the “Procrustean bed” to the real size of human existence. That is why predictions and forecasts are usually uncertain or even wrong, even when they come from higher dimensions of consciousness / frequencies, because the illusory idea of linear time is not taken into account. Most channeled messages carry this deficiency. Often it is also the case that the predictions do, indeed, come true, just not in the respective frequency range in which the observer is currently located. For instance, a predicted Third World War or a magnetic pole reversal by some gloom-and-doom experts has already taken place on lower timelines, while the people who have moved/ ascended to higher vibrating worlds of experience with a better outcome were spared this negative experience.
If the prophets also move to such higher frequency bandwidths, then they experience the failure of their forecast as is the case with all competent financial experts who have correctly predicted the ultimate financial crash each year since the last bank crisis in 2008, but were lucky to evade it. Would  they be able to understand the multidimensionality of all existence, they would know that with their precise analysis of the financial crisis they have avoided its negative experience for themselves and the parallel humanity they have taken with them on such new higher timelines (read also here). This is what we observe increasingly in the last decade since the veil to the higher dimensions has been constantly thinning after the ascension of Gaia to 5D at the stargate 11.11.11 (November 11, 2011) and then the ascension of a portion of humanity at the stargate 12.12.12 to 12.21.12 (December 12 – 21, 2012).
The fact that intentional lies and deceptions are all too often inserted into the official published history of mankind is very well known and is mentioned here only in passing. The victors always write – understand falsify – history, this is a well-known fact. If you enter ”fake history” in Google, you get 909 million entries … This shows very clearly that the blindness of the historical sciences really exists and is ubiquitously acknowledged. It is not an “exotic topic” of this article.
By the way, many so-called historical personalities, revered as founders of world religions, are in fact mythical figures: Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, etc. However, since religions attach great importance to their historical roots, these personalities usually appear in their historiography as actual physical incarnations, however, capable of performing miracles which normal mortals cannot and are thus in awe (see the books of Acharya S. alias D. M. Murdock).
Each society consists of a different composition of souls who are on different frequency bandwidths with different levels of consciousness. In the history of Europe, for example, we witness a society in which the worlds of experience were dominated most of the time by baby-, child- and, above all, young souls who were in the majority. That is why these souls could shape the society according to their bellicose needs as an expression of their utmost separation from the soul and the source and impose their views, usually ruthlessly, on the few mature (ripe) and old souls. In the current End Time the number of ripe and old souls has increased in Europe as this continent is about to ascend very soon, while their percentage is still very low in most parts of the world. That is why there is a great willingness for fight and war as we witness these days in the Middle East, which is overwhelmingly populated by bellicose child and young souls.
Human history reports from the point of view of the ruling class of the young souls.  From the point of view of the mature souls a much different narrative would result and again a completely different one from the point of view of the old souls as this essay transpires. This can be very well observed today when one compares the fake MSM news dominated by child and young souls with the more contemplative and ethically tainted narratives of the political events by alternative critical writers, who are mostly ripe souls and a few of them old souls. These are like two worlds that never meet and this indicates the ongoing separation of the soul population in those who will ascend and those who will continue with their incarnation cycle on lower 3D timelines.
As the age of souls changes in different historical epochs, the general view of history also changes constantly, as the world view of the predominant soul age in a particular epoch fully asserts itself. After all, the past is only experienced and thus created from the Now point, because all incarnations exist simultaneously. This conclusion already turns the conventional view of human history upside down. Watch also the following videos:
It is understandable that the official historiography reflects the views and the attitude towards life of the ruling class (mostly young souls), because they have the power and therefore the decisive influence in the society. For this reason history books are full of wars, conflicts and struggles. Hollywood with its movie plots mainly depicting senseless violence and immorality is a paradigmatic case in this respect. Cultural and true religious history only plays a subordinate role. The philosophical ideas that initiated decisive epochs, such as Neoplatonism (classical Gnosis, Plotin as the successor of Plato and Aristotle) for the emergence of the Renaissance (in the Neoplatonic Academy in Florence) play almost no role in current conventional historiography, just as they do not exist as movie themes. It is mainly reported about power (abuse) through the use of violence, money (robbery, looting, exploitation) and sex (promiscuity, abuse, oppression, sexual aberrations) and how many people were murdered by the evil enemies or vice verse by our glorified hero (While the Iranian general Suleimani, who was cold-bloodedly assassinated by Trump and the Americans is considered a hero and a martyr by all Shiites, he is regarded as an evil terrorist by most Americans. Respectively, while Trump is glorified for his heinous deed by his supporters in the USA, he is considered the satan (Shaitan) by most Muslims. These are two irreconcilable narratives of the present and it is anyone’s guess which one will be adopted as the official history doctrine.)
With the title ”the Great” mainly warlike men are rewarded; or have you ever heard of Mozart the Great, Leonardo Da Vinci the Great, Rubens the Great or Plato the Great? Even if this title is given to women, e.g. Catherine the Great, they are almost always ruthless rulers. How about Hypatia the Great? Even such villains as Barack Hussein Obama receive a Nobel Peace Prize, notwithstanding the fact that he fought seven wars every day of his presidency and boasted how good he is at killing people (read also Obama’s Final Drone Strike Data).
Historians follow strictly predetermined political, religious and ideological rules that are agreed upon by the scientific community. For different epochs/cultural circles, various ”methodologically permissible” evaluation categories are defined in the sense of the last paragraph. This means that there is no neutral, open-end research in science at all. From the outset, certain representations are frowned upon and are excluded – unless the researcher in question is a private scholar who finances himself/herself and who also has no problems, if he/she is unjustifiably rejected or attacked because he/she thinks in a politically incorrect, that is, free spirit way.
One of these ”forbidden” historical topics and representations is the direct influence of extraterrestrials on the events on this planet. Although there is an almost infinite literature on this topic and the population has been prepared for future disclosures for decades through films, novels and published sightings, these are not mentioned in the official historiography so far (here).
Google’s search for “extraterrestrial aliens on earth” returns 8.9 million hits. A very well researched material about the ET influence on Earth can be found here.
A further problem is that historians do not know what criteria should be used to classify the evidence of other frequency ranges in excavations over time in order to obtain a conclusive picture. Layers lying on top of each other are, with well justifiable exceptions, always classified as chronologically consecutive – i.e. originating from different historical times (accordingly the deepest layers are the oldest), because the linear time concept demands this kind of logic. But if the very foundation regarding time is not correct, the logic that builds on it is of no use at all. If the concept of simultaneous worlds of experience/frequency ranges is well understood, then other interpretations of deposits appear possible or even necessary. Admittedly, however, these still elude human understanding at present. Even if there is no solution yet, it is still necessary to address this problem in the first place.
We understand that the historical sciences have not yet made any effort to expose their concept of time as illusory. Stankov’s Universal Law now makes it possible for the first time in human history as we know it to introduce a new, well-founded concept of time and throw the old ideas overboard. Above all the historical sciences will take an enormous upswing because after ascension it will be possible for many people to read the Akashic Chronic or visit other frequency bandwidths (timelines, new worlds) by themselves and immediately find an answer to all open historical questions that cannot be clarified by laborious excavations, deciphering and interpreting old, often falsified writings and the evaluation of coins, objects of art, buildings and other material artifacts.
An increasingly larger partion of humanity is currently on frequency bandwidths that allow an exit from the 3D matrix of the aforementioned bubble, because the consciousness in these frequency ranges is sufficiently high and the incoming cosmic energies allow the long awaited ascension and enlightenment. Human evolution goes from 3D to higher 4D or 5D earths (read here).
People jump, so to speak, on their highest – always existing – frequency range and realize their true potential as free multidimensional souls / energies.
In other words, the bubble is bursting, the old 3D matrix is dissolving, the associated low frequency bandwidths as well, the experiment ”Prison Planet Earth” is coming to an end, or is continued with a smaller number of souls/people/personalities on lower levels of consciousness who want it that way.
In this context it is our special concern to point out the following: As in the parable of the sower in the New Testament (Matthew, 13,1-13,9), people with the most divergent states of consciousness grow together in the earthly bubble. There are always overlaps/ interceptions with different frequency ranges. Or to put it otherwise: in this polarized world good and evil, rich and poor, peaceful and militant, clever and stupid meet together, so that the resulting friction makes it possible to gain knowledge. This means that even the ”pitch-black, bitterly evil representatives of the reptilian cabal” only play the role that was intended for them in order to help awaken the slumbering masses.
In the Indian Bhagavad Gita there is a wise saying: ”The wise do not lament the living or the dead. The wise man knows that it is only He who dwells in everything”. This would say that everything we encounter is part of the great experiment “Earth”, and that all the actors can go on ”in the end”. The wise remains an untouched observer in every moment. Meher Baba says: ”There is no evil, only different degrees of good”, which all boils down to the same thing: You can learn from everything. There is no absolute evil. Basically, there is no evil or good – there is only energy in an infinite multitude of frequency ranges. All evaluations come from illusory human thinking in 3D.
Finally, a personal remark. The blindness of the historical sciences has been well known to me for over forty years. I was ”then” professor at the University of Giessen, Germany on a very well-endowed and permanent position as geographer/geomorphologist with emphasis on the Near East and India as well as on fluviatile, aeolian and glacial land formation in arid and semiarid regions. My concern then, as now, was the same: I wanted to find out ”what holds the world together at its core” and especially how planet Earth has developed in the foreseeable past. It became clear to me that this goal could never be achieved with the means and approaches of historical-scientific research within the academic community. Therefore, I quit my job and turned to other sources of truth-finding, which today lead me to the fulfillment of my scientific life goals.
After completion of the manuscript I was made aware of the Mandela Effect, which is officially designated as “false memory” by the guardians of the linear time dogma (see also here).
The Mandela effect bears its name because when the death of Nelson Mandela was announced in 2013 a very large number of people remembered the death of Nelson Mandela in South Africa’s prison in the 1980s, 90s or even later. Accordingly, there was a great astonishment at his ”second” death.
The orthodox explanation for this process is of course memory impairment. However, in the light of the aforementioned and the three essays ”Realitas infinita” quoted above, it is a memory overlapping from other frequency ranges in many individuals, who are now awakening to their multidimensionality. In these lower frequencies timelines Mandela died in prison and never made it to a prime minister of South Africa as on this highest timeline / frequency bandwidth, which was the best possible outcome for him and his country deeply divided by racism. In this context, one also speaks of “bleeding”. Such multidimensional memories are not unusual, actually it happens more often than people believe or admit. In the discussion about the Mandela effect on numerous internet pages the influence of parallel worlds is actually considered.
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Thursday, January 30, 2020

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Why the “Big Bang” Is a Science Fiction

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, January 22, 2020

“The theory of the Big Bang is just marketing”
Prof. Dr. Robert B. Laughlin, Nobel Prize winner for physics in an interview 
with the leading German journal DER SPIEGEL
In the previous article I have proved in a comprehensive manner why modern cosmology is an entirely false categorical system of human scientific knowledge. It is the most recent physical discipline in the history of human science and emerged as an independent discipline less than a century ago. Since it initially evolved from physics, precisely from the general theory of relativity, while dealing with the rapidly accumulating experimental data coming from astronomy, it includes all the theoretical and epistemological blunders which these sciences had adopted in the past.
Most of the theoretical blunders that vitiate present-day cosmology stem from physics as astronomy has failed up to the present day to establish a rigid theoretical system with which to structure its most heterogeneous data and thus accepts uncritically and without any reflection the mathematical models that cosmology has  imposed on it. The reason for that is that most astronomers are poor mathematicians and do not understand the enormous complexity of the current established cosmological models, such as the inflation theory. At the same time most cosmologists are mere mathematicians and have a very poor knowledge on physics, so that they have no idea on what real physical phenomena they apply their pure mathematical models.
There is such a profound disconnect between the unyielding mathematical efforts of present-day cosmologists and what is considered acceptable in physics nowadays that it is impossible for me to understand how it was possible that such weird hypotheses as the inflation hypothesis could gain such a popularity and acceptance among scientists even when their sciences can be rightly defined as “fake science“. I have already discussed this troublesome theoretical deficiency of modern cosmology with respect to the recently published doctor thesis of David Hawking
which created an immense hype in the mass media, however, without any critical assessment of his actual scientific achievements, which are none.

It is very important to discuss this topic at the beginning of this article as most people and even scientists cannot discern between astronomy and astrophysics as explorative, applied sciences and cosmology, which is an entirely theoretical mathematical discipline and has actually little to do with these disciplines except to consider some of their findings as black holes, neutron stars, various forms of radiation, such as the cosmic background radiation, etc. That is why when I discard cosmology as science in toto in this and previous articles, I do not consider astronomy, although it also brings very little knowledge on the true reality of All-That-Is.
In fact, this entirely optical discipline significantly contributes to the profound gnostic confusion of mankind with regard to our true origin as cosmic multidimensional beings of enormous creativity. The reason for that is the basic gnostic truth that human senses are the chief source of all human illusion in this 3D holographic model and that humans are essentially “eye-animals”, as I call them: They acquire almost 90% of their external information as optical perceptions. In this sense astronomy is an “eye discipline”, even, or rather especially, when one uses most sophisticated telescopes, and contributes immensely to human illusion as a cosmological worldview.
The central piece of present-day cosmology is the “big bang” hypothesis, also known as hot expanding hypothesis as laid out in the standard model of cosmology. It assumes that the universe, as observed today, has evolved from a state of homogeneous energy with a negligible space and incredible density which exploded in a small fraction of a second. This initial state of the universe is described as the “big bang“. Since then, the visible universe – please, recall that cosmologists can only perceive the visible universe as I have proved in my previous article – is believed to have been expanding incessantly. For further information on the “big bang” hypothesis and how this bogus idea was introduced historically in science read also this article:
The “Big Bang” Is Yet to Come in the Empty Brain Cavities of the Cosmologists – Two PAT Opinions
In the context of this cosmological outlook, Hubble’s law is interpreted as a “law of expansion“. As this law is an application of the universal equation, we must reject this cosmological interpretation on axiomatic grounds. I have shown that Hubble’s law assesses the constant space-time of the visible universe. The two natural constants that are derived from this law, the radius of the visible universe RU and Hubble time assessing the age of the expanding universe 1/ H= AU =  1/fvis, give the constant space and time of the visible universe and confirm this conclusion. In this way I eliminate the first basic pillar of the standard model – the interpretation of Hubble’s law as a law of universal expansion.
We shall now present additional proofs for this irrefutable conclusion. The idea of the expanding universe is a consequence of the faulty idea of homogeneous space-time in the theory of relativity. I have shown in the new physical and mathematical theory of the Universal Law (volume I and volume II) that Einstein had not completely corrected the empty Euclidean space of classical mechanics, but had only introduced the reciprocity of space and time for the systems of matter.
Einstein regarded the gravitational objects as embedded in empty and “massless” photon space-time defined as vacuum, which is an absolutely wrong idea.
Read also: The Space-Time Concept of the Special and General Theory of Relativity
The End of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity – It Is Applied Statistics For the Space-Time of the Physical World
 I have proved that photons have mass and thus eliminated another epic blunder of present-day cosmology – the existence of “dark matter“– that alone makes it to fake science.
With respect to the reciprocity of space and time, Einstein assumed in the general theory of relativity that vacuum could be curved or bent by local gravitation. The current interpretation is that the path of light is attracted by local gravitational potentials and for this reason cannot be a straight line in space.
When this space-time concept is applied to cosmology, it inevitably leads to the neglect of the finite lifetimes of stars, as they have been described by Chandrasekhar and have been only later verified in modern astrophysics. The finite lifetime of any gravitational system is a consequence of the energy exchange between matter and photon space-time (see previous article).
The new Axiomatics clearly states that all systems, being superimposed rotations, have a finite lifetime which is only determined by the conditions of constructive and destructive interference. During this vertical energy exchange, the space-time of the material levels, such as atomic level, electron level, thermodynamic level etc., is transformed into the space-time of the photon level and vice versa.
Photons have a much greater space than that of the particles of material levels, as can be demonstrated by the [1d-space]-quantities of their elementary action potentials: the Compton wavelengths of the electron, λc,e=2.4×10-12 m, the proton, λc,pr=1.32×10-15  m, and the neutron, λc,n=1.32 ×10-15 m are much smaller than the wavelength of the elementary action potential h of the photon level, λ= 3×10m, or more precisely, in the order of their intrinsic time – the specific Compton frequencies as Table 1 demonstrates:

The [1d-space]-quantity of the elementary action potential is a specific constant of the corresponding level. It assesses the specific space of the level. During vertical energy exchange between two levels, the expansion of space-time changes discretely in specific constant quantitative leaps. These leaps can be assessed by building space and time relationships between the levels (the universal equation as a rule of three). Such constants are dimensionless numbers. In the new Axiomatics, I call them “absolute constants of vertical energy exchange“ (see Volume II, chapter 9.9).
When we observe vertical energy exchange only in one direction, for instance, from matter to photon space-time, this process is perceived as an explosive expansion of space-time. This is precisely the current cosmological view.
The thermonuclear explosion is a typical, albeit more trivial, example of an energy exchange from the nuclear level towards the photon level also defined as radiation. This process is associated with an extreme space expansion described as “nuclear explosion“. The reason for this is the extremely small space of the hadrons compared to the expansion of the emitted photons during nuclear explosion, as has been demonstrated by the corresponding time magnitudes of these systems of space-time – the Compton frequencies or alternative by their intrinsic space constants – the Compton wavelengths (see Table 1 above).
When this vertical energy exchange is observed in the direction from photon space-time to matter, it manifests itself as a contraction of space. Black holes are a typical example of extreme space contraction and for that reason they are circumscribed as “space singularities“. Initially, black holes were believed to only “devour“ space and matter. However, this would be a violation of the law of energy conservation (1st law of thermodynamics).
Later on, it has been proven (only within mathematics because black holes cannot be directly observed) that black holes emit gamma radiation at their event horizon and thus obey the axiom of conservation of action potentials (see Axiomatics), just like all other systems of space-time. This has eliminated the spectacular character of these celestial bodies. For this reason the Russian term for black holes “frozen stars” is more appropriate.
The mean frequency of gamma radiation of black holes fH can be presented as a function of the intrinsic time f of the elementary particles of matter:
mp  fH = m( fc,e + fpr,e + fn,e ) /3
The high temperature of black holes is another quantity of material time – the time of the thermodynamic level of matter. In Volume II, chapter 5.5, I have derived the new fundamental CBR-constant  KCBR  and have shown that the frequency of the maximal emitted radiation depends only on the temperature of the material body:
 fmax = KCBR × T ( see Vol II, equation (82)).
In the previous publication I have used this constant to reject the second pillar of the standard model – the traditional interpretation of the 3K-cosmic background radiation (CBR).
The 3K-CBR is believed to be a remnant of the hot radiation of the big bang, which has resulted from the subsequent adiabatic expansion of the universe. This view is presented in the standard model of cosmology and is closely associated with the erroneous interpretation of redshifts by Hubble’s law as discussed in the previous publication.
From this elaboration, we conclude:
When the vertical energy exchange is observed only one way, that is, from matter to photon space-time, it gives the impression of space expansion. When the energy exchange is considered unilaterally from photon space-time to matter, it gives the impression of space contraction. When both directions are taken into consideration, the total change of space-time measured as ΔV (Vstands for the volume of the universe) is zero:
ΔVU  = 0, or VU = constant.
Space-time remains constant.
This is an axiomatic statement of the new theory. It could have been easily deduced from the conventional law of conservation of energy because energy can only be perceived as space-time by humans and scientists alike (see the principle of equivalence of the Primary Term in the new Axiomatics), as this illusory perception of human senses is independent of the sophistication of the applied instruments. Indeed, humanity should have been spared this intellectual insanity that fraudulent, stupid or unethical scientists have offered us as fake cosmology.
In present-day cosmology, photon space-time is regarded as a homogeneous empty void. For that reason this discipline considers the vertical energy exchange between matter and photon space-time only one way: from matter, which can be observed, to empty space, which allegedly has no structure because it cannot be directly perceived by human senses, although it is obvious in physics today that all elementary particles are spontaneously created from the “energy-rich” vacuum (void), which is a classical oxymoron and the greatest idio(cy) of all. This one-sided anthropocentric view – human beings are part of matter – which is a product of their limited senses and linearly thinking carbon-based brain, automatically evokes the misleading impression that the universe expands in the void.
As the finite lifetimes of stars are not considered in this outlook, modern cosmology has no adequate idea of the discrete, ubiquitous energy exchange between matter and photon space-time, unlike in the new Axiomatics. In Volume II, chapter 3.7, I have proved that when the axiom of reciprocal LRC is applied to the visible universe, this system of space-time can be described as a function of the LRC of the photon level and the gravitational level.
The space of the visible universe given as SU , which is the circumference [1d-space] of the event horizon KS as the spherical surface [2d-space] of the visible universe (see equation (241) in Volume II) is proportional to the LRC (universal photon gradient) of the photon level LRCp = UU = c2, which stands for space expansion, and is inversely proportional to the LRC of gravitation as expressed by the gravitational constant G (which is field or acceleration per definition) that stands for the contraction of space as gravitation is a force of attraction (see equation (37a), Volume II):
SU = c2 /G
This beautiful, simple equation is an application of the Universal Equation as a rule of three. It embodies the entire space-time behaviour of the visible universe according to the axiom of reducibility and exposes current cosmology as absolutely “fake science”. It proves that its circumference SU which describes the event horizon of the visible universe is a constant [1d-space]-quantity because it is a quotient of two natural constants, c and G, assessing the two levels of vertical energy exchange – photon space-time and gravitation for matter.
It is indeed amazing how it is possible that so much information which encompasses the entire theory of modern cosmology can be condensed into such a simple equation, which is a rule of three and thus the simplest equation in human mathematics. This is the virtue of the new theory of the Universal Law. It shows us that:
  • Simplicity is beautiful.
  • Simplicity is pure knowledge.
  • Simplicity is the utmost form of aesthetics.
  • Simplicity is freedom of Spirit from the shackles of matter.
For obvious reasons, cosmology, actually astronomy, can only assess the space-time of the visible universe and is not in a position to obtain any experimental evidence beyond its event horizon (see previous article). This is the privilege of the new Axiomatics of the Universal Law – it assesses the primary term of All-That-Is epistemologically and not empirically (priority of axiomatization over empiricism).
As we see, the new Axiomatics affects an incredible simplification in our cosmological worldview and rejects the idea of an expanding universe as a false unilateral perception of the energy exchange between matter and photon space-time. This idea has given birth to many paradoxes, which are closely associated with the interpretation of the Doppler effect in the context of Hubble’s law (see previous article).
Read alsoDoppler Effect Is the Universal Proof for the Reciprocity of Space and Time
But first and foremost the rejection of photon space-time as a real level of All-That-Is and its substitution with empty space (vacuum) has prevented so far the development of new technologies based on free photon energy which will very soon bring unlimited abundance to the entire humanity. Therefore, all false (fake) scientific ideas have a huge negative impact on the evolution of humanity and cause a lot of suffering and pain to all the people. Science is not an ivory tower fully detached from human existence. It determines through its ideas human life in a profound manner. First comes the idea, then its materialisation, this is a fundamental gnostic truth that everybody should deeply internalize. For this reason, all false ideas in science should be abolished once and for all, at best in the course of this year of 2020, so that humanity can begin to enjoy freedom, abundance, creativity, and unlimited intellectual expansion. The Universal Law and its Theory of Science is the only vehicle to achieve this noble goal.
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