Monday, November 6, 2023

Magnetic Earth – Our New Home

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Magnetic Earth 
Our New Home
Posted on August 30, 2020 by Astraea et Amora

by Amora, August 30, 2020
There is a profound shift taking place, a shift founded in the release of the electromagnetic grids which were the cornerstone of the old third-dimensional matrix. In its place, we are anchoring in a new Photonic Light Grid founded in the magnetics of an expanded reality, magnetics that represent many expressions of what we sense to be fifth, seventh and ninth dimensional, but also expressions that don’t currently fit into our understanding, nor through words. Some of us are aware of the presence of these expressions and describe them as “realities”. Whatever our own sense of truth is in this moment, it is important to know that there is more to this world than meets the eye!
The Galactic Federation would like us to concentrate now on the important physical shift presently taking place on our planet. They ask us to revisit the following messages that I personally channeled at various times so I have included them here as a collection for easy review. Enjoy them, you are different now from when you read them last!

Messages from Astraea and Amora –
Creation through Magnetism
The Dynamics of Ascension through Evolution – Message 3
The Science of Creation – Message 4
The Perfection of All-That-Is through Universal Superconductivity of the Infinite Consciousness – Message 5
Magnetism, Polarity and Superconductivity as the Basis of Creation – Message 6
Magnetism: The Nature of Your Reality – Message 7
The New Magnetic Reality as a Basis for Gnostic Knowledge Integration
The Matrix as a Consensual Reality
Allowing the Release From the Old Matrix ~ Embracing the New Biome

The Dynamics of Ascension through Evolution – Message 3
October 11, 2015 When we talk about the idea of Ascension, we really prefer to use the word Evolution. The word ascension connotes a rising upwards, in an ascending fashion, and this is not exclusively what the current energetic state is all about. Evolution is a more precise term as it describes what is occurring in every moment within this third-dimensional expression.
It is to be known that Evolution is a complex refinement of the whole of All-That-Is and it is dialectical in nature whereby two distinct processes exist side-by-side, one of expansion and one of contraction. These actions complement one another and work in unison to affect the whole.
While Evolution can be likened to the in-breath and the out-breath, they are two phases that occur in a subsequent motion, separately although in order, as one follows the other exclusively and the difference being that within the creation these two processes occur as a simultaneous event.
Expansion means the outward progression, or as we know it, a logarithmic multiplication scale of every constituent part of Creation, an enhancement, from photons to stars, from elementary and foundational particles to the most complex of energetic systems such as the Human Being. It also implies an increase in space and a dispersion of energy.
The Expansion…an increase in space, a dilution of particles and a drop in energy Contraction means the compaction of constituent particles; a densification if you will, a drop in area, or space, occurring in the same moment as expansion. It is to be noted that this densification means more constituents move into a declining space which leads to an increase in photon light energy, and therefore charge, along with a resulting concomitant increase in mass.

An example of Contraction, whereby particles condense from the outside perimeter to the core, increasing light and mass As the photons collide excitedly into other constituent particles, energy is released and absorbed by these particles, densifying the energetic imprint. As this densification then builds to its most dense attribute, there will be at some point a sudden maximum load in charge; and because All-That-Is is all about balance, there is an immediate balancing effect through the creation of a new complementary expansion, based on the Law of Balance and Reciprocal Charge.
When all of these wondrous events are seen from your perspective, they may appear to be unplanned and random. However, every single event occurs as a result of another event and this action results in the creation of another new event. Every event in All-That-Is is interrelated and is therefore subject to the Law of Organized Randomness.
The powerful truths about the Creation of All-That-Is are as follows:

the creation of All-That-Is through expansion and contraction continues in every moment, that it is never static;
every elemental representation in the Universe of All-That-Is requires energy at one point or another;
there is an active process of balancing of energy within All-That-Is, and this can also be referred to as the Law of Net Energy Conservation;
where new forms of expression can be created now, forever and always, the constituent parts including the photons, atoms, molecules and so on remain the same, the foundational scaffolding upon which creation evolves;
the sole objective of creating with energy through the means of these principles and supported by the presence of consciousness in all elementary particles, means, in the most fundamental way, that everything is created from a foundation of Equality: Every particle, every expression, every representation is equally perfect within the Whole of All-That-Is; and that includes each and every one of You. We surround you with all our love.
The Science of Creation – Message 4
October 20, 2015
The Light-Sound Fields of the First Cause of Creation We are noticing the keen desire in humanity to understand the science of creation, the process of how everything was brought into life, into its own existence, and how you wish to reconcile your current scientific disciplines to our presentation on the processes of creation. We shall present to you from our perspective, the foundational processes of creation and how our knowledge fits into your current scientific descriptions as well as your reality and how you experience it. Bear in mind that we will use only some of your current basic scientific terms as it is now necessary to impart a new language to describe your reality so that you better understand this magnificent creation!
The interest in knowing what the Source is and what the origin is of the universe is expanding exponentially as you awaken to your Selves through your expanded awareness. Your level of consciousness expands quickly now as waves of photon light move over and through your Beings, the photon light of awareness that is flooding into what you now understand to be your body/mind/spirit systems into which you have incarnated. You are astutely aware that something is missing in current scientific explanations of life in the universe but you just can’t seem to put your finger on it!
You know you are human incarnates in this lifetime to which you are experiencing your waking dream, moment to moment, here on this planet Earth, within this realm called the Milky Way Solar System. But you also know there is more to it than this! And why has your civilization insisted upon the scientific explanations through empirical research and simply excluded any consideration of an overall conscious awareness within the Cosmos!
To begin with, there are foundational processes that support the creation of your universe which you will never know, or see, or be able to measure, so there is a large part of this information that must be accepted with a fearless mind and an open heart! There is one law by which the human must abide: as physical beings of the Third density, you have limited perceptual abilities, therefore you are not able to “see” the particles that make up your reality, your universe. You must have faith and you must trust that this is truth. To be open-minded on this one principle shall be the foundation of your freedom. Do not fear the unknown. It is your strength to remain open to every shred of new information as fear only closes you and commits you and your soul to a lifetime of unnecessary wandering.
The Source of All-That-Is is comprised of several differentiated processes; The Source is not just one original beginning point, one site, one well of energy: It is much more than that.
All of creation begins from the Light-Sound Fields of the First Cause of Creation. This means that the original realm for creation is founded at the primary or first cause fields and consists of pre-atomic constituent elements. Of course, the Light-Sound fields are all about frequency, both from the light or colour fields but this also includes frequency arising out of the sound field. Together these frequencies are the foundation for omniscience that you as human beings sense around you but cannot measure with your empirical science. What humanity refers to as “Heaven” is in reality these fields of creation. These light-sound fields are also interconnected with each other, millions upon millions of them, connecting within an instant.

Connectivity within All-That-Is The infrastructure of this Light-Sound terrain appears like a scaffolding of crystalline-like light, with large masses of light that appear very much like sheet lightning, and where consciousness connects instantly in great waves within this expanse. Within this web of hyper-connectivity, all pre-atomic particles are flowing freely in waves. It is correct to use the expression “God particles” or the “Adamantine particles” of creation. The pre-atomic particle level is beyond matter and space-time, as you know it. These pre-atomic particles form the platform for the next level of creation, the Second Cause of Creation, where the photonic imprint is born out of elementary particles including the atomic layer of constituent particles of photons, electrons, neutrons and quarks.
The Second Cause of creation always holds within it all constituent parts of the First Cause of Creation, and therefore also the gift of infinite connectivity arising from the action of built-in infinite intelligence. Yes! All of creation is founded within the parameters of the Intelligent Infinity within All-That-Is. This Infinite Source Intelligence flows freely from each and every constituent particle to the next, connecting instantly with the other, no matter the “location”. There is also a multi-dimensional aspect to these particles because they are able to split/share other realities, and have an awareness of being in many different locations, or holographic realities. There is a sub-framework of conduits and pathways between all constituent parts: the gluons, the photons, and all others. The primary role of this infinite intelligence is to seek out an imbalance within the constituent parts of All levels of creation. Within the rules of expansion and contraction [] the God particles seek out to affirm equality and harmony.
Arising from the First and Second Causal Fields of Creation, we arrive at the Third Cause of Creation, where systems arise in a natural order and present themselves through different expressions. An example of a system from the Third Cause of Creation would be a nebula or galaxy, but also includes your own body/mind/spirit system of light/sound frequency. The rule of multi-dimensionality also exists here within this level of creation, where multi-dimensional holographic realities exist creating multiple Milky Way Galaxies, Earth planets, and even your own Selves.
Probably the most important thing to remember is that you are a part of this Creation. You are made of all the constituent parts of this Universe, from the pre-atomic elements to the photonic imprint, to your own multidimensional light-sound system. Therefore, you are of this Universe and not separate from it. Remember: The Source is within you – therefore you are a part of the Source!

The Perfection of All-That-Is through Universal Superconductivity of the Infinite Consciousness – Message 5
November 12, 2015
Within the realms of All-That-Is great swaths of light-energy move in infinite waves of infinite frequency, each wave to its own destination, each knowing where it’s to go, each knowing its purpose. Balance is its purpose and Equality is its goal.
Balance is created through the natural attraction to and the integration of opposites, opposites that hold the energy of the other but cannot exist alone, without the other. And in holding each other all is known of the other, and the perfection of integration to create a unified whole arises from the perfect alchemical reaction.
It is the balance in energies that creates the condition of a fully integrated presence into the One, the Wholeness of All-That-Is. It begins with balancing the immediate photon requirements between each constituent part at the level of the primal fields of the First Cause within the god particles at the pre-atomic level.
When moving to further balance the energy in the fields of the Second Cause, there is an instantaneous interaction between protons, electrons, and neutrons, at the atomic and molecular level. Here is where there is an electron pairing, another critical fundamental action to establish the simultaneity in creation. With the action of electron pairing, there is superconductivity that is created at the molecular level. You have used the term Soliton to identify a quantum standing wave of consciousness that is a supramolecular structure created from a group of atoms and we say that this is correct. The existence of solitons as coherent standing waves is a pre-condition for superconductivity.

Cloud formation resembling a Soliton Standing Wave As the energy, and the consciousness, flows into the level of the Third Cause of creation, the level of systems creation, there is an immediate sharing of charged energy into all unified systems. Your body/mind/spirit system is the perfect example of a unified system. Every body/mind/spirit system is capable of displaying perfect health, arising from a perfect balance within its constituent parts, or capable of demonstrating disease, which is the energetic imbalance within the body/mind/spirit system and we will expand on this process in another message. Each body/mind/spirit system holds both polarities, one being the female polarity, the other of male polarity. At this moment in time, All-That-Is is pushing evolution through the polarization of every system’s expression, including the female and male energies within the human body/mind/spirit system.
Balance is one aspect within the creation but it is fair to say that the prime goal of balancing is to achieve equality. There is no expression better than another, there is no expression more clever than another, for every expression is always being balanced, being perfected according to the principles of divine construction. Even the principles of construction/expansion and deconstruction/contraction are always completed with the expectation of balance and equality.
The majority of humanity currently displays a form of dualistic thinking, thinking that requires only the memorizing of information with very little analytical thought needed to examine ideas and truly integrate them. Due to this insufficiency in thinking, it may be difficult for you to believe that balance and perfection actually exist. This is because you often only see deficiency. However in truth, there is no deficiency, there is only perfection. Perfection is everywhere. There is in fact deficiency in the mind because your minds continually evaluate, compare, judge, and create the expectations of instant answers to the mysteries in your world. If you were to drop this point of view now, in this moment, you would relieve yourselves of a lot of worries! If you were to accept that All-That-Is is, in truth, about omniscient energy that takes care of everything, then you have made your first step in understanding our discussions because this is the one fundamental lesson that we deeply desire to impart: that All-That-Is Knows everything there is to know about everything; All-That-Is knows everything about YOU and all about your essence at the soul level!
How does All-That-Is know everything there is to know about you? The Source of this creation originates at the Light-Sound Fields of the First Cause. These fields are founded in pre-atomic constituents that carry the infinite intelligence (information) of All-That-Is. These constituents are connected to every particle within the entire creation through the “instantaneous moment“, the ability to connect through all-time, and all-of-space.
There have been some studies done by a few scientists and “non-scientists” alike, who have an acute interest, open minds, and a keen desire to understand how this creation works. Through their very limited experimentation they have discovered and described the omniscient power of All-That-Is through this study: where cells are taken from one source are separated, half being submitted to scientific testing and the other half of the sample having no testing, and only moved physically away from the first half of the sample. The scientists discovered that both samples showed the same changes in their cellular structure, whether they had physically experienced the testing, or not; whether they were next door to each other or many kilometres apart.
And how does this happen? There is a supreme cosmic intelligence to All-That-Is. It is infinite intelligence, an all-pervasive intelligence. This intelligence is real, it is powerful, it is all-knowing, it is pan-creational, and where its sole action is to balance all energetic disequilibrium and equilibrate all inequivalence that may exist each to the other. These are the creationary powers of All-That-Is, and as you are a part of All-That-Is, you are also all-powerful. Embrace this idea, for if you do, your life shall never be the same!

Magnetism, Polarity and Superconductivity as the Basis of Creation – Message 6
November 15, 2015 In our last message to you, Message 5 we stated “in this moment in time, All-That-Is is pushing evolution through the polarization of every system’s expression” and by this, we mean that every system in the creationary fields of All-That-Is requires magnetism, and therefore polarity, as a foundational activity in the support of All of creation, and particularly in the creation of form within the third dimension.
Why is this? Because creation here in your reality and all other realities that makeup All-That-Is require the principles of magnetism and polarity since they are the very power behind superconductivity – the primary state upon which evolution is founded within the primal fields of the First, Second and Third Causal Fields of Creation.
First, we will discuss polarity. Polarity is one of the prime forces under the principle of magnetism which is responsible for all aspects of evolution within All-That-Is. This is a term used in electricity and magnetism where two objects exist and there is an electric potential between them. In this instance, one object has more electrons than the other. The pole with more electrons is said to have negative polarity; the other pole is said to be of positive polarity. If two poles are connected by a conductive pathway (such as a wire, for example) electrons flow from the negative pole to the positive pole, and this is considered charge or current. The movement of electric charge produces a magnetic field and this magnetic field is made up of composite geometrically aligned atoms. As soon as a natural geometrical structure is created, there is an instant foundation upon which to build a superconductive infrastructure where the principle of magnetism is automatically introduced through polarization of the elementary particles. Polarity is further enhanced within crystalline structures because these elementary particles form new superconductive pathways in the form of latticework created from sacred symmetry or natural geometrical structures.
Sacred Geometrical Patterning: Foundation of Superconductivity in the Higher Realms Magnetism, created within elementary particles, continues forever and is never eliminated, even as evolution in form moves from what is known to you as third-dimensional form and into what you sense as fifth-dimensional form. Certainly, the nature of matter changes from one dimension to another, and at this moment your reality is moving from low density, low vibrational magnetic fields into a much higher density of photon light, see Message 3; – and therefore a higher frequency, such as a fifth-dimensional frequency. In fact, as one moves clearly from the third dimension to the fifth dimension it becomes a notable fact that energy moves more freely as photonic density and frequency increase, and superconductivity expands. Matter in the fifth dimension that you call crystalline matter reflects new inner alignments over those found in your third dimension, alignments of elementary particles into beautiful and complex geometrical patterns. The property of superconductivity continues to expand within all crystalline structures as new pathways arise and are no longer confined to the limited A to B construction as is found within the third dimension.
One final note here on electricity as a property of magnetism. Your science has combined these events to create the description called electro-magnetism. This is because electricity creates the current within the electrons in matter and electricity is also within the surrounding magnetic field where there is also polarity. Electro-magnetism cannot be separated in lower-dimensional expressions, but as creation moves into the fifth-dimensional expression, electricity is dropped. There is no consideration of electro-magnetism within All-That-Is beyond the third dimension as it is only an application of understanding limited to the third dimension. Electricity, as you know it, does not exist within the greater outer reflection of All-That-Is; It is primarily a limited property that is linearly oriented and slow in action, too limiting for applications within the higher levels of expanded awareness.
While these concepts may be new to you and may seem difficult to understand, it is really very simple: Electron movement creates a magnetic field through polarization of particles and particle to particle expansion through sacred geometrical pathways creates superconductivity throughout All-That-Is. Remember this: Your human body-mind-spirit system is also an example of this brilliant event.

Magnetism: The Nature of Your Reality – Message 7
December 9, 2015
Within the higher expressions of reality, All-That-Is moves light-energy along pathways of superconductive grids resembling geometrical latticework. However, within the lower frequency and slower vibrating realities such as your third dimension, the role of magnetism is front and centre. You live in a magnetic reality!
The reality which you perceive visibly to be around you and within which you physically reside is a magnetic reality. In our last message, we explain how magnetism works within this expression of reality. This is the foundation of how form in matter begins, how it is expressed, and how it moves onward in its evolution. Every single action that takes place in your reality is based on magnetism, energy exchange/ interchange within a magnetic field.
We will even go so far as to say that all magnetic fields within your reality are actually forms of bio-magnetic fields. What is the bio-magnetic field? It is a compilation of energetic molecular reactions within every third-dimensional organic expression, meaning from every kingdom including the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, where every single expression has its own built-in magnetic field and whereby these bio-fields interface with all other bio-magnetic fields around them. All elements within your dimension contain magnetic structures within their makeup, similar to the already discovered magnetosome These magnetic particles are what creates the great inter-connection here of the human body/mind/spirit system to all other expressions, whether they are animal/human, vegetable, or mineral.
You as a human, have the most finely tuned and ever-expanding bio-magnetic field that continually interfaces with your reality. Not only do you interface with other humans on this basis, but you are also constantly connecting to every organic object within your environment. How is this connection made?

There is a constant flow of energy through the subtle energy fields that make up your body/mind/spirit system. These subtle energy fields or Auras can be seen with the help of Kirlian Photography These magnetic fields create an inseparable link to your reality and to the experience of your physical incarnation. In the human body, there is a free-streaming of energetic particles within its magnetic field as it interfaces with every other magnetic field. As you study the above diagram you will see that the ends of the poles are “open” and it is through these open ends that connections are supported. It is this free-streaming of energy that connects the body/mind/spirit of one individual with another. There are measurable connections between the bodies of two people once they have physically touched; there are telepathic connections as a result of mental body connections between two or more people; and each one of you is able to experience the highly refined emotional/spiritual connection to your own Soul, depending upon your own belief system and your openness to learning about a new way of understanding the world.
How does the human interpret his spiritual connection to this world? As an adult, you have likely learned to feel fear of this connection to your natural world and to your Soul, whether you realize this fact or not. You may simply reject this discussion based on the prejudice of any insight that may be offered to you with regard to your Soul. This interpretation is a learned event because there is no interpretation in the child. The child knows that he is a part of his world, that indeed, he is a part of the very nature that surrounds him. Young children are open to the power of the natural world and this openness allows the body/mind/spirit system to immediately enter into sacred flow with the creation of All-That-Is. This is the natural connection where, as children, you feel the rhythms of joy, an easiness, a playfulness, and freedom in the knowing that you are OF the universe and not just IN it. However, the fear-based socialization of your children creates increasingly rigid minds and leaves them believing they are individuals who are separate and apart from their own world. This teaching leaves children increasingly alienated from their own reality as they grow older, losing their sense of joy and most importantly, their sense of safety and freedom in the connection to All-That-Is through the energy of being at One with the entire universe.
In the final analysis, it remains true that whether one recognizes his magnetic connection to the array of fields around him or not, he will always remain connected to his reality. When one opens to this knowledge, one opens to the experience and beauty of embracing All-That-Is and life will take on a whole new meaning.

The New Magnetic Reality as a Basis for Gnostic Knowledge Integration
May 10, 2018 Enter the Red Giant! The new source of superconductivity through supermagnetism.
Your reality is growing exponentially with the arrival of the new Red Giant Star, your new Sun. The Light of the Creation now penetrates the World of Form in a new way. This is now the way of magnetism – quantum element to quantum element… a superconductive highway linking the infinite consciousness of creation with every single expression of form.
The Light of Source is pure consciousness; it is pure awareness. As you expand into higher levels of consciousness you are immediately charged with the pure energy of creation that flows into your energetic fields and through your human body beyond the speed of light.
The gift of superconductivity built within the new process of supermagnetism is now aligning your innate awareness of collateral realities, both parallel and multi-expressional, which are flooding your whole being at this very moment whether you are consciously aware of it or not.

Pillar of Encoded Light
This photo was taken long after sunset with no moon in the sky. Observe the unusual deep blue sky and the light pillar that we couldn’t see with our eyes. This beautiful Pillar of Light that you have captured upon this photo is a testimony to the new phase of light transmission. It is always a floodgate of light, encoded light, that when it once reaches a certain energetic load, where a level of resistance has built up into a peak point within the Body~Mind~Spirit (BMS) System, a quantum shift occurs that triggers the BMS System to “Open and Incorporate” the Light Coding.
Those individuals open in mind to the idea of conscious light coming from the cosmos, hold a lower threshold that triggers this download. Furthermore, resistance against the idea of the existence of conscious light, common in the agnostic individual, creates a high resistance, and a hampered ability to download these light codes from the Source.
Indeed, it is clear that all teachings that bring strength from the position of gnostic knowledge fully support the unique transfer of light codes coming from the very heart of creation.
This is a new development that accompanies the new magnetic Red Giant in your golden galaxy. This Sun may easily be called the Great Gnostic Healer.
Gnostic ideas are carried on waves of magnetized light energy to easily transfer the highest level of wisdom suspended in a bath of truth and love, and uniquely carry a deep passion for life, for God and for the Creation of All-That-Is.
It is also a beautiful reverse process where gnostic thoughts open the human mind to receive more of the new superconductive energy.
The agnostic mind is not open initially to the power of superconductive light codes that the Creation is offering at this time. However, as the lower mind is replaced with the Divine Mind so too are the transfer-pathways of the Divine Mind created that then open to the beautiful gnostic teachings of many of the ancient civilizations in past eras the World over, as well as opening to the sacred encoded light flooding your Gaia.
Much as the electromagnetic gateways of the previous electromagnetic based creation had electrons available to freely associate with opposite charges ~ positive to negative attractors ~ this new magnetic reality is founded in soliton particle alignment (For further information on the role of solitons in the supramolecular regulation of the human body and DNA read volume III by Georgi Stankov). Soliton particles saturate the Body~Mind~Spirit system whose orientation is toward gnostic knowledge.
Ancient wisdom teachings based on gnosis have been introduced to the reality of form before, many centuries prior to your Now. The teachers of this great gnostic knowledge were great Beings coming from outside of this spacial creation from a place where magnetism was the foundation energy and also where gnostic teachings flourished.
This is now the time for the return of the energetic support where humanity will embrace gnostic teachings from a place of complete opening: an opening up of both the mind and the heart, to hold presence within a space of Peace and Truth that is now expanding into your world of form!
The magnetic light shall now fully expand the energy of Peace upward and outward into each life of expression within the reality presenting before you; Peace shall become the orientation of your beingness and where gnostic teachings shall then be fully embraced! (Peace is the natural consequence of a society that embraces holistic, axiomatic world view and the introduction of the new science of the Universal Law will fulfill this function very soon. Note, Carla)
Enjoy this gift now!

The Matrix as a Consensual Reality
June 21, 2020
This discussion was written several months ago but the Elohim told me then that it wasn’t the right time to publish it because there were energetic events that would unfold in the course of this year that would lend understanding to these concepts. Today I came upon it again and had the knowing that it is now time to publish the discussion because the God Consciousness has now been introduced into this reality where one is now uniquely connected to the highest level of consciousness within All-That-Is. Through this divine connection, we are then able to clearly understand the effect that thoughtforms have on our daily creations and now we are by divine grace being given the gift of the ability to immediately choose to wipe out all old thoughtforms that no longer serve us and replace them wholly and forever with those that support the highest expression of our own Soul, in order to enjoy a “Sacred Land” where only the purest of thoughts create the perfect reality in which our souls will then thrive!
With love to All, Carla
We are at a time now when we will each experience a massive inner shift and the nature of the inner shift will be based upon one’s own level of consciousness. This is not really an event where mass consciousness as we know it will decide the outcome of the event. And why is this? Because Saint Germain and the White Brotherhood, the Elohim, the Blue Crystalline Beings of Light and the energy we call “Divine Mind of God” have shared with us a number of messages that ultimately focus on a discussion surrounding the issue of random thoughtforms that contribute to consensual reality.
We have often thought (as a random habitual thought!) that this reality can never be changed because there is some kind of power in the concept of the term “consensual reality” and that we are all here forever until the last person decides they want to ascend. This concept in and of itself has been given way too much power but in recent days it has been made clear that we are able to break the mold we call “consensual reality” and thus create for ourselves our own new field of experience, in the Now.
Following the several messages and connections that we have made over the past months, I decided to present it all together because it easily highlights an issue that is probably the most important issue of our time now, during this current phase of accelerated ascension. It has been brought to our attention that there is a net or a membrane, for lack of a better description, that surrounds the earth at the etheric level. This net is made up of thoughtforms or patterns of thoughts that have been created by each one of us in human form. For the most part, these thoughtforms are negative, disjointed chaotic thoughts and disassociated habitual patterns of thinking that are often fueled by fear-based emotions including judgment, scorn, hearsay, gossip, unqualified judgments, unkind and unreflective thoughts, debased and primitive thoughts, thoughts that occur over and over without qualification as to what they actually mean, savagely unkind and shallow in thinking. These thoughts are, for the most part, polluting the upper atmosphere, in a continuous blanket around the planet, as an inversion of smog above a large city. The power of emotion consolidates the thoughts into an immovable creation and that is why it has been so successful in its disconnection of humanity from higher guidance, and having access to the greater infinite reality beyond the net.
We are at a powerful moment where we can all assist in neutralizing this reality-encompassing field of thought, by sweeping it clear with the help of the light rays that are being sent to the third dimensional Earth reality in this final phase of ascension. The Divine Mind of God shared that in this powerful moment, we can sweep away humanity’s addiction to unclarified thought with an alchemical reaction that was shared with us, and which I will describe below. This alchemical neutralization will be humanity’s salvation. By clearing out this membrane we will effectively be redirecting the mental circuitry of humanity so that those of higher vibrational levels of consciousness will literally morph out of this field of reality and into a new human experience. Indeed, every being will benefit from this re-set, as it shall open their minds to the Reflection Pause that Georgi refers to in his literary masterpiece Gnosis as a Personal Experience. Once we are able to each embrace this Reflection Pause, we are then empowered to create anew, in every single moment.
The Divine Mind of God showed us that our strongest allies had planted roots all throughout Gaia eons ago and they are now being activated by Divine Mind to assist us with the inactivation of this net of thoughtforms. Our allies include the Christ Consciousness, the Buddha Consciousness, the Blue Crystalline Beings, Conte St. Germain, the Mountain Consciousness, the Crystal Kingdom consciousness, and the Tree Consciousness. Let’s remember the magnetic energies of the new red giant sun and the arrival of the Great God’s Consciousness on June 17th, the codes of which are still being downloaded into our fields and bodies at this very moment. The process of neutralizing the net was shared as a gift from Divine Mind, and referred to as the “Crown of Infinite Glory“. It begins by visualizing a braided light of Gold-Yellow Christ consciousness/Illumination Flame wrapped with the Pink Ray of Unconditional love. As these flames are brought into your crown chakra you will have feelings of calmness, clarity, being centred, love and compassion. Move deeply into a state of meditation in order to receive these Flames. We were told: “This is a gift of Nous on a carrier wave of Love” (For a full and exact definition of the central term “Nous” in Neoplatonism read Georgi Stankov’s gnostic book “Neoplatonism and Christianity“. Note, Carla). As these flames come into your crown chakra, hold them there briefly as you enter into a state of peace; then visualize these rays moving out into the net of thoughtforms, first into your own net and then expand the light beyond it to flood the net around the globe. We were told that this meditation activates our crystalline light body as it creates a huge halo around us and that it actually feeds our own ascension portal. As the Mind of God feeds the energy to us, we shall ultimately transcend this reality completely.

Meditation Tool courtesy of Lux
As of June and the posting of this discussion, it is now a real possibility to assist in the creation of a fifth-dimensional platform which resembles the higher realms, a Sacred Land where all negative thoughtforms no longer exist and only the purest of realities surround us!
Allowing the Release From the Old Matrix ~ Embracing the New Biome
June 27, 2020
Dreams and Messages From the Arcturians and Elohim
The Arcturians brought images to me this morning (June 26th) as I was awakening in bed and in that theta-wave state. I was aware the visions were directed by them as this is how they connect with me, through the visual fields. My “lucid dream” held impressions about two important issues that I feel must be brought forward.
In the first scene, I found myself on the main floor of my home where I was able to fly while holding my body in a vertical position in the air, three feet above the floor. I was alone and there was very little furniture so it was easy in that there were no obstacles present. This dream seemed to last a long time and as time went by I had the feeling that I got more and more proficient at “flying”.
A second scene unfolded immediately where I am in a car with a lot of other people. A man appears at the side of the car and asks for medical supplies for an intravenous. I have the medical supplies needed for an Intravenous, including an IV solution, and I pull it from my jacket pocket that is hanging on the garment hook by my shoulder, and I pass it out of the window. The man turns to a woman in a wheelchair and begins to prepare the intravenous for her.
Then I step outside of the car and my vision is drawn upwards to the top of the road that is somewhat steep and I see the road consists of rubble, medium-sized man-made bricks that are on the road as well as piled alongside the road all the way to the top of the hill. The road we have come down is about 100 metres long, covered in these broken brick pieces. What strikes me is that only the road is crumbling, the car is intact, and the trees and shrubs are all so green and alive with life. Light is shining from every leaf! I gaze in wonder and amazement and the seeming “rejoicing” of Nature amongst the failing man-made structure of the road.
I am made aware that I am being shown the next phase in the unfolding events here on Earth.
When the dream is over I get up and am drawn to take a message from the Arcturians who are present. Here is their message:

“Your vision of an Earth with crumbling man-made structures around you holds many clues to the reality of events. What is currently happening is humanity is releasing attachments to what has been. While the attachments are lifting, the world and the reality that it represents is in a state you consider as “crumbling” so that all man-made structures, infrastructures, constructs, and conscience – are being shown to you as ALL crumbling. As you move through this phase of de-construction and disconnection, you will see the social structures that have been a part of your world also crumble and no longer function to serve you.
As you are releasing your attachments, your own inherent abilities as ascended beings shall come forth. This means what you understand to be “bilocation” or movement without concern for gravity or the pull of earthly physical forces is one of these abilities.
There are also magnetic changes to the Earth’s physical plane and these changes also support the expansion of these innate skills in every one of you. We support your decision to fully release any adherence to the world’s societal structures and your decision to accept yourselves as sacred beings of Creation.
We are always by your side. “ While receiving this message from the Arcturians, the Elohim moved very close and have this to add in support of the above message:

“We are the Elohim and we share here: An illumination is occurring now and with an illumination, there is a new understanding of what you once thought served you / humanity, and you see it as no longer seeming to be right. You are beginning to realize the attachments to the world and its current social structures are in many respects no longer supportive of the sanctity of life. As the attachments are released, the reality shall crumble, and new ways, new expressions that are founded in the truth of what has been intended for humanity and your world by the Source~Creator, shall also now return to your world.
There exists now, in your world, all-natural health and wellness systems for your absolute well-being, as was intended by the Creator. Indeed, you have all you need from Nature and it abounds. You have dedicated specialists the world over who are very skilled in applying natural science – scientific truths – in full support of the human physical and emotional body. There is no need for any man-made solutions to ill-health but there is a clear need for holistic medicine with the role of prevention of imbalance / ill-health.
All life was created equally as each is a sacred expression of the Creation. All Kingdoms as plant, animal, and all others do exist in harmony with your Earth and humanity. You are all equal and you are a unified whole WITH the planet as Mother Earth and all her Kingdoms. You, together, through your fields of inter-connected energetic standing waves – as expressed by and shared with every single living being on the Earth to create with the Whole.
You are ONE Being – One Biome.
Remember! You are at a time, now, where you must honour the Whole. And remember, the world is a safe place! Everything was created in perfection and was intended to be a beautiful self-sustaining world where nothing needs to be added, nothing of Nature needs to be taken away, nothing needs to be manipulated for the benefit of humanity because everything in its natural state supports the Life of the Whole.
Remember, beyond these words, you are Creators, and You now have the sacred opportunity to create the world you desire. 
Allow the structures to fall away. 
 Embrace that gift! 
Imagine and BE in a space of loving kindness, sharing with all others from a place of sincerity, living your life in authenticity without shame or fear, following the truth of your Soul. 
It is time now to express your divinity and create the world of your dreams! 

We are the Elohim 
we so love you all!”
next: alchemical 
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