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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Dear Arcturians,
the space-bound members of your Galactic Family, wish to speak with the
many human members of our Galactic Family who are now located on the
surface of your beloved planet Gaia.
the members of the higher dimensions of reality, are often known
as,“Your Galactic Family” because we are, indeed, the higher dimensional
expressions of the awakened and awakening “humans.”
many awakened humans on Gaia within this now are actually Galactics who
have volunteered to take a human earth vessel to best assist Gaia! Gaia
is also know as Mother Earth. Gaia
is indeed your Mother as you, “The Awakened Humans on Earth” were once
members of those who are now known as “The Galactics.”
will now assist you to understand how and why you chose to lower your
consciousness so that you could limit your "innate fifth dimensional
energy fields" into the lower frequencies of the third dimensional
human reality on Earth, which is the third dimension.
third dimensional frequency of reality encompasses the frequencies of
reality in which most humans perceive as the "normal" frequency of
reality in which human beings, as well as all the plants, animals,
waters, earth, as well as all the visual, emotional, third dimensional
experiences, that appear to the humans as the "normal" frequency of
who have traveled up into the outer space, or to very higher mountains
and/or deep into the earth, would likely, also, have a different
experience of what is "normal."
fact, as more and more humans expand their consciousness beyond the
"third dimensional normal" consciousness, and into the fourth, and
especially the fifth dimensions," have expanded their concept of
as more and more Galactics determine that humanity is able to embrace
seeing their Star Ships in the sky without fear and/or anger, we
Galactics will allow our Ships to be more visual to the
"Third-Dimensional Humans" on Earth. By the term "Third-dimensional
humans," we mean the humans who are often unaware that there are higher
frequencies of reality.
as more and more humans allow themselves to believe in the higher
frequencies of reality, as well as the higher dimensional beings who
live in those higher frequencies, more and more humans will slowly, or
even quickly, expand their consciousness to encompass the higher
dimensions of reality.
more and more humans are able to allow themselves to believe in the
higher dimensional dreams and images that flow into their heart and
mind. These higher dimensional thoughts and feelings makes them feel
safe and beloved.
more and more humans will begin to allow themselves to believe that
there is much, much more to Gaia that they could believe in while they
still appear to be limited to their third dimensional states of
those who are ready, and willing, to assist Gaia's Earth, will be able
to remember to call upon the Fifth Dimensional Galactics to assist them
to heal, and re-birth, Gaia's beautiful planet!!
many people are NOT aware that they have a Galactic Family that
resonates to the higher frequencies of reality. Also, many people do no
not,YET, believe in anything that is of the higher frequencies of the Fourth Dimensional dreams, sleep, and creativity, as well as their INNER Remembrance of their own inner Galactic SELF.
in a dream, or a very deep meditation, these third dimensional ones
begin to sense that they believe in Higher Realities! They may not
know WHY they suddenly believe, or WHY they have gradually
allowed themselves to allow themselves to expand their consciousness
into the Higher Worlds of the Higher Fourth and Fifth Dimensions.
are soon aware that they do not perceive these realities in their daily
live. However, they often, or even usually, they have these experiences
when they are dreaming, having a peak experience, walking in Nature,
looking up into the sky, or deep into the waterway.
first, they may not remember their dream life, but as they begin to
realize that they can "imagine" that there are higher dimensions of
At first, they do not totally believe that they could ever have a higher dimensional experience--and so they do NOT! But, little-by-little they begin to remember dreams, or see a movie, or talk with a friend, or just look up into the Stars and feel like something is there!
fact, if they continue to look up into that which they have not yet
experienced, they just might begin to remember that long ago, or when
they were a child, they had an experience that was unseen, but so very
filled with a recognition of a place, a Star Ship, a different place
with different looking beings that are filled with love and sparkled
with light.
"Could that be real?" they ask themselves. Then, maybe, they get an answer. Maybe, they even hear deep inside themselves:
"Of course,
they continue,
we are YOU, and you are US
in a higher frequency of reality!!
YOU have chosen to remember.
Which, it is the beginning of your rebirth into SELF!
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