Friday, June 18, 2021

share, Video 156,en, Answers of an Alien from Andromeda

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Video 156
Answers of an Alien from Andromeda – video hundred and fifty six – July, 2018.

- Hello my friends! I was busy these days in our new colony on Mars. 

We also took an opportunity to land on the large 506-mile-wide asteroid called by you "Vesta", about a quarter of the diameter of your Moon, which is passing in its orbit through the system. 

He is practically a rocky planetoid very abundant in ores, and in his last passage through the asteroid belt he displaced many hundreds of other smaller asteroids, and many of them will pass near the planets Earth, Mars and Venus of today until the end of August. 

We will be attentive to possible events.
Q - Mythi, was Bitcoin an ET creation? 

Satoshi Nakamoto is a pseudonym/name of a person or group of people who created the original Bitcoin client and author of the original reference white paper which details the protocol. 

Nakamoto participated in the network by helping with the code and mining until 2010 when he/they disappeared, never to be heard from again. 

Can you tell us anything?

- See Michael, any monetary system that may be created or suggested after an integration of your planet will be based on intercultural trade rules, enabling economic integration with other members of the CG. 

The creation of Bitcoin as they call it is an attempt to implant a monetary system that comes only from groups on your planet, without external interference.

Q – Mythi, is Acupuncture a very old mapping of the body and a gift from a more advanced civilization?
- Carlos, mapping all nerve endings were gifts of some mother breeds to various cultures on the planet. 

They have been around for millennia, and some societies have begun to use these mappings to induce stimuli and relaxation based on the nervous reaction by the introduction of needles into these nerve endings. 

At the time there was no access to equipment to map the nerve network so this defines the external origin of the planet. 

Q - Mythi, what can I do to assist disclosure of technologies that apply to the health field? How can I develop therapies, most based on resonant frequency, without being discredited by my colleagues for even thinking about trials? Is there a simpler way to do this mentally without using equipment? I feel I have so much to offer and am sad I cannot put my ideas into practice. Any suggestions? 

- Tony, as I said earlier, the concentration of cosmic energy is just a matter of training and practice. 

Cosmic energy, roughly speaking, is a huge set of frequencies that encompasses the physically vibrational and the entire quantum range. 

Depending on the problem you focus on you will tune in to the optimal range to be used at any given time and for the particular purpose. 

This tuning is automatic, that is, the brain serves as an antenna that adjusts the ideal uptake for the desired purpose.

Q - Mythi, this photo shows Schumann Resonance on the 26 to 28 of March, 2018. The measures are made in Russia in the city of Tomsk. Can we at lat 38º north, longitude 9º west, (Peninsula Iberica), consider that those values are accurate for Peninsula Iberica because the distance between both points? And also, what can you elaborate about the peaks of 40 hertz, and the cycles of 3 to 4 peaks per hour? Are those readings accurate?

- Carlos, these measurements are correct in their periods, they are not so accurate in the amplitudes. The globe pulses entirely as a whole. 

Higher frequency peaks are interactions of core magnetism with magma layers more densely accumulated in certain regions, especially where large clusters are increasingly close to the surface of the planet, interfering more intensively with the geomagnetic field. 

With this you have a vague idea of what is happening now with your layers of magma and with the planet's core floating in the center of this moving mass. 

The excess heat generated by the dynamo process is causing the expansion of magma volume forcing the planet's crust to make room for this new volume. 

Q - Dear Mythi, if you have any idea then please tell us which alien race is this? Thank You!
- Nikhil, Michaela, Michael, this is very vague. The photos are also very bad. By having hair can be of numerous breeds of origin Pleiadean or Boots, but it is impossible to identify with certainty. This photo of a control booth is not anything like any ship of that time or any other ship.

Q – Mythi, is there any common tree on both your planet and earth like banyan tree or anything?

- Kit, all the plants on this planet were brought here by specialized botanists. They were sown in the appropriate climatic regions at the time, and millions of seeds of various species were sprayed by air. That is, we have plants and tree types similar to the ones you have and many other species that have been adapted on our planet that you still have no idea they may exist.

Q – Mythi, what is the real reason behind President Trump wanting a Space Force?

- JBharco, I can only imagine one reason; try to divert attention and large sums from the public. 

Anyone knows that no armed technology will be able to travel through space from below the Van Allen belt, so it's just fiction designed to deceive the people.

Q - Hi Mythi, I’m a microbiologist and would like to ask; does your race and or other humanoids intake lactic acid bacteria of any kind, even of non-dairy origin, for example plant-derived LAB, in order to maintain your gastrointestinal microflora intact? And in case you or others do, are the strains you’re using similar to some genre we have here on Earth, like – Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Enterococcus, Streptococcus and so on, as well as what is their origin – dairy LAB or non-dairy LAB?

- Tsveti, our gut flora is very similar to yours, because yours also came from outside. 

Our flora as we receive it when children with a minimum of breast milk continues their normal balance throughout our lives, without artificial or natural replacement needs, unless there is some digestive poisoning accident that forces the need to restructure the flora by means of treatment. Lactobacilli and coliforms among other microorganisms are an integral part of the digestive system, as they cause the degradation of the food and allow the extraction of essential substances. 

The difference is that our blood pH is naturally most basic meaning we use less lactic acid digestion and have low levels of uric acid in the blood and tissues. The levels of colonization of the digestive system differ from race to race, depending on the type of food consumed and its biological formation.

Q - Mythi, back in 2011 Todor asked you about Global warming and you said that the warming is “caused by the heating of the solar system as a whole” and because of “the process of reversal of forces by the approach of galactic hemisphere” and no “local causes”. You said that the process of transition was expected to end in 2013, but 5 years later we are still witnesses of crazy climate all over the Globe. 

Do really the constantly growing population and its need for energy, obtained by burning fossil fuels, haven’t any impact of all, whatsoever, on the climate of the Earth and the only reasons are Earth's expansion and adjustment to the new frequency, and when is it expected to finish, since they continue beyond 2013?

- Elly, in the case of heating, the frequency changes of the solar system warm the interior of the planet which in turn externalizes as a temperature increase globally, but in turn can be aggravated by acts of degradation of the environment such as deforestation and atmospheric spraying of products such as aluminum oxide. 

After the Nibiru system was diverted and the addition of counterweights to keep the Earth on its axis longer, the CG scientists delayed these consequences a little since your elites had plans for these catastrophes and would not give the chance necessary for a large number of your fellow citizens to be better prepared for these changes. 

Now the planet is loose and on its own, the changes are already under way.

Q - Mythi, please tell us about the beings who created such sophisticated cave art in several parts of the world. What was the purpose of these drawings beyond merely hunting? Thank you!
- Luna, actually, art is part of everyday life for humanoids. From the men of the caves there always existed those who stood out with different artistic gifts. The retraction of daily life, animals, hunting, objects, was a way to leave some legacy for future generations of their tribes and societies, as well as to please the gods or entities imagined for protection and good fortune.

Q - Mythi what are the human demographics on Mars? Explain how CG sets the guidelines on Mars to human and non-human demographics or levels on a new planet like Mars. Do I understand correctly the human consciousness populating Mars effects the aura developing on Mars?

- Karen, as I've already mentioned, Mars is a cosmopolitan planet now, that is, it does not have an effective owner. 

Any race that desires a facility or colony there should only advise the CG on what is and what the specific purpose. 

There are still no studies on demographic data due to a constant population circulating because it is an open planet. The aura of a planet is consolidating with the passage of time, it is independent formed by humanoids or non-humanoids. In the case of Mars the aura will be formed by all the living beings that will inhabit the planet as in the case of the Earth.
Q - Mythi, a blue spot appeared in a region of dunes on Mars that did not exist before in pictures from the same area, could you tell us something about it?

- Miro, in photos or telescopes with good resolution you will be able to observe several new "spots" in the desert zones of Mars because large quantities of raw materials are being transported through portals and deposited in these zones for use of the diverse communities that are investing in installations there. From the depot sites the materials are removed with local service ships to be used.

Q - Mythi, what is required for admittance into the community galactic? Is it now just a simple process of waiting for the negative and greedy to die off and the new generations will bring the change required for (Open contact) ascension with them in time? Also, is it possible to make a request to volunteer for the CG directly to take part in the efforts being done in this solar system, relating to this world and its people? Are our brains developed enough to be trained to use the equipment you use and work alongside you? Thanks.

- Wilhelm, the admission process in CG demands stability relative to the volume of positive influences on a lower percentage of negatives. 

This may happen any time societies are freed more and more from the mental controls imposed so far by those in power. 

An awake people is a people who

 own their own destiny. 

There is the possibility of volunteers being trained for various functions for teamwork, but until there is a CG guideline about this type of relationship, the possibilities of volunteering become unfeasible. 

When there is a release of interracial communications with your planet the opportunities will become real, including future exchanges for the purpose of technology transfer.

Q - Mythi, I am curious about the insect races, how big are they? Are they similar to insects here on earth? Do they fly, buzz etc.?

- Johguin, Insectoids are another story. 

There are many variations all with exoskeleton and many types of mutations adapted to their original planets. 

They range from tiny to bigger than your biggest whales. 

There are species that fly, jump, run and even amphibians. 

They are much stronger and more resilient than any humanoid, and if they had the qualities of our brains they would surely have dominated our entire known universe with tranquility. 

Fortunately for us, their brains are more instinctive and directed towards practicality, their brains are devoid of the areas responsible for feelings that transcend the directed and immediatist logic. 

This causes them an extremely slow development compared to the humanoids in general.
Q - Mythi, you said several times before that our Elite and its representatives has had meetings with representatives of Community Galactica. If our Elite knows about the presence of CG on Earth and communicate occasionally, then why CG is still hiding from regular people? Thanks.

- Hristo, these encounters are in essence for return agreements of technologies captured among other guidelines. 

There is really no open conversation on general matters. 

The CG is following norms as it does in any other rising colony, but your elites intend to delay this process as far as possible to try alternative plans for the planet that they consider to be their property, not yours. 

Only the CG knows when it will be able to present itself to the general public, and this is an occasion that is awaited.

Q - Mythi, can you tell us the importance of monoatomic elements, such as monoatomic gold, platinum rodium etc. Is their ingestion beneficial and in what way?

- Urosh, monoatomic elements are combinable elements, even with other atomically unstable metals like those called by you of "heavy metals". 

These elements may be used for organic detoxification but would have to be used in very well calculated doses not to cause a cumulative effect of these elements. 

The lack of these "heavy metals" would cause long-term monatomic elements to combine with less unstable elements that are part of the body's normal metabolism causing organic losses in other areas.

Q - Mythi, can you tell us something about origin of this scull called the Sealand Scull?

- Mikhael, this is a monkey skull, not humanoid or alien. It's from a primate from your own planet.

Q - Mithi, information has become available that addresses what we call electrogravitics, basically consisting of capacitors & high voltage. Some of these are being flown by governments. Individuals like myself who have gained access to these schematics and are capable of building these devices are concerned about taking this forward. The colleagues that were close to having a finished operational craft and another 2 who actually flew these into space were promptly confiscated by the government as a "matter of national security". Several of us now have these plans and would like to bring this public. Has the time come for us to build these ships and make the public aware?

- Tonitor, you know that your elites will try to master the technologies they consider to be in conflict with the current economic and energy model, so there will always be a risk of announcing something that creates a conflict of interest until there is an integration in which your elites will definitely lose that control. If you want to know if this system works, send the data to the CB and I can verify if there is viability in these projects.

Q - Mythi, would you please offer your allowable analysis of Earth’s physical stage (within shift). Thank you!

- Peter, the inertial mass of the planet is immense but it is expected a change of position of the rotating axis in a short time because the internal liquid masses are in great movement and more and more close to being
exteriorized by the tectonic breccias, in this period where the planet is growing 5 percent in diameter. I cannot give you dates, but the process is already underway right now.

Q - Hello Mythi. I am curious about the early development of the initial tribes that you said were brought here around 6500 years ago. How was the transition from one planet to another for the people brought to Earth? May we please have some details? How does our development compare with level 0 colonies initiated by the Galactic Community with similar although more peaceful tribes? What are the major differences in cultural and spiritual evolution over time? Thank you in advance.

- Degas, I did not specifically say 6500 years ago. Humanoid colonies have been developed on this planet since 300 million years ago. 

When a tribe or humanoid community is physically transferred, the race godmother provides adequate location and protection against the elements of the planet so that the new colony has the minimum necessary to develop. 

As you can see, there are many buildings, walls and underground facilities that are unexplained by your scientists because they were made with extraterrestrial technology to provide basic security conditions for these colonies. 

After being left here with the basic infrastructure, the colonies would continue to grow by the process of new incarnations directly on the planet. 

Every culture has its roots linked to its origins, but spiritual development is independent of the culture itself, is really linked to the sense of community and love and respect for all that can provide social peace and the balance of the environment. 

Take the time it takes, if society reaches a level of serenity and understanding, it will gain more access to knowledge, sometimes through volunteers of its mother race who move to these colonies to assist in this development. 

When development provided the necessary baggage for that community to move to level 1 it was transferred to a planet that could provide a better habitat for that community. In the case of your planet, the Earth has moved to level 1 of frequency and, after cleaning level 0, it will become a cradle for levels 1 and above.

Q - Mythi, you told us about the level two man who brought order to your society, much like our religious figures like Earth's Jesus Christ. I am surprised no one asked the name of thy magnanimous visionary brother! What is his name? Do you exclaim his name every time you hit your thumb with a hammer?

- Jerry, we call him Yonis the Great Friend, and no… if we hit our thumb with a hammer we blame the inefficient other hand.

Q - Mythi, in video from the Apollo Moon Mission with the body of “Mona Lisa”, we see a distinct dark bump/spot on her forehead between the eyebrows. We have analogy here in Hinduism. What is that, some kind of device? Anything connected to meditation with a magnet on forehead? Can we build something similar here?
- Pavel, this device is part of an old survival system that was put in when the crewman had any hope of a rescue. 

He kept his body in a state of hibernation. 

In this image, the connection pipes with the system had already been disconnected and the unit was no longer operating, even though these systems maintained survival for a few years, so it was no longer useful in the case of this crew of 1 million and half years ago.

- Well friends, I should be available for more questions in approximately 3 weeks, and I hope CB will be available to a new sooner encounter. A personal hug for all of you from this friend from Marstuk (the name we gave to our new colony there!).

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