Monday, April 24, 2023

162, Answers of an Alien from Andromeda – video hundred and sixty two

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Video 162
Answers of an Alien from Andromeda – video hundred and sixty two – March, 2020.

This is a quick message in which questions from our members were not included, it is an observation from Mythi
about thousands of questions about it that have come up lately, and he took advantage of his passage to justify his absence in these last few months. 
Cheers! CB

Mythi message:
- Friends, finally my crew and I have returned to this quadrant of the Galaxy. We had a lot of work on the missions
involving the rise of 4 colonies to level 1, with full integration into the Community Galactica. 
Three different solar systems, 4 new level 1 societies. On two of these planets belonging to the same system, we had an integration problem due to elites who controlled one of them, somewhat similar to your planet. 
And we have a good idea of the conduct in the intervention of the Community Galactica, which is likely to follow the same patterns with respect to Earth. These elites ended up having to accept all terms and those who did not agree, agreed to be
transferred peacefully to another planet adapted to receive a zero level colony to be developed. 
They preferred exile to having to live with a level 1 society supported by the CG, which by their concept was considered to be of a lower class. 
These behaviors are visibly caused by the super ego of these elements, who prefer to reign at a lower level than to develop a consciousness of united race at the same level of development.
 This is a behavior with classic similarities with your elites, who used all methods to associate with a reptilian race to isolate their own colony on Mars. 
Now, in just a few more years of you we will have some other rises to level 1 in this quadrant, except, the expected rise of you my old friends to a long-awaited direct contact, with us here to help. 466 and later you can apply to work together with volunteers from this transition with access to technology and
socializing with other races who will appreciate your collaboration.

- Nice to be with you my friends again! I really hope to see you soon.
Video 162


Answers of an Alien from Andromeda – video hundred and sixty two – March, 2020.

This is a quick message in which questions from our members were not included, it is an observation from Mythi
about thousands of questions about it that have come up lately, and he took advantage of his passage to justify
his absence in these last few months. Cheers! CB
Mythi message:
- Friends, finally my crew and I have returned to this quadrant of the Galaxy. We had a lot of work on the missions
involving the rise of 4 colonies to level 1, with full integration into the Community Galactica. Three different solar
systems, 4 new level 1 societies. On two of these planets belonging to the same system, we had an integration
problem due to elites who controlled one of them, somewhat similar to your planet. And we have a good idea of
the conduct in the intervention of the Community Galactica, which is likely to follow the same patterns with
respect to Earth. These elites ended up having to accept all terms and those who did not agree agreed to be
transferred peacefully to another planet adapted to receive a zero level colony to be developed. They preferred
exile to having to live with a level 1 society supported by the CG, which by their concept was considered to be of a
lower class. These behaviors are visibly caused by the super ego of these elements, who prefer to reign at a lower
level than to develop a consciousness of united race at the same level of development. This is a behavior with
classic similarities with your elites, who used all methods to associate with a reptilian race to isolate their own
colony on Mars. Now, in just a few more years of you we will have some other rises to level 1 in this quadrant,
except, the expected rise of you my old friends to a long-awaited direct contact, with us here to help.

- As you know, the year "2020" that you point out, is a mere reference set by your own countrymen. 
It is a count that means nothing in the context of space time.
 The Earth has already given billions of transactions around your Sun, so, having accepted this count from a certain solstice mystically chosen by your sects, it represents absolutely
nothing for any other society. 
The fact that you chose a particular point as a "zero" reference and from then on to less or more, has no meaning in the reference of real stellar times, only for your own everyday reference. 
But, Mantuk's colleagues and I hope that this year, referred to as "2020", there will be profound changes in the social
context of the planet, enabling your expected entry as a new society in the Galactic Community.

- Your elites are under attack, the neutralization by CG of the specific frequency range of the
5G system for the
control of nanocomponents that your elites had in mind to implement caused the sudden change of plans for the
biological attack and this theater of the new virus was already prepared to be part of the game a long time ago and has now been implemented. 
Part of the society that fights for the liberation of societies from the harmful influences of your current elites is working in this context. The context of this virus being planted globally is for the planet as well as its economy to have a significant paralysis, involving the economic failure of several societies and consequently providing the beginning of a global control of the economy with the implementation of the new
world order by the elites. In this phase of social and economic attack, it is advisable that you take the initiative to
stock up on basic things and food for at least a few months of compulsory scarcity of goods. 
Stay alert with operations of mass pseudo vaccination, water and food contamination. This must be the penultimate game of
your elites to carry out their desperate control plans and they hope with this instability to be able to commit acts
of exception disguised as acts of contention. 
Try not to leave your regions where your family members are, as borders may be closed and everyone who tries to return may be considered a threat and treated as such. 
Another influence group is struggling in this same scenario to try to neutralize this initiative by your elites, trying to turn
the tide against them, and they are having some orientational help guided by elements linked to CG.

- Like CB Pleiadeans friend Arthur already said, baking soda or apple cider vinegar and in the absence of these
lemons will also have an effect on PH as well as magnesium chloride among others. 
Try to keep your PH between 7.5 to 8.0, and this will keep your body unsuitable for installing and attacking of any virus. 
Your elites are spreading new mutations of this virus regionally, to make it difficult to control or produce specific vaccines, so try to remain immune during this period.

- We were asked why the CG cannot create a defense against these biological weapons as it did with 5G, well, that
has a simple explanation. 
Viruses are very basic forms of life, any attempt at mass elimination of any variation of virus would inevitably eliminate thousands of other microorganisms that maintain this same type of structure, causing reactions totally out of control in the ancient balance developed by the nature of the planet. 
Taking advantage of this, your elites are trying to concentrate actions towards this side, but the neutralization of these
actions is being studied and implemented in a way that, for obvious reasons, I cannot explain at this time.

- I will meet CB again in a few days to answer general questions from the group, but I had to stop by to mention
the subject for which CB is being pressured for answers. 
I hope you are well, and trust that everything will work
out in the end. 
See you soon.

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