Monday, May 8, 2023

163, eng, called 2020, Mythi message:

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Video 163

Answers of an Alien from Andromeda video hundred and sixty three May, 2020.

Mythi message:

- My friends, as most of you are already realizing, this year of yours called 2020 will be a milestone in the
turnaround of power that millennia dominated your societies.

 The possibility of a new positioning of the planet in
relation to CG may be close. 

Be aware that this will be an important phase in your social structure, which will never be the same as it was a few months ago.


Q -
Mythi, could you tell us what is really going on among the dominant forces on the planet that will totally affect society as a whole? 

The people in general are confused and know almost nothing that is happening.

- Look, the time is close for the planet to free itself from the old (globalist) controllers of your societies. The current
US president seems to have reached, together with Russia directly and with China indirectly, an agreement, and
they decided to confront the globalists together to take them out of power and publicly judge them all. This
pandemic was created to be able to link the reaction of the globalists, but the remedy turned against them and
favored the dissident forces to seize the gold ballast necessary to make possible the new control of the world
economy. They managed to seize large amounts of gold in Europe, literally emptying the underground deposits of
your biggest religious sect, at the end of last month we followed 650 flights from Rome to New York. And so they
can support a new currency that will deal the final blow to the globalists. The total decadence of globalist control
is imminent and this could have great consequences for societies in one way or another. Keep an eye out, as most
people will not understand anything and will classify these measures as a coup and not as liberation. China will
indirectly take advantage of this situation and use its financial resources in this operation to acquire all the
possible structure in countries that will have their economies totally broken. This is a summary of the current
situation, and I decided to tell you about it because nothing else can stop the process that has already started. We
will be watching the events unfold and the CG observers will be watching.

Q- Mythi, are the global numbers regarding this pandemic totally being made up to fool us or was there any
biological agent in question acted on any population? Now that the global economy is almost paralyzed, what will
be their next move in making a one world government? False alien attacks?

- Coincidentally, a few days ago I got some interesting information. CG scientists at Antarctica base, out of
curiosity, isolated the microorganism called by you as "corona virus", and determined that it is not actually a virus
but a lifeless structure generated by bioengineering to cause blood clotting, and that it can be activated remotely
by encodings inserted in transmissions of your 5G communication network mainly. As I said before, this 5G
communication technology if used only for what was initially announced, as a wide coverage communication
system, everything would be normal, but the system is being used for remote activation of this and other devices
of the same type developed for other functions, which were spread on a large scale in your atmosphere, in
drinking water, and mainly injected directly in the form of vaccines. CG is analyzing the coded activation context
that consists of several configuration steps, one of which artificially reconfigures the system of receiving signals by
particles in random and unpredictable sequences. If it is impossible to interrupt the interaction of the system with
the particles and the process is considered an attempt at mass extinction, your entire 5G system including satellite
networks involved may be completely deactivated by probes without prior notice. I believe that your elites will not
have time to forge an alien attack, the way things are going against them.

Q - Mythi, will the beings responsible for the massive underground world (DUMBS, cities, tunnels) on Earth, be
exiting the planet? It seems that if they remain, the people of Earth could not rise to Level 1. Can you tell us recent
events of these endeavors?

- Since last month, large reptilian service ships have left for the Martian colony. See, the gold and other riches that
your elite previously brought there cannot be brought back, and that for them was a shot in the foot. The reptilian
service ships are inspected by probes and released after realizing that there are no charges coming from Mars to
your planet.
Q - Mythi, in August this year LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory in US) researchers
thought they spotted their first black hole neutron star merger named as Event S190814bv. My question: what
happened there, were there any civilizations in the vicinity of a collision? How did the collision affect their lives
and what happened to them? Thank you! ... tron-star/
- See, these cases observed by you have already happened for thousands of years in the vast majority, but when
there happen to be civilizations involved the responsible regional CG or sometimes even several of them promote
the removal of these civilizations to other planets. You see, these events happen over a long period of time and the
arrangements are planned long before there is any real danger to any of the colonies in the region.

Q - Dear Mythi, you once said that "This Van Allen belt will dissipate when the planet is at the right point", can
you please tell us what percentage of it has dissipated since then and its effect on our body and soul?

- The energy rings have not yet changed, only after the planet's integration into the Galactic Community will these
rings be neutralized. This happens in all zero level colonies, not just on your planet. The energy rings are installed
to protect the colony in both directions, that is, nothing enters and nothing comes out if you are not prepared for
it. They will not dissipate, they will be turned off. No living being will be affected by this process, least of all
quantum souls.

Q - As we all know all the particles of the atom stops at absolute zero(-273 degrees Celsius). Mythi, are there any
particles in the universe that can defy that, particles still active even at absolute zero?

- You see, -273 degrees Celsius is the temperature where the energy that operates the quantum mechanics of the
particles enters a state of paralysis of movements, but it keeps the potential differences active and that movement
potential remains inert only waiting for the quantum release with the temperature increase. Roughly speaking, it
is as if you freeze a frog and after thawing it returns to activity, life never stopped, it was just paralyzed.
There are particles that generate their own energy that need approximately - 300 degrees Celsius to maintain a
state of complete quantum paralysis.

Q - Mythi can you tell us what is going on with the pulsating lights of Venus? Is it part of the terraforming or is
there something else happening to cause Venus to behave this way? Thank you :) Signal Like Morse Code
Coming From Venus Or Massive Explosions Live Infrared -

- This phenomenon is easy for you to understand, as you have never seen a planet being terraformed before.
When you try to stabilize a large part of the planet's surface, which has a strong volcanic activity, this generates
layers of toxic gases of tens of kilometers in thickness in the new atmosphere, and these gases after the
stabilization of the process are systematically ignited by energy rays from the ships who participate in this process,
generating these powerful flashes of light.

Q - Mythi, companies are developing and launching tech such as Starlink and Google Balloons into orbit. Are these
satellites dangerous, and if so, could the Galactic Community simply remove them from the skies?

- Yes, after the planet becomes part of the CG all objects in orbit that have no practical use can be removed, even
to improve traffic at the entrances and exits of the planet, which in the case of this planet is becoming increasingly
problematic .

Q - Dear Mythi. So as it all look, Galactic Community decided to leave us in a hands of the worst satanic criminal
consortium we can imagine, so that our experiences will be well spiced with traumatic events. Do you think this is
(by your personal standards) the right way to treat all the Earthlings just because it's a policy of Galactic
Community promoted by less emotional races?
- Don't interpret it that way. As you can read in the previous answers, your society is reacting and taking the
expected course for the passage of this colony. CG members are not cold with feelings, they just cannot suck
oranges for you because that would not quench your thirst. You are demonstrating the expected ability to get rid
of the fetters that, through your own negligence, they let you put it on your legs ... and it seems that now you are
starting to do a good job in that regard. We are all rooting for you hoping that you finally suck your own oranges.

- We are here hoping for everything to work out ... and proud to participate in this special year. Be well my friends.

Members who participated in the questions in the content of this video by subject order.

Many thanks to:

Deepu, Pavel, Paul, Anthony, Shyner, Sergey Kulakov, Nikhil, Naveen, Wayne, Sitch, Yves, Tami, Rowena and


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our site. Sometimes we add some images to illustrate so, it’s important to have always a new copy.

"The worst blind is the one who does not want to see" Tao of CB


At the end of this PDF will be included a permanent section containing sporadic observations passed on to us by
Arthur, a Pleiadean from the planet Taos, who works in a team allocated here on our planet.
20/May/2020 - Friends, I (CB)talked to Arthur a few minutes ago and here is a summary of the conversation:
- We have hundreds of probes in orbit around the planet assessing everything that is being sent into space by your
people ... if some systems are considered harmful, our probes will neutralize everything in seconds.

- As for the accident mentioned by you in the interior of Brazil, there was an accident with scientists from
Aldebaran who were traveling on a service ship without the force field because they were landing at various
points collecting samples, and an aircraft of yours apparently crashed into them purposely causing the fall.
Unfortunately the scientists are all dead, and the wreckage must have gone into a state of self-degeneration.
The Antarctica base as well as the base located in Brazil and many other submarines are full, more than 500 ships
are currently on the planet, and many motherships are stationed in the system. Two new bases are being installed,
one Camelopardalis orbiting Venus and another Aldebaran on the planet Mars. The movement is increasing a lot
in this system.

- The planet's tectonic growth can accelerate the process at any time, so there may be news in this field as well.
The quarrel between the factions for the control of the planet is intensifying a lot, some destroying the facilities of
others secretly, because this undeclared war is in full course, and many great changes will certainly happen before
this year is over. I will be able to give you some coordinates, but it may be that the Mantukean our friend also
keeps you informed. Strength to all! Arthur.

30/May/2020 - Friends, I received an important message from Arthur minutes ago.
- As for the accident mentioned by you in the interior of Brazil, there was an accident with scientists from
Aldebaran who were traveling on a service ship without the force field because they were landing at various
points collecting samples, and an aircraft of yours apparently crashed into them purposely causing the fall.
Unfortunately the scientists are all dead, and the wreckage must have gone into a state of self-degeneration.
The Antarctica base as well as the base located in Brazil and many other submarines are full, more than 500 ships
are currently on the planet, and many motherships are stationed in the system. Two new bases are being installed,
one Camelopardalis orbiting Venus and another Aldebaran on the planet Mars. The movement is increasing a lot
in this system.

- The planet's tectonic growth can accelerate the process at any time, so there may be news in this field as well.
The quarrel between the factions for the control of the planet is intensifying a lot, some destroying the facilities of
others secretly, because this undeclared war is in full course, and many great changes will certainly happen before
this year is over. I will be able to give you some coordinates, but it may be that the Mantukean our friend also
keeps you informed. Strength to all! Arthur.

30/May/2020 - Friends, I received an important message from Arthur minutes ago.

- Do not let them inject any substance into you, be it called a vaccine, medicine or food. Your PTB has already
taken control of the main governments on the planet; your current presidents are merely decorative figures. The
attempt to control populations worldwide by means of technology is underway with rapid steps. Hundreds of
satellites have been launched in the last few days to cover the planet and make it possible to control the biological
integration nanocomponents that will act on populations as an option to the terrestrial communications network,
in case it has coverage failures. As they are biointegrating components, there is no way to be deactivated except
by injection of appropriate antidotes, which will be impossible to be done by forces outside the planet at this
moment of non-direct contact. Civil and transportation rights will be fully controlled. Take great care in this period
of extreme acts. Cheers!

Video 164

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