Monday, September 23, 2024

Now it is the Time to see!

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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Now It Is The Time To SEE


Now it is the Time to see!                                                                                                                                                                          

Now it is the time to see 

The ONE that we have chose to be

We may not know, or fear to show

The ME that is the part of WE

We are, of course, within the ONE

Who chose to come here from the Sun

This Sun within is how we see

The ONE that we have come to be

“What is this ONE, we hear you ask?

Why are we here, what is our task?

The answer is of course unknown

But with our faith it will be shown

But what is faith, we hear you ask

That seems to be too big a task

Can I release the need to ask

And merely complete my chosen task?

And once that task has all been done

I may believe it was great fun

But what is fun in world gone wild?

It was never like this as a child

I thought that when I was all grown

My mission would be quickly shown

Instead, now that I have grown

I am more confused by the world I’m shown

It there a way to find the past

And bring it back, so it will last?

The promises came, and we were glad

But soon that glad turned into sad

However, now that I have spoken

I feel a pledge that can’t be broken

What is that pledge that lives inside me

Can I bring if forth so I can see?

See the me I was meant to be

And know a life that’s free of strife

But “free of strife” has never been

So I often feel I cannot win

But when I allow that though to show

I find that that will make it grow

I do not want to hold my worry

And think that life is only “hurry”

What if I thought the I could see

The ONE above I’d like to be

Could I just choose to look above

And KNOW that I will still find LOVE?

Could I think that I could be

The ONE that I have sought to see?

Could it be that what I wish for

Is knocking at my own front door

I do not know if that could be

But I WILL believe, it CAN be ME


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