Friday, December 12, 2014

sharing.:::.Star Wars _When Prophecies Come True_Crash and Burn _Mortal Cry

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Star Wars

Posted on Dec 12, 2014
by cosmicgaia
in Bob Fickes
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by Bob Fickes

Thu December 11th 2014

Energy is moving in Nagoya! Nagoya holds the key to the direction of Japan. But what is happening behind the scenes here? Really I didn’t know until I took a walk in the park near my hotel. Then i saw it! Just above the city there is a battle to control the minds of the people. Space ships of the greys versus the ships of the Masters. Who will win?

The greys know that if the auto industry dominates the influence on the government, the nuclear problem will continue and the world will become desperate for a solution. At the same time, the Masters are broadcasting a beam of Galactic Light to lift the consciousness towards human Enlightenment. If the people of Japan raise their consciousness towards a more Enlightened View, then Japan can lead the world out of reliance on the negative form of nuclear power into the more advanced abilities of superconsciousness. Human consciousness can show us how to go beyond our reliance on technology. Anything that our minds can create with technology, our human consciousness can accomplish without machines. We can do anything our minds can imagine!

Right now, there is a battle raging on Earth. This is the real Star Wars. Will the forces of technology continue to drag human consciousness into slavery to machines, or will our consciousness rise above the level of a mechanical world and discover the ultimate truth of our human destiny to use our consciousness to do anything we desire. Yogis have been known to travel through space and materialise anywhere they want to go. Sai Baba has shown the world that it is possible to materialise our thoughts. Could it be true that every human being possesses this power?

The greys want us to believe that we are powerless. The masters want us to discover our hidden gifts and rise up to a level where we can not only heal the pollution of this earth including the nuclear problem that has occurred from Fukushima, but where we can begin to unveil many supernatural powers that will change our view of reality forever.

Human beings are more powerful than the gods. But this is a secret that has been denied to the general public for thousands of years. As long as we continue to believe we are helpless, we will fall prey to others who want to control us. Now is the time to rise above our ancestors and discover our true power. The Masters have created a beam of Galactic Light over Japan. It is moving energy to awaken the consciousness of everyone in Japan. But here in Nagoya there is another beam of Light that hypnotises the consciousness of the people into believing in the mechanical world.

Why do we continue to believe in the gifts of modern machines when the evidence clearly shows us its destructive nature? Are we really being hypnotised, or are we just lazy and afraid? I think the answer is a bit of both. I will always push the door of the new science of human consciousness to open for as many people as i can reach. I am not alone. The Masters are with us everyday helping us to overcome our old beliefs and step into the new world of Enlightenment. We don’t need Darth Vadar to lead us! Each of us possess the power of the Force! You will never know unless you try to step beyond the world you believe in and discover the powerful world of human consciousness.

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When Prophecies Come True – The Stock Markets Crash This Week 
by Georgi Stankov Posted on December 14, 2014

by Georgi Stankov, December 14, 2014

In my article on November 13 titled “How the Equity Markets Will Crash – Chart-Technical Analysis” I made the following clear-cut prediction:

“We have now a triple peak in DJ, Nasdaq and in all other major indices, such as FTSE, Nikkei and DAX in the last 4-5 months, since the beginning of this summer, with an extreme sharp 3rd peak in the last two weeks of October. This alone is the most clear proof for massive speculation of the big banks, before they cash and leave, and crash the markets, as the world economy, and in the particular the US, Canadian and EU economies, are in a terrible shape and this peak is not justified by any sound economic data from the real producing industry. It is a very short and highly explosive equity bubble, created by rigged electronic trading on a large scale by a few big banks and funds.

Now, there is a golden rule that has always proven true in the past. If you have a triple peak in the equity charts and if this peak is an all-time high, as is the case now, it will turn south all of a sudden and will nose dive very quickly. There has never been observed four peaks in all-time highs in equity charts. Each triad as an all-time high ends up with a crash and a prolonged bear market.

And this is what will happen between now and the end of this year. “

Now I am happy to announce that less than a month later this prediction is becoming reality because everything we now formulate as a thought, even when it deals with future events, creates these events immediately in the Now. First comes the thought and then its materialization in any holographic reality – this is a basic gnostic law of All-That-Is.

Only the sluggishness of this still 3D reality hinders the immediate realization of our thoughts, but the time-lag is rapidly diminishing these days. There is no doubt about this trend and we observe currently a plethora of proofs that everything I have announced on this website has come or will come true, independently of any quantitative measurement of linear time, as this parameter is a complete illusion of the limited human mind.

Precisely, the failure of the human mind to perceive the simultaneity of all events is a consequence of the deliberate “fraudulent” creation of linear time by the Creator through its sluggish functioning as an assembly of neuronal synapses. This is achieved with the help of a big retardation (of hundreds of milliseconds) of the electromagnetic impulses of information, known as action potentials, at the synaptic junctions that creates the illusion of linear time and the existence of space as extension. In other words, this inherent deficiency of the human carbon-based mind is the underlying mechanism of any holographic reality, which is always embedded in the multidimensional energetic (quantum) structure of the higher realms and is regulated from there. This is basic knowledge of the New Scientific Gnosis of the Universal Law.

Now with respect to the imminent crash of the equity markets and all other commodity markets such as oil, which has already crashed more or less, this week proved to be the worst one in terms of losses since 2011. If you look at the history of the major equity indices, for instance the 10-year-charts I have given below as a link, you will easily see that since the biggest depression after the Great Depression in 2008 that is still ongoing and deepening these days, there was a steady bull market and the charts knew only one direction – upwards. Why?

This has nothing to do with sound economic growth because since 2008 the US and all Western economies are in a steady decline, both in terms of real GDP and in terms of employment as measured by the steady decline of disposal income for the people.

The only reason for this virtual growth of the equity chart indices was that since 2008 the Orion clone Ben Bernanke created the biggest bubble in the history of the FED by generating out of thin air – by a click on the computer as Helicopter Ben himself admitted – 4 trillion toilet paper dollars. He did this by increasing the FED debt to other countries and private investors at the said 4 trillion $ by adopting the policy of quantitative easing (QE1, QE2, QE3) which is a parody of Neo-Keynesianism.

He was about to announce a QE4 this year, but then he realized that nobody wants to buy US treasure bonds anymore. The biggest buyers of US bonds, China and Russia, decided to buy gold instead to crash the dollar and establish their own gold-based currencies. This fundamental fact has been neglected for a long time by all MSM, but had to be finally admitted by the biggest protagonist of paper fiat money, the New Your Times in its article “The Golden Age” about which ZeroHedge writes as follows:

“The New York Times is the paper of Paul Krugman and the Federal Reserve and central banks. It rarely has a critical word to say about central banks and the current fiat monetary system. Conversely, it rarely has a positive word to say about gold. ”

Not this time, and the reason can be easily perceived. The moment, the rest of the world declined to buy worthless dollars or US bonds this fiat currency began to collapse. This began as a crash of the US bonds and equity indices, before it affects the dollar as a world currency, as I shall show below. The dollar rejection has already begun on a big scale this week as the following graphs illustrate:

Graph1: Treasury yields collapsed this week …

Graph 2: Leaving the decoupling at epic levels… between bonds and stocks..

Graph 3: and between credit and stocks…

Since 2008 the virtual capitalization of the US equity markets (Dow Jones, NASDAQ, S&P 500, etc) has increased about five-fold compared to the real assets of the companies, the equities of which are traded on the stock exchange. This is what I call a real big equity bubble, a Wall Street “Bubblemania” as some call it. And it was created by Ben Bernanke and the FED by printing 4 trillion $ out of thin air, most of which was invested to inflate the equity and derivative markets and created this equity bubble.

Now history teaches us that each bubble bursts and that each crash is preceded by a big bubble. There is no exception to this rule. When you know this fact, it is only a matter of some “clever” technical analysis to determine the most likely moment in time, when the crash will begin. A month ago I performed a chart-technical analysis of the major indices for you and predicted the beginning of the crash (bear market) of the equity markets by the end of this year.

Now I am happy to announce that this crash has indeed commenced this week. Before I show you the charts of the major indices below, let me tell you why this crash had to come and why it was unavoidable. To make this conclusion, you do not need voodoo economics such as Hindenburg’s Omen and other black magic as most American financial experts like to play with, but simple common sense.

The first and most important fact you should consider is that all economic parameters of the US and all other Western countries have gone south long time ago. I discussed this issue with Boyd in the latest Energy Report of the PAT. The Western Orion economy is based entirely on debt and printing paper money out of thin air by all central banks.

The infamous “Abemanics” in Japan of the newly elected old PM Abe yesterday is a clear example how printing money out of thin air and creating infinite debt causes an irreversible deflationary recession of the real economy, in which Japan is for almost 25 years now. The same holds true for the USA and the EU. But Japan is definitely the weakest western economy and the ultimate crash may begin from this country.

The three QE of the FED did not stimulate the US economy as the Orion economics of Keynes and the Chicago boys preach, but only deepened the 2008-recession, because there is a huge decoupling between inflated paper money and material production, where real value is created.

Graph 4: The decoupling began in 2012 when QE3 was introduced, as shown in comparison between S&P equity bubble and the oil price as indicator of inflationary growth.

In the present-day Orion debt economy, more money only creates more fraudulent money, e.g. in form of virtual derivatives (50 times the world GDP) and have no impact on production and welfare whatsoever.

This can be illustrated with the explosion of energy credit for shale fracking, which was nearly 1000 billion $ at its peak when the low oil price begun to bankrupt the US oil fracking companies, as can be seen by the plunge of the energy equity charts since the summer of this year. This default has started to spread to the rest of the markets…

Graph 5: Energy Stocks and Energy Credit

This Ponzi scheme was created only to help the richest 0.001 % of the dark cabal to become more rich in virtual nulls on their bank accounts, while increasingly impoverishing the masses with neoliberal austerity policies that will soon trigger a world revolution, however on lower timelines.

The moment the rest of the world decided not to finance the US debt in form of purchasing US bonds (since 2012 increasingly) and as soon as the petrodollar was squeezed by both, falling oil prices and revenues (one trillion dollar each week for the world oil market) and growing trade among the rest of the world, e.g. among the BRICS countries, in local currencies, the dollar and US crash has become inevitable.

The collapsing treasure yields this week indicates the beginning of the ultimate collapse of the fraudulent Orion monetary system. This trend is reinforced by the strength of the gold price, which resists the most massive manipulations of the big Orion banks in modern history, in the obvious absence of physical gold and huge demand for this precious metal on the market.

Graph 6: Gold and Silver had a great week – very stable as the rest of the markets turmoiled

Which means that the Orion banksters have reached the thick end of their manipulations and basic human logic begins to reign the markets again. The bubble has burst and the big crash has commenced. The bigger the bubble, the bigger the crash. In this case this will be the ultimate crash of the Orion monetary system and its abolition on the new 4D worlds we have created.

A month ago I informed you that all major stock indices have reached their all-time-high since the creation of the stock exchange in the 19th century. From here onward only a crash can come. I predicted this ultimate crash for the End Time as early as 1998 and published this forecast in 1999. Of course at that time I could not know how long it would take as the awakening of the masses had barely started and there was no way to predict that the light workers will fail so badly, which led to numerous delays in the ascension scenario and the final crash. But now we have reached this threshold beyond any doubt.

Please analyse the following equity markets for different time periods, e.g., 6 months, one year, 10 years, in order to better visualize and comprehend why they had to crash this week and before Christmas.

Dow Jones Chart:


S&P 500 Chart:

NIKKEI 225 Chart:

DAX Chart:

To this conventional analysis I must finally add the most important factor for the coming ultimate financial crash. It is inevitable because we as Logos Gods have decided it to be so and because we furnished all the proofs why it must come this way. This decision is based on human psychology.

First and foremost in order to take the money away from the masses by a sudden and unexpected shutdown of all banks in the West in order to open the eyes of the people for the truth as to how enslaved they are already by the Orion monetary system. As long as the people enjoy their most beloved toy – money – they will remain fully mesmerized by this Orion trap and will not be willing to see the naked truth.

The Orion monetary system is the last pillar of the current crumbling Orion matrix, which is only kept alive by the collective human illusion that paper money had any value at all. It has only value within the current collective nightmare of the vast majority of humanity, but has absolutely no relevance in All-That-Is – in the new 4dD and 5D worlds we now create.

Hence Heaven and we as its executors on the ground must pitilessly pull the rug away from under the people’s feet as to save their souls. This is the main and only reason for the coming financial crash from a higher vantage point of view, which has definitely started this week in full synchronicity with the new, peaking Source energies of truth and ultimate purification. All detailed financial and economic argumentation as presented above is thus only the icing (and the cherry) on the cake.

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Crash and Burn

by Georgi Stankov Posted on December 15, 2014

by Laurie Stearns and Georgi Stankov, December 15, 2014

Dear Georgi,

I’m thrilled. I’m sooo effing happy that this is the end of this illusion. YES, the economic crash and burn MUST happen. And it is.

As stated by you (in “When Prophecies Come True – The Stock Markets Crash This Week“)::

“As long as the people enjoy their most beloved toy – money – they will remain fully mesmerized by this Orion trap and will not be willing to see the naked truth.”

The naked truth being that one does not need money to live. End of story.


“Hence Heaven and we as its executors on the ground must pitilessly pull the rug away from under the people’s feet as to save their souls. This is the main and only reason for the coming financial crash from a higher vantage point of view, which has definitely started this week in full synchronicity with the new, peaking Source energies of truth and ultimate purification.”

Indeed, to save their souls – because this is the best way to do it.

Once people realize how hoodwinked they have been and led down the garden path by all this utter bullshit, they can then start to understand the real dynamics behind this reality – of which have NOTHING – to – do – with – money.

All of the traps will just fall away, because they will have nothing to prop them up anymore.

Then, and only then will the people realise the illusion they have bought into at the expense of their souls and forfeiting their own integrity and creativity, to mention nothing of freedom.

Once this is finished (and I can’t wait) we will all see how money and time have hijacked this reality into being the biggest prison in the universe. Because, money and time have become synonymous with freedom. Once the money is gone, poof, there will forever be time and space, plus freedom, to do all and anything.

People used to tell me I had a problem with money … boy, were they right. But not so much a problem, as to the realisation of what it really was; which was the hijacking of peoples’ spirits.

You cannot buy safety and security and you cannot buy freedom. Hell, you can’t even buy creativity with money, although some people think you can – Which leads to the daily use of imagination, which is part of the equation as to why money was introduced in the first place.

If you don’t think you have time to use your imagination to be creative, then you stop using your imagination and this is paramount to being a controlled zombie.

The ONLY purpose money has, is to ease struggling and suffering. Think about it. The very thing it creates.


Love, Laurie


Dear Laurie,

excellent comments on the nature of money. I will publish it tomorrow. You also brought me to the idea to publish a new decree – after a long time – where each PAT member can decree the crash of the Orion monetary system and the end of this toxic, pecuniary reality. I have no idea as to how much these decrees have been effective in the past, but I am sure that they have contributed to the ascension process. Now the time is ripe for a new, probably one last decree to collapse this house of cards and go home. I am so fed up with this world.

With love and light


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The Mortal Cry of the Crumbling Orion 

by Georgi Stankov Posted on December 17, 2014

by Georgi Stankov and Erick Premiere, December 16, 2014

Greetings Georgi,

The Orion system is on death watch as Russia raises its interest rates to protect against the forthcoming collapse…As you have elegantly elaborated Orion system is crying !

Erick, USA

Russia Defends Ruble With Biggest Rate Rise Since 1998


Dear Erick,

I read about this hike in interest rates but I am not sure if this move will not hurt Russia. But ultimately it does not matter, anything that destabilizes the whole financial system is good for us as it accelerates our ascension.



Amen ! The stench of iniquities has truly reached the heavens… Each day I am seeing etheric portions of my multidimensional self…surely ascension is close…

Thanks Sir.



Greetings Georgi,

All seems to go accordingly with so many in the USA cheering the destruction of the ruble… that being said what do you think of this stratagem listed here? (see Sarcha Faal Report below)



Dear Erick,

Sorcha Faal has sometimes very good insider reports, but sometimes they have been bluntly wrong in the past. This latest report is based entirely on well known and published facts and it is self-evident that the Russians have their own counter-strategy ready when the USA and the EU try to destabilize them financially as is the case now with the low oil price and economically with sanctions and other bank restrictions.

But I have somewhat difficulties to understand the following basic statement of Sorcha Faal:

“A chilling report published today by the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) is warning of potentially “catastrophic unknown consequences” relating to President Putin’s issuance to the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) of orders to initiate what is commonly known within the Kremlin as the “Samson Defense” designed to crash the Russian ruble, while at the same time insuring the economic collapse of both the United States and European Union.”

Russia decided to increase the interest rates of the ruble drastically in order to save the ruble and not to crash it. What may happen is that with such high interest rates the Russians will eventually drain the home credit market and cause a recession in their country. Well, this recession may be countered by issuing more money and credit by the Central bank as this report says. I assume that Sorcha Faal, who is not very competent in economic issues, may have used an imprecise language here.

Now let me speculate a little bit what has happened so far and what will happen in the coming days. The move of the Russians to raise the interest rates from 10.5% to 17% is extraordinary and cannot be explained solely as a support for the crumbling ruble. There must be much more to that. It is a well known fact that both, the USA and EU, are overwhelmed by their debt – both fiscal as well as private and corporate – that they can never pay back.

The Russians, on the contrary, have a very sound balance, both externally and internally. And they have the greatest advantage to have huge resources and to be able to decouple from the Western world trade, which is based on huge imbalances such as the USA trade deficit (700 billion $ per year). The USA is printing toilet paper money out of thin air to buy valuabe material goods from the rest of the world. The US production can cover less than 50% of the American demands and private consumption (3/4 of GDP). Without import of high quality products and even food from abroad the Americans will be starved within one week.

In this sense the WTO rules (world trade organisation) is an egregious legalisation of these stark imbalances from which only the USA profits. Even the EU loses in this uneven trade with the exception of Germany as the biggest export country in the world per capita, as long as the dollar is accepted as a world currency. But the moment the dollar crashes, as this very soon will be the case, even Germany will lose a lot and many Germans know it.

All this is perfectly known to the Russians and has been widely discussed by their experts in the Russian media recently. Hence there are no surprises this time. I assume that this huge hike in interest rates in Russia has a much bigger purpose than just supporting the crumbling ruble.

I personally think – and I intended to mention this in my yesterday’s response to you but then left it – that this huge hike in the interest rate is only the first step to introducing the gold-based ruble in close coordination with China.

What makes me think that this is the case?

First, because such speculations are making the round for some time. And second, because China is now in huge trouble after it created a big real estate bubble – many empty cities, airports and highways as prestigious infrastructure projects to keep employment high and to prevent a revolution of the hungry masses.

There are for instance 500 million empty apartments (!) in China, which bring no revenues as the owners have built or bought them as private investment and do not want to rent them. because their value drops immediately. This bubble is about to burst any moment from now on. Only a few days ago China also tightened the credit ratings for banks and companies which is a similar step as raising the interest rates in Russia – it leads to credit crunch.

That is why I thing that both countries are now preparing the introduction of their new gold-based currencies. In this case it is the best strategy, first to raise the interest rates and thus increase the value of your fiat currency and then to introduce it as gold-based currency. Russia is in a much better position to do this than China as the latter is hugely dependent on international trade – import and export to keep its growth rate high. The Russians are more autark in their economy as they are self-sustainable, both in terms of agricultural products as well as in terms of natural resources and even technology.

The USA and the EU are on the contrary the most vulnerable economies in the world as they are based entirely on constantly growing debt. As I wrote recently, the USA has 700 billion $ trade deficit with the rest of the world as it does not produce anything of real value anymore. As long as cheap products could be imported from China, it was an easy game. But now the imports from China have increased drastically this year, hence the big hidden inflation in the USA, which is another Chinese tactics to crash the USA.

In this respect both countries know who is their enemy number one and that a huge and pitiless war is now being waged. They are not so stupid as the people in the West. The Russian and Chinese elite know that there is no time for niceties anymore and that the war has been officially declared by the USA on them asking the Saudis to crash the oil price a couple of months ago.

What the stupid Obama & Orion Co. did not figure out, was that the Russians and Chinese will play in this poker game imposed on them and kill the USA with their own weapons of mass financial destruction, as this report by Sarcha Faal confirms one more time.

I have made you aware of the collapse of the US shale fracking industry some time ago. I think that this was the first step of the Russian plan, defined as “Samson Defence” in this report. Russia and Putin played with the USA the same poker game and increased the stakes beyond the pain threshold for the USA. They did not lower their oil production to support the oil price but increased it instead, knowing that the USA will crash first in this situation.

This is the same tactics as the Russians applied to EU by banning all food imports from these countries in response to their sanctions. The pain was stronger felt in the EU than by the Russians, who immediately found a substitute in Turkey and Latin America. They also began to increase their own agricultural production. The Russians knew very well that the Saudis have vested interests in crashing the USA oil industry and have no scruples to turn against their American ally that has already failed to protect them politically against Iran and Syria.

What we now observe is the classical Diadochus fights among the dark western Cabal shortly before their demise – everybody is fighting against everybody for the few left bones like rabid dogs. While the Western camp is deeply divided, Russia and China pull together away the rug from under the feet of the Western cabal on the other side.

It was the pronounced aim of the USA foreign policy to divide Russia and China as to prevent a new powerful Eurasian union of the two countries. That is why they triggered the Ukrainian conflict but failed badly as China sided with Russia and has actually acknowledged Crimea as part of Russia. Now China is even profiting from the plunging oil price which helps compensate for their weak economic growth this year.

As you see, all economic trends now run in favour of Russia and China and against the West, even though these two countries may not have the time to implement their plans.

What do I expect in the coming days?

The plot is thickening indeed. The big hike in Russian interest rates is a two-edged sword. It will kill the USA, but it may also kill the Russian economy. The Russian are however under full control of the situation as they can lower the interest rates of the ruble anytime when they begin to feel the pain. But the USA can do nothing about that. They are like the worst poker player who has a poor hand but continues stupidly raising the stakes without having any money to pay for it, or even worse, by borrowing money from his adversaries as the EU tried to do with Russia to save Ukraine by asking them to cancel the Ukrainian debt (as the German finance minister did recently in a conversation with his Russian colleague. In vain!).

This is what already happened with the Saudis’ deal to crash the oil price as to harm Russia. Instead they crashed the American oil industry, which was based on a 1000 billion $ credit bubble that brings no revenues anymore.

Putin and the Russians know that the FED and ECB have no chance to increase their interest rates even modestly and support the dollar and the Euro, as this will crash their already depressed economies. They can only feed the Orion Beast by creating new debt and keep the liquidity high. Otherwise, the Western economies will experience a sudden death. This is what, I think, the Russian are now doing with the help of China, which always has a more cautious policy as it has much more to lose than Russia. But they work in tandem to crash the West.

This scenario only reinforces the global financial crash, which we accelerated with our Decree today. At the end, it does not matter if the Russian economy also crashes, as long as the West fully defaults and we have a sudden shutdown of all banks here. After that we will have the total collapse of the Orion matrix and the long awaited ascension scenario, as envisioned by myself 17 years ago, will unfold. It is time for us to go home.

Everything is now aligning in a perfect order and I cannot hide my aesthetic pleasure in observing this beautiful scenario of total destruction of the Orion matrix that is now unfolding in front my watchful eyes every day. All this in full knowledge that we are the new Logos Gods and creators of this scenario – so to say, the hidden ace up in the sleeves of God’s garment.

With love and light



Putin Orders Feared “Samson Defense” To Collapse US-EU Economies

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

The CBR’s “Samson Defense” is a Russian monetary strategy designed to economically mirror Israel’s feared “Samson Option” deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a “last resort” if military attacks threaten its existence.A chilling report published today by the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) is warning of potentially “catastrophic unknown consequences” relating to President Putin’s issuance to the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) of orders to initiate what is commonly known within the Kremlin as the “Samson Defense” designed to crash the Russian ruble, while at the same time insuring the economic collapse of both the United States and European Union.

In Putin’s action against the US-EU, this report says, the CBR’sstunning move earlier today in raising the interest rate to 17% from 10.5% has had its desired consequence as the ruble plunged more than 20% and to date and has now lost about 57% of its value versus the US dollar since the start of the year, which exceeds the 36% plunge related to the 2008 global economic crisis.

Most importantly to note about this currency plunge, however, this report notes, are that Russia’s fiscal domestic accounts are denominated in depreciating rubles and its oil exports are invoiced in an appreciating US dollar, meaning that the fiscal blow from lower oil prices will be cushioned by a weak ruble, and was a strategy that Putin warned about earlier when he stated that the Federation was braced for a “catastrophic” slump in oil prices.

Equally as important to note, MED analysts in this report say, the CBRagreed to lend money this week against 625 billion rubles (over $10 billion) of bonds freshly printed by oil giant Rosneft allowing it to hoard its export dollars and meet a $10 billion loan repayment later this month, and another $4 billion in February.

As to how catastrophically low oil prices can fall, this report continues, it notes that OPEC has already stated that they are willing to push prices as low as $40 a barrel in their bid to take on Russia and US shale, a stance which began this past September when the Obama regime reached a secret deal with Saudi Arabia in order to flood the world with oil to collapse the Russian economy, but which has now backfired on them as the Saudis seek to bankrupt US shale producers too.

With 15% of US shale gas producers are already losing money because of the Obama regimes secret deal with Saudi Arabia, this report warns, up to half of all of Americas shale operations will face financial ruin if oil prices slip below $55 a barrel leaving millions without jobs in an already collapsing economy.

To the ability of the Federation withstanding a “Samson Defense” economic war against the US and EU, this report says, it should be noted that the current debt of the US stands at a staggering $18 trillion [an amount so large it is nowmathematically impossible to ever pay back] while the EU is, likewise, at a equally staggering amount of €12 trillion ($15 trillion).

Compared to the combined US-EU debt of $30 trillion, this report notes, Russia has only $678 billion in foreign debt, has very little outstanding debt and its public debt to gross domestic product ratio is 10% – an excellent figure compared to the EU’s dismal average ratio of 90.9 and the US’s 71.8%.

Likewise to note, MED analysts in this report say, is that while Russia’s debt to GDP is roughly 14%, the EU currently stands at 90.9%, the US at 80.2%, and Japan’s at 227%, meaning, simply, that the Federation can withstand any economic hardship the Western alliance puts against it.

Also, and as independent analysts confirm, Moscow‘s coffers are well-filled, giving Russia the durability to weather a double external shock – tanking oil prices and Western sanctions.

The Finance Ministry controls two sovereign wealth funds, which contained some $172 billion as of December. The money, held in foreign currency, has been accumulated during the past 15 years of high oil and gas revenues and has been earmarked as a piggy bank, primarily for the pension system.

Additionally, the CBR’s overall foreign currency reserves stood at a healthy $416.2 billion dollars in early December.

And most critical to note about the “Samson Defense”, this report concludes, is that Russia will not cut its oil production against the headwinds of collapsing prices, and may, indeed, increase its amount as the plunging ruble, combined with a rising US dollar, actually makes Federation oil the most affordable in the world.


Right again Georgi !

The Russian Ruble Is Hereby Halted Until Further Notice

Earlier, we reported that various currency brokers such as FXCM and FxPro, would – as a result of the soaring liquidity in the USDRUB pair – suspend trading in the Russian Ruble (while other merely hiked margins to ridiculous levels). It appears things have escalated again, and as FXCM just reported, instead of just politely advising clients not to open new USDRUB position tomorrow, it has advised anyone long, or short, the USDRUB that their positions will be forcibly shut in moments.

So for those curious why there appears to be a collapse in Ruble volatility in the past few hours which in turn has sent both stocks and crude soaring, the answer is simple: nobody is trading it!

And this is what happened following the post: as soon as all those short the RUB (long USDRUB) realized they have to take profits, the USDRUB tumbled some 500 pips (!) in the process sending stocks surging.

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