Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Reading ::: ▶ 39 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Nibiru - Elenin - Events - YouTube

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Video 39

Answers of an alien from Andromeda - Thirty-nine video - May 21, 2011.

Question, Mythi, the Greeks were not happy with the explanation you gave about their origin. Do you know of anything more relevant information about the Greeks?

- Well, if I had said the Pleiadeans started their culture without having mentioned the Krugs as the specific race, they would have been happier? The Greeks willy-nilly, his DNA was donated by Krugs, very nice people. Song as Krugs not Kurgs translating to English. The planet of them is a work of art; the Greeks would feel the old Olympus, if they saw. They should be very proud of their direct descendants. Greece was a very engaging culture, influencing much all of Western civilization at the time. His art and science was relevant in the development of a
historical period. They were surrounded by mythology linked to astronomy, another very particular way of interpreting the zodiac, which failed to be adopted by other ethnicities, having disappeared in Greece itself. As happened with all the major regional crops sown, the cultural and scientific representatives of these cultures did not remain on the planet, were transferred to the planet of origin for their parental races to continue their development. Just as happened with Atlantis, Sumer, Saxas, Egyptians, Mayans, Greeks, Aztecs, Incas, and several other civilizations in Asia. The elements that were remnants here of these great civilizations of the past, are hybrids that were not in the correct frequency for the transfer to the planets of origin, and became part of the overall development of the colony on the planet as common elements. From a certain time, around 1,000 years ago, the experimental crops ceased, and the ethnic groups now control their own development free from external interference, to enable a viable and official society for the planet until the end of this Galactic cycle that restarts in December next year.

Question, Ipyonic asks, can you please tell me what kind of spaceship the 'Winged Globe', 'Solar-Angel', 'Firefly' is and if this has to do with the winged globes art found in ancient Egypt, Sumerian and some more places on Earth. Has to do with Anunnaki?

- Ipyonic, several vessels have the boomerang-shaped or has wings stabilization of various formats. Some others are retractable and stationary. There are ships that look like stars with many tips when they open all the panels, as this ship from Sirius in this film. The ship-shaped wings of an eagle that you mentioned, belongs to your galaxy of a solar system, called Gorlac, a humanoid society, like your will be in 1,000 years. There is an energy system that does not use drums of antimatter, is based on energy concentrators and are loaded in the vicinity of the suns. It is widely used by societies who do not want to depend on external sources of technology for their ships. These ships have nothing to do with the old Anunnaki. 

Question, a mate ask, If Elenin is part of Nibiru system, and this system is being delayed by Krulians, why Elenin is not also delayed at the same time, because the Nibiru gravity attraction? If it is too late to delay Elenin, it means that Elenin is going outside of Nibiru gravity and it will behave like an autonomous body, or I forget some detail. - Mate, this comet is the nucleus of iron a large moon of Jupiter that was destroyed in the last passage of Nibiru through the solar system. It is in an orbit slightly different but follows the same pattern of time of Nibiru. He is out of reach of the gravitational pull of Nibiru.

Question, Ron asks, at the underground base in New Mexico, do you know if the US government is allowing Reptilians to perform experiments on humans? Also, can you confirm that at that facility Reptilians are feeding on humans?

- Ron, like I said, in these bases and laboratories they do various types of hybridization experiments in humans. They want to create a hybrid race that would be considered humanoid. They do not eat humans, their preferences are goats, poultry and fish but, eat processed meat of cows as well. If there were nothing else to eat on the planet, as a matter of survival, they certainly would eat humans, and humans would certainly eat lizards. Right?

Question, James asks, Mythi, is there any truth to our horoscopes? Is there a correlation between the planets & our birth date at the time of our actual birth? What about the Chinese calendar, each year representing different animals? Is there some truth to any of this?

- James, using the games on your zodiac constellations visible is a very old practice of trying to determine the relationship influences of stellar positions with the date of your birth. In fact, these stars are too distant to make any difference in terms of your energy into fetuses. Your moon is a celestial body nearby, and with the force of gravity can influence the date of birth in full moons because normally you have a higher incidence of gravitational pressure, that affects the pressure of fluids in the body, and mostly often accelerates events. The Chinese calendar
lists the trends for an astral solar period, the characteristics of each animal, a prediction of possible trends for certain events. It is also an illustrative way to predict the possible main characteristics of people born in those years. The date of births has virtually no influence on the type of behavior or personality of individuals.

Question, Ed asks, there is a video on the net about some Aliens in contact with the Russians. I would like to know, it’s this real or a fake... is he Zetas from Reticulum Constellation?

- Ed, this is a Gray, the breed that works associated with the Reptilians. They are scattered in all your governments of your elite. They are of various colonies here in the Milky Way and Andromeda as well, it is impossible to know which the colony of origin is, just by looking at the appearance of it.

Question, a mate asks, I have noticed recently over the broadcasting systems in North America that there are religious groups of people exclaiming that May 21, 2011 is the beginning of the end of the world. The date that they are saying the world will end is Oct. 21, 2011 is there a correlation here or just a coincidence that you may know of and how did they come into this information if theirs is accurate?

- Mate, These groups are following the logic of events. They are seeing the movement of your governments, the unofficial forecast of events, the information’s that in September and October will be difficult months. Based on this information, anyone can connect the events of a religious doctrine, it is very logical that this happens in many of your religions. Probably the elite of your churches represented by the Pope should make some strange statements to the faithful followers during this year.

Question, Boris asks, how do you make 600 million of other biological bodies for Earth victims to reincarnate in? Does some have to wait for reincarnation if there are less bio bodies? How long, and what do "souls" do in 4th dimension as they are waiting for next reincarnation?

- Boris, many millions of people will survive on Planet to gradually receive the remaining 10 percent that disembodied. Those who are in the fourth dimension will be revising its goals, observing events and waiting. They may incarnate on another Planet that is at the same frequency of the Earth and return to it in the next incarnation if want to. This flexibility exists for those who do not want to stay away long from the third dimension, which is the ideal place to continue its development.

Question, Katima asks, you said "In this month May should happen facts that will lead you to foresee the coming months." What do you mean by your statement? Are you saying that facts will be presented to us during this month (May 2011) that will give us facts as to our future events? Then you mentioned the month of September and October being vital! Are you saying that IF some significant event is to occur... it will happen during these months? But if no major changes happens during September and October then what? If nothing happens during September and October then don't expect any major events to happen the rest of the year? Or are you saying that if nothing happens during September and October that the dates and or outcomes of future events such as 2012 will have changed?

- Katima, the tectonic instability of planet is reaching its limit, a major event could happen this month, anytime. If, by chance, the event relieves the pressure only in a specific location, will be less destructive. But apparently it is giving way on various fronts simultaneously. During the rest of the year, the changes will cause regional problems, in a move almost always clockwise of the edges of tectonic plates. The volcanic activity will increase exponentially. In early October should be a decision to divert or not the celestial body that cross the Earth orbit. If the route is diverted, you will have more time to deal with the tectonic movements related to the reversal of Earth's magnetic field, until the events of December 2012, when is the turn of Nibiru system.

Question, Judy asks, you mentioned aura and how ones aura depends on its acceptance here back on Earth, the 10% you mentioned. Does the food you eat have a factor in this, such as a meat eaters or veganism, can alter your aura? Is meat eating frowned upon outside of Earth? is this primitive behavior?

- Judy, a rhinoceros that eats grass, can be more violent than a lion that eats meat. A bull is not better than a panther, only have different feeding habits. An Indian who hunt and fish for subsistence may have an aura cleaner and brighter than a vegetarian, of your society. Everything depends on how you consume food, if you're aware that that is what your body needs at that moment of your life. The overconsumption and food waste, instead denigrates the aura of an entire society, because you need to streamline the planet's resources until none of your neighbor is hungry. In a Planet where equal starve while societies throw away more than that equal need, simply to not die, something is very wrong and unbalanced. The aura of the Earth is weak in this end of Era, in fact, 10 percent of which we speak so far are those who really care and suffer along with the Planet for live conscientiously with this situation. No matter what you eat does matter what you feel for those who do not eat. Your aura and your frequency are the direct products of your conscience, does not really matter what keeps your body upright.

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▶ Galactic Federation of Light Sheldan Nidle October 22 2013 - YouTube

7 Chicchan, 8 Tzec, 10 Caban

Dratzo!! Much has happened since we last talked. A number of agreements are in place and a schedule for the next set of covert events is finished. We are happy that these things are moving forward, and it is important that a number of other events occur now as well. At present, the schedule agreed to is underway. Although these things cannot be described to you in any detail, the various dark governments are on their way out. Until the current situation is resolved, we are not able to give you any information on what is to happen next, but the actual deliveries of numerous prosperity funds are very close. The current situation is very fluid and requires a degree of stability before things can move forward. We are monitoring this closely and intend to help when appropriate. Meanwhile, we are aiding in a series of arrests, and recoveries of funds. The dark cabal cannot be allowed to stay in power without them intimately knowing that they are being watched and checked on. These arrogant ones know that their time is ending and a new epoch is ready to begin!
   As all of these various actions are played out, it is important for you to realize that the changes being carried out by Heaven have accelerated. Your head chakras need to be primed. Your neck and upper body chakras require a vast set of readjustments. Our medical teams have reported that these physical changes are now underway. Hence, some of you are experiencing either degrees of dizziness, increasing bouts of forgetfulness or even a temporary loss of vocabulary. Along with these symptoms is occasional blurriness of vision accompanied in many cases by headaches. Neck aches and shoulder aches have also been described. In short, your upper body and head are the centers for a number of upgrades. The things that we have just described are only the symptoms for what is now happening to you. The next areas of attention are the places most affected by the energies that come to you from your silver cord. These carry heavenly information used by your body guardians to maintain your physical essences.
   As your physical essences are divinely adjusted, you begin to experience higher and higher physical vibrations. This permits you to rev up your present consciousness. Thus, you are having more vivid dreams and feeling an increased level of expectations as you connect to the life energies that surround your beautiful living world. Gaia is feeling this alteration as well. She is speeding up many of the preliminary phenomena associated with the returning of her surface to its previous pristine condition. This increasing level of change is being felt by her numerous ecosystems. Each group of elementals assigned to a species of animal will facilitate how the animals react to the action of Gaia. Life on your surface is going through a series of stresses that is taxing the overall nature of these diverse ecosystems. These stresses will ease after humanity leaves for its grand transformation in the realm of Inner Earth. The time for these great changes is not very far off. A divine timeframe is definitely in effect.
   We are coordinating with both our Earth allies and the liaisons of Agartha to prepare this planet for a most grand change. A series of vital announcements will start an operation that will hurl your current reality into a new epoch. You are in a special time. Shortly, things are to occur that will vastly transform what you now think of as somewhat permanent. These changes will include an end to secrecy that denied you knowledge of us and hid a vast amount of homegrown technologies. Our announcements will include not only an awareness of what you will learn, but also a full disclosure of what we have to offer. You need to understand the immensity of what has been hidden from you by the dark. In addition, you need to grasp what lies ahead for each of you. Full consciousness is a grand gift that Heaven is ready to bestow. It gives you a most wonderful opportunity because you will at last rejoin both your spiritual and space families.
   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come in joy and feel blessed by Heaven to be able to explain a few vital subjects to you now! To start, let us briefly discuss the divine timing of your Ascension. We have been those of such grand moral focus that each of us was given a special dispensation to allow us to attain the gift of full consciousness in a few lifetimes. We have literally "gone back to school" and been taught how we are to supervise and guide humanity. This great responsibility is something we have each cherished over the centuries and millennia as we led you to the very brink of your ascension in this lifetime. Events are shortly to happen that provide a transition between this time and the one where Heaven's Light can truly shine brightly. Take this precious time to dedicate yourself to the transformations that are needed. We intend to give you instructions to ease your mind on this vital subject!
   The blessed realms possess a wisdom that goes far beyond the thoughts of this reality. It is most important to let go of the things that bind you to this world. Look inside and allow your many fears to subside and exit your mind. What will be left is a direct connection to your "I am Presence." Learn to converse with your true self-who you really are. It is brave, wise and able to live within the moral truths given us by Heaven. Learn to embody what you learn. Become one who can focus within this wisdom and manifest what you really desire. As you do this, you are raising your life vibrations and encompassing who you are. In this world, such focus is frequently discouraged by school, work and by beliefs that often run counter to the ones you are so steadfastly acquiring. In this Light, you are free, and soon this is to be the way of this reality!
   Be ever mindful of what you are becoming. Focus of intention is vital to what you are doing. You are readying yourselves with our blessings for a life in full consciousness. You are to be an Angel of this physical plane and to dutifully serve the glorious Light of the Creator! Many souls are trapped in circumstances that require your blessings, service and wisdom. You will use your divine talents to heal, to encourage and to direct those under your tutelage. This sacred set of interactions requires some degree of training and experience. You are to be a most magnificent group of physical Angels. Hence, Heaven expects much of you. We come to teach, to guide and to prepare you for the grand missions to be given you by your heavenly administrators! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
   Today, we continued our messages! The time approaches for a great change in this reality. It is time to transform the pain and suffering into joy, peace and prosperity! The dark cabal has had time to change gracefully and failed. A new day is dawning that will bring in a graceful epoch for humanity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!



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