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Video 40
Answers of an alien from Andromeda - Fortieth video - May 23, 2011.
Question, Mythi, some mates are wondering why is there so much movement in the FEMA camps and why the program spaceshutle also has ended? Is there anything imminent to happen?
- Friends, your government is preparing for the end of the agenda. Stay tuned in the events. Try not to fall into the pitfalls of misinformation. Your program of spacecraft was turned off for obvious reasons. Everything is there going to be lost, they know, will not invest anymore because it would have no meaning. This last mission was to install radiation detectors, only to monitoring events until the last minute. See, your satellite network can shut down, the only way you guys keep in touch, will be through what you call "amateur radio". These old devices, which use your atmosphere as means of signal propagation, will be the only viable form of communication. If you can get organized this way, it will be a good start in preparing to not be totally isolated and at the mercy of misleading information from your local government.
Question, Mythi many mates are asking about ELENIN, what it really is? Is it an icy comet? What size? Why its route has been changed these past few days? Why it is still not visible?
- Well, let's try to clarify your ideas. First of all, that is approaching is not a comet, it’s a planet that holds atomic internal activity, emits energy particles as a weak sun, but the surface is cold, around -40 degrees. Is it actually a small dwarf star, it is not and never was an icy comet. The iron core of the old moon of Jupiter that I mentioned, you gave it another name, something like Honda. This caused confusion with this matter of the comet. You give many names for the same thing, it's a bit confusing. The size of this dwarf star counting with its atmosphere of gases is approx. 78.000km. His route is being monitored by the Community Galactica, tried to offset influences of the planets in your solar system, in the possible route of it. We do not know exactly what they are doing. It is not visible because it emits no heat and no light, so it is hard to see with optical telescopes and even with weak infrared telescopes. It will be clearly visible when illuminated by your sun within approx. three months.
Question, Geo21 and other mates asks, Mythi do you know anything about the places on Earth that are going to have serious problems when planet Nibiru pass? For example what do you know about Europe, Americas, Asia, or anywhere else in the rest of the planet?
- Geo, it is hard to predict exactly what will happen to the continent since the end of the Community Galactica arrangements were not disclosed to us. By our calculations, you may have very high tides, with up to 300 meters
high in some places, if that dwarf star follows the course schedule. Depending on the altitude relative to sea level, groups may be safe. This elevation should be at least twice that or 600 meters. These higher grounds will be like islands during this period. The winds will also be very strong, which requires a shelter that supports at least gusts up to 250 km / h.
Question, Ron asks, after the Community Galactica officially approves of contact with Earth will it be possible to meet you in person? I would like to thank you in person for helping us to understand what is happing with the Earth and it surroundings.
- Ron is going to be a great pleasure for us. Who knows we may be combining some meetings in your countries after all this happening? We might finally bring together our newest friends for a confraternity.
Question, Mythi what is the name of your home planet? How do you call it?
- My planet is called Mantuk in the seventh orbit, we have three colonies, one in the fifth orbit, called Mantika, another in the sixth orbit, called Sitka and another in the eighth orbits, called Khatmon. All are very nice. Mantuk My planet is the cultural center, central research labs, and is primarily residential. Mantika has a great richness of soil and an abundant food production, Sitka is where they were transferred almost all our factories, almost everything we need is produced there. Khatmon is almost entirely covered with oceans, lakes and forests, an ideal place for raising fish and enjoy the native wildlife, a great place to vacation.
Question, Katima asks, you said that the government will use natural events in order to kill off a large portion of the population. If a list does exist then I would think that the definition of human disposables would be: older humans, diseased humans, humans with any health issues, and humans that have a low IQ. Right?
- Katima, when I talk about your government, I mean all governments are directly linked your dominant elites. Of course they will eliminate the poor first. The sick will die easily without resources for their problems. According to what we perceive that your governments want a large part of hundreds of ethnicities on the planet to be reduced to a maximum of 20. Will be chosen for the stay here only the ones they consider superior. That's what your elite plans, does not mean it will happen because they are being closely observed.
Question, Katima asks, why would the government feel the need to commit Genocide IF the government has knowledge about the approaching Planet X and the Pole-Shift happening in our near future? The government must be well aware that only a 10% survival rate is expected...Right?
- Katima, nature action is random. They want to make sure the composition of the final race of the planet is that they define. They want to "help “nature to do the job of cleanup. Large flocks of sheep that they created to sustain them until this point, now are completely disposable. From this point, they want a world totally under control, without any hindrance in the beginning of Galactic relationship. This is what they want, not what they will have. This we can assure you.
Question, Mythi, Dave here from Timmins, Ontario. What is most important for us to do right now, at this point as a human race? Should we rebel against our monetary values and try to change our corrupt governments? Should I quit my job and live on higher ground? I have always felt more at home in the forest and living of the land instead of working in a dead end job for very little money. I know in the end the choice is mine but what is your opinion?
- Dave, at the point where things are, to rebel against your government, it will not solve anything now. What has been damaged has no time for repair. You must lead your life normally. When you start to make sure about the succession of events, your jobs soon cease to exist because the planet will stop commercially speaking. Your economy will be stopped for lack of communications, energy, banking, etc… When you start feeling any of these
symptoms, check with your family to a place far from great urban centers; try to isolate themselves in more secure locations. Try creating a chance for survival, have a plan ready, outlined a script, a previously chosen location. And while nothing happens, follow your normal life, trying not to interfere or alarm those who live around you. Do not be fooled by doctrines imposed, only follow your conscience.
Question, Robben asks, Mythi, do you have any known knowledge of any breed of humanoid that have the capability to fly in the atmosphere? Or possess some super human strength?
- Robben, there are lighter humanoid beings that after the sixth level of frequency, levitate without any problem. They do not have to walk if not want to. Are advanced mental powers, which may counteract the magnetic force of the planet with an aura field neutralizer, this field is driven by the mind and works as a normal sense since they are born. They literally can fly. We in the fifth level, we can interact with objects in addition to telepathy but not yet born with the characteristic of unconditional control of our biofield.
Question, Goodman asks, you said that you process fish to protein... I am really surprised that civilization that much advanced then ours still process animals to food. Can you comment on that please?
- See Goodman, all of us humanoids, we need certain elements for nutrition. The fish are a form of animal that can be created and developed to such an amendment. There is no kind of problem in this kind of consumption, since consumption is one that maintains the natural balance of that fish species with their environment. There are species that, if are not controlled, lead to overpopulation and the resulting imbalance of their own livelihood. Our consumption is the equilibrium of this ecosystem. There is nothing wrong with this procedure, while we are humanoids, in the third dimension. There is no place for hypocrisy theosophical, in the development of intelligent communities in the universe. We are very far away from divinity; we must provide the necessary elements for our races to develop in equilibrium with nature placed at our disposal to be managed wisely.
Question, Zetareticuli asks, do you know about the Bible Codes? If time travel is not possible, how can information about today and future events be mathematically encoded in a book that contains holographic data that is over 3000 plus years old?
- Zeta, I already mentioned the missionaries of the fourth dimension that incarnate on the planet to bring knowledge. Well, the vision they have in the fourth dimension is much broader. One day you will have the opportunity to see. Names, dates and specific events are defined with mathematical precision. By the tendency of ethnicities involved, there is a detailed overview of everything that will tend to occur in the process of development. It is an extremely advanced technique of behavioral study. It’s impossible for me to explain because neither I know this processing system details. If some very significant event to happen or not occur, they know almost everything that should occur during the development of any colony, with thousands of year of prediction. If a particular knowledge is introduced in a given period, it can completely change the context of development and future of a colony. Any details entered can cause chain reactions, for better or for worse, so this perfect coordination of Blue Beings is extremely important to our colonies in the third dimension. There is information that, for more than goodwill that I have, it is impossible to convey to you in your current state of understanding and development. But I hope to make myself understood. It took 8000 years for us to reach the level 1 and now after 12,000 years reached the level 5 of the third dimension. We started like you, with ethnicity compatible to ours, blending cultures and knowledge to date. The big difference is that the Community Galactica did not exist to help when we move to level 1, each planet was by itself. You are now passing the 3D basic level 0 for level 1, with some assistance, may thereafter participate in the socialization with other societies humanoids from other galaxies in a short time.
Question, Mythi, some mates are wondering why is there so much movement in the FEMA camps and why the program spaceshutle also has ended? Is there anything imminent to happen?
- Friends, your government is preparing for the end of the agenda. Stay tuned in the events. Try not to fall into the pitfalls of misinformation. Your program of spacecraft was turned off for obvious reasons. Everything is there going to be lost, they know, will not invest anymore because it would have no meaning. This last mission was to install radiation detectors, only to monitoring events until the last minute. See, your satellite network can shut down, the only way you guys keep in touch, will be through what you call "amateur radio". These old devices, which use your atmosphere as means of signal propagation, will be the only viable form of communication. If you can get organized this way, it will be a good start in preparing to not be totally isolated and at the mercy of misleading information from your local government.
Question, Mythi many mates are asking about ELENIN, what it really is? Is it an icy comet? What size? Why its route has been changed these past few days? Why it is still not visible?
- Well, let's try to clarify your ideas. First of all, that is approaching is not a comet, it’s a planet that holds atomic internal activity, emits energy particles as a weak sun, but the surface is cold, around -40 degrees. Is it actually a small dwarf star, it is not and never was an icy comet. The iron core of the old moon of Jupiter that I mentioned, you gave it another name, something like Honda. This caused confusion with this matter of the comet. You give many names for the same thing, it's a bit confusing. The size of this dwarf star counting with its atmosphere of gases is approx. 78.000km. His route is being monitored by the Community Galactica, tried to offset influences of the planets in your solar system, in the possible route of it. We do not know exactly what they are doing. It is not visible because it emits no heat and no light, so it is hard to see with optical telescopes and even with weak infrared telescopes. It will be clearly visible when illuminated by your sun within approx. three months.
Question, Geo21 and other mates asks, Mythi do you know anything about the places on Earth that are going to have serious problems when planet Nibiru pass? For example what do you know about Europe, Americas, Asia, or anywhere else in the rest of the planet?
- Geo, it is hard to predict exactly what will happen to the continent since the end of the Community Galactica arrangements were not disclosed to us. By our calculations, you may have very high tides, with up to 300 meters
high in some places, if that dwarf star follows the course schedule. Depending on the altitude relative to sea level, groups may be safe. This elevation should be at least twice that or 600 meters. These higher grounds will be like islands during this period. The winds will also be very strong, which requires a shelter that supports at least gusts up to 250 km / h.
Question, Ron asks, after the Community Galactica officially approves of contact with Earth will it be possible to meet you in person? I would like to thank you in person for helping us to understand what is happing with the Earth and it surroundings.
- Ron is going to be a great pleasure for us. Who knows we may be combining some meetings in your countries after all this happening? We might finally bring together our newest friends for a confraternity.
Question, Mythi what is the name of your home planet? How do you call it?
- My planet is called Mantuk in the seventh orbit, we have three colonies, one in the fifth orbit, called Mantika, another in the sixth orbit, called Sitka and another in the eighth orbits, called Khatmon. All are very nice. Mantuk My planet is the cultural center, central research labs, and is primarily residential. Mantika has a great richness of soil and an abundant food production, Sitka is where they were transferred almost all our factories, almost everything we need is produced there. Khatmon is almost entirely covered with oceans, lakes and forests, an ideal place for raising fish and enjoy the native wildlife, a great place to vacation.
Question, Katima asks, you said that the government will use natural events in order to kill off a large portion of the population. If a list does exist then I would think that the definition of human disposables would be: older humans, diseased humans, humans with any health issues, and humans that have a low IQ. Right?
- Katima, when I talk about your government, I mean all governments are directly linked your dominant elites. Of course they will eliminate the poor first. The sick will die easily without resources for their problems. According to what we perceive that your governments want a large part of hundreds of ethnicities on the planet to be reduced to a maximum of 20. Will be chosen for the stay here only the ones they consider superior. That's what your elite plans, does not mean it will happen because they are being closely observed.
Question, Katima asks, why would the government feel the need to commit Genocide IF the government has knowledge about the approaching Planet X and the Pole-Shift happening in our near future? The government must be well aware that only a 10% survival rate is expected...Right?
- Katima, nature action is random. They want to make sure the composition of the final race of the planet is that they define. They want to "help “nature to do the job of cleanup. Large flocks of sheep that they created to sustain them until this point, now are completely disposable. From this point, they want a world totally under control, without any hindrance in the beginning of Galactic relationship. This is what they want, not what they will have. This we can assure you.
Question, Mythi, Dave here from Timmins, Ontario. What is most important for us to do right now, at this point as a human race? Should we rebel against our monetary values and try to change our corrupt governments? Should I quit my job and live on higher ground? I have always felt more at home in the forest and living of the land instead of working in a dead end job for very little money. I know in the end the choice is mine but what is your opinion?
- Dave, at the point where things are, to rebel against your government, it will not solve anything now. What has been damaged has no time for repair. You must lead your life normally. When you start to make sure about the succession of events, your jobs soon cease to exist because the planet will stop commercially speaking. Your economy will be stopped for lack of communications, energy, banking, etc… When you start feeling any of these
symptoms, check with your family to a place far from great urban centers; try to isolate themselves in more secure locations. Try creating a chance for survival, have a plan ready, outlined a script, a previously chosen location. And while nothing happens, follow your normal life, trying not to interfere or alarm those who live around you. Do not be fooled by doctrines imposed, only follow your conscience.
Question, Robben asks, Mythi, do you have any known knowledge of any breed of humanoid that have the capability to fly in the atmosphere? Or possess some super human strength?
- Robben, there are lighter humanoid beings that after the sixth level of frequency, levitate without any problem. They do not have to walk if not want to. Are advanced mental powers, which may counteract the magnetic force of the planet with an aura field neutralizer, this field is driven by the mind and works as a normal sense since they are born. They literally can fly. We in the fifth level, we can interact with objects in addition to telepathy but not yet born with the characteristic of unconditional control of our biofield.
Question, Goodman asks, you said that you process fish to protein... I am really surprised that civilization that much advanced then ours still process animals to food. Can you comment on that please?
- See Goodman, all of us humanoids, we need certain elements for nutrition. The fish are a form of animal that can be created and developed to such an amendment. There is no kind of problem in this kind of consumption, since consumption is one that maintains the natural balance of that fish species with their environment. There are species that, if are not controlled, lead to overpopulation and the resulting imbalance of their own livelihood. Our consumption is the equilibrium of this ecosystem. There is nothing wrong with this procedure, while we are humanoids, in the third dimension. There is no place for hypocrisy theosophical, in the development of intelligent communities in the universe. We are very far away from divinity; we must provide the necessary elements for our races to develop in equilibrium with nature placed at our disposal to be managed wisely.
Question, Zetareticuli asks, do you know about the Bible Codes? If time travel is not possible, how can information about today and future events be mathematically encoded in a book that contains holographic data that is over 3000 plus years old?
- Zeta, I already mentioned the missionaries of the fourth dimension that incarnate on the planet to bring knowledge. Well, the vision they have in the fourth dimension is much broader. One day you will have the opportunity to see. Names, dates and specific events are defined with mathematical precision. By the tendency of ethnicities involved, there is a detailed overview of everything that will tend to occur in the process of development. It is an extremely advanced technique of behavioral study. It’s impossible for me to explain because neither I know this processing system details. If some very significant event to happen or not occur, they know almost everything that should occur during the development of any colony, with thousands of year of prediction. If a particular knowledge is introduced in a given period, it can completely change the context of development and future of a colony. Any details entered can cause chain reactions, for better or for worse, so this perfect coordination of Blue Beings is extremely important to our colonies in the third dimension. There is information that, for more than goodwill that I have, it is impossible to convey to you in your current state of understanding and development. But I hope to make myself understood. It took 8000 years for us to reach the level 1 and now after 12,000 years reached the level 5 of the third dimension. We started like you, with ethnicity compatible to ours, blending cultures and knowledge to date. The big difference is that the Community Galactica did not exist to help when we move to level 1, each planet was by itself. You are now passing the 3D basic level 0 for level 1, with some assistance, may thereafter participate in the socialization with other societies humanoids from other galaxies in a short time.
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