Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17 ::: ▶ 115 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA Nibiru - YouTube

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Video 115

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – 

video hundred and fifteen – 

April 16, 2014.

- Friends, in these times, the CG will not interfere with the nature of the planet since, according to them, the planet is reaching the limits of time for processing that must happen for the new configuration to happen for the new 


The Arcturians are removing the pressure containers that were installed for the process to happen at the last possible moment, allowing time for more people to be prepared to raise your personal frequencies. 

According to current data, plus 2 percent of the population joined the band frequency compatible to coexist with the "level one", rising to 24 percent of the overall total. 

This "extra time" ensured the rise from 10 to 24 percent that is, it was very worthwhile. The planet is no longer a reformatory planet; the people who remain here will be the actual users of the planet as his true home, the race of people on planet Earth.

- The poles will migrate as soon as the balance of the system is restored to normal. As you can notice the planet Venus is growing brighter in the sky, since they initially decided to change the orbit of Venus to a more appropriate area for a future settlement, the system was kept somewhat more stable interference by the large object that is in a stationary orbit in the south quadrant of the planet Earth. 

As the system will react to changes, the CG takes initiatives about what is being done at the time by its scientists. We were only really know when they begin operations. 

We are awaiting the tectonic responses to see what happens to the poles as yet there is only one month the Arcturians started off control probes placed in the places of greatest tension, the process may happen in the natural course of events there anytime.

With respect to Venus, your scientists will not talk about the case, but your amateur astronomers, more serious and qualified may accompany these changes. 

With the great movement of ships on the moon, even your amateur astronomers can easily check the reality of the presence of these brothers of other races present in lunar bases. 

Any ship coming from a base on the moon only takes a few minutes to be here within your atmosphere, so is the same as being here in Antarctica base.

- You know that I cannot give information or regional predictions about natural phenomena, cannot influence this aspect and act like a prophet or something, but note that the facts are in front of you, use your observations to intuit about what should be prepared. 

You all will be well as you are consciously prepared to face any fact. Keep in mind that the only thing that will try to destroy you 'is yourself, and yet you will not succeed because you are indestructible.

-The intelligent races living a long time on the planet and who are still here are:

- The various ethnic groups of humanoids of our type known.

- A descendant of Atouns, group who stayed here by their own will on a trial basis. This is the race that works as "counselors" of your elites in exchange for means to survive. Very intelligent beings with an IQ of over 160 but little practical to build things manually. The only anatomical difference is that they have the elongated cranial box and without the palate.

- Two races of aquatic humanoids that are like amphibians breathe beings. They appear humanoid with a crossing of marine mammals such as dolphins, and are a very old breed, more than 50,000 years in the planet.

- Isolated groups of humanoid type that you call Sasquatch. Race that was planted here by ancient reptilians to work as slaves and "auxiliary hunts" but what did not work satisfactorily; they were left to their own fate.

- Isolated groups of ancient beings connected to your mythology called Satyr that originate from ancient DNA experiments made by ancient reptilian races that frequented the planet for over 30,000 years ago. This is one of the only old experimental races that survived until today in small isolated groups in inhospitable regions of the planet.

- Isolated groups of beings originating of insectoid race that you call Night Crawlers, which relate well with Sasquatch. They came here to study life forms in your insect fauna (which is great), and ended up on the planet,
even still having their ships to return to home planet they decided to stay here and keep experiences and sending reports to the scientific community of their planet. The insectoid think differently from us, sometimes it's hard to philosophize with them on other issues than his duties and guidelines.

- Isolated groups of reptilians, and a certain breed of grays working with them who were stranded on bases of your government laboratories and could not have left the planet for a ban on movement of ships reptilian on the planet since 2012.

- Isolated group of hybrid origin who lived and survived for thousands of years in the remote mountains of Tibet.

- Many Pleiadeans living in your communities as well as observers for at least a hundred of years, many of them considering "Earthlings" by being born here now for over two generations. They cannot influence your societies only maintains constant contact with the teams that have stepped up surveillance on the planet after the detonation of the first nuclear bomb by your military.

- The races that had to live isolated by their major differences from most humanoid races had their technological development virtually prevented by not being able to expose their groups, but this does not mean that the mental and spiritual development of them was affected by it.

- Other breeds of brothers that you will meet in a short future like Pleiadeans, Arcturians, Camelopardalis, Atounians, Aldebarans, Alkaids, Sirius breeds, Chithoks, Rigel Centaurs breeds among many other races, some will be "cute" to your concept, others will be "ugly", but you will learn over time that physical beauty is relative to what you feel inside the chest. 

The anatomy depends on the adaptability developed for life on other environments therefore an Arcturian will always be "strange" to you, but if you know him with the lights off, what would your "inside" would capture is the friendship they have pleased to share with others.

 The larger concept of living between different races is the ability to live with differences, and understand that what brings happiness to you might be a different thing that gives the happiness of another being. 

Each race has its own priorities and aspirations; fits to Galactic Communities try to help each one reach their welfare without thereby affecting the welfare of his neighbor. Unfortunately, in your own planet, between the ethnic groups of the same race, these differences are not respected. 

For that reason, to the planet may have the right to enter into a community that strives for harmony will have to be filtered so that society is of an acceptable level of understanding.

- When you think that all is lost, be sure that we will help you to find the solutions. Be well all of you!

Thanks for watching, join our channel! Be sure that you are welcome there!

Captain Bill – April, 2014 Atlanticobr Channel

 Cheers for all!

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