Thursday, April 17, 2014

Reading ::: ▶ 67 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Nibiru - Elenin - Events - YouTube

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▶ 67 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Nibiru - Elenin - Events - YouTube

Video 67

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video sixty seven - October 18, 2011.

Friends, According to observations of Pleiadeans and sent to the CG and in-service fleets, there is a large military movement on the planet, concentration of forces in North America, Asia and the Middle East. The agenda of the elite is already running accelerated by volume and influx of weaponry and troops seem to conflict can be started earlier next month. Be prepared for this start of operations for global destabilization that will culminate in the enactment of a single government and a unified economy. Some regions are being "prepared" to suffer "natural" disasters simulated. Thousands of tons of conventional explosives are being moved around the planet. These actions may be advertised as "meteor impacts" or "alien attacks." After the start of these operations, be ready for the ads of false flags of your governments, during the first half of November.
The Elenin comet's tail will dump thousands of meteorites in your upper atmosphere until the end of November. The communication between you, ordinary citizens, should be stopped because the damaged satellites will not be replaced. Power outage will be a trouble too. A complete communications network, regardless of the satellite network is already connected to all command posts of your elite so the current satellites are conveniently disposable during these operations. Also according to the Pleiadeans, the governments of coalition installed a navigation system landmarks emitting signs of physical coordinates, a Global Positioning System (GPS), independent of satellites for navigation of aircraft and missiles, also linked to the "system of bombardment of frequencies" (HAARP). Apparently, the operation to the beginning of a great social upheaval on the planet has already begun. According to surveys of the Galactic Community, there are 7,009,937,000 of humanoids on this planet, and we will be monitoring the actions of exception to take reasonable and authorized initiatives.
As you know, this part of the galaxy is undergoing a massive cloud of energy for the next two years, which will affect the sun and the planets with permeable atmospheres, causing further warming in the inner layers of the Earth and warming to highest levels all the planets and especially the planet Jupiter.
CB said that many of you ask about the breeds that are currently assisting in the search here and I'll quote some of them. But first, let me explain one thing, the level of frequency of races does not interfere in any way the relationship between them. Sometimes these differences are difficult to notice because it depends on the way to be and to express themselves in each race. Some breeds are more phlegmatic while others are more social, regardless of their frequency bands. After the frequency of level 1, the following frequencies will open the possibilities of brain development and facilitating the understanding of more subtle processes of the universal dynamics. A humanoid of level 1 will relate very well with the other level 10, without any sense of inferiority or superiority in the relationship. It's like a tree, the top branches, low or middle belong to the same tree, only a few came before, and others later, but all belong to the same context and function. In the crews of spaceships you can find various frequencies beings working together as a team, without one being more important or superior to the other for it. Everything depends on the profile of each in knowledge and personal dynamics to better define its role. Races who work here today, we have some main societies:
* Pleiades, level 3 and 4, very similar to you physically.
* Breeds from Aldebaran two types, ones humanoid Grays, some type of medium height, with others like your constitution, but lower, level 2, up to 6.
* Sirius breeds, some of short stature Grays, darker tone, and other breeds Reptilians, from levels 1 to level 3.
* Breeds Camelopardalis type of humanoid Gray’s height higher, level 6 and 7.
* Breeds Arcturians of level 3 type humanoid dolphin.
* Breeds from Andromeda, levels 3 to level 5, some Grays kind of short stature and others humanoid, my kind, like you, but a little lower, as some breeds of which Rigel Centaurus, similar to mine, also from level 5 .
* Race Chithok small 30cm tall humanoids from the solar system Chithok near the center of your galaxy, level 6. * Race Krulians, humanoid level 8, Pleiades evolution of races that have taken a more slender body shape and look very harmonically.
Many of you also asked about the size of the mother ship Krulians. Yes, it is huge but you have no idea how it is inside. There are several towns, farms, lakes and oceans, forests, all maintained by self-regenerative systems, including the spacecraft itself regenerates itself that is, never gets old and is indestructible. The atmosphere is totally controlled, the ship has a perfect system of inertial cancellation and gravity field, regardless of their relative position, not a leaf falls before the right time. The difference is that the extraordinary strong external force field protects them from meteors and asteroids, and all of the suns radiant emissions, which enables the spacecraft literally dive in liquid mass of any sun, without actually having superficial contact with the extreme heat. They can install the devices at any level of its surface or in the interior of suns to reduce internal pressures and to redirect CMEs in complete safety. Everything that my civilization has in three planets would fit comfortably into that super ship. The land is fertile and is no shortage of gardens, flowers and greenery. They maintain a balanced ecosystem with animals, birds, insects and fish like any normal planet. The inner surface of the super ship reproduces in real time everything that is on the outside, that is, they can see the stars in the sky like you, galaxies and solar systems, and it feels exactly the same. Any of us could travel for years inside and die without knowing it in full. That's really what you call a private "paradise", where anyone would want to live.
Mythi, an astrophysicist friend asks about what kind of particles and physical attributes make up dark matter.
- Well, I will try to explain simply. Dark matter is the carrier of the universe, the gravitational containment of open space for all dimensional matters, waves of energy, and photons of all wavelengths. It is an energy field composed of quantum fluid, a substance which allows the clustering of matter interacts with each other, allowing the formation of gravitational tunnels, which maintains dimensional matter grouped and in balance. Dark matter can vary from "quantum density" depending on the necessary response to the volume of material bodies involved, which can cause curvature in the beams of photons that is, bend light, as happens in refractions created in the "dimensional material" when its layers are at different temperatures. The creation of the portals of transport are based on the mechanics of opening gaps in the dark matter, eliminating their natural influence and creating passages without "time" or "gravitational influence" by intergalactic space. This fluid shows only function when its influence is required by the presence of matter in any dimensional form and in any dimension of existence,
because their gravitational influence is excited to the extent that is necessary to balance the forces and trends of dense matter. It has no friction because it contains no particles sized, only "fluid compensation" that is, it presents itself in its natural state as a multidimensional matter.
Mythi, Jerry ask, I just saw a video of a "comet" hitting the sun... the movie is filled with Krulians ships... are the space friends working on the sun?
- Yes Jerry, they are working to try to reduce the internal pressures of thy sun, in this passage of the solar system through the cloud of cosmic energy. You are seeing this video, the spacecraft Krulians, not a comet approaching the sun and possibly stopping at its surface, a fact that caused the reaction with the consequent internal pressure relief. All this happens much more slowly than is being shown, as you can see the time displayed on the video itself. This specific action demanded about 24 hours.
Well I cannot get much this time, but I'll be keeping you informed of events.

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