Thursday, May 1, 2014

File:::Reading:::▶ 79 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Nibiru and Events - YouTube

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Video 79

Friends of our channel and YouTubers welcome.
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video seventy nine - May 30, 2012.

Mythi, friend kradok100 put this video available May 26 asking for answers, can you tell us what is this huge body that appears near the sun?

- Friends, you are observing a rare moment, the great planet named by you as 'Enoch' being directed to the abeam of the sun to charge its special atmospheric shielding. It's an "encapsulated planet." Its atmosphere can store enough energy for many years of operation, as a huge capacitor. Enoch need not to be near any sun to survive can survive in open space due to stored energy. Its orbit will be set at lower impact angle, after adjustment of the system as a whole during passage through the galactic hemisphere later this year. Currently he can be anywhere in the solar system, where it can cause the least imbalance, we do not know the plan of his position, because Pleiadeans magnetically maneuvering it as they wish, and calculate. They have accurate control of its magnetosphere, and it avoids much less influence on the orbits of the planets with orbits predefined. Its outer atmospheric layer acts as a force field, can be activated to absorb light, turning it into a silhouette, a dark sphere, almost undetectable. Your governments have many pictures of him; just will not divulge to the ordinary citizen until find it convenient.

Mythi, how many of the world's population could fit in Queensland Australia, each living on a one acre square plot? ALL! Why do you talk about overpopulation?

- You see, I never said how many humans the planet would behave. Understand that for the current context, I said 10 percent of your current population will rise to the level one. I said that the balance of the new 'society level one ' will fit approximately 600 millions in the middle half of this century with the separation of the natural cycle of reincarnations. Your society in the current context of zero level uses energy and materials highly harmful to the planet and its life forms aggregate, that is, reached a point that you're smashing your own home. This planet is poorly distributed, many societies live by recycling their own misery, with no chance of development, flattened by a regime in which only the 'chosen' may have opportunities for development and comfort. Everything in the development of a planet at this present stage depends on applied technology homogeneously. Planets with nature far less exuberant than the Earth, retains populations of up to 20 billion people living comfortably. A planet in the cosmos is like an island in the sea, can be productive and well managed or to be barren and inhospitable. The new society level one, aided by advanced techniques, may increase in number of inhabitants for many more than there are today, without damaging the planet. But this will be conscious planning of your new society as a whole. Your governments want to reduce populations for failing to control the demand for resources they would like in the current context of use of energy and materials commercially advantageous. They are losing control and decided to take drastic measures. What they do not know is that this selection will happen anyway including them, not drastically, but in a natural way in this new Era. Citing again the saying 'There will be separating the wheat and tares', taken from the ancient philosophical guides left here by your settlers, they were preparing you for this date, and the process has already begun.

Mythi, they say the HAARP system is being finalized with a transmitting station in Antarctica and will be extremely powerful weapon. Will the CG do something about it?

- We know of plans, as there Pleiadeans infiltrates in several areas. The HAARP system is a crude attempt to influence your ionosphere, is not like force field. He is part of your long list of dirty solutions. Do you have atomic missile exploded in the Van Allen radiation belt with dire consequences and will now messing with the sensitive balance of thy ionosphere to block radio frequencies, opening holes for the passage of high energy levels, intercept missiles and produce fields of transmission of frequencies to trigger mutations and block various brain functions. But see, the functioning of this system is very touchy, if some of these stations switched off for reasons of earthquakes or tsunamis system loses redundancy and may result in further damage and get out of control. This will be the last attempt dirty used by this colony, for there is no more time for this type of military initiatives. This system would be useful if used in the real sense of the designer Tesla, as the global distribution of energy, climate control plan, creating a global network of real-time communication, among other uses, but unfortunately this is not the intention. The intention is to get control over all nations by the power of the technology used to threaten and surrender. The Community Galactica has no plans to interfere because it already has projected that this initiative will not have long to live in this rearrangement of the planet.
We will continue with the hope that your governments ponder their actions in this passage of Age, but, be prepared for the ramblings of an elite that is about to lose the throne and the millenarian power to dictate its rules. Be with peace!

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May 1

Divine Changemakers Tap New Energies at Wesak

by Selacia

Wesak season is always a powerful time of spiritual transformation. This year it has even greater potential because of the unique energy cycle of the past several weeks - bringing to a head revolutionary shifting on a grand scale.

What does this mean for you as a divine changemaker? In this article, I will explain the background of how this year's Wesak can be a vital catalyst for your next steps and enlightenment. For context, too, I give a brief summary of the energy passageway you have been navigating for the past several weeks.

Readjustments after April's Energy Passageway

As you process the roller coaster ride of this past month, you may be feeling mixed emotions about the next steps. On the one hand, you likely have some new insights about yourself and what has been keeping you in limbo. At the very least, insights have been coming to you on the inner planes and in your dreams - even if some of them are not yet tangible.

Over the next few days, you probably will be more inspired and driven to act on these insights. You may even feel in a hurry to do so!

At the same time, since energetic repercussions of the grand cross and eclipses will take time to unfold, a little voice within may be telling you to tread with caution. Given this, consider taking one step at a time. You want to allow for the natural readjustment process after an energy passageway like the one you just experienced. Do not underestimate the importance of divine timing and the need to balance after big energy shifts.

Much more is going on within you - and in your energy field that can begin attracting new opportunities - than you can possibly imagine! There are subtle shifts still unfolding at a deep level inside of you. As these begin to surface and become available for tangible transformation, you may be pleasantly surprised at your new levels of energy and enthusiasm. Indeed, you will need those expanded levels in place to accomplish cherished goals and your growing plate of projects.

New Energies at Wesak

Wesak, an annual celebration of enlightenment, is your opportunity each year to connect with an expanded level of spiritual fuel made available when masters like the Buddha and Kuan Yin interact with humanity on more tangible levels. The purpose is more than celebrating these ascended beings - it is the acceleration of your own enlightenment potential.

Beings like the Buddha did not put themselves on pedestals or create religions. Their lives were meant to be an example to the everyday person. Within everyone at a DNA level is the seed of enlightenment. Stages of that enlightenment will vary from person to person - in a process that unfolds over lifetimes on Earth. At Wesak, beings like Buddha shower great blessings upon humanity - helping those who are ready to progress to the next stages of the path of awakening. It's not about religion - enlightenment is a spiritual unfolding.

Wesak celebrations - like the May 10 global meditation with The Council of 12 - are your opportunity to put yourself amidst these beings already enlightened and to have memorable experiences with them.

More than any year to date, this year's Wesak has a flavor of quantum. The masters are helping humanity this Wesak season by providing a bridge to the higher-dimensional energies of quantum. This bridge has been there in other Wesak seasons, but with humanity's awakening unfolding to a new place an expanded level of help is available.

Mastery of Quantum Energy

This has particular relevance for you at Wesak because you are wired to lead humanity's dance into quantum. To lead, you must master the new quantum reality - this mastery occurs in a process over time. You are knee deep in that process right now!

Since you have the same linear conditioning the rest of humanity has, some days it may feel like quite a stretch. Black-and-white thinking, ingrained within you as a child, can cause you to doubt your progress simply because you often have no linear markers of what is evolving behind the scenes. The good news is that your wise higher self knew what these times would entail, preparing you for a series of wake-up calls to remember your divine changemaker role.

Divine changemakers are encoded at a DNA level to develop mastery of quantum energies and quantum perspectives. What this means for you is that you are a pioneer during these pivotal years, as humanity moves out of ages-old linear thinking and conditioning. This is a messy and often confusing process, especially because quantum perspectives are so novel and so confronting to a society entrenched in a dysfunctional status quo. 

Being a Pioneer

Pioneers naturally experience things first. When you get nervous or uncertain about your pioneer role, remember the gifts that come with laying the foundation for a more enlightened world.

Each time you stretch beyond your comfort zone to meet a challenge seemingly too big to face, you enlarge your view and your ability to tap the more quantum energies. Each small step helps you to build confidence to travel the unchartered territories. Each tiny win helps you to build perseverance.

From these developing energies, your frequency shifts higher and higher. Each higher octave connects you more tangibly with spirit, with your divine purpose, and with the wisdom of enlightened masters who set the template for your enlightenment. From this, miracles can occur.

Copyright 2014 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.
Posted 5 hours ago by LUZ ZOHAR
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