Saturday, May 3, 2014

▶ 80 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Nibiru and Events - YouTube:::Reading:::File:::

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Video 80

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Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video eighty - June 20, 2012.
These are brief comments by Mythi in conversation about the main points today.

- Those who are speculating on this triangular patch on the surface of the sun are right to say this is a portal. This was a further feature of the sun that would be better explained by those skilled Krulians. The Suns represent the equilibrium points of its adjacent systems and are therefore the focus of high energy detectable over long distances. The Krulians mainly long ago developed a system for the activation of portals connecting the suns on major routes to all corners of the galaxy where the movement of large ships is necessary. Usually there is careful not to expose the portal to the colonies have not integrated, but you, with all the probes sent for observation, would register at some point the open gate. It never stays open long, usually only about 30 minutes between opening and closing, but this time, for some reason it has been apparent for many hours. That's enough for you to register it clearly with your probes. Your “Inner NASA” and consequently your governments are familiar with this gateway for quite some time, and will not affirm nor deny its existence because they prefer to keep quiet about what they do not want to officially become public. Not up to me to explain it but since the matter became public, okay. See, your government did not erase those images deliberately. They are deliberately leaving some edges to fall into the public domain thereby causing misinformation as there is no official definition for such images. This special portal in the sun is used for very large ships and even whole planets, because they require an enormous heavy transport energy demand to maintain a large "vortex bending" enabled. For the record, there is also a great
gateway for the transfer of raw materials installed in the upper pole of Saturn, managed by 'Camelopardalis, but is not used for regular spacecraft traffic. The "Inner NASA" also has long been aware of it.

- Long ago, about a billion years, there was a great process of preparing the Earth for future colonization. The size of your moon was then calibrated and adjusted its orbit to provide the ideal balance to the planet's climate. The ratio between the average distance from Earth to the moon, and the average distance from Earth to the sun as well as the relationship between the diameters of the Sun and Moon is a constant. For this adjustment was made, large ships had to be transferred here to perform the job. That is when the portal was created especially to your sun. In our vast universe, with all that has been done, almost nothing was covered. For the record, this portal was the path used by the planet Pleiadeans or Enoch, to be transported here. It was the first planet to be teleported to this quadrant of the galaxy. The mother ship Krulians among other big mother ships also can only be transferred through the solar portal due to its physical size and volume. All other ships that you have detected orbiting near the solar surface are over 70 different races that currently travel through your solar system. They use the sun to recharge their energy concentrators. If you are traveling from near-by suns of your galaxy, most ships can open their own gateways to transfer to their target planets, and when they do, they approach the sun to get the amount of energy required for this operation. You will see many times the planet Enoch near the sun during this year; it is the site of lowest gravitational influence of the system.

- With respect to the system Nibiru, little I can comment for now, but you will soon have official news of his approach. It will be very visible but its influence is not as great as would have been last year. Thanks to interference from Krulians the behest of the CG, the system Nibiru will pass farther from the Earth's orbital position, avoiding a large gravitational influence. Your sun is reversing the polarity as it approaches the plane of the equator of the galaxy, so their behavior will be much more violent during this event. The bunkers built by your elites, not for war or under nuclear attack, are to survive the high solar radiation that could happen. These high radiation may overheat "the core and magma" of the planet, making the entire planet's crust, including oceans, extremely unstable. These events are the ones that your elites really fear it has no way been controlled by any earthly technology. Hiding in bunkers is the only plausible outlet for them. The Arcturians, Camelopardalis and Sirius are working hard on finalizing shelters for the "non elite" estimated at 32 percent of the current population, if the acts mentioned in the schedules of your governments are actually put into practice this year. No one knows exactly what your governments are going to do with the HAARP system because there are many possibilities for misuse of this system. We will be watching and proceeding according to the situations created. Very important; do not believe in any false flag alien attacks. As I said formerly, if some alien race sought to attack the planet, you would not have any time to worry about it or to react in some way. Be well my friends!

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Your brain can’t tell the difference if you say or do something negative to yourself or to others as you brain sees you two as one being.

By annamerkaba on May 2, 2014

Geneticists have discovered that human DNA undergoes an evolutionary jump by activating some junk DNA when a person is sending positive frequencies through positive affirmations in gratitude.

“Here’s the kicker, your brain can’t tell the difference if you say or do something negative to yourself or to others as you brain sees you two as one being. So when you say or do something negative to others, your body still feels the effects of stress, anxiety, and paranoia as if you did it to yourself.“

All linguistic languages can be mapped from sacred geometry in the Flower of Life form that visually shows that language is vibration. The Flower of Life is believed by many metaphysical traditions to be the 1st completed energetic life form God created and then complex sound waves of sacred geometric shape such as Archangel Metatron’s icosahedron cube. Metatron’s cube has shown up unbiased in many ancient traditions and religions. It consists of all sacred geometry such as the Flower of Life, Seed of Life, tree of life, the golden ratio, the golden spiral, the golden mean, Phi, Fibonacci, tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron and the dodecahedron. Archangel Metatron is believed by many ancient civilizations to be the right hand being of God/universal consciousness in the creation process.The message mapped out in the form of conclusive math as depicted in sacred geometry is a infinite unbreakable truth in nature, which is that everything exists in unity, harmony, and oneness. If any living thing doesn’t realize this, then nature dismantles it and recreates new life forms that will work with the laws of nature.

The words one chooses to say and hear sends a frequency that changes human DNA. There are 64 condones in dna. The waves of emotions cause condones to activate. We only activate two emotions. Fear and love have different sin waves. Fear is a shorter frequency, but unconditional love has a longer frequency that activates more genetic patterns in your body through activating more condones. That’s because the universe functions in simple math as seen in the number line we all learned in grade school and still trying to figure out in life . (+) + (-) = stability, nothing forward & nothing backwards. That’s why when you say or do a positive thing and then replace it a negative, you get in an emotional quagmire. (-) + (-) = -, which means two negative always goes into further descent. When you say or do something negative to yourself and follow with more negativity, you fall into more of an abyss. (+) + (+) = +, which means only two positives will amplify and grow as it feeds off each other in unison. This is seen when you do or say something positive to yourself, you feel good and it keeps on going. Here’s the kicker, your brain can’t tell the difference if you say or do something negative to yourself or to others as you brain sees you two as one being. So when you say or do something negative to others, your body still feels the effects of stress, anxiety, and paranoia as if you did it to yourself.

Metatron’s Clearing & Protection Device – As told to me by AA Metatron – Activates automatically at 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. everyday drawing source energy into itself and then dispersing this energy to you evenly throughout the day. It protects up to 13 feet of space in every direction, remember that your own sphere of influence is 18 miles in each direction and coupled with this tool you will amplify this energy creating a vacuum of clearance which will expand exponentially. No matter what method you use in 15 minutes after you clear space, unless you have something in that space to keep the POSITIVE energy flowing to neutralize the negative, everything will come back. That is why its always great to have something near you that will neutralize this type of energy and bathe you in love and light <3

A continuation of such negativity starts to create stress and ailments in your body. Living in unconditional love for yourself and others activates the Kundalini source energy within your pineal gland as displayed in a variety of 6th senses and shown in various spiritual artworks throughout the ages. The funnel torus that looks like a magnetic apple field around your heart is multiple torus’s insulated within more of itself and spinning in a circular pattern up to the top, around to the bottom, and back up again like a black hole. The infinity math is looping itself in the space between your dna strands on and on it goes. This is so because you are infinite energetic beings having a human experience. You are a hu-man be-ing., which means you are in the experience of “being” a “man” turning into a “Hu”, which “hu” means God or divinity. You are the integration of God or Goddess in man.

A fully integrated human is enlightened and is a leading edge experience of the divine and the physical. So feed your divine energetic self positive, unconditionally loving frequencies in the form of loving words and thoughts. The long speculated 6th senses of human DNA can be activated based on the person’s level of spiritual consciousness according to science proving that long held mantras of healing or chanting as believe by Buddhists, Native Americans, Mayans, and many more ancient chanting traditions have been accurate. The question now is; what are you saying to yourself and others that’s either advancing or stunting your cellular evolution? The choice is yours.


~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Psychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–

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