Sunday, May 4, 2014

Reading:::File:::▶ 81 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Understanding the TIME and SPACE continuum

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Video 81

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video eighty-one - June 23, 2012.

Here are some answers to questions that bring together hundreds of emails about these issues.

Some friends ask: Mythi, much has been said based on ancient scriptures. One issue that is common to them all is the presence on earth of angels and archangels in moments of our history. This has some truth?
- Angels and archangels are your elder brothers. They are those who help care for younger ones. If a level 8 Krulians descend on Earth, you would interpret as an archangel because that is what his presence would convey to your soul, and also to mine. I'm level 5; say that I am only an ordinary older brother with much more experience and some good will. Never underestimate you, you are a living being, and this is true for all eternity. You as an
individual are immortal. Every spirit when it is created, has a unique and specific signature, it is printed in the iris of your eyes, so when the old saying that "the eyes are the mirror of the soul" is true. This same signature will accompany us, until we get to the unknown "maximum point of creation, in the many billions of years hence. Interesting information is that if you make now a database with all the signatures of the iris, can identify the same person in any incarnation that it has in the future, after this date. If your grandfather comes in the future as your child or grandchild, you would know. Much still to learn!
Mythi if in the process of rescue mentioned we are approached by the grays, what shall we do? Escape? Attack?
- As I said earlier, you make a wrong idea to generalize all grays. There are breeds grays that convey an almost angelic peace to your standards. They are very advanced races, but always seem to children, by the kindness and gentleness that they convey. As to your own planet there are "human" of all kinds, many can even be considered as a disease. There are grays of "level one" that are still problems with regard to a harmonious and balanced socializing with other races. These are those who join the reptilians to barter favors and technology. The dark gray belong to some societies "zero level" that simply steal the technology for their groups. An important tip: when you want to feel what a being is, try to look directly into his eyes. Ask him to take off the dark lenses if he's using, he will know why and will not deny, if he have nothing to hide you.
MoonAmiMars asks: We call the new planet "Enoch," but I wonder if that's what the native Pleiadeans call it.
- Well, you call "Enoch¨ and some other names but they call his planet in a way whose sound is "Taus".
Friend Lookbr, among others makes many questions about diet and cholesterol. What is the diet recommended to us in this change of Age?
- Food on your planet for many decades is compromised by chemicals and preservatives very harmful for your health, but healthy for the "cash" of food industries. If the food offered to you would be healthy, you could eat carbohydrates, proteins, sugars and fats, as want to. Of course moderation would be buoyed by your own anatomical shape, which generates comfort for each individual. The humanoid body is extremely versatile to take only what you need and dispense food that is excessive. The biggest problem in your current eating habits is the cumulative effects of certain substances. Try to consume fresh fruits and vegetables, proteins from known sources, and animal fats instead of hydrogenated vegetable fats. You can imagine that I should not talk about animal consumption, but for the current physical context of the planet inhabitants, the consumption of animal protein is necessary for the balance of biological type created by your current DNA. With the changes planned for the next stage of the planet, this dependency of fat and animal protein will decrease but will still take thousands of years to be completely eliminated.
- On the subject of "cholesterol", it is a myth generated by an error of interpretation that has generated and still generates a lot of profit for your pharmaceutical industry. There is no good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, which you call so, is the same element. When it is not activated being used for repair body cells it is called by you "good cholesterol" (HDL), and when it is activated, fighting an inflammatory or reconstructive process and accumulates in places where the body needs it, you call it "bad cholesterol" (LDL). It's how you say that the fireman in the garage is "good" and what comes out to rescue a victim is "bad", totally illogical. 26 percent of all the cholesterol existing in humanoid body is in the brain. Cholesterol synthesized a series of substances needed for nerve cells so the anti-cholesterol can lead to large losses of memory. When your body needs repairs, your liver sends the amount of cholesterol needed to repair and to fight free radicals and infections, maintaining the integrity of the tissues at the cellular level. The humanoid body would not work without it because above all he synthesizes vitamins in cell membranes, so fighting it is to play against your own team. If your cholesterol level is high, it is because your body needs high amount of it for repairs being made. Artificially reducing these levels is to deny the body the number of "firemen" necessary for emergency care. The reduction induced by medications eventually
leave your body without the raw material needed to work properly and this will lead to more serious problems in the future. But the myth of cholesterol generates high profits, millions of drugs sold every day and you will continue to be deluded about the "ideal" levels recommended, colluded by your physicians.
But rest assured that all this deception has its days numbered. A new phase of truth and integrity must be established on the planet, and all these leeches will be gradually removed from the new scenario. Be well my friends!

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Understanding the TIME and SPACE continuum. Working with the NOW moment of time. Walking into your POWER. AA Metatron & 33rd Dimension ~

timeandspaceAs the time is moving in the spinning direction of the sun and the opposite direction of the moon, expanding and contracting has thereby created a vortex and your linear time as you know it is becoming less and less definite and more blurred and unpredictable. For the magnetic field of your own vehicles is corresponding to the magnetic field of GAIA. And whilst your planet’s magnetic field is being restructured so is your own vehicle’s magnetic field shifting into another state of being, corresponding to direct effect of the changes occurring within your planets magnetic field.
For the time as you understand it to be indeed does not exist. For all is occurring in the now moment of time, where myriad of timelines, dimensions, and realities merge and disperse all at once. And hence many of you are finding yourself confused when you look at the clock, for your brain is trying to run on the time line that it was designed to run on, whilst your heart code is pulsating another vibration of time altogether. Hence is the reason that many of you do not quite understand what time it is and find yourselves lost.
Know and understand that there are many adventures waiting for you in the near future and present, and as the portals begin to open yet again you shall be led by your own higher selves and your guides toward the informational decree necessary to activate the understanding of CO CREATION, the understanding of ONENESS, the understanding of POWER, ABUNDANCE, HEALTH, JOY, PROSPERITY and most importantly LOVE energies
Dearly Beloved Children of the Universe,
As the time is moving in the spinning direction of the sun and the opposite direction of the moon, expanding and contracting has thereby created a vortex and your linear time as you know it is becoming less and less definite and more blurred and unpredictable. For the magnetic field of your own vehicles is corresponding to the magnetic field of GAIA. And whilst your planet’s magnetic field is being restructured so is your own vehicle’s magnetic field shifting into another state of being, corresponding to direct effect of the changes occurring within your planets magnetic field.
For the time as you understand it to be indeed does not exist. For all is occurring in the now moment of time, where myriad of timelines, dimensions, and realities merge and disperse all at once. And hence many of you are finding yourself confused when you look at the clock, for your brain is trying to run on the time line that it was designed to run on, whilst your heart code is pulsating another vibration of time altogether. Hence is the reason that many of you do not quite understand what time it is and find yourselves lost.
Please understand that this is a normal occurrence and is nothing for you to be concerned with but celebrated, for in essence what has occurred is the expansion of your consciousness, the expansion of understanding of the works of the universal decrees, and as such you are being shown that you are absolutely capable of maneuvering through various dimensions, time lines, universes whilst remaining in the NOW moment of time. For many of you are finding yourselves lost in space, feeling as if much time has passed whilst your physical clock has only moved forth a minute. Others of you are finding it difficult to concentrate as your thoughts are taking you into another reality altogether and yet bringing you back to present. What you are experiencing is a wobbling of energies, energies that are trying to come together into unison, to give you a glimpse and understanding of how time truly does work.
And so, let it be known that you are capable of not only understanding how time of NOW works, but manipulating the time to your advantage by folding the time and space continuum with none other than your THOUGHT processes. For all of you are magnificent, brilliant beings capable of much more than simply traveling through time and space, but folding it to accommodate that which you wish to achieve in your reality.
For once again in essence what you are experiencing is the merging of various timelines, partition and unification of all that you are into one beautiful, serene, ever expanding, full of light, love and power benevolent being.

Infused with Saint Germains Violet Flame energies it’s bound to find a special place in your heart as it opens up your crown chakra transmuting the old, welcoming in the new and connecting you with the divine.

Infused with Saint Germains Violet Flame energies it’s bound to find a special place in your heart as it opens up your crown chakra transmuting the old, welcoming in the new and connecting you with the divine!
Let us remind you that the power that has indeed been hidden deep within your vessel of time and space, the power that many of you are now beginning to partake of must be handled with care. For you must understand that you are the co-creators of your reality, and not only your own, but those around you, those whom you come into contact with and those that you shall not even ever see in your present moment of time, for ALL of you are connected and linked together as ONE.

And as such it is of utmost importance that you learn how to control and utilize the power that you have been granted at birth of your soul, and yes we are talking about your SOUL and not your present vessel, but your soul must remember and understand the importance of boasting such power. And as such, you are currently presented with various experiences to allow you to understand and acknowledge that your thoughts and words are automatically put into action on your behalf by the universal energies which are part of you and you are part of.

Know and understand that there are many adventures waiting for you in the near future and present, and as the portals begin to open yet again you shall be led by your own higher selves and your guides toward the informational decree necessary to activate the understanding of CO CREATION, the understanding of ONENESS, the understanding of POWER, ABUNDANCE, HEALTH, JOY, PROSPERITY and most importantly LOVE energies.
For indeed many more portals await you in the coming weeks and month, many more opportunities for advancement of your own self and those around you shall open their gates to you, and it will be you who shall decide to either step through the portals towards the merging of your own selves with your higher consciousness or step aside and wait for another portal to open it’s gates to you. Wait not, for expansion of consciousness is inevitable, and all of you shall experience the wonders and magic of the universe that you are presently part of. The magnificent universe of potential, possibility and wonder. For all of you are able to create, for all of you indeed CO-CREATE the experience on planet earth.
And albeit at times the experiences that you are creating may seem daunting to you and perceived to be “negative” they are simply that – experiences. Whilst it is YOU who are assigning polarities to these experiences and deciding to experience them in a negative or positive way. Nevertheless, we ask that you choose to create and react in a positive manner to all experiences at hand, for they are all designed to expand your consciousness and show you that indeed you are responsible for various outcomes in your life. To teach you and walk you through your powers to allow you to understand, deeply understand what you are ought to do, and how you are to do so, in order to get to the goals that you have set out for your own self and the universe enlarge.
Understand that the times ahead are to gift you with various opportunities. It is so, and so it is. We your guardian angels of the 33rd parallel, of the 33rd dimension are standing by you ready to assist you in all that you are. Walking with you hand in hand and foot in foot. Call upon us whenever you need us.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you goodbye for now
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–

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