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Video 82
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video eighty-two - July 7, 2012.
Again, here are some answers to questions that bring together hundreds of emails about these issues.
several people are claiming that the planet Neptune is the "wandering
planet" as described in the prophecies, is this justified?
- The
Dwarf Star or planet x is not the planet Neptune as some of you are
saying. The planet Neptune and all the others will have their new orbits
defined, as I had said some time ago. Neptune is getting more influence
from Dwarf Star than all the other planets and this is causing a
reaction more significant in its orbital behavior. The planet
Pleiadeans, will become part the system and the Dwarf Star, will pass
through the system, and will go away. Changing Age and frequency of the
entire solar system will be marked by a reversal to the opposite
hemisphere of your galaxy. Just to remember, "one Age” is a complete
revolution of the galaxy around its own axis, in approx. 200 million
years. Each change of Age, all the solar systems that are approximately
16 degrees to the plane of the galaxy move to the opposite hemisphere.
And it will happen exactly this coming December. See the importance of
the event that your generation will witness; only here the most 200
million years will any human being alive to witness a change of Age
Mythi, your previous dissertation on cholesterol has generated
many other issues. Could you give us some tips on what more "important"
is belied by the pharmaceutical and food industry?
- The many
questions on triglycerides also have been answered, as in the case of
cholesterol, escape of all hydrogenated vegetable fats, they are not
completely metabolized by the body and so cause deposits. The high level
of triglycerides is directly proportionate intake of processed foods
with these fats. Reducing consumption will reduce the levels
automatically. The milk you buy in the market is sure that is not
healthy at all. Have a bit of good census, using simple math and verify
that the production of "milk" distributed by your industries require an
amount 10 times greater than all existing dairy cows on your planet,
that is, ninety percent of the milk is distributed from artificially
flavored water and other mineral products. Calcium artificially added
that "synthetic milk" is not absorbed into bones or skin by solar
energy, is actually a cumulative effect on the kidneys. Inevitably cause
kidney stones and failure in "adrenals". The milk sold in the markets
today is poison, no exceptions. The milk of known origin, coming
directly from farms, is very healthy and totally beneficial to the body.
The true milk is used for the production of derivatives with a higher
added value as butter and cheese.
The gluten is an important feature;
it hinders the reproduction of nerve cells by increasing the surface
tension of the membrane. This causes a forced aging of the brain, among
other extremely damaging effects is therefore also a poison purposely
included in your diet.
The natural oils found in nuts, coconuts,
avocados and seeds eaten "fresh", are very beneficial for health, well
being used for the metabolism of important minerals and vitamins needed
by the body. The fresh green vegetables are rich in calcium and iron,
which are naturally absorbed without causing cumulative effects. The raw
cold-pressed oils, these can be used without problems for health, but
are methods of low productivity with your
rudimentary technique of
industrialization, therefore uneconomic for the cash of your industry.
Another major problem is the use of transgenic seeds for the production
of edible oils; it is a chronic problem for even cold-pressed oils of
these seeds, because they will contain DNA from insects and other
hybrids in its formulation in any way. Try cooking with minimal or
nothing of processed vegetable oils. The refined "less bad" is the
sunflower, rice and peanuts. Try using animal fats like butter or
vegetable fat such as coconut for cooking. In the case of coconut,
walnuts and chestnuts in general, they do not contain transgenic
elements and is completely pure.
Mythi, the climate in different
regions of the planet is totally out of context, extreme temperatures,
droughts, floods, strange mists, something has already begun?
- Yes, I
think your government is not required warn you, any one from now will
feel in their own skin the changes on the planet. Therefore, any amateur
astronomer can observe, because the stellar quarters are changing
rapidly. The constellations you know, just have the mythological form
when seen from the angle of your planet, do not have the same meaning
when viewed from different angles, that is, there is no real meaning for
them except as a reference. Your astronomers could observe the changes
of position with ease. The angle of rotation of the planet is adjusting
quickly because we are almost reaching the zero point of the equatorial
plane of the galaxy. Watch your moon, it seems to be declining its axis,
but, instead, is the Earth that is. The average citizen, so
unfortunately he closes his eyes until he began to feel the changes in
the skin or stomach. Virtually all crops on the planet will suffer the
consequences of climate change, cold where it was warm and hot "where it
was cold. Your governments know this and are super stocked food for the
next two years, minimum time it takes to restart the climate a new
cycle known to enable new planting in their corresponding climatic
regions. After the tectonic restructuring, and the resulting initial
chaos, governments will have to deal with people wanting food, shelter
and medicine. For that some are already well prepared to "contain" these
populations. It's all very "in your face," is impossible, that many
cannot see. But none of this will change the fate of development of each
of you. We, and your many friends from distant places, we're here to
try to minimize the consequences and restart this colony.
there are many messages from channels such as Pleiadeans messages, Rise
Humanity, and Allies of Humanity...Are you the only contact, the only
representative from the CG to this world?
- I'm not representative of
the Community Galactica, and would not be a function that would please
me. I just tell how things are, the way they are, I'm a scientist not a
public relations. I'm not here to judge, only to observe and work. Many
of you ask me about other people who speak with contacts from other
planets, you see, many of them can actually be communicating in some way
mentally. The problem is the messages. As the contents of these
messages is easy to understand when it comes to dreams. Contents Type:
"religious doctrinal and occultism", by saying "multidimensional
beings", "we'll save all", "we are a military council of a particular
planet or constellation", are certainly daydreams. You have to use your
own consensus to decide on the truths that converge with your
intuitions. Any well-intentioned message that leads to thinking about
the welfare of your fellows and aura of your planet, should be welcomed,
it is sent by aliens or by your fellow humans. Just do not get carried
away by fantastic stories "from other dimensions."
Mythi, you are always very technical, you never talk about love, never philosophizes about anything, as is your spiritual side?
Well, I think that discuss philosophies of life is useful, depending on
the stage of the occasion and opportunity. Love is not debatable, it is
the direct result of your "behavioral actions" and of your inner
thoughts about everything that surrounds you. Love is not a feeling, is a
state of development. When you increase your understanding of the
universal context, the more you come to admire and respect everything
that is part of this incredible creation. Unconditional love is not
ideal, is a simple mental state. Admire and respect is loving and
understanding. Therefore, understanding leads to love. No use
philosophizing about love to whom has not reached the level of
comprehension needed to understand what you're really talking about.
of you are understanding more comprehensively your relationship with
the universe, and this will help increase your energy level, which will
make your aura brighter due to the love of knowledge. The state of inner
happiness is directly proportional to your state of consciousness
developed by quantum comprehension of you within the universal context.
The fear of the unknown and lack of answers will be gradually replaced
by love, real and conscious. With patience and determination to find the
light, with due respect to everyone and everything that surrounds you,
you will gradually getting there. Be well friends!
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