Sunday, June 8, 2014

Reading:::File:::▶ 107 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA Nibiru ::: A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council:::sharing

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Video 107

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundred and seven – November 23, 2013.

- This is a short message, provided to keep you alert. We are working together and developing a plan of action with the fleet with ships of recovery Atonians, under the command of Krulians, who traveled from the Kuiper belt to your moon. These spaceships were working to collect rare minerals but were relocated to this new position and instructed about the tasks which will be required at the time. Part of our strength is also working with the Arcturians right now. Plenty of things to do.
- Friends, be prepared for the final tuning of the solar system. With the passage of ISON by Sun or its breakdown into smaller objects directed at specific points in the system, the Sun will undergo radical changes in behavior, and all the planets including Earth that is orbiting nearby, also pass through geomagnetic and physical changes. We've talked a lot about it and I'm sure you will not need to repeat all the advice given to you earlier. Be prepared for a possible period of life with moments where you cannot rely on the technology that you have at the moment, based on centralized supplies of electricity. Follow the advice previously given and revise your plans of action. Your governments have done everything, to omit the size and “composition” of the phenomenon ISON but cannot cover the sun with a sieve for everyone to follow events. The ISON phenomenon is composed of parts which together are twice the size of Earth. Prepare for tectonic and atmospheric effects generated by these adjustments. - Check what your governments are doing and what your elites are providing. Many false flags are going to happen in the coming months, be watching the movements of companies and governments migrating out of certain areas which are being planned actions on "artificial" disasters. Your governments compounds and administered by your ruling elites, have been told by contacts with races who exchange favors long with them about everything that is going to happen, so please watch carefully everything they will be doing in the coming months. Try right now to keep in communication as previously explained, if possible, test the communication between you with some of your companions who are following our advice and conversations during these past two years. Do not worry too much about the changes they were already planned since you were placed here. We'll be watching everything, and so possibly go into more direct action with you. Everything will work out! Be well, and may the force be with you.

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A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council – June 5, 2014

Pleiadian Visitation
Pleiadian Visitation
Channeled through Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira. I am devoted to the earth’s ascension and therefore am working full time with the Earth Council. We are the overseers of the earth and life on the earth. It is a big job but we have help from many, many beings. Our Creator is in charge. We love you and love the earth. What happens on the earth affects all of creation. This is why you need our undivided attention.
Some of you may be feeling like your situations are hopeless, like the earth is in such dire straits that she cannot pull out of it. This is far from the truth. There is more Light on the planet than ever before. Much of this Light is attributed to the Light weavers, you, the Light workers, who allow the Light to be transmuted through you.
We realize that you are striving for Heaven on Earth, in order to co-create these energies there is much that has to be transmuted. Even though most of you are prepared you have little idea about how these higher energies will affect your bodies. Your hearts hold the dearest energies of love and Light yet the physical bodies still are being prepared. Please do whatever you can to lighten up and to do the very best that you can for your bodies. Many of you are actually reversing aging and getting younger. The Light can do this when you truly open up to it. Lots of good thoughts, meditation, prayer, healing, rest, good food and lots of water also affect the cells positively. Mindfulness is important.
Many bold new steps are being taken by all of us in whatever our capacity. This includes you! As you pave the way into the new frontier of living in the higher dimensions you must be bold in what you say, think and do. You cannot take the easy way out thinking that you will be rescued from whatever ills are on the earth or within you. We can help you and guide you but we rely on your consciousness for the transformation.
We are multi-dimensional beings; life is truly multi-dimensional. You are living in the time of miracles. As you advance the miracles of creation will increase. Pay attention and be grateful and acknowledge the miracles that come in your lives. These new manifestations are practice for what it is like to live in higher dimensions when all one has to do is think something into being.
We spend a lot of our energy on watching what is percolating within the consiousness of humanity. We see how consciousness is impacted by those who would rather distract you from the path of enlightenment. This way they can continue to control humanity. But the Lightworkers are different. Every choice that you make towards higher consciousness has an exponential impact on the rest of humanity. This is how important your thoughts are as Lightworkers.
We also use our technology to monitor the earth and where help could be necessary. We have the ability to actually look within the earth and see and feel what the earth is feeling. We can also tell when the earth is getting ready to release negative energies far before events occur. We use this information to stabilize energies or prepare for certainties before the release of energies. It is the Creator’s intention and the earth’s intention to protect life as much as possible.
I always enjoy sharing with you. It is my desire to keep you in the loop. I send you my love and greetings from all of us.

I am Mira.

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Mary Magdalene and Yeshua: Bliss and ONEness
Yeshua and Mary Magdalene
Yeshua and Mary Magdalene
Channeled by Fran Zepeda
June 1, 2014

MasterQuote12: Mary Magdalene and Yeshua on Bliss and ONEness:
“Dear Beloveds. We are blended together in Bliss as we encompass your energy in ours and ours in yours. We are Bliss Personified and together we open up new vistas and roads to the Divine today.
Forever and always we touch Source and Source touches us all. We are Source. We are Love. We are Bliss. We are Abundance. We are Harmony.
There is no separation anymore – Can you feel it? Surrender now, dear ones, to the welcoming embrace of Source, your true core – Your true Divine Nature is unfolding and never will you be the same. Pull out all the stops and melt into the Bliss that is your core, that is your True Being.
Together we embrace all of humanity, we embrace all of the Universe, and we embrace all of the Multiverse. We embrace Source in Oneness. Can you feel it, dear Beloveds? We are One.”
Channeled by Fran Zepeda June 1, 2014
©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, beautiful synchronicity and this notice and links are included.

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