Saturday, June 7, 2014

Reading:::File:::ISON:::▶ 106 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA Nibiru and Events - The Journey of Your Soul – Your Soul Splits into 16 parts… not 2!

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Video 106

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundred and six – November 13, 2013.

Friends, as I said before, ISON event will realign the orbit of all planets in the solar system. All its motion and influence will be balanced to cause the effects that the system need to finalize the passage into the level one. The time of the final adjustments of frequencies and orbits of the planets of the solar system is coming fast now. The new frequencies that enable your society to maintain a planet level one in this new phase will be harmonics of the frequency of vibration of your Sun, which is fitting to end this tuning. The high activity of thy sun should make a cleanup of frequencies harmful to the development of the new phase of consciousness, even if it has to stop many current activities of your society. Be assured that all that will be necessary for these final adjustments, is not any kind of punishment, on the contrary, it is a blessing. All of you who are going through this new tune has important roles in this process, so you are here right now. In the development processes of the universe there are no coincidences, a cup to overflow needs all the drops, is one that is missing it does not overflow.
Be prepared for this new phase, the only situations that may affect the conditions of life of your people during this period are the acts of exception caused by unhealthy dome government that governs your planet. But in the end, whether they want it or not, everything will be set by the laws of universal development. Your dome of elitist governments, are simply convulsing before death.
Some answers to questions of many:
- You need not worry about how many levels one or zero level will remain on the planet. This will be a process of natural selection. Even if your governments eliminate entire populations in their sickening process of upheaval, it will not change the formation of the new society, with the revival of "levels one" on the planet.
- Answering some questions about Mars, the passage of ISON caused no structural damage to the planet, cities and bases of operation survived because they had turned their force fields.
- On Venus, or on your planet, the Sun will be largely responsible for changes, and ISON, will be radio-controlled to adjust the vibration frequency end of the Sun and all the planets of the system, for this upgrade. It may not follow the expected route by your scientists after passing by the Sun.
- As I mentioned earlier, Taus will be detected in a new fixed orbit, and the cloud of cosmic energy that surrounds the entire solar system will be responsible for thousands of stray meteors that will be supervised by Pleiadeans.
- The solar system Nibiru will pass by the system to complete its cycle, but its influence will not generate widespread cataclysms, the Krulians will be monitoring and directing this passage as been doing for over a year.
- Comets with multiple tails are relatively common, its composition with rare materials make them to react to the forces vectorial links crossing on your journey. The tails represent reactions to related vectorial links to gravitational fields of other heavenly bodies trying to interfere with its trajectory. The angle between the tails will vary according to the distances of the objects that are influencing its path.
- In case you run out communication via satellites, or without energy, you should have communication devices as previously mentioned, that can run on batteries, but keep these devices off during any news of EMP's issued by your Sun or caused by your governments. Keep this equipment insulated and disconnected until be sure they can be connected. Keep a cell phone or any electronic device connected to verify that it will not be burned before connecting your main communication equipment. The radios are the only common form of communication that remains to keep communities knowing what's going on. We will be operating at various frequencies from VHF, UHF and shortwave, and we can communicate with those who are able to scan the channels to listen.
- The case of Japan radiation spread is severe. Thy elites really want that to happen so offered no aid to Japanese government to assist in the case. It's impressive, even for us observers, the neglect of all your major nations with the fact. This is already a predominant factor for you to realize the planning of a whole scenario of reducing resources and destruction of the ecosystem. Understand that we can only intervene when your governments are not more governments. When the planet is no government, what will happen when your elites to retract to escape from the rest of the population, then yes we can assume our role in helping "extraterrestrial.
- The colonies in the "planet one" that is getting earthlings for development situation prior to your "middle age", is already with several colonies rapidly developing. Eighty percent of the disembodied here is reborn in these new colonies. In a few hundred years we will have another planet to go to level one, and possibly volunteers from the new society level 1 of the Earth that is starting, may participate in helping this new planet in its passage also to the "level one". As for the other twenty percent of the disembodied, are reborn in the second planet and integrating into tribes "post Neanderthal." These will take a few thousand years to pass to the level one.
These two planets are very similar to the Earth, and are in another solar system in the same quadrant are you in your galaxy. Very convenient. What I can say is that this system has nineteen planets and a sun of magnitude 4 on the scale you use.
- Even these disasters caused by atmospheric manipulation, are being scheduled by your governments by way of simple scientific experiments. The vast majority of disembodied of these regions, as recently occurred in the
Philippines, will be reborn in the “planet 1" as children of its current inhabitants. They will be in a very good location and will be happy with the new development opportunity.
- I shall communicate again so is necessary to inform you of the next steps. Be well every one.
Captain Bill – November, 2013
I am placing this information out of curiosity. A spacecraft type used by Mythi few years ago was photographed in several pictures by Google Maps in Mount Shasta, California, U.S.. According Mythi reported, this type of spacecraft was very popular a few decades ago, and is still in use by various cultures from Andromeda visiting planet Earth. According to him, this ship photographed belongs to a race, good friends of his, who belong to a colony on Rigel Centaurs. Are scientific units, working here for many decades, as it also makes scientists from Epsilon Boötis.
If they have not taken these pictures out, below are the links for you to browse through the site and see for yourselves the spacecraft for several angles using Google Street View in greater resolution. Cheers! CB LINK 1 LINK 2


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The Journey of Your Soul – Your Soul Splits into 16 parts… not 2!

Many misunderstand the idea of twin flames, and are searching for that one special soul, usually of the opposite sex, to spend their lives with. In truth there is not just one other half of you out there somewhere walking around, but many more pieces of your soul. And yet it is with only ONE such other piece of your soul that you are to unite into one magnificent WHOLE.

So how does this happen? When your soul, your OVERSOUL is born at the source, it is born into a soul family of other such souls who are all closely related. These OVERSOULS will continue to interact with each other over and over again in various physical lives, and etheric ones. A soul family is different than an OVERSOUL.

An oversoul is one giant soul that has been split into 16 parts. That is what I am being told, that there are usually 16 parts of the soul that separate into “mini souls”. These mini souls go on to have various experiences. Since the cosmos is huge, and there are a myriad of universes, parallel realities, dimensions, etc., These 16 parts are quickly multiplied into what is called “Aspects of self”. To help you understand this better. It’s very similar to this, when you are home alone, you are one way, when you go to work you present a completely different “you” to the world. Being with your parents creates yet another persona. Being with a significant other, another. Etc., etc., Each time we adjust our behavior in order to present ourselves in a different light we create an aspect of our own selves.

I have not formally spoken to St. Germain prior to receiving this tool, and found myself flabbergasted when he came to me early in the morning as I was awakening from sleep. I saw him clearly and he pointed to this tool and explained to me in detail how to use it! And as soon as I took it into my hands and closed my eyes, I felt my crown chakra vibrating surprisingly much and felt myself surrounded by so much Violet that I felt myself actually becoming it! Then complete, peace and serenity filled my body and uncontrollable joy! Click here to learn more about it :

In fact many people with “split personality disorders” as they have been labeled by our modern medicine, have an issue with the fact that their auric field has cracked opened and the various aspects of themselves become disconnected. Sometimes this is actually quite easy to fix by simply sealing the auric field with “etheric surgery”.

So as you can see everything starts at the Oversoul level, then splits into 16 parts, and tapers down to a myriad of aspects of self.

These 16 parts the most important ones of course, since each of the 16 parts are currently living out their beautiful journeys all over the universe. And there is an INFINITE number universes. So these 16 parts of your soul separate and move about the vast cosmic platform.

Once each of these parts has had enough experience and desires to merge back to its true self it must find it’s appropriate part and see if that part of the soul is actually ready to merge with it.

16 parts create 8 pairs. Once these 8 pairs merge, they create 4 pairs. Once these 4 pairs merge they create 2 pairs. Once these 2 pairs merge, it is then that TWIN FLAMES that we all know of and keep on talking about emerge. These TWIN FLAMES are the most important ones for the oversoul. Keep in mind though that this OVERSOUL is a sort of energy hub which keeps tabs on all its parts and aspects, connecting these parts with each other, and instigating various events for these mini souls to keep constantly meeting throughout their journeys in the universe.

Therefore, it is quite possible to meet a part of your soul throughout your mini souls life. In fact its mandatory. Surprising to me was that these mini souls of your oversoul do not necessarily need to be in a romantic relationship! Since each mini soul is developing at its own speed, many times a more advanced part of your soul will meet with a less advanced one, less experienced one, in order to help it to move forward, to teach it various things about the universe and life. Therefore it’s quite possible to have children and parents who seem to be so identical to each other and have an incredibly close relationship with one another, understanding each other on some level that is mind boggling. When asked whether they were romantically involved in previous lives the answer is always no.

It was after many channelings and encounters that this information was finally revealed to me. So in one lifetime you can have a child who is part of your actual soul. A piece of you. Whom you are helping to maneuver through this life!

Also each pair that forms will never be romantically involved with another. However the respective parts will always meet to exchange information be it in actual physical or etheric, or otherwise. They will always bump into each other to exchange information learned on a frequency level which we are simply not aware of.

So for example Part 1A and Part 9A will be romantically involved with each other, in fact they will meet many times over and have various romantic relationships which doesn’t mean that they will merge with each other, as they may simply not be ready to do so. However, Part 1A and 2A will never be romantically involved, they may play out various roles as parent/child relationship etc. These types of relationship are usually incredibly close. Many times you see parent and child that can’t seem to live without each other. Understanding each other without having to speak a word. In our world it may seem abnormal to have such a close bond with a parent/child, but it doesn’t mean that their relationship is not balanced, not at all they are simply the best of friends who seem to clearly understand and respect each other, support each other etc. Most of the time, when such a relationship does occur usually one of them will be a much more evolved part of the soul. This is not a soul group, this is an actual part of your soul.


THE ANKH DISC – KEY OF LIFE – What this tool does is aligns you with your own self helping you to experience LIFE here on earth and integrating your etheric self. This tool is known for activating the sacral chakra and releasing all the negativity in regards to intimacy and sex that is stored in your body, but not only this, but so much more. It also activates your PSYCHIC abilities, working on the sacral chakra allowing you to become sensual and be able to attune yourself to the needs of others. Helping you in building strong relationships with others. Click here for more information.

Sometimes it will occur between friends. If you think about it, there may have been or still is a friend in your life that you have an incredibly complicated relationship with, they do everything wrong from your point of view, they drive you crazy, but at the same time you keep on being there for them guiding them and helping them. No matter what they do, you seem to have unconditional love for them, that you simply cannot explain. This is usually the reason, they are simply part of your OVERSOUL and you are part of theirs. You both met in order to help your OVERSOUL grow faster, correct each others “mistakes” learn and expand your mutual consciousness, which really is ONE.

So once again, Part 1A + Part 9A will be romantically involved. Part 4A and 13A never will be. Each OVERSOUL separates into 16 parts, once these 16 parts meet they will form 8 pairs. Once the 8 pairs merge, which could take eons to happen, they will form 4 pairs which will once again go off and have their own adventures and their own lives. Finally to merge into unison and form 2 “minisouls. Again each part will continue its own journey until they are finally ready to merge with each other. And that is what we understand to be TWIN FLAMES. In essence though, it is not the case as here on earth right now you could simply be merging with one of the earlier pairs, say Part 8A + Part 16A. However, the last pairs to merge are usually the most powerful unions of all.

They usually merge at the most important historical moments of the universe, and that is precisely what is happening on planet earth at the moment. These last 2 “minisouls” are finally merging into ONE, meeting and CREATING phenomenal experiences not only for humanity but for all of the universe enlarge. As we are in the midst of great changes that are influencing this entire universe which comprises of a myriad of galaxies, stars, planets, dimensions, various realities the impact of such mergers is usually extremely profound and breathtaking to behold.

And then, there are those here on earth that have fully and completely merged with ALL parts of their soul. They do not feel that urge, loneliness, nor desire to meet that “Special” someone, they are content, complete, and here to assist humanity with infinite knowledge of the creator. These are the most profound spiritual leaders, scientists, healers, teachers, world leaders, etc., whose sole purpose in life seems to be assisting humanity without much interest in seeking out romantic relationships as that is not their primary goal nor do they need to meet another part of their soul to carry out their divine missions as all parts are with them assisting them from WITHIN.

And then there are soul families, soul groups, etc, that eventually all merge into ONE being called the SOURCE/GOD as we understand it to be. In essence we are ALL interconnected and intertwined, regardless if a particular being is part of your actual soul or not, as we simply are part of ONE GIANT WHOLE from which we all originate and to which we all belong, and of which we all are.

It’s the same as your fingers, organs, cells, all carrying out different functions, working together, being part of ONE whole, the human body. The same is with the universe, we are all parts of the universe, parts of GOD, parts of creator and that is why we truly ARE The creators of our own realities, as we go about our day we CREATE with MAGIC of our thought patterns. Hence it’s so incredibly important to remember that what WE think, truly DOES affect EVERYONE around us, even those that presently do not reside on planet earth. So choose your thoughts wisely and enjoy every step of your journey to ONENESS to the understanding of SELF to just BEING and CREATING this phenomenal experience we call LIFE!

~Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL

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By annamerkaba on June 5, 2014
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