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What energy and experiences can we expect in July 2014?
The energy this month is fragmented. There is a feeling that things are expanding so quickly that they are stretching too far and falling apart. You may find division and fragmentation occurring this month. This fragmentation is a reflection of how much you have grown and are continuing to grow. While it will provide some challenges, it is not necessarily a difficult or harmful dynamic.
There is a strange feeling of being both empty and overly filled at the same time. It is like there is tension building in a way that reflects the growth that is underway. It may be difficult this month to string things together or to keep them together. You may find relationships splitting apart, you might find projects seem to come apart, and you may find it difficult to get along with people or to understand one another. You may even struggle to string your thoughts and words together. Communication will be strained this month. It is not because there are true misunderstandings -- it is because everyone is growing so fast that you cannot keep up with yourself, let alone with each other.
This month, it will be important for all of you to be patient and to be kind. It will be useful for you to focus on one thing at a time and try to find small moments of satisfaction rather than waiting for the entire picture to come together before you feel satisfied. If you will be gracious and gracefully accept the small successes when they come, you will find the month is quite enjoyable. There is playful energy everywhere you turn, and the opportunity to enjoy your growth through play and laughter. You may find the emptiness can actually come across as a sense of peacefulness if you will allow yourself to relax and appreciate what does work, rather than worrying about what is not working.
Are there particular activities we can use to best access the energy of the month?
It will be useful for all of you to focus on communicating in ways that are as clear and simple as possible. One activity that you may find useful is to pull away and rest rather than push. For instance, whenever you have a misunderstanding with someone, no matter whether it is small or large, take a break and then return to the conversation later. Avoid pushing for the understanding right away. You may need to excuse yourself from the table or hang up the phone. You may need to do something to end the dialogue in the moment, knowing that you will come back to it later with a deeper understanding of yourself. When you know how you feel and where you stand, you increase your ability to understand the other person more deeply. You will find struggle this month if you push to complete things immediately. Impatience with conversations, with projects, and with anything else you might be engaged in will cause suffering this month. When you cannot be patient, then back away and wait for a time when you can be.
It will also serve you to actively choose playful activities. Find ways to play amidst all of the work that is needed this month. Because of the fragmentation, everything is twice as hard as usual this month. You will likely feel tired or frustrated when you find yourself working hard without much visible progress. It will be important to give yourself rest breaks. During these break times, do not sit quietly and rest because that only helps you survive. Instead you will need to have your soul and your heart filled with joy and laughter in order to help you get through the hard times...
This Message was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith MA through Akashic Transformations.
It may be shared with individuals provided that the content is complete; all credit is given to the author; and it is distributed for no financial or other compensation to anyone other than Jen Eramith and Akashic Transformations. Please include this message with all redistribution.
For official distribution rights, please contact Jen.
Posted 8 hours ago by LUZ ZOHAR
July 2014 Message via Jen Eramith
From the Akashic Records: An Excerpt from the Message of July 2014
Members: To access the full monthly message including all of the information the Keepers have to share about this month, please login above. If you're not a member, consider joining Akashic Transformations, and compare thebenefits of membership to public access before joining!
What energy and experiences can we expect in July 2014?
Are there particular activities we can use to best access the energy of the month?
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The Dream
The Journey Begins
The Dream
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From the Akashic Records: An Excerpt from the Message of July 2014
Members: To access the full monthly message including all of the information the Keepers have to share about this month, please login above. If you're not a member, consider joining Akashic Transformations, and compare thebenefits of membership to public access before joining!
What energy and experiences can we expect in July 2014?
Are there particular activities we can use to best access the energy of the month?
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ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
The Dream
The Journey Begins
The Dream
I gazed upon the glorious being floating just before me. Its light filled the entire room with a warm radiation.
“Who are you?” I asked within my heart.
“I am you, Beloved,” was the unexpected reply.
I did not understand what the beautiful being had said. I was not glorious. I could not float in the air as the being before me did, and I definitely did not have enough light to fill the entire room.
I was just a regular person with a regular life. Some days I felt good, even peaceful, but some days, I felt bad, even tormented. I did my job as well as I
could and tried to pay my bills on time.
I was a good citizen. I had a family that I loved and friends that cared for me. However, sometimes, I was frightened, annoyed, or sad.
No, I was not special. I was just regular.
“Oh, but my one,” the being interrupted my thoughts, “just regular IS special.”
“What?” I responded in a somewhat angry and disrespectful voice. Quickly, I covered my mouth and muttered an apology.
“You needn’t apologize to me my dear. I am you!”
“No, I’m sorry,” I replied, almost to myself. “I can’t believe that. I cannot
accept that. If I were you, then why would I ever want to be me?”
“I am very proud to be you. I am very proud of how you have maintained your life under difficult circumstances. Life upon the physical plane can be, and usually is, challenging. And you/I have maintained a heart that loves.”
“A heart that loves?”
“Yes, and a mind that thinks. You, that is you and I together, have kept our
bond, our promise, to remain our SELF in the face of many temptations that could pull us out of ‘being regular’, out of ‘being special’.”
“Well yes,” I replied as I scratched my chin. “I must say that there are a
million temptations, from choosing to walk to the recycling bin to remembering to think before I speak. I guess I do try, most of the time, to be the best person that I can be.”
“Yes, and all of the time, you are special. You are special not just because
you try to do your best, but because you have chosen to leave the form that
you see before you/myself/ourselves and enter into the experience of
physical life.”
Now I was confused. I did not remember making such a choice. In fact, if I
could choose, I would instantly become the glorious being before me.
“Are you sure?” responded the being, reading my thoughts. “What about your family, your friends, your work, your planet? Would you not miss them?”
“Well, yes, I would. I would miss them all very much. But, if I am also a being like you, then they must also have a part of them that is like you. Don’t they?”
“Most certainly,” replied the being with a smile so bright that the radiance
extended beyond the walls of the room until there were no walls and no floor. There was only light.
At first, I was a bit frightened. Standing in the middle of blazing light was not a “regular” occurrence.
The being gently laughed, “Be not concerned, the room around you, in fact
your entire physical world, still exists. However, your attention is now on my
world, which is of a higher vibration.
“Follow me,” said the being. “There is something I would like you to see.”
The being led me to a door that seemed to appear from nowhere. It opened wide as we approached it.
The being stepped through the door and beckoned me to follow. It took a
moment for my sight to clear. Then I saw it.
Before me was a vision of my house, my family, and my friends joining
together in friendly communion, except that everything and everyone was
emanating radiant light. They all turned towards me and smiled. Their smiles lit the room even brighter.
“You have brought your physical awareness,” they said as one voice. “We
are trying to bring our physical consciousness here as well. Wouldn’t it be
beautiful if we all could meet here, physical with spiritual, and then return to
earth? Think of it! Can you imagine the impact it would make if we could link our physical and spiritual essences to create a continuous flow from Spirit into Matter?”
“I must be dreaming,” I thought out loud. I reached to pinch my arm, but it
looked different. It was not hard. I was more like a cloud, a golden cloud. My hands were as radiant as the glorious being’s. I looked around to ask the being what had happened and found that it had gone.
“No” replied the being’s voice from inside my heart and mind. “I am not gone. I am inside of you. Now, please take me into your physical world and don’t forget that I am you-inside.”
I sat up in my bed with a start. My body was drenched with sweat and my
mate was sleeping beside me.
“It was just a dream after all,” I thought.
“Oh, but what a glorious dream!” came the now familiar inner voice.
Fortunately, it was still responding to my every thought.
* * *
“Who are you?” I asked within my heart.
“I am you, Beloved,” was the unexpected reply.
I did not understand what the beautiful being had said. I was not glorious. I could not float in the air as the being before me did, and I definitely did not have enough light to fill the entire room.
I was just a regular person with a regular life. Some days I felt good, even peaceful, but some days, I felt bad, even tormented. I did my job as well as I
could and tried to pay my bills on time.
I was a good citizen. I had a family that I loved and friends that cared for me. However, sometimes, I was frightened, annoyed, or sad.
No, I was not special. I was just regular.
“Oh, but my one,” the being interrupted my thoughts, “just regular IS special.”
“What?” I responded in a somewhat angry and disrespectful voice. Quickly, I covered my mouth and muttered an apology.
“You needn’t apologize to me my dear. I am you!”
“No, I’m sorry,” I replied, almost to myself. “I can’t believe that. I cannot
accept that. If I were you, then why would I ever want to be me?”
“I am very proud to be you. I am very proud of how you have maintained your life under difficult circumstances. Life upon the physical plane can be, and usually is, challenging. And you/I have maintained a heart that loves.”
“A heart that loves?”
“Yes, and a mind that thinks. You, that is you and I together, have kept our
bond, our promise, to remain our SELF in the face of many temptations that could pull us out of ‘being regular’, out of ‘being special’.”
“Well yes,” I replied as I scratched my chin. “I must say that there are a
million temptations, from choosing to walk to the recycling bin to remembering to think before I speak. I guess I do try, most of the time, to be the best person that I can be.”
“Yes, and all of the time, you are special. You are special not just because
you try to do your best, but because you have chosen to leave the form that
you see before you/myself/ourselves and enter into the experience of
physical life.”
Now I was confused. I did not remember making such a choice. In fact, if I
could choose, I would instantly become the glorious being before me.
“Are you sure?” responded the being, reading my thoughts. “What about your family, your friends, your work, your planet? Would you not miss them?”
“Well, yes, I would. I would miss them all very much. But, if I am also a being like you, then they must also have a part of them that is like you. Don’t they?”
“Most certainly,” replied the being with a smile so bright that the radiance
extended beyond the walls of the room until there were no walls and no floor. There was only light.
At first, I was a bit frightened. Standing in the middle of blazing light was not a “regular” occurrence.
The being gently laughed, “Be not concerned, the room around you, in fact
your entire physical world, still exists. However, your attention is now on my
world, which is of a higher vibration.
“Follow me,” said the being. “There is something I would like you to see.”
The being led me to a door that seemed to appear from nowhere. It opened wide as we approached it.
The being stepped through the door and beckoned me to follow. It took a
moment for my sight to clear. Then I saw it.
Before me was a vision of my house, my family, and my friends joining
together in friendly communion, except that everything and everyone was
emanating radiant light. They all turned towards me and smiled. Their smiles lit the room even brighter.
“You have brought your physical awareness,” they said as one voice. “We
are trying to bring our physical consciousness here as well. Wouldn’t it be
beautiful if we all could meet here, physical with spiritual, and then return to
earth? Think of it! Can you imagine the impact it would make if we could link our physical and spiritual essences to create a continuous flow from Spirit into Matter?”
“I must be dreaming,” I thought out loud. I reached to pinch my arm, but it
looked different. It was not hard. I was more like a cloud, a golden cloud. My hands were as radiant as the glorious being’s. I looked around to ask the being what had happened and found that it had gone.
“No” replied the being’s voice from inside my heart and mind. “I am not gone. I am inside of you. Now, please take me into your physical world and don’t forget that I am you-inside.”
I sat up in my bed with a start. My body was drenched with sweat and my
mate was sleeping beside me.
“It was just a dream after all,” I thought.
“Oh, but what a glorious dream!” came the now familiar inner voice.
Fortunately, it was still responding to my every thought.
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