Monday, June 30, 2014

Eliza: Head or Heart? :::▶ 12 Caban, 0 Kumku, 10 Caban ::: Atlantis :::Lemuria :::...

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12 Caban, 0 Kumku, 10 Caban 

Dratzo! We come on this day with good news! Our various earthly associates are diligently readying your blessings for delivery. We wish to devote our message this week to discussing your origins. We are all descendants of an aquatic ape-like creature that lived on the third planet from its sun, the star you call Vega. This planet was a water world, filled with what you might think are very unusual creatures. The worst of these was a large predator, and our ancestors had climbed over a series of craggy mountains to escape it. There, they developed into great fishermen and began to spend a vast amount of time at sea. Eventually, they lost their dense body fur and took on some of the characteristics of a marine mammal. Around six million years ago, land cetaceans visited them from the Solis system. These gentle Beings asked them if they wanted to become fully conscious Beings and eventually migrate to their former homelands. They were reluctant at first. However, the intervention of the Spiritual Hierarchy convinced them to do so. They were then granted full consciousness and met with other such souls from the stars, which surrounded Vega.

   These meetings led to the formation of a Light confederation, which began to slowly expand its influence across the Lyra constellation. Four million years ago, they had reached the star Sirius and had morphed into a new organization, the Galactic Federation of Light. It was this sacred union which eventually colonized the Solis system. These colonies were ravaged by the Ancharan Alliance and forced to flee. The colonists returned around 900,000 years ago and decided to only settle on Gaia. This group set up its headquarters in Inner Earth and also settled on a large island continent known to you today as Lemuria. This surface colony began to slowly expand. Its task was to support and maintain the various ecosystems. Around 300,000 years ago, Earth was colonized by Beings from Centaurus and the Pleiades. Most of them went to a large island continent in the present-day Atlantic Ocean. Its inhabitants called this new colony “Atlantis.” It soon became a silent rival of the Lemurians. Around 50,000 years ago, the Lemurians gave each of its colonies equal status. The Atlanteans saw this as a possible opportunity to exert their dominance over the surface lands of Earth.

   Approximately 25,000 years ago, the Atlanteans and their dark allies struck and destroyed the surface lands of Lemuria. The Lemurians retreated to their Inner Earth realm. This left the Atlanteans in charge of the surface lands. Over the millennia, the Atlanteans began a policy of banishing the many children of the ruling elites who strongly opposed them to a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea called “Ionia.” The Atlanteans eventually attacked this colony. The Ionian scientists had prepared for this eventuality with a series of special devices. With these they were able to counter this threat. Atlantis was consumed by its own weapon and soon sank beneath the waters. The residents of Atlantis and their global allies fled to another world, which orbited a star in the Centaurian constellation, known to you as Beta Centauri. This disaster left behind two groups of Beings. The first were a group of special human hybrids called, in your legends, the Anunnaki. The second was your limited-consciousness ancestors. These groups, with the help of Heaven, soon formed a symbiotic relationship.

   Heaven desired that your ancestors survive and learn a number of vital lessons, which were to become useful once the Light returned in full force to your world. This strange relationship, which consisted of the Anunnaki as “gods” and your ancestors as their devoted followers, continued for some 13,000 years. The time arrives for this to end and for you to resume your former state. This stage of your long journey is merely the beginning of how you are to be made fully conscious once again. We are here to be your mentors and to permit your return. The Anunnaki left behind a ruling group that morphed over the millennia into what you know as the dark cabal. This group is being ousted from power. It is aware that its time has come. The immediate present is to see this group step aside and be succeeded by our earthly allies. The pieces are in place for a great change to happen in the “twinkling of an eye.” This transformation includes sacred Beings who come from all parts of your globe. Their programs are to liberate you and to provide prosperity and new governance.

   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters. Your world is suffering under the last vestiges of the dark cabal. Our mission is to provide a means for you to get beyond their heinous rule. In addition, Heaven sent us great fleets of ships that are to bring us mentors, to aid in your transition to full consciousness. We welcome them. These brothers give us the ability to overcome any power still possessed by the dark cabal. A natural blessed movement is underway that is to move you toward full consciousness. Our divine task is to oversee these developments and ensure that they affect you positively. The purpose is to make certain of your timely success. Our associates have the tools required to forge a new epoch for humanity. This new epoch is already blessedly forming around you. The dark’s agents fear arrest. They panic about the facts to be presented at their trials and know that this present realm is indeed crumbling. The dark’s time is over. A new era of freedom, peace and prosperity manifests.

   We realize how this is forming. At a special time, we are to address you and confirm what Heaven is doing to formalize its numerous sacred decrees. The dark set up a global set of societies founded on war, division and unwarranted hatred of each other. We need to apply remedies to millennia of profound abuse. You have in you hidden hatreds and odd beliefs set forth by your former overseers. Lessons are required to be taught by us so the equality of all and the surfacing of a mutual benevolence can reappear. In this light, you can truly come together and begin to set the foundations for a new global society. This society is to recognize your spiritual sovereignty and divine rights. It is also to ensure your prosperity by giving you the means to secure these for yourselves and your intertwined families. This is all a preface to what your galactic mentors are to teach you.

   This is merely the time when you start to comprehend who you really are and how you are dearly related to one another. Your Ascension is to finally give you a special code for forging what we and your mentors teach you. Be in joy and be blessedly aware of how Heaven constructed this and righteously forged the path for your grand reunion with us all. We have sat in Agartha and watched how the dark manipulated you and kept you apart. This injustice is now ending. We have visited many parts of this globe over the last year and seen how things are changing. Heaven works in strange and wondrous ways. The dark cabal cannot escape its fate. Even so, these scalawags are our brothers and sisters who at the time of full consciousness are to return to the fold. We know this and see the purpose of this final part of our mutual journey: to learn a simple fact ­ we are indeed All One!! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
   Today, we continued our message. Remain ever aware that Heaven is our sacred guide. Our divine service is to welcome back all of humanity. We come to teach, to mentor and to prepare you for the final great spiritual leap, full consciousness! The moment comes for us to take action and bring us all into this new blessed Age! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


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Eliza: Head or Heart?

Light Body Activation

by Elizabeth Ayres Escher

July 2, 2014

The world is lighting up with creative intelligence and the people are responding each in their own unique way.

Some are swimming joyfully in a sea of bliss, while others are struggling with the undertow of doubt, fear and self-judgment. Are you still clinging to the old ways of doing things like a life preserver that is losing air? Or are you swimming with the otters and dolphins, moving with the ebb and flow of the tides of change?

The cosmic rays bombarding the planet, as well as the powerful planetary movements across the Zodiac are influencing an era of tremendous change upon our world and within each of us. You can resist and persist in attempting to utilize the old ways of being or you can let go and be.

Moving into learning or adapting to “being” when all your life you’ve been expected to perform and do can be quite a challenge for many of us, even the system busters. Let’s face it; we’ve all been conditioned in one way or another and if we resisted when young, were punished and branded rebellious and even possibly drugged into obedience.

Now, we have to re-adapt to being flexible and able to respond in the moment to what the energies are conveying to us. This means we have to learn how to be in our higher heart space all the time, so our sensory “heart” mind can pick up on the energy flows around us and adjust accordingly.

Experiences that once took lifetimes to complete are now being compacted into hours and minutes. Lifetimes are being lived in one year. And “time” is accelerating or at least it appears to be doing so… which really isn’t the case. Sooner or later, time will become meaningless and we will not need clocks or measurements to define our day; we will simply respond in the moment to whatever the energy is communicating to us.

Basically this development means relinquishing all planning for the “future” and living fully in the “now”. Yes, there is still a necessity to plan a bit, for instance if you have to go shopping, but that kind of activity can flow more, too. And plans can be adjusted if you sense that the present energies do not support the planned activities.

Compassion can be overwhelming to someone who has never felt worthy of being loved in their entire life. I have met people who have lived really difficult lives. They are treated worse than some animals and have few advocates. We all know people like that, even though they may not live in our neighborhood or town. Then, again, some of us can see “those people” when we look in the mirror at home.

Compassion is breaking down the barriers between people. We are starting to sense that we are interconnected. That breaking realization can be scary especially to those who have rejected everything and everyone who didn’t “fit” into a certain paradigm and suddenly are faced with their own perceived misguided thinking. Ouch! Self-judgment, shame, bitterness, resentment, fear, confusion… all of these suppressed emotions will come leaking to the surface once the barriers of resistance are breeched.

People think love and compassion are soft and fluffy emotions. Oh, they’re so misguided! Love and compassion are powerful forces that wear down and break down, dissolve and disappear any resistance one might raise to changing and opening one’s heart.

So love and compassion are working on each of us now, by illuminating what must be released and let go of. We all have a choice to surrender and comply or to resist and attempt to cling to the old paradigm. Sorry… the old paradigm is a swiftly sinking ship. Ever watch the movie “Titanic”? The process starts slowly, and then quickens and the end comes swiftly and irreversibly. So it is with the old way of doing things… the systems that cannot adapt to the new more fluid energies of the higher frequency levels will simply disappear.

Fortunately, although most humans tend to be resistant to change, when push comes to shove, they can usually adapt. You can see this kind of behavior when a community undergoes a severe challenge. People drop their barriers and fears and learn to work together.

First, however, we need to work on ourselves and to learn and allow ourselves to adjust to a whole new way of interacting and responding to the world. We are learning, moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day, step by step, a whole new way of “being” in the moment.

Your old way of linear “think” will no longer work or you will find yourself struggling to “make” it work. I’ve been watching this phenomenon play out where I work. Seems like no one knows what to do or is trying to force others into their way of thinking which just creates resentment and rebellion.

Using your expanded higher heart sensory “brain” will work in this new energy. It takes practice and allowing yourself time to adjust, to let go and to rest.

Our egoic brain is no longer in control. So if you’re feeling a bit muddle-headed, tired, frustrated, confused, you certainly are not alone. Just realize that it’s not personal; there is no need to judge yourself as being a failure or attempting to live up to any old measurements. We’re just going through a rather chaotic transitional period where everything that used to be up is down and vice versa.

Allow yourself time to rest in nature. Stare at the blue sky or trees. Work in the garden. If you live in the city, spend time at the beach or in a park. Walk the dog. Play with children. Smell the roses and allow yourself to adjust to a new way of being “soft” and “flowing”.

Water is soft as it flows over rock, but it also has the capacity to create deep canyons over the centuries. Now love is wearing away all the barriers around our hearts that we have put up in order to survive in a frankly tough environment. Allow love to sweep away your fears and light your heart flame. Allow love to seek out the darkest secrets and bring them to the surface to be released and transmuted by the Violet Flame or through the gift of grace emanating from the heart of the Divine Feminine.

We are moving into an era of love, grace, harmony and abundance, but first the corners and cupboards need to be cleared out and cleaned. No shadows will be allowed to remain, no dust, no secrets, no fear or self-judgment.

The heart is now the ruler of the body, but in a way not imagined by the old paradigm. With a delicately tuned sensory perception you will know what to do and when to do it… and when not to do anything. And this awareness will emanate from your high heart center, not your logical mind. You will know without having to read tons of books or follow directions. You will discover your own path and pave the way for others to follow in your footsteps. And as we go through these periods of pause, allow yourself to receive the refreshment of the spirit from those small wonders that surround us daily if we but take a moment to look.

For me, I just spent a bit of my quiet evening listening to the delighted chatter of a goldfinch nibbling away on the sunflowers and watching the light hot breeze stir the upper branches of a nearby tree. Peace is within and reflected without if you take a moment to come to a still place.

For the readers who look forward to the messages here, they may be coming or not. Depends on the flow of energies within and what I feel like doing next. I will be gone part of next week, so you folks who live in the States, enjoy your 4th of July holiday and family get-togethers. I’m going hiking with a friend or rather rambling on a ridge top to see the summer flowers there and gaze off towards the Wallowas and Seven Devils Range in Idaho. And maybe see some of you in the etheric retreats at night as we sleep.


Eliza Ayres


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