Monday, June 30, 2014

ELOHIM ARCTURUS- THE TRANSFORMATION OF YOU :::The Seemless Merge of Dimensions:::ssharing

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Message from Elohim Arcturus
Received by Julie Miller
June 28, 2014

The human upon awakening undergoes a dramatic transformation, a path unfolds before them of truth and liberation that comes from the depths of their soul, which emerges into the Light after a great struggle, which expresses their divinity and authenticity to their world.

The word, “transformation” became very popular in your human years of the 1960s and carried over into the 1970s and that is when the term “new age” was born. Every few years after, the word transformation changed, and became something of a trend, but transformation is not a fashion mode to wear, it is all about a significant change, a letting go of something old and no longer of value in preference for newer and lighter ways of being and living. During the early years of the word, “transformation” its spiritual meaning and significance became buried and lost.

Transformation is once again on the rise and it is essential to understand the spiritual meaning and purpose of transformation. Understand when you are transforming, when you are intentionally letting go of an old way, a way that has been holding you back in favour of a lighter way of living and being a great metamorphosis begins as your soul finally awakens from its deep slumber and rises to its true spiritual essence, after lifetimes of being submerged into self-centered matter. When the soul awakens, you begin your spiritual journey and discover the way and means back to the Light that stirred your awakening. As you get closer to the end of your transformational path, the exterior part of you, the part where emotions controlled your actions, words, thoughts, feelings, intentions and choices become balanced as your soul emerges carrying your authentic self for the world to see.

Unfortunately it has taken many thousands of years for humans to reach the moment of their evolution where such changes are occurring. There are many more dear souls finally awakening to their true spiritual nature, yet at the same time there are just as many either pretending or not quite awakened yet. Remember, your journey truly begins when God lights that spark inside of you and begins to move you away from material substance for the preferred purpose of evolving your consciousness and awareness. When such changes begin, you may recognize through sensitive energy that a friction is occurring within you; a friction between spirit and material matter, and it is the same friction that has prevented you from going forward as you could have done in previous lifetimes. But when the spark is bright and you are finally aware of its Light Source, the friction becomes your push to move through your suffering and into the plane of Light, Love and to the Source that finally was able to awaken you.

Now in your modernized era, humans are awakening, and some are attempting to force their awakened self at an accelerated rate. Understand dear ones, your awakening comes when it is time, when the Creator source determines it is now your time to leave the shadows behind and embrace the Light. There are growing numbers of awakened dear souls already among you, and they are realizing that they are not alone, that there are others who have also awakened and there are some that have been born awake, only needed a little prodding to come forward. Now is the time to recognize the spiritual side of your nature, and become one with yourself…with your total self. It is unavoidable that once your soul awakens, your path will take you on a transformative journey that will include discovering what true divine beauty, power and light truly is and that these characteristics are an inherent part of the spiritual self, the part of your soul that is becoming revealed.

Your consciousness does not fully awaken or rise overnight. The transforming of your consciousness has several stages and it never ceases to grow once you begin unfolding your true spiritual self. Transformation, transmutation and transfiguration are the main stages of your awakening and of the rise and change of your consciousness. Comprehend the completion of your metamorphosis is not something that will happen after a few weeks of serious contemplation and effort. It will take many their entire lifetime to complete the total metamorphosis that will conclude the last part of their transfiguration, where the light from their own soul will flow down throughout their entire external façade making permanent changes.

The few dear souls that have worked tirelessly on their transformative path and who are approaching the advanced stage of their journey will demonstrate what the process has brought them and how their spiritual path has deepened. We have been witnessing many books, some workshops and other events that offer such experiences and make it sound like a holiday experience, when in fact it is a life-long commitment. What the book, workshop or any other event may do is ignite your motivation to get started on your life long journey of commitment to the revealing of your true spiritual nature that will transform you forever. The journey of transformation is not always going to be easy, it can be quite painful as you discover many areas of your Self that you either hid away, or did not realize existed and must learn to come to terms with your whole self, accepting all that you are, instead of pining to be someone you are not. You are meant to be you, not your friend, not your neighbour, not the person of the book you are reading or anyone else. And they are not meant to be you.

One who has already gained access to the advance stages of their transformation already understand why the process can be painful. At the core level dear ones there is a merging of spirit and matter taking place—a unity that brings extreme polarities together in harmonious balance that has the capacity to purify and refine the subtleties of the merging. The divine spark that is finally ignited grows as you gain more consciousness and awareness, where you become balanced within your mind, body and emotions. You gain deeper awareness through various planes of experience, which will inevitably create an inner spiritual alchemy to occur where your lower self becomes more aware of its higher self. When such awareness reaches high enough, then true awakening begins, then soon after you become a seeker of your own Light Source and you demonstrate without many words as words are not always able to describe the experience, but through actions as being reborn, new and ready for their new journey that will be filled with new wonders, experiences and challenges that will enlighten them further and provide all the information and wisdom to carry them the rest of their living days.

Yet until the moment of awakening occurs, your soul is best described as being caged by a mix of forces that prevents the opening of the heart and of knowing the Oneness and potential of life. When the person is still identifying with material form and the consciousness is still submerged in self-centered living, then the level of awareness is mainly controlled by selfish need, personal ambition, greed and misdirection of truth of self.

Once on the path of transformation, the material forces that have been inhibiting your spiritual growth and development become transmuted into spiritual energy, where you discover and appreciate what it means to love unconditionally, you have a higher regard for wisdom and respect what it means to have a spiritual, higher purpose. There is a subtle language at work, and through the subtleness of its tone, you are able to learn how to make a distinction between energy and force. Understand the word ‘energy’ refers to that which is formless—substance that flows freely. Whereas the word ‘force’ refers to that energy being trapped in matter and being restricted by form.

On your transformational journey, transmutation is the first main phase. It is the starting point of the process in which the material forces that you have been encased in for so long become elevated through the powerful motions of your mind where the ultimate goal is to transmute them into spiritual, usable energy. During this early stage of your spiritual quest, the soul is not completely conscious of itself within its own existential plane but is becoming aware of different spiritual realities. At this point dear ones, your personality is still consumed by identifying with your physical body, emotions and with your mind, but integration has begun and coordination begins with the monumental task of transforming this force into energy.

The material force of this stage is enhanced into soul energy through your mind and will. It is here dear ones you begin to truly learn and focus the mind to shake the subtle forces of the mind-self, the astral-self, the emotional-body and the dynamic energy body that is underneath the physical form of your Self. The power of your focused thought is being used to raise the emotional forces of your wishful nature. The force of personal longing is then transmuted into the magnetic energy of spiritual love, a form of love that is unconditional and comes forward when the heart and soul are united, working together as one.

When your mind is calmed, and under control and when it can successfully guide the forces of its identity, and when the lower forces of being have been satisfactorily transmuted into higher, usable energies, then transmutation opens up the pathway to transformation. The next phase of your journey includes unifying your character force and soul energy into an effortlessly running unit. By the time you reach the end of this stage your personality and character will be saturated with your soul’s energy to such an intensive point that your exterior persona and façade is transformed into being an instrument for your soul to express itself to the world.

During the transforming stage, you begin to awaken more to the reality of your own soul, to its existence. You will begin to recognize your own spiritual identity that is distinct from the personality you portray in the material world. It is here, this juncture point on your path where duality emerges. The human side of your soul experiences life mainly as a personality within various exterior identities, such as: teacher, poet, mother, husband, brother, writer, etc. But at the same time, the infinite spiritual identity of your true soul-self starts to break through into higher realms of conscious awareness.

During this stage, there is a developing inner knowing that you are living within two aspects of your Self—a worldly self that plays its own unique role, then the higher, divine self that is learning to accommodate with the higher planes of reality. It is during this stage, that the two separate selves forge a closer connection with each other, there is also a gradual shift of focus regarding your level of consciousness of the outer world of form to the inner world of spiritual depth and meaning. When such changes are underway, there will be a great struggle that comes that you will willingly surrender to and it is during this struggle and surrender that a parallel and equivalent shift in identity occurs…from your personality to the Soul.

At the earliest stages of this shift, it is quite common for you to experience great conflicts between the two aspects of your Self. Your soul is struggling to control your lower nature, which is fighting to sustain its power over itself and of the habitual way it has lived thus far. The self-centered motivations and ambitions of the identity, the part that has deep roots and attachments to the material world are not so easily moved to the higher aspect of your Self. Therefore, you are often pulled into two directions—one direction is towards the unknown realm of spirit and the other towards the known and comfortably attractive realm of matter and materialism. The challenge here dear ones is discovering a middle way…devising a path that leads you between these two great forces as your personality is progressively uncovered to the transformative light of the soul.

There is a technical name of this stage of your journey, many who have experienced and moved through this stage have called this the path of discipleship. It is the aspiring path to live a simple, yet spiritual life, where you permit the transmuting lower forces into higher energies in order to give a wider berth to a consciousness commitment to a life that is filled with discipline and active service to others in the ways you are able to.

On this aspect of your path, certain spiritual disciplines become deeply established to the point of being an automatic way of living. It is here your soul begins to take control of your exterior self and increases its direction towards that of the student and transforms the life you are currently living to a life with deeper meaning and enlightenment. When you are under the transformative power and influence of the soul dear ones; your personality begins to demonstrate divine qualities such as all-encompassing love, wisdom and unconditional compassion. The dear soul on this path becomes adept in spiritual being-ness and is able to align themselves with divine source of their nature, while expanding their commitment to serve others for the highest of good. You are now becoming aware of the purpose of your soul for your current lifetime and you are firmly committed to fulfilling each step of this higher purpose.

This phase of your journey is a conscious search for self-perfection and this search has been known to take more than one lifetime. There are many personal battlefields you must face and go through and eliminate the egocentric tendencies that create separation from your true self. Eventually, through the various processes you have been through that also help to purify yourself from the inside helps to bring you forward as student that is able to recognize the Soul of the Source of their divinity is the soul in ALL people regardless of who they are or the path they are on. The divine qualities that are in each person at the beginning of their evolutionary path starts to grow and manifest into the life and times of the conscious soul. All inner beauty, truth, wisdom and even Light that was hugely covered by shadow that has been carried through by many lifetimes becomes revealed. A delightful outpouring of light streams down as the soul transforms the identity into a beautiful vehicle for divine expression and being. You are then transformed into someone with a soul-infused character whose life is wholly directed from within by the wisdom of the Soul.

As we are getting closer to the conclusion of our transmission today, we will recap or summarize what we have discussed already. During the initial stage of your transformative journey you began to transmute the mind as the mind has a big role in raising force into energy. Upon success, you enter the second stage, the transformative stage where your soul finally comes through into consciousness—your total self is purified from its previous way of living and being, and your soul begins to control your exterior form. The final stage is known as transfiguration. This is when the spirit comes forward to complete the process that began the moment your soul finally woke from its deep slumber. At this point it is certain, without a doubt that your soul won its struggle to control any personality issues, therefore putting an end to duality in favour of unity. When this aspect of your journey has been reached, the soul-infused personality will stand tall, transfigured and changed before all, illuminating you as a radiant being of light at last.

It is understood that the experience of transfiguration comes to all that choose the path of transformation, as it is the first sign of true initiation of the human entering the Source of your Light, God’s Divine and Spiritual Kingdom, which is the kingdom of all authentic souls. It is here dear ones where your consciousness evolves your life and the Spirit of your Light, God’s Light and His Infinite presence is revealed through all outer forms of your Self. Your personality is finally exposed to full extent of light that comes from your soul and of the personalities that have become instruments of energy are wholly transcended…these parts of you, that once were glued to material forms and ways are now energy vehicles which true spiritual love is able to flow from you, into the world all-around you with every in breath and out breath…you are an evolved vehicle of true spiritual love, a being that encompasses all others as equal to their own. It is through this inner knowing of the power of love and what it can accomplish that will compel you to help salvage the lives of others through selfless service, charity and kindness.

The journey of transformation is not a quick, overnight fix to anything, but with time and effort and commitment it will bring you many rewarding experiences and knowledge that can only be found through experience. Your wisdom will grow exponentially as will your love and compassion for humanity.

I AM Elohim Arcturus

…through Julie Miller
Posted 22 hours ago by LUZ ZOHAR
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Sandra Walter: The Seemless Merge of Dimensions

By Sandra Walter, Creative Evolution – June 27, 2014

The June Shift did not disappoint. We encountered the marker on this miraculous Ascension timeline when we merged dimensional expressions. It was seamless, profound and changes everything – again.
We have a new platform for our physical experience of multidimensionality here on beloved Gaia. We received a huge amplification to accelerate our perception of what occurred 18 months ago at the end of 2012. Now we apply our knowledge of these events with the New Light provided and attain wisdom at last. It seemed like a long journey, then it was boldly, instantly un-created for the New. A seamless shift of perception.
We are different beings, in a different area of space, dealing with different energies, creations, and many tools which we planted in the planet to assist us during this passage. With this deep realization comes acceleration for many on the Ascension path; responsible creation will be the test of Mastery during this passage.
There is absolutely no judgment on other experiences during this passage. This is not the same experience of multidimensionality we have had in the past. It is a physical merge, and in our Mastery we keep our cards close to the chest as this unfolds. I heard many folks had a hard time during the June gateway; perhaps this will provide clarity for some, and frustration for others. Repeating the whys and hows of leveling up feels like madness to me. I have deep (healthy, detached) compassion for the collective encountering difficulty with the New dynamic.
A new conversation has begun
I willingly, joyfully abandon the regurgitation of old Ascension rhetoric which has been discussed to death. RIP to all which is not applicable to the New. Everything has changed through this gateway, and we must focus on attuning our perception to the Now truth which breaks apart old energies and old creations. Many will try to apply old beliefs to the New, and they have the free-will right to do that as long as they need it, or as long as the collective needs it to feel comfortable during the Shift.
New energies, New Light
I understand many perceive the New Light to be a return of an old light. I do not resonate with that definition, nor the tales of raising something which once was. Source has sent out a command for a new creation, and the remembering phase of our journey now spawns something brand new. I feel the Golden Age/Golden Race will be different from anything we, our Master Selves, Archangelic Selves, or Galactic Selves have experienced before. There may be an exploration of old intel; I feel we have been in that passage for a while, and it now feels nostalgic.
It is BRILLIANT what happened in June
Here is a look for the mind-flow levels at what unfolded for the Forerunners of Ascension. The design of these events is brilliant:
December 2012: Dimensional Shift of Gaia and HUmanity. Holographic shadow of the old maintained as an act of mercy and Divine Will, easing us into our new reality.
August 2013 – February 2o14: Old holographic templates of Self begin to collapse for Wayshowers, after running on personal and collective intent for months
March 2014: The Return of the Christ energies enter the Planetary fields, awakening Solar Cosmic Christ codes within Wayshower/Forerunner Heart centers.
April 2014: Full Anchoring of the Christed activations through the planetary grids (stabilization attained). May have felt like Feminine energy; I feel that is just the perception of balance after a long period of patriarchy.
May 2014: New Self Templates activated within Wayshowers. Powerful upgrade for many as DNA rewrites in alignment with the new templates. Major physical preparation for the June Shift. Some may not have known what was occurring; that time in the cave led to transformation of your path.
June 2014 Shift:
- Gaia enters an area of space which triggers the dimensional merge of higher and lower expressions.
- Unification of 3D-5D expressions within Wayshowers/Forerunners begins in a clear and physical way. Physical perceptional access to 9D (I AM template levels) available to many as the New Light activates DNA in the planetary grids (12/12/12 codes and ancient templates in many locations) and is willfully called forth. Pineal adjustments for eyes-wide-open interaction with 6D-9D aspects through telepathic union. (May be perceived as lifting of the veils.)
- Deeply personal revelations; a departure from collective experience in order to fully realize the Creator State of consciousness, pure creativity, and the effect of Divine Will on the personal path of Ascension.
- Begin to unify and greet (in the physical) the 12 Divine Aspects of divine (Christed) HUman Self, realization of Cosmic Christ template activation.
Current Veils in Flux (veils of perception destabilizing with the New Light):
Planetary Veils: Magnetosphere-based, influenced by Planetary, Solar and Galactic intention. During dimensional collapse/merging of dimensional aspects, the magnetosphere thins to allow more photonic light (pure light), plasma, and cosmic particles into/onto the planet. We are experiencing significant magnetosphere penetration during this passage, breaking part the time-space dynamics of the old 3D and 4D, allowing for rapid evolution of consciousness (jump time).
Collective Veils: Noosphere-level agreements of the HUman collective. Currently being treated with an incredible amount of compassion by grounded teams and the Higher Realms, which are merging. Even with tremendous cosmic triggers in play, the collective agreement to honor all journeys as best we can remain intact. When the collective experiences fear/anxiety/contraction with the shifting energies, higher-level adjustments are made to honor all conscious and subconscious thought forms/creations.
OverSoul Veils: Soul Group agreements. The Ascension process/Mastery path of a Soul Group. Dependent upon the objectives of the Oversoul, affected by Soul Group accomplishments, In-Carnate choices. When a tipping point is reached in Soul release (release to higher service rather than Soul path intentions), the OverSoul dissolves this veil.
Personal Veils: Perceptional level of In-Carnate consciousness which merges with OverSoul perception during Ascension. Merge triggered by OverSoul level, dependent upon Conscious Choice of In-Carnate level to Ascend.
Divine Opportunity
With the dimensional merge occurring in June, there are opportunities to attune one’s perception to the truth on all levels. Begin with the personal veils and work up. It is astounding what is available to the grounded In-Carnate Self during this passage. It also caused a significant jump in frequency; please stabilize your own lifestream in order to assist with planetary stabilization.
Posted 22 hours ago by LUZ ZOHAR

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