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How to Become a Beacon of Truth
by Georgi Stankov Posted on February 16, 2015
by Georgi Stankov, February 15, 2015
In my previous article this morning I highlighted the pivotal role of the PAT and this website in shaping the new transcendental weltanschauung of humanity and the selection of topics for all other critical thinkers that pertain to the second wave of ascension and follow in our footsteps in the process of their rapid awakening.
We achieve this at the conscioius ego-mind level and much more effectively at the level of our higher selves through inter-counselling of these souls. And what is most remarkable, this all happens in such an easy and harmonious manner as if there is no longer any resistance that has hampered any meaningful evolution of humanity in the past.
After I published my article “Alternative and Probable Worlds in the End Time“, I visited Dmitry Orlov’s website and read his latest article “Masters of Parallel Universes“. I was flabbergasted to find out that he has chosen a very similar topic to mine today, albeit from a more conventional, but still very inspiring point of view.
The background to this is that on January 27th I wrote to Dmitry Orlov the following letter:
“Dear Dmitry Orlov,
I admire your vivid and educated essayist style and have published recently some of your articles on my website or have quoted you, for instance in:
I would like to invite you to have a look on my website, where you can find 15 ebooks (pdf) for free and several thousand articles, which I have written on topics that are related to yours and in some cases even overlap, for instance, why the Russians and Eastern Europeans are better prepared than the Americans to survive the inevitable impending collapse of the system.
This may, hopefully, help you also expand your awareness even beyond your unconventional point of view when American standards are applied. And by this I mean the transcendental dimension of human existence, which I guess you have yet to discover.
As a native Russian speaker I would like to recommend you to read first the congenial Russian translation of my small popular book, which I first wrote in Bulgarian language in 1997 at the height of the economic crisis in Eastern Europe and Russia.
Universalnii (Vseobshchii) zakon. Kratkoe vvedenie v obshchniu teoriiu nauki i vliijanie eio na obshtestvo
The Universal Law. A Short Introduction Into the General Theory of Sciences and its Consequences for the Society
As an engineer with a technical education, I am sure that you will be comfortable with the more abstract scientific ideas I introduce in this book, before I discuss their practical ramifications for science, society and human life as a whole.
Wish you all the best.
With love and light
Dr. Georgi Stankov, Munich, Vancouver”
Dmitry Orlov did not respond to my email, but I know that he has visited our website and read some of its articles, as I did an inter-counselling on him in the dream state. He is still too overwhelmed by the scope of our discussion and is afraid to believe everything we consider already an integral part of our existence as Logos Gods as this acknowledgement will smash his entire world view.
The result of his new orientation in thinking can be seen in his latest article that represents a remarkable departure from his past topics and point of view. I am observing this same trend also with the Saker and some other critical thinkers.
We no longer need to be in a physical contact with these human beings in order to shape their world view and open them for the transcendental dimension. It is even warrant not to engage too much in such contacts as they only hamper our full detachment from this reality and our smooth ascension. There is nothing from this reality that will survive the ID split and shift, and the final ascension to the new 4D worlds in the Golden Galaxy or to the higher dimensions. All ballast must be dropped now, except for a few pivotal ideas that will carry us through our inner portals of ascension.
Please observe that Orlov discusses some key events that have been without exception widely discussed on this website when they occurred in real time or retrospectively as is the case with 9/11. Beyond that, his novel multidimensional approach is borrowed from us, even when it is camouflaged under the “Schrödinger’s cat” paradigm that was repeated ad nauseam in the 80s and early 90s by all rogue pseudo-scientists of the Orion matrix when there was a huge surge in popular scientific books that had only one purpose: To mire the people with such weird pseudo-scientific concepts and to prevent the introduction of the new theory of the Universal Law, which the Ober-archons from the astral plane feared like the devil the incense, as they knew that this will be the end of their wet dream to establish the NWO. This is a long story that I have touched upon only at the periphery, as it does not matter any more.
Most of these pseudo-scientific books are now in total oblivion, but this trend was powerful enough to mire many brilliant minds such as Orlov’s. I know this very well, as at that time I discovered the New Theory of the Universal Law and read frantically numerous books with this silly stuff in order to be up-to-date, only to realize very soon that this is the same bullshit in the field science as the Anglo-Saxon New Age movement or the Indian gurus produced in the field of esoterics. It is very important to know this intellectual background as to evaluate the shift in perception of Dmitry Orlov as an outstanding representative of the second wave of ascension candidates, whom we now coach very closely for the final shift.
Masters of Parallel Universes
Dmitry Orlov as a Study Case
Much as we may dislike the fact, the results from quantum physics are unequivocal: parallel universes do exist. Schrödinger’s cat is both alive and dead, at the same time, while it exists as a probability distribution, which is resolved into either a live cat or a dead one by the act of opening the box and observing it. But until the observation is made, both parallel universes can be said to exist, and there is no way for us to know which one of them we inhabit.
Quantum effects dominate in the micro realm of subatomic particles. For instance, the laptop on which I am typing this contains millions of transistors which are created by implanting ions into silicon substrates to create patches with built-in electric fields and interconnecting these patches with etched aluminum wiring. Each transistor relies on the phenomenon of quantum tunneling: while in normal physics it is impossible for an electron to find itself on the wrong side of a built-in electric field, in quantum physics the electron is a probability distribution, not a particle, and quantum tunneling works reliably enough to support the entire electronics industry. But if you scale your circuit up, the chance of a pickup truck successfully “tunneling” through a brick wall becomes too minuscule to be of practical interest. It is still possible, but it would take anywhere between right now and several lifetimes of the universe hence to observe that result.
Oddly enough, such quantum effects are quite normal to observe within the political space. Here the physical objects involved are far too large to give rise to the parallel universes of quantum physics, but the narratives they give rise to are not. This is because the narratives are a matter of perception, and there can be historical periods, such as the present one, when the peephole through which the political establishment and the mainstream media allow us to see the world becomes so tiny that it becomes a toss-up as to whether or not any given photon will manage to find its way through it.
Here, reality becomes fractured into parallel universes as soon as we make the realization that we are being lied to. Were there weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
No, and the vial of white powder which Colin Powell menacingly held up at the UN was fake.
The Iraqi mobile biological weapons factories did not exist.
Was Al Qaeda active in Iraq prior to the US invasion?
No, we know that it wasn’t. These lies are now known to be factual—uncontested, commonplace knowledge. Next: do we make the arbitrary leap of judgment and declare that that’s all the lies we will have ever been told, or do we admit the possibility that this is only the tip of an iceberg of lies, that lying is a modus operandi for the operatives behind them? If we do, then, to be conservative, for every official narrative we must construct one or more unofficial but also plausible (and perhaps much more plausible) narratives. Each of them constitutes a parallel universe, and we can’t know which of them we inhabit until some happy accident—a leak, an investigation, a damning bit of physical evidence, or an outright admission of complicity or guilt—collapses the probability waveform, destroying all the parallel universes but the real one.
Many people have been conditioned to think that this is the realm of “conspiracy theory.” Unfortunately, the term doesn’t apply. First, the existence of a conspiracy has to be accepted as a given: nobody ever perpetrates a heinous act of murder, mayhem and destruction by telegraphing their intentions ahead of time. If they do, the event usually doesn’t go off as planned, and in such cases it is usually announced that a conspiracy has been uncovered and a plot thwarted. Thus, the use of the term “conspiracy” is gratuitous; it goes without saying that there always is one.
Secondly, the term “theory” is gratuitous as well: a theory is a mental construct designed to account for a given set of observations. But what if all you do is point out the observations (which are in the public domain, there for all to see) and make no effort whatsoever to account for them?
However, there is one theory that accounts for a very large class of such observations, and it is so simple that it is often overlooked. It is this: that the government and the official sources of information are normally lying. We already know that they have lied in the past (Iraqi WMD and al Qaeda in Iraq are two particularly well-known examples, but there are many others). The question then becomes, When did they stop lying (if in fact they did)? Was there a conspiracy to stop lying? There would have to have been one, because we certainly haven’t heard any statements made by public officials to the effect that “We will now stop lying.” Or did they spontaneously all stop lying at the same time? The probability of that happening is pretty low; it could, of course happen—any time between right now and several lifetimes of the universe hence. So if you believe that they have indeed stopped lying, then I suppose that makes you a conspiracy theorist par excellence. The conservative assumption is that they are still lying.
There are lots of people who have been working to keep these parallel universes alive in one form or another, by collecting and collating bits of information, by offering partial explanations, by evaluating the official explanations as to their logical consistency. They have been doing this in spite of being ostracized as “conspiracy theorists.” To be fair, they have sometimes been glorified as “truth-seekers” or “truth-tellers” and that must provide an ego boost for some people. But really what they have been doing is generating, and sustaining, alternative narratives and keeping parallel universes alive, so that at some time in the future we will find out which one we have been inhabiting all along.
Some people make the mistake of refusing to listen and to explore these parallel universes, because it makes them ill at ease not to know which one they happen to inhabit. But if you accept the extreme likelihood that the official narrative is a bunch of lies concocted to hide the truth, then there is some comfort to be gained in at least knowing something that might not be a lie. Once the initial hesitation is past, it becomes a fun, if somewhat macabre, hobby, because puzzling evidence jumps out at you just about everywhere you care to look.
An important precondition of being able to interpret the result of Schrödinger’s thought experiment is being able to figure out what a cat looks like. Here is a specific example. Currently, there are two parallel universes. In one, Russian troops have invaded Ukraine. In the other, Russian troops did not invade Ukraine. What makes this difficult is understanding what is meant by Russian troops. There are Russians in eastern Ukraine. There are troops in eastern Ukraine. A lot of the troops in eastern Ukraine are in fact Russian. But there are no Russian troops in eastern Ukraine. Get it? To qualify as actual Russian troops, they would have to have enlisted in the Russian military, and would have to take their orders through the Russian chain of command. And these ones obviously don’t. There is a strong political connection with Russia, but the military one is tenuous.
The latest “proof” of Russian invasion, offered by the Ukraine’s president Poroshenko in Munich, consists of some Russian internal passports and military service certificates found in eastern Ukraine. Funny thing is, when you are inducted into the Russian military, you have to surrender those civilian documents.
Sometimes a perfectly viable, though quite short-lived parallel universe can be concocted by twisting things in small ways.
But most of the time a parallel universe pops into existence when things get twisted in impressively brazen and shameless ways. A lot of people start with 9/11. The twin towers collapsed because they were hit by jet airliners because, you see, kerosene melts steel. Was it special, magic kerosene, and were the buildings were made of special, magic steel? Maybe that’s why since then skyscrapers can’t be insured against fire any more. Previously it was thought that skyscrapers can’t collapse due to fire because they are made of steel, and a hydrocarbon-based fire isn’t hot enough to melt it. What fools those civil engineers must have been! Turns out, all you need is some kerosene!
Then the two skyscrapers spontaneously collapsed into their own footprints—all on their own—and so the entire industry of demolition experts (whose job is to mine tall buildings with explosive charges and detonate them under computer control to keep the buildings from toppling over) has since been retired.
Skyscrapers are now known to pose a huge fire hazard due to the melty steel of which they are made, and they must all be demolished right away. But don’t hire any demolition experts, since we now know that their entire industry was a hoax, because skyscrapers collapse into their own footprints all by themselves.
Just take some retired old jets from American Airlines (they have plenty of them) and fly them into the skyscrapers unmanned using remote fly by wire technology.
Another “plane” hit the Pentagon. That plane had no engines, since none were found (but in spite of this it not only flew, but executed a pirouette worthy of a jet fighter). Also, it had no seats (the passengers must have mimed sitting down and buckling up) and no luggage (they must have traveled really light). The perpetrators’ identity was found out thanks to a passport found at the World Trade Center site.
It was a magic passport; unlike the steel girders of the twin towers, a kerosene fireball could not even singe it.
Fast-forward to the latest staged atrocity: the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris. The perpetrators were clearly well-trained, disciplined commandos, who executed a flawless mission, making it likely that they were special service people of some country or other.
But then one of them magically forgot his ID in the getaway car—just like that passport magically found in the wreckage of 9/11. (Do commandos take their civilian IDs with them when they go on a secret mission?) And then the alleged driver of the getaway car surrendered to the police, saying that he has an ironclad alibi. The fact that he surrendered was reported in the media; the reason why he surrendered was not. And then the person charged with conducting the investigation killed himself while working on his report. Did his report agree with the official narrative?
Reminds me of another staged atrocity: the Boston Marathon bombing. The very large number of special ops people milling about the scene before the firecrackers went off has been noted, but clearly they had nothing to do with it—they were just enjoying their day off, all dressed the same. The two patsies who were blamed for it—the Tsarnaev brothers—were well-known to the FBI. After the firecrackers went off, a crew of specialists immediately descended on the scene, with actors posing as victims and fake blood being tossed about. Video evidence shows them taking a long time to stage photo-ops of the supposed atrocity.
The ensuing media campaign with “Boston Strong” stickers was identical to the “Je suis Carlie” campaign following the Charlie Hebdo event. And as with the Charlie Hebdo event, there was a concerted effort to kill the alleged perpetrators before they could answer any questions in ways that might contradict the official story. In the case of the Tsarnaev brothers, the attempt to kill the younger one failed. The boat in which he was hiding, scared and unarmed, was riddled with bullets, and after he surrendered an unexplained emergency tracheotomy was performed on him, but he is still alive, and defiant of the efforts to frame him.
But the most interesting part came after the event, when Boston was placed under military occupation, with residents forced to stay inside their houses for fear of being machine-gunned down by troops rumbling down the streets in APCs, supposedly in pursuit of a couple of kids. The real rationale for the event was to impose martial law on Boston (the cradle of the American Revolution) on Patriot’s Day (which commemorates a signal event that started it). If you read into these events just a little bit, you just might come to the conclusion that the US is no longer a constitutional democracy but a military dictatorship and a police state ruled by an oligarchy that likes to stage gruesome special events to show just how far above the law it really is.
Or take the Malaysian Airlines MH-17 shoot-down over Eastern Ukraine last year. Again, the media campaign was clearly set up before the event. The clairvoyant western observers know who to blame: it was the “Russian-backed rebels” and they used a weapons system provided by Russia. This was repeated endlessly, using a technique used in advertising: “proof by repetition.” Never mind that the rebels had no ability to shoot down that airliner. But the truth has been slowly dribbling out. Flight MH-17 was shot down by a Ukrainian jet fighter from Dnepropetrovsk using an air-to-air missile. (The rebels had no aircraft; why was it armed with one?) The name of the pilot is now known. The person who identified him is in Russia, in witness protection. Russian investigators are pursuing leads, and there is a good chance that we will eventually find out who issued the criminal orders.
I could keep going in this vein for a really long time, piling bits of puzzling evidence upon other bits of puzzling evidence. But the whole point of this exercise is to try to get across to you of one very simple, basic point: if you insist on ignoring all the obvious lies you’ve been told for years and years and dismiss everything but the official narrative as a “conspiracy theory,” then that makes you something of a mind control victim. And I don’t want you to be a victim.
One last thing: if you find yourself living in a Schrödinger box, do what you can to avoid ending up dead. I’ll leave it up to you to work out out the details of that, but the hint is simple: your likelihood of ending up dead is higher if you believe in lies. Don’t be a dead cat.
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~The Hathors – Remember Who You Are~
By annamerkaba on February 16, 2015

For it is of your own accords that you have decided to partake of the mission at hand, and of your own accord you have set out to explore, experience and bring home all those who were lost eons past. All who have lost their way to the creator within and to the link of that which they.
All of you who have bravely descended into the abyss of planet earth in order to partake of the experience of ascension, and all of you have tremendously influenced the potential of all who dwell on GAIA.
All of you have indeed brought with you the wisdom of the ages past. And all have indeed began to implement such wisdom with the accords of the interplanetary commission. And so, what we wish to remind all of you of is that indeed you are gods! Indeed you are mighty powerful beings of light, know that you are to trust your inner knowing, you are to trust your divinity for truly you are divine. For truly you hold the sacred keys to the labyrinth of planet earth.

For truly you all have been prepared well for the coming of times. Those who are dwelling on GAIA, those who do not consciously know of your existence, those who have indeed lost their way, are grateful for your presence on a subconscious level. For indeed they have awaited your return, and return you have! To walk in the shoes of whose whom you have assisted in experiencing the three dimensional existence, to walk in the shoes of human beings, human beings who can and shall proceed with dignity into the next phase of co creation. Human beings who shall indeed be assisted by all of you. And indeed you shall walk through all the obstacles with might and glory, through all the obstacles with dignity and benevolence of your creator selves. Shall indeed turn the key and open the gateways for all of humanity.
Understanding the glorious obstacles that you shall face, understanding the impending changes of psyche that you are to witness unfolding rapidly before you. Prepared well you have been, prepared well you have been eons past, to arrive at the prefect momentum of clashing energies to unfurl a new path for humanity , to unfurl a new path for all who dwell on Gaia.
For through your knowledge and through you wisdom all children of god, all children of the creator, all children who are the creators of Gaia shall remember their divinity, shall remember their power and shall walk through the gateway of no return, reuniting with their very own selves, reuniting with all that is, reuniting with the benevolence of that which indeed they are.
All of you who indeed are standing ground on planet Earth are here to enlighten, to lead the way, to showcase that indeed the human vehicles are equipped to showcase the magic of the cosmic proportions. For indeed the cosmic energies are open and to all who wish to partake of said knowledge.
You who are standing ground, you who indeed are the benevolent creators of your very own selves, are writing history, are writing a new chapter not only in your present reality, but realities past, present and future. For all of you are mighty creators, for all of you , creator of a new pathway, a new way of light, a new way of life and, love and understanding, unconditional understanding and unconditional love for all of creation, unconditional understand and light of benevolence on planet earth. Know that it is so. For it is!
With gratitude WE applaud you for all that you are! We applaud you for all that continue to be! We applaud you for all that you are yet to become!
We stand with you, we walk with you, we are you!

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
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Second Major Victory of the Russian People
by Georgi Stankov Posted on February 18, 2015
by Georgi Stankov and Dennis Dingemanse, February 18, 2015
The Ukraine War Simply Explained
Dear Georgi,
This is what I was thinking this morning:
“There is reliable information that several hundred US soldiers and mercenaries of the former private US army Blackwater, together with their NATO tanks and weapons are also encircled in Debalsevo. When they are captured and shown to the rest of the world by the Novorussian patriots in the coming days, it will become evident that the USA is an active party of this war.”
It would be splendid when the mercenaries and NATO militairy servants would be captured and shown in every news outlet they were invading Ukraine.
Dennis, The Netherlands
Dear Dennis,
this is one possible outcome of this battle. But it is also very likely that there are secret negotiations now ongoing between the Russians and the Americans to prevent this. The price will be that the USA will not send any lethal weapons to Kiev and practically withdraw from this conflict as a looser.
The Russians are not keen on spectacular political revelations, contrary to the Americans – they prefer the quiet diplomacy, which is much more effective. What counts at the end is not to expose or vilify the enemy as the West does excessively, even at the expense of blatant lies, but the final outcome.
In this particular case the Russians want to have a full control over Ukraine after this rogue regime in Kiev inevitably collapses in the coming days. They now have the best trumps in their hands to achieve this goal as the insurgent army of now almost 100 000 Novorussian soldiers will be the only law and order power in Ukraine when the current nazi regime in Kiev collapses and the regular Ukrainian army has been practically destroyed and dissolved in this war by the victorious newly created Novorussian army with highly sophisticated Russian weapons. This is already the end of the NATO expansion eastwards. One must understand the magnitude of the current victory of the Russian people over the dark Western cabal.
This was a very important insight I got yesterday from my HS, while writing this article. This also explains why the Russians now achieved another major victory by passing a UN resolution at the security council last night, where the second Minsk agreement is fully supported and accepted as an international law.
If you read this agreement carefully (see below), it allows the insurgents to keep their army and weapons and it does not say anything about saving and restoring the defeated Kiev army. It deliberately does not mention Debalsevo and this was the greatest blunder of Poroshenko during these negotiations, as he stubbornly denied any encirclement of his troops so that no agreement was made on this issue. Hence there will be also no official defeat of the Ukrainian army, but only a factual dissolution.
You get it? The Russians are masters in writing down clever diplomatic agreements with a long-term perspective by omitting the most important facts which play into their hands and solidify all their gains so far.
Now the USA was compelled to ratify this Russian sponsored UN resolution after blocking similar attempts of Russia on more than 30 occasions in the past by using its veto power. With this the USA has practically agreed not to send any weapons to the Nazi Kiev junta, as stated in the Minsk agreement.
This concession of the USA might have been bought – and I am sure that exactly this has happened as my HS tells me – by the readiness of the Russians and the Novorussian insurgents to let these American mercenaries leave Debalsevo unnoticed to avoid a political scandal, but leaving their weapons and tanks there, which is already a humiliation similar to the one when the Vietnamese army entered Saigon and the US embassy personal had to be frantically evacuated in dramatic scenes by helicopters and many were left behind and became prisoners of the Vietnamese liberation army.
As I told you, at the end counts only the final resolution of this crisis on the Russian border and for the clever Russians this means – Ukraine must remain in their sphere of influence. This has already happened with the UN resolution last night The rest will unfold in a very beautiful manner in the coming days. That is why I showed the photo with Putin laughing in a very relaxed manner as he knew that he has won while Merkel and Hollande were “tristesse pure”.
With love and light
Full Text of the Second Minsk Agreement
Russian draft resolution on Ukraine passed by UN Security Council
Video: The Ukrainian Army Surrenders at Debalsevo on February 17, 2015
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