Tuesday, February 17, 2015

sharing.:::>On Inner Dark Dwellers, Ego, Mind and Spiritual Evolution Through LBP - Alternative and Probable Worlds in the End Time

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On Inner Dark Dwellers, Ego, Mind and Spiritual Evolution Through LBP

by Georgi Stankov Posted on February 16, 2015

by Georgi Stankov and Lin,

February 16, 2015


Have you heard of the Dweller on the Threshold?

Hi there, I discovered your website about a week ago thanks to a link from the BIN (Before It’s News) website. Your articles are very interesting. I was wondering if you, or anyone you have heard about, has had a similar experience to me along the lines of ascension…

About ten years ago I was experimenting with my HS and I was finding it very easy to contact it and kind of blend or learn about love from it. It was so successful and I found it was much more excited and keen to blend with me. However then I had a most terrible experience whereby my lower/anti self (the Dweller which is self aware on its own level) stepped in one night and spoke to me and tried to use temptation to seduce me. Alice Bailey talks a lot about the dweller in her channeled books, and there is a very good description in a book called

“Saint Germain On Alchemy”.

To quote the first part of this it says:

“A term sometimes used to designate the anti-self, the not-self, the synthetic self, the antithesis of the Real Self, the conglomerate of the self-created ego, ill-conceived through the inordinate use of the gift of free will, consisting of the carnal mind and a constellation of disqualified energies, force-fields, focuses, animal magnetism comprising the subconscious mind.”

The crux of it is, this thing can be woken from deep slumber if it feels threatened by its destruction that it feels is imminent, it steps in and takes over the mind.

During the transfiguration, it must be slayed, and this is why that initiation is the most difficult of the seven.

Now this thing only showed itself to me for about ten seconds, it was overwhelming, seductive and it showed me the biggest lies, trying to convince me to stop being spiritual. I must say it felt very good, at first, very familiar like self but not self. I let the temptation completely enter me and felt what “it” felt, then I told it clearly NO, that it was showing me illusion, and luckily it went silent again with no further attack. Over the years, I have sensed it a few times when I have tried to do spiritual practices and I was told by my guides not to provoke it because it will devour me – not a nice thought!

I am mostly just curious if you or others have encountered this, and I ask because your website is advanced in terms of the information on here. One last thing – this exact phenomena is shown clearly in the Lord of the Rings books/movies when Galadriel is “tempted” by the ring, she enters completely into her Dweller (the movie is so accurate as to what the dweller is truly about) and she experiences the full power of it, then she overcomes it and returns to her own being. I believe the forth initiation, the one after transfiguration, is depicted when Gandalf turns from Grey and into Gandalf the White. Also, at the end of the book, Frodo is overcome by the Ring (the dweller) and it takes him over for good, ie a failed initiation. Only by gollum destroying the ring is he saved.

I hope that wasn’t long winded, I do wonder if you have heard from others any stories about this? I have had to stop all ascension practices for the last ten years and try deliberately not to ascend. I do what I can to soothe the dweller/ego and let it have some power- lol - so that it feels safe and leaves me alone.

Thanks for reading,



Dear Lin,

thank you for contacting me for the first time and I am glad to hear that you like this website. It contains more than 2000 publications and it is impossible for me to relate here to all our knowledge and experience.

Now the word you use “the Dweller”, which appears in the esoteric literature, is one possibility to present certain spiritual experiences with the help of verbal descriptions. In this sense the whole New Age is entirely flawed as they have no idea of the basic essence of all existence – the nature of energy and the fallacies of human mind, especially in the use of language.

This as a general comment that discards such kind of presentations as very narrow, anthropocentric perceptions.

However, I do not dismiss what you have experienced, but I have a different interpretation.

When you have opened to your HS you have threatened the dark entities who are attached to every human being and especially to star seeds since their birth as they have the most powerful energies of all incarnated humans because they come from the source. Now these dark entities or archons feel threatened when the HS descends in the body as the incarnated personality now may recognize them and then one has the right to expel them from his fields by a light invocation and by using the lightsaber, which every light worker possesses, but not many really use it. But it must be a conscious decision.

As long as the person does not know of the existence of such dark entities in his fields, who sponge on his energy, all is well for them as he cannot eliminate them. The entities know the personality structure of the individual very well as they live in full mimicry with it. Hence they can use this advantage to start actively manipulating the individual when he enters the path of awakening and merging with the HS. They know that this is their greatest menace and then they begin to manipulate the personality in an overt manner and even to threaten her as they know nothing else. This is their mentality.

This is indeed a very dangerous and vulnerable moment in the spiritual evolution of each incarnated person on this earth and one must have the inner strength to recognize this menace and to eliminate it. I must add that such dark entities use to attach even when one has expelled the original dwellers, to use this word, so that regular cleansing with the lightsaber must be performed. Now we have moved so high in terms of our frequencies and most of the archons have been removed from this timeline, that they no longer pose this same danger as in the past.

I think that you should carefully read the previous articles on this website that discuss this and similar topics from various angles.

With love and light



Hi again, thank you for your long answer. Yes I have had problems with dark entities since 1985, when a few began to speak to me telepathically and try to trick me and lure me. Then in the 90’s began constant physical attacks that seem to go on forever until I developed a strategy of invoking the angels and asking them to remove the entities from the earthly dimensions.

They began to do just this and I could tune in and see them being led away forcefully between two angels, so I don’t get too much trouble now, and I hope they are indeed all gone from the earth now. As a parting shot I was told, “You have won this battle, but you have not won the war (for the universe).” I think they are wrong.

I think you answered my question as it seems no one else has had forceful ego problems whereby the monstrous anti-self comes against them. I do believe the ego exists as a distinct field on the very threshold of consciousness where it hides, and that it is not the real self, and must at some point be defeated in order to get into the really high dimensions, above 5th. When we consider the masters, they have discarded all ego, which we humans still possess, even the most advanced humans have the subtle ego enticing us and telling us lies.

There is a psychic lady called Margaret McElroy who channels Maitreya and her website has some teachings on this – they use a different term that I can’t now recall. None of us have to worry about the anti-self whilst ascending to 5th. But it was said that Jesus had to slay his, that is what he did in the desert when he went off for forty days.

I read the article about Carla ascending and this is exactly what happened to a character I wrote in a novel (unpublished) where the woman bilocated to the inner earth to a conference and she felt all dizzy and had to lie down etc…so that was fascinating to read about it actually happening to someone, it was like my book came to life. I found that very interesting.

Blessings and light,


p.s. could I ask that my emails aren’t published on your site, thanks!


Dear Lin,

The ego is essentially a conglomeration of fear-based emotions and thought patterns that built both the incarnated personality and this reality as a consensual holographic model.

Most humans are driven by their fears in an unconscious manner, which are shaping their thinking, behaviour and value systems. They also shape society as can been seen now everywhere. As long as humans follow their fears and thus the commands of the ego, the personality dwells in the so called “comfort zone”. This term is a circumscription of a very narrow, low-frequency spectrum, built by these fear-based patterns, where the latter are lived on a daily basis without causing much or any pain, as there is a relative constructive interference of these fears with the surrounding, also fear-based consensual reality.

This is how human conformism operates and promotes the enslavement of humanity to the Orion matrix, which is built entirely on dense fear energies of separation.

Spiritual Evolution means per definition to leave this comfort zone, this low frequency spectrum of fear-based beliefs and behavioral patterns and to begin to substitute them with new higher frequency ideas, emotions etc. This presupposes first to process the old fear-based, contaminated emotions and thoughts, comprehend them as fears, and then radically discard them. This process is very painful and tedious and here comes the old fear-based ego that resists this change.

The reason for this is that the ego fears to be eliminated by the HS, who indeed plays a leading role in this spiritual evolution by descending into the physical body during the LBP. But the actual truth is that the human ego is a very sluggish energetic system, it is highly conservative, and the human mind as part of the ego is also very lazy. Hence there is an inherent tendency of the ego to resist any spiritual or other energetic processes that expel the personality from the comfort zone by increasing the frequencies of the human body and its fields, such as psyche, mind, chakras and etheric body, as this creates a lot of work for the old mind and challenges the ego.

Hence the ego uses all fear-based emotions at its disposal to suppress such escape of the incarnated personality from the comfort zone by using all kinds of emotional and pseudo-rational arguments, all of them based entirely on fears and fear-based beliefs that are still an integral part of the incarnated personality. This is the inner battlefield of each human being on the way to ascension.

Here I am discussing the initial phase of any human spiritual evolution when the personality is thrown out of its ego-created “paradise”, defined as “comfort zone” and has to enter the difficult and challenging pathway to ascension through the LBP.

The latter is an accelerated version of redeeming the personality from her ego through the full descent of the HS as a higher frequency system into the human vessel.

This is my short version of this process in popular terms, but this same process can, of course, be presented in a much more stringent manner in the light of the new theory of the Universal Law by considering the dynamic nature of energy = All-That-Is, as I have done on many occasions in the past while discussing similar or related topics.

With love and light


P.S. Your emails address general spiritual topics of enormous value and I do not see anything personal in them that would justify this kind of confidentiality. In fact it is an established practice and a specific trademark of this website to discuss openly and in depth precisely such topics of general interest to all light workers.

In addition, we have already entered the epoch of total transparency. Only yesterday we discussed this issue with Carla and came to the conclusion that without full transparency no ascension is possible. Whereas full transparency always goes hand in hand with full honesty – towards oneself and also towards all other people. This is the motto of this last phase prior to the ID shift and split and our final transfiguration.

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Alternative and Probable Worlds in the End Time

by Georgi Stankov Posted on February 15, 2015

by Georgi Stankov, February 15, 2015


Multidimensional worlds, parallel realities, infinite probability alternatives are now superimposing on this uppermost mother planet which is the crucible of all probable and real histories of humanity before they merge into the all-encompassing blueprint of Gaia 5 as and become an integral part of All-That-Is. This is what we now experience and we must be very careful not get lost in this highly compartmentalized holographic reality, where two convergent trends co-exist and are engaged in a final mortal competition.

On the one hand, we have the rapidly progressing narrowing of the point of view of the western ruling cabal and their stooges that creates a dense parallel universe, built entirely on lies, deceptions and reality denial. On the other hand, we have the constantly expanding ability of the alternative mass media to see the truth through this smoke and mirrors facade.

And here lies the big danger.

We know that the ruling cabal only lie and know nothing else, but lies. The same holds true for their MSM presstitutes. As a critical observer or a journalist, you may reveal one, ten or hundred lies each day and be even proud of challenging the establishment in this way. But what is the purpose of such a contest of truth? This is not the Olympic games, where you win a race and get the gold medal.

The purpose of the current End Time revelations is not to make each alternative investigative journalist another “Alex Jones”, infowars.com, then, honestly, I am repelled by the vision of a new world, where numerous Alex Jones run around and decry amidst spitting saliva the dark agenda of the ruling cabal in the name of an obsolete constitution.

This may be an alternative probability world, where the special type of “Alex Jones” souls may find comfort in continuing with their incarnation cycle of finding the ultimate truth for an indefinite period of time, but this will be a highly askew and sterile world for the new enlightened humanity to evolve to a transgalactic civilisation as we envision and create it Now.

At present we observe simultaneously so many parallel worlds and how rapidly they separate from each other, parallel to the growing number of awakening and thinking individuals on this planet.

Although the majority of the incarnated souls are now completely refractory to the incoming source energies of truth, the influx of many old souls and souls pertaining to the new human template is awakening so many people from within in a miraculous manner that it has been impossible only a couple of days ago. But even these souls are limited by the pre-existing personality structure of the incarnated individual and can only make baby steps in their evolution under the current energetic conditions.

We, the incumbent Logos Gods of Gaia, are still here to hold the light and stabilize this uppermost mother planet with our powerful fields that now fully encompass this whole timeline. One objective of our energetic presence in physical vessels here is to carefully observe and analyse the political and other events on the ground and explain them to the masses in a congruent manner from the higher vantage point of view of our higher selves, to which we now have an unlimited access.

Most of the people do not have this cognitive advantage.

Every publication on this website that sheds more light onto the current political and societal events is multiplied and augmented infinite times in its power and has a direct and immediate impact on all other critical alternative thinkers. This trend is so obvious in the last few days that I need not give any proofs here. All the topics we have addressed in the past and our holistic approach to them is now more or less successfully adopted by many other alternative thinkers and writers.

This, in itself, is the most convincing proof for the rapid expansion of their awareness under the current powerful energies coming relentlessly from the source.

While it was necessary in the past to focus my attention on some key facts, for instance regarding the true perpetrators and development of the Ukrainian crisis and subsequent war, because this knowledge is indispensable for the coming resolution through confrontation in the End Time, now it is our obligation to detach one more time decisively from this crumbling reality and substitute it boldly with our visions of a new, pristine world in which we want to live from now on.

It is time to stop dealing with all the lies of the ruling cabal that built the facade of this illusory reality and are now becoming obvious for the first time to the slumbering masses. It is now their turn to process them and begin to evolve. We must always stay at least one big step ahead of the rest of humanity as its true wayshowers.

While it may still be necessary to publish from time to time on new significant developments at the political and economic level that now shape the collapse of the Orion matrix, I have decided from now on to focus my attention more on the transcendental dimension that shapes our last days in this rapidly changing reality.

Ultimately, our choice in personal perception must be, whether we should still cling to this crumbling reality and thus perpetuate it as a kind of a nightmare, or simply disregard it as obsolete and begin actively with the creation of new wonderful worlds, we want to live in from now on, within the inner space of our unlimited imagination and endow them with the longing for eternal harmony of our tormented souls.

It is up to us now to create what we want and be able to imagine and to live it in a consequent manner.

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The MSM Presstitutes Reveal Their Nature – Profound Stupidity

by Georgi Stankov Posted on February 11, 2015

by Georgi Stankov, February 10, 2015


Freudian slips will be the motto of the coming days when the brains of the presstitutes of the western MSM and their masters in power wil begin completely to decompensate (Asperger’s syndrome will then be an euphemism for them) and all kinds of idiocies will begin to reach the public.

Please do not forget that all dark entities on this uppermost mother planet are now fully severed from the crystalline grid and that the old Orion magnetic grid has been fully dissolved by us, the light warriors of the first and the last hour last year.

Today we have already opened the February 11th portal and now the flood gates are wide open for the Source energies of the seven sacred flames to sweep over this planet and eliminate the last remnants of resistance and clinging to old patterns of life as the latest manuscript of survival also confirms:

“In other words, during the next few days a flow of light will come in that will fill you all to the brim and then some, and it will bring you all along on a journey towards perfection to use a word that is much maligned, but in this context simply means removal of old impurities, impurities that have made your evolution as a species so inhibited because of the contamination it imposed on you, but which will now be rendered null and void in such a way, very little of the old inhibitors will be remaining. And as a result of this, you will all become cleared and ready for that huge surge of galactic cleansing that will arrive sometime later this month, and in its wake, you will all feel the freshness of imbuing pure light through your newly purified channels.”

In this context the latest guff of CNN reveals more than thousand words can say. It is however not only the result of the new disease of the cabal and their presstitutes, called progressive energy-induced imbecility (PEI- Syndrome), which is irreversible and incurable, but also due to massive layoffs in this channel that has plunged into irrelevance, and so its revenues, as nobody wants to watch the zombies from CNN any more.

This is the greatest shift in the medial landscape these days and this is where we, the alternative and enlightened mass media (we are already the mass media, while the former mass media have already become the minority media of the losing dark cabal) now dictate the topics and the mode of discussion. And the Internet Trolls are gone.

All apologies: CNN atones for headline calling Ukrainian troops ‘pro-US’

RT, February 10, 2015

This is CNN… apologizing for yet another on-air blunder. The cable network issued its mea culpa a day after saying that President Barack Obama was considering arming “pro-US troops” in Ukraine.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7cPQf9O8oE

CNN aired a segment on Monday about the talks between President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the resolution of the Ukraine crisis. The network showed a full-screen map of Eastern Europe, with Ukraine in yellow, Russia in red and Crimea in orange. The headline read: “Obama considers arming pro-US troops.”

Social media buzzed over what viewers deemed a Freudian slip. On Tuesday morning, CNN sought to make amends.

Video: http://rt.com/usa/231163-cnn-sorry-pro-us-troops/

“The debate in western capitals is actually about whether the United States and other NATO countries should send arms to the Ukrainian military, which is trying to protect its territory from separatists whom the government in Kiev says are backed by Russia,” morning anchor Carol Costello said. “The recipients of any military equipment and aid would be the national military of Ukraine, certainly not pro-U.S. troops. I regret that error.”

Obama requested his administration consider the possibility of supplying lethal defense weapons to the Ukrainian government. Merkel visited the president at the White House Monday in what is viewed as a last-ditch attempt to secure a truce in Ukraine, which has been embroiled in internal conflict since last April.

CNN laid off eight percent of its staff in October, many of whom had decades of experience with the 24-hour news network.

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