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Play is Your Lesson Today… and Forevermore
Brenda Hoffman, February 12, 2014
Georgi Stankov
I have decided to publish this message because it addresses a
leitmotif in all my articles – you are Creator Gods, you are incumbent
Logos Gods, you are the Guardians of the new Golden Galaxy, you are the
Planetary Ascension Team that is making this ascension possible, you are
all this and much more.
Do not close your eyes for your power and do not reject the true
nature of what you are. And please do not pretend to be normal human
beings and care what other blind humans think and talk about you. Now is
the time to come forward and demonstrate your divine nature and to
begin enjoying life from the fulcrum of your heart.
This is what I am doing now in the few free moments, when I do not
edit this website. But as long as I enjoy this activity and cherish the
rewarding communication with you, this is my way to experience a joyful
Do now whatever you like to do and
simply enjoy life in a playful manner as Gods in human gestalt for the
last time. You have ascended thousand times already and you are now
moving through the dimensions like a shuttle beyond the speed of light.
There is nothing that you need to achieve anymore in a human vessel and
if your ego-mind tells you something different from time to time, know
it is only because the ego is afraid of its inevitable elimination
during our impending final transfiguration.
Dear Ones,
You’ve endured, you’ve rested and now it is time to bask in the
sunshine – something you have neglected for so long. It is as if you hid
yourself in a very small closet so others could not guess who you
really were. You dressed as they dressed. You walked and talked as they
did – but you are not them and never have been. You merely pretended to
be them for eons on earth.
Who are they? Anyone but yourself.
But fitting in and following rules so no one knows your truth is
becoming a problem as you realize you no longer have to worry about
others or put others first – even though that is your first inclination.
You have yet to internalize that you are a god or goddess.
In the past few days, you most likely noted a thought, sensation or
feeling that expressed to you – by you we must add – that you love
yourself. A major hurdle indeed and one that you yet often lapse at
fulfilling, just as a chemically dependent person might lapse and return
to their drug of choice. Your drug of choice is hiding your true being
in a dark closet. Such action will not create a new you or New Earth –
at least how you experience New Earth.
For New Earth is happening whether you participate or not.
You, along with your light team, ensured that New Earth was reality in
terms you could understand with your physicality, as well as your other
Now it is time for you to concentrate on yourself. Climbing your
mountain was arduous, but somewhat natural in that you have long
punished yourself to maintain your small closet existence. The piece
that is truly a new lesson for you is to claim yourself and your new
god/goddess role.
Even though you might be rolling down the hill to the promised land,
you have not yet given yourself permission to come out of your dark
closet. You are comfortable learning to love yourself. You are
comfortable learning that all are one in this wondrous transition. But
you are not yet comfortable knowing that you are the star in your realm
of expertise. You continue to tell yourself that you are good in a
certain area or you are interested in a certain area, but you cannot yet
admit to even yourself that you are THE STAR in your area.
Perhaps you believe that there are scores of others as capable as you
in your chosen field of joy. Such is not true. Think of how many
personalities and career paths are available in 3D earth. Quadruple that
number and quadruple it again at least hundred times and you will begin
to understand how many unique individuals will populate and are
populating earth. All unique individuals with extremely unique roles.
This is not time for you to be coy or shy. Who are you? What gifts do
you bring earth? That is your role and only your role. Do you not
understand that few individuals in humanity totality are now awake? And
do you not understand that those individuals – including you – were/are
lighting the way for others as they climb their mountain? That is, it
was you primary role until now. You have evolved to living your unique
You gathered those segments most needed for that role(s). You climbed
your mountain of pain hoping for a joyous finale. But now that you can
claim yourself fully and with joy, you scamper back to your closet when
anyone notes your unique being.
You say to yourself, “I’m not that talented or wonderful. I’m not
that kind of leader. It’s just better for me to fade into the woodwork
and wait a few days, weeks, months or years until I’m fully whole.”
Which will never happen if you continue to protest your skills and
You are a god/goddess of the highest degree. You have the skills you need to fulfill your role(s). All you have to do is claim your skills, acknowledge your role and play as your role develops.
Many of you are surprised by that last statement for playing as your
role develops feels wrong. Where is the work? Where is the arduous climb
to whatever peak you feel necessary before proclaiming your true worth?
It is done. You have completed all you need in preparation.
Allow yourself to be – especially in joy/play. For that is where your
role will begin showing itself.
Work in whatever form is 3D. Joy in all forms is New Earth. And the first piece of joy to express in New Earth is loving yourself – which has begun.
Many of you now feel the need to process self-love for a few months to ensure you do not return to 3D thoughts. Enough already with “working the new you.” You are there. Allow yourself to play much more (self-love) and work (group-thought) much less and you will automatically fall into self-love.
Continue to believe you require more knowledge, more skills and more
physical beauty in whatever form it takes in your mind and you will
remain at the top of the hill watching others having fun rolling down
the hills and finding their sparkles of joy.
Play is your key word forevermore. Work is yesterday’s word.
Allow yourself to find your play areas. And you will know your play
areas just as you did as a child – perhaps softball was not that fun for
you, but you played to fit in – no more. Perhaps dolls were your joy
and you played with them when you could. So it is now. Play, Play and
play some more – that is your skill development lesson for today and
always. Allow yourself to be. So be it. Amen.
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The West Is Changing Its Fraudulent Narrative on the Maidan Massacre by CIA Sponsored Snipers
by Georgi Stankov, February 12, 2015
One year after the bloody Nazi coup d’teat of the legitimate,
democratically elected Ukrainian government of president Janukovich that
was sponsored by the CIA and other dark Western secret services,
finally the flagship of the British-Zionist war-mongering propaganda is
beginning to change its fraudulent narrative of the historical events.
Please observe that this is happening on the same day when Russia
brokered a deal between Poroshenko and the Novorussian insurgents in
Minsk for a permanent ceasefire and retreat of heavy weapons from the
front line by establishing a broad demarcation line. Germany and France
were mere walk-ons (not walk-ins) in this peace agreement with many
caveats as Putin warned the press after the negotiatons finished. Their
only contribution at the negotiation table was by demonstrating for the
first time in their history since WW2 that they are beginning to
liberate themselves cautiously from their vassal role to Washington. In
particular Germany is now becoming aware for the first time in a very
poignant manner of the dire consequences of being an occupied country
without any sovereignty and own free political will due to the existence
of the ominous “Chancellor’s File “.
The Maidan putsch and the ousting of
Janukovich happened after these three nations brokered another deal one
year ago for a peaceful political transition through general elections,
and only after Janukovich expressed his will to resign from power. This
agreement lasted less than 24 hours when CIA-paid Nazi and probably US
mercenaries began to shoot as snipers at the Ukrainian police and the
civil population gathered at the Maidan square from near-by buildings.
They killed more than 100 people, 50 policemen among them. After this
CIA-sponsored massacre of the Ukrainian people, the CIA trained
ultra-nationalist groups ceased power in Kiev and Janukovich had to flee
from the country as to save his life. This was the beginning of the
current tragedy in Ukraine and the subsequent war, and the West carries
the entire blame for this crime on humanity and the Russian people.
Instead, the West started blaming Russia for all these events in a
most insidious manner, while supported uncritically the putsch Nazi
regime in all their subsequent crimes on their people. They used this
pretext, based entirely on heinous lies, to impose sanctions on Russia
for what actually the West did to the Ukrainian people. This was the
most appalling crime the West has committed in Europe, after NATO bombed
Serbia in 1998 and supported all the other bloody wars in former
Yugoslavia since 1992.
But as we have now entered the epoch of unvarnished truth, where
nothing can be hidden anymore, as this is the normal energetic state of
being in the higher dimensions, the western cabal-controlled MSM can no
longer sustain their fraudulent narrative about the political events on
the ground. As the Munich security conference revealed last week, the
western media were crashed by the truth as presented by the ever
stronger becoming alternative media, including RT as its flagship.
The West lost the information cyber war for the first time in modern
history because they chose to report lies and propaganda instead of
truth. Their bogus claims that they represent the free democratic world
could no longer impress the awakening people, who are now beginning to
see the truth for themselves and realized for the first time that they
have been lied and enslaved all the time, and stopped believing the
western MSM propaganda. In this way the cabal-paid presstitutes made
themselves obsolete by propagating only lies and forgetting their duty
as the fourth power of truth and information in a true democratic order.
This is the merciless logic of the energetic dynamics of the current
End Time.
In their despair, the darkest presstitutes of the Western cabal even
pledged for a total “ostracism” of RT (the editor of the Economist in
Munich) as a futile attempt to shut down the source of truth. This of
course had a backlash on them as the subsequent discussion in the mass
media revealed.
Now we observe for the first time a very cautious opening of the
mouthpieces of western war-mongering propaganda of the dark cabal and
some key facts begin to emerge all of a sudden that are well known to us
from the very beginning, but not to the general public. Do not
underestimate this trend. When the flood gates of truth are being opened
just a notch, there is no stopping anymore and the tsunami of truth
will inundate the dark western citadels of power and will destroy their
credibility for ever.
From there, it is a very short walk for the dark cabal to perdition
and oblivion. I have never been more confident than today that we have
indeed entered the final phase in the Ascension scenario, when the
events of Revelation and Big Change will stipulate and crash the Orion
BBC airs Maidan fighter admitting he fired on police before Kiev massacre
RT , February 12, 2015
walk through the rubble after violence erupted in the Independence
Square in Kiev February 20, 2014.(Reuters / Konstantin Chernichkin)
Nearly a year after the massacre on Kiev’s Maidan left over 50 dead,
the BBC has aired footage of an opposition fighter who says he fired at
police in the early morning that day, bringing into question the popular
narrative that riot police fired first.
READ MORE: Reuters investigation exposes ‘serious flaws’ in Maidan massacre probe
“I was shooting downward at their feet,” says a man the broadcaster decided to identify as Sergei.
“Of course, I could have hit them in the arm or anywhere. But I didn’t shoot to kill.”
According to Sergei, he took up a position in the Kiev Conservatory, a
music academy located on the southwest corner of Kiev’s Independence
Square, on February 20.
One day prior, he had met up with a man who offered him two guns. The
first was a 12-gauge shotgun, while the other was a hunting rifle – a
Saiga that fired high-velocity rounds.
He chose the Saiga and hid it at a post office that, along with the
conservatory, was under the protesters’ control. Sergei told the BBC he
was later escorted to the Conservatory, where, with a second gunman, he
spent 20 minutes before 7:00 am firing on police.
Other witness testimony has corroborated his account.
Video 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib7EkJD08e4
Andriy Shevchenko, who was an opposition MP at the time and also part
of the Maidan movement, said he had received a phone call from the head
of the riot police on Maidan Square claiming his officers had come
under fire.
“He calls me and says, ‘Andriy, somebody is shooting at my guys.’ And he said that the shooting was from the Conservatory,” Shevchenko said.
Shevchenko, in turn, says he contacted Andriy Parubiy, who headed up
security for the protesters and was known as the Commandant of Maidan.
It’s at this point where the details of what followed become murky.
Video 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2PTeUBCPAQ
Parubiy says he sent a group of “his best men” to scour the
Conservatory and determine if anyone was firing from it. Parubiy, who
now serves as deputy speaker in the current Ukrainian parliament, claims
his men found no gunmen in the building.
A photographer who had gained access to the Conservatory later in the
morning just after 8:00 am, however, took pictures of men with guns in
the building, though he never saw them discharge their weapons.
READ MORE: Kiev snipers hired by Maidan leaders – leaked EU’s Ashton phone tape
All the while, Shevchenko claims he was getting increasingly panicked
calls from the head of the riot police, who said that five officers had
been wounded and another killed before he decided to pull out.
Sergei’s account appears to contradict Parubiy’s.
“I was just reloading,” Sergei told the BBC. “They ran
up to me and one put his foot on top of me, and said, ‘They want a word
with you, everything is OK, but stop doing what you’re doing.'”
A wounded
protester is rushed to a vehicle following violence in Independence
Square in Kiev February 20, 2014. (Reuters / Konstantin Chernichkin)
Sergei says he was convinced the men who dragged him away were from
Parubiy’s security unit, though he admits he did not recognize their
faces. After being taken out of the building, he was dropped off outside
of Kiev by car, though it appears no further harm came to him.
By this point, the BBC notes that three policemen had been wounded
fatally and the mass killings began that ultimately left more than 50
protesters dead.
Snipers on Maidan: unsolved mystery
February 20 was the bloodiest day of protests since they started in
November 2013, and the bloodshed ultimately led to the ouster of
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich. Both sides have blamed each other
for being behind the sniper fire that brought the Euromaidan revolution
to a head.
RT’s Aleksey Yaroshevsky, who was reporting form the scene that day, came under fire from unidentified gunmen at the time.
Video 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPsxyKRkuCU
Witnesses at the time said they saw snipers shooting at both protesters and security forces.
A leaked recording of a conversation between European Union foreign
policy Baroness Caroline Ashton and Estonia’s foreign minister, Urmas
Paet, also appeared to confirm the possibly that it had been members of
the opposition, and not Yanukovich’s security forces, who fired the
first shots.
“There is a stronger and stronger understanding that behind the
snipers – it was not Yanukovich, it was somebody from the new [ruling]
coalition,” Paet told Ashton , citing claims that “there were the same snipers killing people from both sides.”
Ukraine’s former State Security chief, Oleksandr Yakymenko, would also blame Ukraine’s current Euromaidan government, saying they hired the snipers who precipitated violence on the square.
The protest leaders, many of whom hold positions in the current
Ukrainian government, insist that Yanukovich and his security forces
bear full responsibility for the shootings.
In April, almost two months after the shooting, Ukrainian prosecutors arrested several Berkut riot police officers as possible “Maidan snipers.”
The investigation, however, seems to have ended there.
In October, Reuters published the results of its examination, which analyzed Kiev’s probe into February’s Maidan shootings.
The news agency’s reporters uncovered “serious flaws” in the case against Berkut officers. Dozens of families of Maidan victims are still demanding “an objective and accurate investigation.”
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On the Road to Mass Terror?
When Ukrainians Choose Not to Die in a War
by Dmitry Kolesnik, February 9, 2015
Just consider what all the lethal weapons
that the criminal Obama regime intends to send to Ukraine will achieve
when the Ukrainian people reject to fight a war against their
compatriots. This is the end of the dark ruling cabal – peace is their
greatest enemy and the people must bring about peace on this planet,
nobody else can do that.
“Imagine all the people , living life in peace. ” Maybe John Lennon’s famous musical lyric can be called naive , but it’s a hopeful vision all the same . A ntiwar protests, mass soldier desertions , refusal to serve and fight in defiance of government orders and repression—these have stopped many wars once people decide there is nothing righteous in killing their fellow humans.
The current war situation in eastern Ukraine and
the decision of the government in Kyiv to begin a new, fourth wave of
military conscription and mobilization is unleashing a firestorm of mass
opposition and refusal to fight. Protest is rising in all the regions of the country . For sure, there are still nationalist fanatics and far-right militarists exercising violence and intimidation against antiwar protests, but their capacity to stamp out protest is diminishing .
Ukraine is historically a peaceful nation. For some time now, it has avoided military conflicts like those that have flared elsewhere in e astern Europe—Yugoslavia, Georgia, etc .
That came to a crashing end last year when the Kyiv government launched
its ‘anti-terrorist operation’ against the people in the east of the
country. But from the beginning of the conflict, Ukraine has seen
refusals by soldiers to fire on their fellow citizens, desertions from the army and refusals to show up for conscription . W omen—the
mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of military conscripts—have held
protests and even riots against the war or against force military
The protests have been sparked, f irst of all, by the fact that many Ukrainians do not accept the interpretation of the war as offered by the government. They don’t necessarily see foreign (ie Russian) aggression. They only know that when a Ukrainian soldier lifts his gun or artillery barrel, it is a compatriot, a fellow Ukrainian, who appears in the gun sight.
Secondly, many people don’t want to die for the current government which they view as composed of extreme nationalists and neo-liberals. They are unwilling
to be cannon fodder dying for the interests of Ukrainian oligarchs
whose only apparent interest is to pursue a civil war, siphon Western
financial aid and suppress opposition to their rule .A young woman recently voiced this sentiment searingly at a rally held in her village in south-central Ukraine.
L ast but not least, many ordinary workers and farmers, (contrary to middle-class, urban dwellers), preserve entrenched, regional identities. They consider their homeland to be a region such as Donbas, Bukovyna, Transkarpathia or Volhynia as much as, or perhaps even more importantly, it is the entity called ‘Ukraine’ . It is harder to sell to such people the war’s patriotic, pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia message.
The astonishing fact that almost no one is coming voluntarily to the military recruitment offices in this fourth, latest round of conscription is causing panic in the government and top army command of Ukraine. They are appealing, as always, to patriotic and nationalist sentiments, but this is falling increasingly on deaf ears.
M en of conscription age are fleeing in the thousands, crossing Ukraine’s borders in all directions, or taking cover internally, to escape the clutches of the military recruiters. President Poroshenko has
been obliged to order that, henceforth, only those men of military age
with papers confirming they are duly registered with their military
registration office will be permitted to leave the country.
“Each day, new facts about mass, draft evasion are emerging ” reports the Ukrainian daily Korrespondent . It writes, “In t he first wave of military mobilization in 2014, 20
per cent of those who showed up for the conscription call did so
voluntarily. In the second wave the same year, it was ten per cent.
“This year, only six per cent of those conscripts showing up for the call to service have done so voluntarily “.
In the Trancarpathia region in western Ukraine, entire villages have scattered across various borders to escape conscription of their menfolk . The head of the village council of Kosiv district in Ivano-Frankivsk region reports that the entire population of the village booked buses and have moved to Russia to wait out the war .
In the village of Colchino, authorities could find only three of the 105 eligible males to whom to serve papers.
C hief Recruitment Officer for Trancarpathia, O.Boyko, told Korrespondent , “It may seem a paradox, but from the western Ukrainian region of Ternopyl, people have fled to Russia in order to escape army conscription. ”
M any people are selecting east European countries as temporary refuges . Yuri Biryukov,an adviser to the Ukrainian p resident, has admitted, “In the last 30 days, 17 per cent of the total number of reservists of the entire region of Chernivtsy (western Ukraine) have crossed borders into other countries” .
“ According to unofficial sources, the hostels and motels in the border area of neighboring Romania are overcrowded with Ukrainian draft evaders. ”
In the Volh ynya region of w estern Ukraine, villagers have blocked theattempts by authorities to distribute call-up papers. A news report by 112.ua explained, “ On January 24, the residents of the villages of Melniki, Zatishye and Pishcha in Shatsky district of Volh ynya region blocked cars of the district administration as they arrived . Inside the vehicles were representatives of the local administration and the military recruitment office, arriving to deliver call-up papers for the military mobilization.
“ Protesters forced the authorities to tear up the papers. They were then allowed to leave and the people went at home.“
Authorities in that case struck back. “Three criminal proceedings have been opened under Article 336 of the Criminal Code (evasion ofconscription )”, reported a local police official.
The Odessa publication Timer reports that on January 23 in the village of Kulevchi in Saratsky district of Odessa region, the local population revolted against the military mobilization and kicked representatives out of the local recruitment office .
The p opulation learned t hat 240 call-up papers were en route to be served in their village. Within minutes, Timer explained, some 500 people gathered on the village square. Six officers of the recruitment office arrived with the papers but they found a less than welcome reception among the local people. When officials declared that refusal of conscription is punishable by criminal prosecution, the people began to shout “No w ar” and “We want peace”. They reminded the officers that Ukraine has not declared martial law and that the Minsk cease fire agreement of last September has not been formally renounced by the Ukraine government . They called the new wave of military mobilization illegal and the recruiting officers were forced to leave t he village.
O1.ua news outlet in Odessa city reports, “In the village of Limansky (Reni district) , a representative of the military recruitment office arrived with call-up papers accompanied by two armed gunmen. It nearly cost them their lives. The peasant villagers almost lynched the three .“
Before the trip to the village, the m ilitary c ommissar of the district, Igor Skrypnik, was aware of the hostile attitude of the civilian population toward the mobilisation process. So he asked for protection while distributing mobilization papers. T wo policemen armed with weapons were assigned . But it produced the opposite result.
“W hen two gunmen in camouflage appeared in the village, it immediately attracted people’s attention and caused a spontaneous riot,” said the acting c hairman of the local state administration, Sergey Barinov. “About 200 residents of Limansky village surrounded the representative of the military and the armed police officers and threatened to punish them .“
“ Deputy Chairman Ivan Stadnikov of the Reni district state administration and Military C ommissar Igor Skrypnik immediately went to the village . After difficult negotiations, a compromise was reached. But then the local residents seized the call-up pap ers, defiantly poured gasoline on them and set them alight – right before the eyes of the officials who had brought the papers to the village.”
In s ome villages in Ternopil region, the heads of local councils did not even >participate in the distribution of call-up papers. Even more, when representatives of military recruitment offices were due to arrive , some local authorities in the region tipped off residents in order to give them the opportunity to avoid conscription.
The Russian news agency ITAR-TASS reports on January 27 , “Ukraine’s male population has massively started leaving abroad in search of jobs to dodge the current mobilization campaign.
“E ntire villages are booking buses to
dispatch their men as far as possible. Military committees are handing
over the lists of fugitives to law enforcers to try and restrict the movement of men subject to conscription outside their native districts and areas”, TASS says .
Citing the Ukrainian Vesti news agency, TASS reported, “ Natalya
from Zaporizhia (south-eastern Ukraine) dispatched her son to Russia
several months ago. The woman told Vesti on condition of anonymity that
she had also sent her husband away (also to Russia) one week earlier .
Men from western regions are leaving for Poland and Hungary. The city
military committee in Ukraine’s capital Kiev is also complaining about
draft dodgers.”
A nti-war protests are continuing in the areas of the Donbas region that are controlled by Ukrainian troops. In the city of Kramatorsk in Donetsk region, women staged a spontaneous rally in late January chanting “ No war!” In a video of the> protest , at the 1’45” mark, we get a glimpse at how desperate the recruitment tactics of the authorities have become. A woman asks the military officer present, “ Why are they beating on our doors at night and taking our men away to the army?”
In recent weeks, the neighbouring, small city of Debaltsevo
has become the epicenter of the military clash between Donbas
self-defense forces and the Ukraine army and militias. Thousands of
Ukrainian troops are at risk of encirclement and capture. Most of the
town’s residents have fled. There are only some 6, 000-8, 000 residents who are left, and t hey are living without electricity, heating and water supply. They are reduced to cooking their food over open fires.
The online Ukrainian media outlet Expres.ua reports that t he mayor of Debaltseve was recently arrested by the Ukrainian Secret Service, accused of having sympathies with the pro-autonomy forces of Donbas. In the face of all this, the people rallied at the end of January, blaming the Ukrainian troops for their plight and demanding that they leave.
A protest of mothers and wives of conscripts was recently h eld in the village of Belovodsk in a government-controlled part of Luh ansk region . The authorities arrived under the protection of machine guns to explain the conscription p olicy. The villagers answered that they did not vote for President Petro Poroshenko and they had no interest in sacrificing themselves for the interests of the oligarch Igor Kolomoisky (a well-know Ukrainian billionaire and advocate of war) .
Social networks are responding to the mobilization by creating memes with titles such as the “Elusive Battalion”. The message is that it’s only in make-believe worlds that t he children of high-ranking officials, parliamentary deputies, politicians and businessmen are serving in the military .
W riting in the Ukrainian web journal Liva , journalist Roman Lyubar explains, “Due to conscription, Ukrainian authorities have managed to unite the citizens of the country who are everywhere joining to boycott the military draft and increasingly protest against it. This despite the threat of criminal prosecution and militarist propaganda…
“ Now Ukrainians see more clearly than ever that the poorest citizens face being cannon fodder and dying in a war while government officials and rich capitalists escape such a fate. ”
Yevgeny Kopatko, a Ukrainian analyst and founder of the Research and Branding Group, told TASS , “M ore and more statements are heard in Ukrainian society about a readiness [by ordinary people] to sit in prison instead of going to fight. In this situation, the decision on more military mobilizations is another test for the Ukrainian authorities“ .
Sergei Kirichuk, a leader of Ukrainian l eft organization Borotba, writes in a January 29 commentary, “E ven pro-government politicians and analysts are saying that the current mobilization has failed. Some people will not come to the draft board, and others desert after they are signed up. Thus are ever more drops added to the cauldron of popular discontent. ”
Under such circumstances, the Kiev
government may resort to the policy of mass terror (with the help of
Ukrainian far-right paramilitary organizations), forcing people to go to
war at the point of a gun and murdering antiwar activists . But
based on the experience of revolts and revolutions in Europe in 1917-18
during World War One, we know where such policy can lead. When people
are armed and forced to fight against their will, when they are
indignant, facing dire economic circumstances and demanding peace and
yet their will is ignored, then the prospects of governments and private
capitalist interests deemed responsible for the mess are not very
Dmitry Kolesnik is a Ukrainian journalist, left-wing activist and editor of the web journal Liva.com (‘The Left’). The journal has an English-language page where it translates and publishes some of its original articles from Ukrainian and Russian languages.
Addendum: Watch
this extremely powerful video where a courageous Ukrainian woman
defeats singe-handedly with her speech the official Kiev thugs that have
come to enroll Ukrainian men in the army to kill their compatriots.
Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAQABuQUqMQ
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Pig-Faced Western Insolence
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, February 9, 2015
The attack on President Putin by British Foreign Secretary Phillip
Hammond and the laughter and jeering during the intervention by Russian
Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov underlines the notion that the
West, in general terms, is governed by cliques of incompetent, insolent
upstarts who in the private sector would be unemployable.
As for Philip Hammond calling President Vladimir Putin a “tyrant”
then going on to speak about dictators, then there is one word in
response: Resign! Whatever his personal views, which can interest
nobody, the British Foreign Secretary is head of his country’s diplomacy
and gratuitous, unfounded quips like that underline the notion that he
is worse even at his job than his predecessor William Hague.
President Putin’s popularity rating is
somewhere near three times that of British Prime Minister David
Cameron’s. So much for democracy, but then again Mr. Hammond represents
one of the three prongs of the FUKUS Axis (France-UK-US), the clique
that sided with terrorists on their own lists of proscribed groups to
topple the Jamahiriya Government in Libya, sided with terrorists
carrying out chemicals weapons attacks in Syria, to incriminate
President Assad.
So much for Hammond. A vapid, lightweight wannabe, a nobody on the
world stage, a pith-headed, clottish, ill-mannered, insolent upstart
with zero substance, a squeaky, fussy little nonentity whose real
vocation in life is to hide behind the skirts of an Anglican priest in
the belfry of some moldy church basement somewhere in rural Wales. He
finds himself in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Same thing.
As for the guffaws of laughter vomited forth by some Western
officials at the International Security Conference in Munich while
Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Lavrov was delivering his speech, how
rude. But then again what to expect from the West but sheer, barefaced,
pig-headed insolence, bad manners, nastiness, spitefulness, lies,
skullduggery, meddling, intrusion, utter disregard and disrespect for
human rights as civilians are murdered, as babies have their faces
blasted off and their families blown away by some NATO coward in the sky
imposing democracy from 30,000 feet?
So, let us take a look at Western policies in the last decade and a
half and see if they are laughing. So, ha ha ha ha ha, what about
Kosovo? You know, where Albanian terrorists trafficking human organs and
shooting at the police were destabilizing Kosovo, the Serbian Province
which was, is and always will be, the very heart of the Serbian nation?
Ha ha ha ha ha, funny, isn’t it? And what about those Ushtria Çlirimtare
ë Kosovës terrorists slicing the heads off Serb bank workers and
parading them around grinning like apes? Hilarious, I suppose?
And Ha ha ha ha ha, the Iraq fiasco was the cherry on a putrid
sh*t-filled cake, wasn’t it? I mean, ha ha ha ha ha, they attacked a
sovereign nation outside the auspices of the UN Security Council (war
crime, in the absence of any attenuating factors), they strafed civilian
structures with military hardware, ha ha ha ha ha, they murdered up to a
million civilians, ha ha ha ha ha, they totally destabilized a State,
threw most of the population out of work, ha ha ha ha ha, and rendered
large swathes of the country poisonous. Ha ha ha ha ha, half a million
to a million kids born dead or deformed, ha ha ha ha ha, eh?
And speaking about the ha ha ha ha West’s ha ha ha ha foreign policy,
we had the concentration and torture camp at Abu Ghraib, you know, ha
ha ha ha ha where American heroine Lynndie England and her co-torturers
were “just having fun” sodomizing detainees, peeing in people’s food,
throwing snakes at people, raping prisoners, setting dogs on them and
forcing Moslems to eat pork. Like, what a blast?
And now that western officials find it so hilarious to listen to Mr.
Lavrov’s balanced, wholly credible and honest delivery, what about the
ha ha ha ha concentration and torture camp at Guantanamo Bay?
So the fun-packed journey continues through the Libyan fiasco, a
country rendered chaotic after NATO’s ham-fisted and illegal
intervention, ha ha ha ha ha supporting terrorist groups on the FCO’s
own list of proscribed groups, eh Mr. Hammond? Freakin’ hilarious, eh
whatty what? Ha ha ha ha ha…
And then we have Syria, ha ha ha ha ha, where planned false flag
chemical weapons attacks were outed in this column numerous times before
one actually took place in an area crawling with Syrian Arab Army
forces. And the fun fair stops in Ukraine, where a democratically
elected President was ousted in an armed insurrection and removed
without any of the legal precepts for such being in place.
Poroshenko (not his father’s family name) and his murky connections
from the past rule the roost in Kiev, not in Donetsk and not in LuGansk,
with a properly pronounced G after Fascist massacres were committed
forcing the citizens of Eastern Ukraine to take up arms. Five thousand
souls later, the legacy of the west’s intrusion, the rebels are on the
offensive, while Russia pushes for peace, as Moscow has done from the
Moscow pushes for peace, the west? Let us take a look at their
foreign policy over the last decade and a half…and… Ha ha ha ha ha!
There are two sides to every coin and both sides can laugh. But they say
the one that laughs last…
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