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Botschaft von Saint Germain: Wie wir die Rosa Flamme der Liebe anwenden können
übersetzt ins Deutsche von Anita Küttner-Kroll Nachdem wir nun durch dieses gewaltige Portal des 21. März gegangen sind, das uns ermöglichte, dichte Anhaftungen an vergangenene Herausforderungen und Ereignisse loszulassen, sind wir nun in der Lage, alle Reste von Chaos, die aufgetaucht sind, vollkommen zu transformieren und zu heilen. Saint Germain wandte sich gestern mit einer Botschaft an mich, die unsere Rolle als Lichtkrieger und Heiler behandelt, und spezielle Informationen bietet, die einen etwas unterschiedlichen Zugang zum Gebrauch der Flammen, wie wir ihn gewöhnt sind, ermöglichen. Ich teile diese Botschaft mit alljenen von euch, die sich als Heiler fühlen und die diese Beschreibung interessiert. Diese Botschaft bietet eine möglicherweise bessere Art, mit den Heiligen Flammen zu heilen. In Liebe Carla _________________________ Botschaft Ich grüße euch, ihr Lieben, ICH BIN Saint Germain und ich komme heute zu euch, um euch ein besseres Verständnis für die Vervollkommnung der Violetten Flamme in Verbindung mit der Heiligen Rosa Flamme der kosmischen Liebe zu bringen. Indem ihr die Violette Flamme der Transformation und die Rosa Flamme der Göttlichen Liebe in einem gemeinsamen Strahl verbindet, können zuerst alle missglückten menschlichen Schöpfungen transformiert werden. Dann wird die Violette Flamme in einer alchemistischen Verbindung mit der Rosa Flamme alles heilen, jeden Streit, jeden emotionalen, mentalen und physischen Schmerz, jede Scham und alle Missverständnisse, die die Welt seit Jahrhunderten quälen. Sobald eine Energieform durch die Violette Flamme transformiert wurde, braucht das neuerschaffene Element die alchemistische Reakton mit der rosa Flamme der göttlichen Liebe. Als erster Schritt wird die violette Flamme in einen Körper, einen Gedanken oder ein Problem geflutet. Dann folgt die Rosa Flamme, um das Thema mit ihrer Liebe einzuhüllen und dadurch jede Trennung zu heilen. Dann flutet wiederum die violette Flamme die Situation, um sie im Sinne der Göttlichen Quelle wieder herzustellen. Eine vollkommene Klärung (Violette Flamme), Heilung (Violette und Rosa Flamme) und Wiederherstellung und Rückverbindung (re-set) (Violette Flamme) ist eine sehr machtvolle Kombination von Handlungen. Weil ihr euch jetzt darauf vorbereitet, dass vieles an die Oberfläche kommt und sichtbar wird, das geheilt werden will, ist es wichtig, diese Wahrheit zu kennen: Jede wahre Heilung stammt von der bewussten Wahrnehmung und Aktivierung der Prana-Licht-Säule, die in eurem Körper durch die Zirbeldrüse eintritt (oder durch die die linke Gehirnhälfte bei aufgestiegenen Lichtkriegern Anm. Georgi) und sich direkt in euren Herzraum bewegt. Ruft diese Lichtsäule an und verwebt sie mit der Voletten und Rosa Flamme (und jeder anderen Flamme, die wir intuitiv als notwendig für eine bestimmte Heilung erachten), um eine vollständige Heilung aller niedrig schwingenden und disfunktionalen Situationen zu bewirken, die ein Ungleichgewicht in euren physischen, emotionalen, mentalen und ätherischen Körpern verursachen. Überlegt euch vor eurer Heilungssitzung: Was wollt ihr erreichen? Natürlich ist jede bewusste Absicht für das höchste Wohl aller Beteiligten die hilfreichste Haltung, die ihr einnehmen könnt, und bringt das wünschenswerteste Ergebnis. Diese Herangehensweise erlaubt es dem Göttlichen, alle Probleme auf eine höchst dynamische und erfolgreiche Art und Weise zu lösen. Ich werde euch bei allen Heilungen begleiten, ihr braucht mich nur dazu einladen. Ich danke für euren Dienst und den Dienst derer, die sich mit euch in diesem heiligen Bestreben verbinden. Es kommen nun großartige Veränderungen (great Shifts) auf euch zu, und vieles kommt an die Oberfläche und wird sichtbar, um geklärt zu werden und zu heilen. Ihr müsst bedenken, dass das menschliche Kollektiv jetzt gewaltige Tragödien der Vergangenheit aufarbeitet, und die Begleiterscheinungen der Aufstiegsenergien wirken sehr stark. Viele Probleme sehen jetzt so aus, als wären sie individuell und persönlich, in Wahrheit repräsentieren sie immer Heilung von kollektivem Karma. Ich wünsche jedem von euch viel Kraft und Stärke! ICH BIN Saint Germain und freue mich sehr mit Allem zu arbeiten! This entry was posted in Other Articles . Bookmark the permalink . ← Truth Brings the Time of Miracles
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Truth Brings the Time of Miracles
by Georgi Stankov Posted on March 29, 2015 by Georgi Stankov, March 29, 2015 www.stankovuniversallaw.com Tomorrow
I will publish a key message of the Elohim, which Carla has just
received. It announces the coming of the time of miracles and explains
that such miracles can only occur when the truth first destroys all dams
of lies that humanity has been erecting for eons of time on all
energetic levels in this crumbling 3D holographic model of total
separation from the Source. Lies and deceptions are energetic
barriers that establish effective resistance to the free flow of all
creative energy from the Source and thus prevent immediate creation. As
all these kinds of blockages are also energy, so that humanity – all
incarnated human souls – has been using for eons of time, while
elaborating on its “Fall from Grace”, much more energy to prevent
creation than to invest its soul energy in to true creation. This is the
conundrum of the current End Time of a Paradigm Shift. Now all
these barriers and blockages are being removed by the incessant,
spiraling in intensive energy waves coming from the Source and flowing
through our multidimensional global fields as Logos Gods, so that many
cracks now appear in the dam walls of perennial human deceptions. This
makes the ruling cabal ever more desperate than they already were.
Nothing functions anymore and they are under an unbearable constraint to
increase the scope of their mistakes with each new, futile last-ditch
effort which they undertake to preserve their power over the masses. The insidious lie-propaganda around the shootdown of the Germanwings airliner over the French Alps
in a failed laser beam test of NATO forces to establish an effective
shield against Russian ballistic missiles by attempting to destroy a
Minuteman ballistic re-entry vehicle simulating Russian rockets, is the
last straw that breaks the camel’s back. It is only a matter of a few
invocations for us, the PAT light warriors of the first and the last
hour, with the seven sacred flames and in particular with the violet and the pink flames as recommended by St. Germain
to create the miracle of revealing the truth of who is responsible for
the death of 150 passengers and the defamation of an innocent person –
the co-plot of this airliner. This will trigger in turn a plethora of
new deadly revelations for the cabal. I have decided to continue reporting on this event after yesterday I made a follow-up in the Energy Report of the PAT showing that German TV stations truthfully reported immediately after the accident that there was an emergency call from the pilots ,
so that the lie about the co-pilot closing himself in the cockpit and
plummeting the aircraft into the Alps slopes as to commit a suicide is
nothing more than a cheap conspiracy theory of the criminal Western
governments to conceal the dreadful truth. The US and NATO
troops were the real culprits that destroyed this airliner in a failed
attempt to test a new laser weapon against an US re-entry vehicle
imitating a Russian missile targeting Westeuropean territory. These
events clearly indicate what I have been writing for weeks and months
now – the West is already in a Third World War with Russia
and it is only a matter of a small dreadful accident in order for this
clandestine hot war between the two powers to become nuclear. Only recently Russia carried out a successful test-firing of an RS-26 Rubezh ballistic missile
from its southern Kapustin Yar launch center. The missile’s dummy
warhead hit its target at the Sary Shagan range in Kazakhstan just
minutes after takeoff from the Kapustin Yar rocket launch and
development site in the southern Astrakhan region on March 18. This
would say that Russian missiles are capable of hitting any target in
Western Europa within minutes after being launched from Kaliningrad area and with no possibility for the NATO to prevent this nuclear first-strike attack of the Russian Federation on Western Europe .
This is the actual truth that is hidden behind such tragic events as
the killing of innocent air flight passengers in Westeuropean skies. The
Western Alliance is now desperately testing new, imprecise weapons to
protect Western Europe from Russian missiles. They have no other choice
but to continue with these deadly experiments at any cost. Only yesterday NATO performed a third laser beam test and the result was again a total failure. Instead of hitting a new
re-entry vehicle that was launched in a second Minuteman ballistic test
from the Californian air force base Vandenburg on Friday, March 27th,
2015 , they caused a catastrophic power outage of the electric grid in whole Northern Holland . I hope that Daniel will give us some more details on this event after reading this article. Below
I will publish the latest report of Sorcha Faal on this accident in a
close follow-up of series of systemic failures, which we now create as
Logos Gods among the ranks of the dark Western cabal in preparation for
their final demise from power. Please make the arrival of the “Time of
Miracles”, which the Elohim have already announced, come true at this
very moment by beginning with your invocations revealing the truth about
these tragic accidents, I report in this article, and about any
concealment of truth in your personal lives and at the societal level. Carla
and I have started doing this twice a day and we have already achieved
some spectacular results. As the Elohim say, miracles abound these days,
and the only limit is the human perception, which must first detach
emotionally and mentally from the illusion of this crumbling 3D reality
in order to be able to see them. Hence raise your frequencies, detach
from the ongoing tragedies, which does not mean that you should neglect
them, but only screen them in a trans-personal dis-affectionate manner
as to make your choice where to promote the revelation of the truth with
your targeted invocations using the seven sacred flames. You can
augment the power of these flames if you visualize them in form of the harmonic Pulser as presented by Michael Naumann (and here in German). I am implementing this method and it seems to be highly effective in any conceivable creation. _____________________________ US Laser Test That Destroyed Germanwings, Next Plunges Holland Into Darkness Sorcha Faal, Whatdoesitmean , March 29, 2015 A new Ministry of Defense (MoD )
report circulating in the Kremlin today claims that the failed 24 March
US Air Force test of its High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System (HELLADS ) that was attempting to shoot down a simulated Federation nuclear warhead, which resulted in the downing of Germanwings Flight 9525 killing all 150 aboard, was attempted again on Friday, 27 March, but this time resulted in the catastrophic shutdown of the electrical grid in Northern Holland , including Amsterdam. According
to this report, Friday’s HELLADS test that blacked out Northern Holland
was the third of its kind performed by NATO over the past nearly 24
months, the other two having the consequence of (1.) the near catastrophic crash of Lufthansa Flight LH1172 over France in May, 2013 , and (2.) the obliteration of Germanwings Flight 9525 on 24 March , again over France. In
the May, 2013, near disaster of Lufthansa Flight LH1172, this report
continues, pre-HELLADS testing by NATO in preparation for the 22 May 2013 launching of an ICBM
from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California was determined by the MoD
to be the cause of this near catastrophic incident where this airliner
suddenly plunged towards the ground. Likewise, this report says, the 23 March ICBM launching for the following days HELLADS test that destroyed Germanwings Flight 9525 was then followed by Friday’s (27 March) ICBM launching that crippled Northern Holland. To exactly how these ICBM-HELLADS tests are conducted, this report explains, a LGM-30G Minuteman-III ICBM
is fired to an altitude of 1,120 kilometers (700 miles) at a speed of
nearly Mach 24 (approximately 15,000 mph) after which it deploys an
Advanced Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle (AMaRV ) into Polar orbit and the body of the craft falls into the Pacific Ocean. The
AMaRV, which simulates multiple nuclear warheads, MoD experts in this
report say, is then fired upon by the high-energy lasers of the HELLADS
in an effort to destroy them as they attempt reentry towards their
target(s). The “critical failure” of the HELLADS, however, this
report says, has been their use upon the B-1 bomber platform, as was
done in all of these tests, which aside from having to be continually
tested in the days/weeks leading up to these tests, is notorious for its
continued aiming failures.
why NATO conducted their Friday HELLADS test just 3 days after they
downed Germanwings Flight 9525, this report says, was in retaliation for
the Federations successful test-firing of an RS-26 Rubezh ballistic missile on Thursday . And
as to why the Western people aren’t being told the truth about NATO’s
HELLADS being the cause of the Germanwings Flight 9525 shootdown, the
Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR ) hadpreviously reported on
detailing the massive cover-up operation now being implemented by
Western intelligence agencies accusing this airliners co-pilot as being
responsible for this disaster. However, this MoD report points
out, the recovered audio from Germanwings Flight 9525 clearly shows the
opposite of what the Western propaganda media have been reporting in
that the “screams
of passengers” are heard first, then they go silent and the noise that
follows is of “crunching metal”, cockpit alarms, and indecipherable
radio chatter before all goes silent …all indications, experts in
this report point out, that this airliner suffered a catastrophic
failure killing all passengers and crews first, after which the airliner
exploding in air…and as the debris field proves it did. Watch Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqk0BW6QDgs
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What Caused the Power Outage in Holland
Dear George,
You asked me to comment on the power failure situation in Holland in you latest article “Truth Brings the Time of Miracles “. In
the source you linked it is stated the re-entry test vehicle hit the
Pacific ocean, although that might be a lie. If I interpret the given
time as East-Coast time, then the launch happened shortly (about an
hour) before the outage. However local time would mean it was launched
hours after the power went down. I wonder how the two could be related
though. It seems unlikely that they would hit a ground target when
trying to shoot something that is in the air, unless they are shooting
from a higher altitude? Or the targeting system is so bad that it is
pretty much random. Maybe there was a ground based laser here that
malfunctioned and somehow damaged the power grid that it was using? It
is definitely the biggest one of the last 10 years. The news says there
were first rumors of a fire and/or explosion at this node of the
electric grid where the failure occurred, but that this was not the case
and that it was caused by a technical malfunction, during a standard
maintenance. They state that such a power node has a redundant power
transport system to compensate if something happens, but during
maintenance they have to link the two systems, which means that both
have to be deactivated in case of a problem like a short-circuit.
Personally I noticed very little of this failure, I live in the south
and we were not affected. I heard some vague messages about it but that
day I was quite busy, and really it felt like all this power trouble was
happening in another world. Interesting is the whole economical
aspect to it. For example the stock market in Amsterdam continued
working without any problems. For some reason the ministries of
economics/justice have launched the investigations. Wouldn’t you expect
infrastructure/energy to do it instead? Also there was a total failure
of pretty much any system including any kind of emergency system,
websites, radio, tv, etc… many politicians cried for a day about how
terrible this is and called for investigations, in an attempt to win
voters and have their moment in the spotlight. Many people mock on news
websites this dramatic behavior of politicians and media. I am sure it
has reminded many how much they rely on electricity, and that it was an
excellent short excursion out of the usual comfort zone. Some reacted
with drama, but others made use of this opportunity to, for example get
to know their fellow stuck travelers. Love & Light, Daniël _________________________ Dear Daniel, thank
you very much for this careful elaboration on the recent power outage
in the Netherlands in conjunction with laser weapon tests conducted by
NATO in Western Europe. Let me first comment on your first statement: “In the source you linked it is stated the re-entry test vehicle hit the Pacific ocean, although that might be a lie.” The FOX article writes the following to this: “The
Air Force said the missile carried a test re-entry vehicle that hit a
target area in the Pacific Ocean near Guam 40 minutes after liftoff.” This
sentence is quite confusing as in fact the missile fell near Guam in
the Pacific Ocean, while the re-entry vehicle that simulated multiple
Russian warheads traveled in a Polar orbit and hit Europe as the article
I published clearly says: “To exactly how these ICBM-HELLADS
tests are conducted, this report explains, aLGM-30G Minuteman-III ICBM
is fired to an altitude of 1,120 kilometers (700 miles) at a speed of
nearly Mach 24 (approximately 15,000 mph) after which it deploys an
Advanced Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle (AMaRV) into Polar orbit and the
body of the craft falls into the Pacific Ocean. The AMaRV, which
simulates multiple nuclear warheads, MoD experts in this report say, is
then fired upon by the high-energy lasers of the HELLADS in an effort
to destroy them as they attempt reentry towards their target(s).” Now
to the second point of the time discrepancy. Indeed by close scrutiny
it appears that the outage took place in Holland about seven hours
before the Minuteman missile was launched from California. From this it
is obvious that this could not have been caused by a laser beam as the
re-entry vehicles simulating multiple nuclear Russian warheads would not
have reached Europe yet. From this fact it follows that the
only possible conclusion is that NATO must have activated the system,
which most probably includes many elements, much earlier. It must
include an initial massive magnetic wave which augments the
electromagnetic conductivity in the air by ionizing the stratosphere
over Europe and prepares it for the actual performance of the laser beam
weapon that needs this energetic environment in order to be strong.
more bundled and precise as to hit its targets and not affect all other
flying objects at random as this happened with the Germanwings airliner.
It might be that after the two failed attempts, the US military
was under great pressure to deliver accurate results and they increased
the power of the magnetic wave as to have a better result and this
might have caused the outage in Holland before the actual re-entry
vehicles had reached Europe. On behalf of this hypothesis speaks the
fact, which I published in the last Energy Report,
that at the same time when the Germanwings airliner was shot down over
the Alps a huge magnetic wave was detected across Western Europe (North
Italy, France and Germany to Benelux) by independent observers, a team
of scientists about whom I have published in the past when they
localized a huge HAARP weapon at the Munich Airport that affected my portal at that time : 3/27/2015 — GIANT MICROWAVE PULSE SEEN ACROSS EUROPE, AFRICA, AND ATLANTIC ON MARCH 23 INTO 24TH http://dutchsinse.com/3272015-giant-microwave-pulses-seen-across-europe-africa-and-atlantic-on-march-23-into-24th/ “A
few odd things occurred the night before, and in the hours leading up
to the airplane crash in Southern France – which occurred near
Barcelonnette in the Alps. A giant pulse of energy occurred on
the night of the 23rd going into the 24th – a large pulse of energy on
March 23rd followed by a secondary reverberation on the 24th.” This
wave was then attributed to CERN that has just opened its activity
after two years of repair when the last secretive experiments to change
the time continuum and prevent ascension badly failed, as I have
reported on this website (see our discussion on the Higgs-boson ). From
this information it becomes clear that there was a first wave the day
before the Germanwings airliner was shot down and a second one when it
was shot down. This pattern must also apply to this third test when
first a magnetic wave was triggered by NATO airborne troops approx.
seven hours before the Minuteman ballistic missile was launched as to
ionize the stratosphere over Europe for the activation of the laser beam
weapon that then caused the power outage in Holland. After that NATO
must have shot with laser beams at the re-entry vehicles one more time
with an unknown result yet. This is what I can conclude from
this scanty information, but somehow the pattern seems to emerge rather
clearly when one compares all events and relevant information. But of
course there is no guarantee that this explanation is correct as long as
we deal with such secretive dark ruling and military cabal in the West.
Hence we need a little help from our friends – our HS – to shed more
light onto this ongoing drama. With love and light George This entry was posted in Other Articles . Bookmark the permalink . ← Botschaft von Saint Germain: Wie wir die Rosa Flamme der Liebe anwenden können A Message from The Elohim – A Time of Miracles →
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