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What’s new?
Dearest sister, be warmly greeted. An important issue for many of you is now the further transformation of your physical body into a light body.
These processes can and would now run very ecstatically, joyfully and in a pleasurable manner.
As you expand your entire being and, above all, as you expand deliberately your physical body, you enter a new vastness of Being, which was not there yet. You can now actually enter in this way new worlds that were not previously accessible to you.
In this way, the complete transformation of your still partly physical body can be done very gently into a light body (This statement does not concern the light warriors of the first and last hour as they have in the last year fully built their light body and have already ascended. Note, George). You can now explore the new, ecstatic connections of your physical body with your light body. It is now possible for you to dissolve and expand more and more your physical boundaries in a very conscious manner.
As a result, new skills at various levels will be awakened in you. Your body awakes thereby to an entirely new life. Enjoy all your bodily sensations, when you allow these new experiences. It opens up completely new possibilities of body experience for you which are difficult to express in words. Just imagine how you expand the structures of your body. If you do this, you will soon feel the response of your body that shows you with a new feeling of inner space and ease that your efforts are crowned with success.
Expand especially your heart to your fifth-dimensional heart that is already there.
Similarly, you can travel mentally through your body and expand all the internal organs and all your body structures.
Try it out simply!
All this doing is very beneficial to all your complaints. If you have pain somewhere, then you should concentrate on that part of the body and expand it.
You will feel an immediate relief. You can thus actually discover a completely new easiness in yourself and all difficulties will simply fade away.
You need not do anything extra but to expand inwardly over and over again.
Try this a couple of times at rest, then you can install it in your daily routine. Experiment with it and enjoy it. Exercise together with other people and share your experiences. In this way you will perceive your senses in a completely new way.
With this very simple exercise you can transform, heal and experience your entire body in a whole new way.
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Message from Saint Germain: How to Use the Pink Flame of Love
we have moved through this vast and very powerful portal of March 21st,
where we have removed dense attachments to past challenges and life
events, we are now in a position to fully transmute and heal all
vestiges of chaos that have arisen before us. Saint Germain
came to me today with a message that discusses our role as “Light
Warrior – Healers” and specific information that is a somewhat different
approach to using the flames than what I have adopted.
am sharing it here for all who feel they are Healers and who may find
this description of interest and perhaps a better way to heal with the
Sacred Flames. With love, Carla __________________________ Message:
Greetings dearly beloved, I AM Saint Germain and I come to you today to
bring forth the understanding of the perfection of the Violet Flame within the context of the sacred Pink Flame of Cosmic Love.
the Violet Flame of transmutation and the Pink Flame of divine love,
both created together in one braided energy stream shall firstly
transmute any and all human miscreation and through its alchemy within
the context of the pink flame, shall then heal all discord, all
emotional, mental and physical hurt, all shame, all misunderstandings
that have plagued the world for centuries. As an energy is
transmuted by the Violet Flame, the newly created element that remains
now needs the alchemical reaction of the Pink flame of divine love. First
the Violet flame is flooded into a body, or a thought, or a difficulty,
and then the luscious pink flame is brought in to engulf the issue in
order to heal with love, the disconnection. The Violet Flame then floods the situation again, in order to fully re-set back to the wishes of God-Source. A full clearing (Violet Flame), healing (Violet and Pink Flame) and re-set (Violet Flame) is a powerful combination of actions. As you prepare for the many up-coming healing sessions, you must know this truth: Pure
healing stems from the conscious recognition and activation of the
electronic (prana) tube of light that enters your body through the
Pineal Gland (or through left brain portal in ascended light
warriors,note George) and moves directly into your heart space. Invoke
this light and weave the violet and pink flames [and any other flames
that we intuit as necessary for a particular healing] into it, to begin a
complete healing of lower vibrational and dysfunctional situations
creating imbalance within all of the four bodies, physical, emotional,
mental and etheric. Know in advance of your healing session:
What is it that you wish to achieve? Of course, any conscious desire for
the highest good of all involved is perhaps the most gracious approach
and realizes a most desirable outcome, and leaves great allowance for
the divine to solve any issues in a most dynamic and fruitful way. I
will attend all healings with you, you only need to invite my presence.
I thank you for your service and for the Service of those joining you
in this sacred endeavour. There are great shifts now occurring
and much is coming up for clearing and healing. It is to be remembered
that the human collective is now processing great past tragedy and the
implications upon the Ascension are potent. While many issues seem to be
centred around an individual problem, these issues are always
representative of collective karmic healing. Great strength to each of you! Great Strength! I Am Saint Germain and I look forward to working with All!” This entry was posted in Other Articles . Bookmark the permalink . ← Massive ID Shift on March 26th /27th, 2015 * * *
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The Pinnacle of Lies – Suicide by Aircraft? Give me a Break !
by Georgi Stankov Posted on March 27, 2015 Geogri Stankov, March 27, 2015 www.stankovuniversallaw.com Although
my initial intention was not to write on this tragic event – the
shootdown of Germanwings aircraft by an US laser weapon over the French
Alps during the war games of NATO in preparation for their WW3 against
Russia, the way this young man, the German co-pilot and his family have
been treated by the lie-generating machine of the western MSM is so
disgusting and appalling that I decided to break my vow. As the famous
French blondie Brigitte Bardot uses to say:
“Only idiots do not change their opinion.”
Yesterday, in response to Henry Clymer in the Energy Report of the PAT I published a link to Sarcha Faal’s report that reveals how the Germanwings Flight 9525 was destroyed by a laser beam due to a mistake and imprecise function of this US weapon. Today
Sorcha Faal has issued a new report that reveals how the lie-propaganda
department of the CIA is trying to put the blame on the co-pilot, who
is an innocent victim just as all other passengers on board of this
aircraft to the vastly expanding war games of NATO in the skies of
Western Europe over the heads of the gullible zombified people of this
Old Continent. These monsters do not only hesitate to vilify him as a
“suicide terrorist”, but also to destroy the reputation of his family
and the whole small community, where he lived and has been known as a
“very affable and kind young man”, proud to be a pilot and with a lot of
sound hobbies, such as music and jogging.
How could such a positive person commit such an insane act?
even if we assume the impossible that he had tried to commit a suicide
due to alleged “depression” as the lie-press tells us to believe, then
the remote control of all flights of the Lufthansa in Frankfurt would
have taken full control of this aircraft and would have stabilized it. Please
consider the most ample fact that this automatic flight control
mechanism is a common knowledge and part of the education to all pilots
of Lufthansa and a special feature of this Airbus type. This explains
why all Germanwings pilots refused to fly after they learned about the explosion of the flight 9525 over the Alps .
the CIA and their vassal European governments are now selling blatant
lies to their people, these pilots know exactly what is technically
possible and what not and could not be mired by such false accusations.
From now on they can no longer be sure if the same tragedy would not
happen to them, where they are not only killed by irresponsible American
troops in wild military exercises with ineffective weapons, but also
their families will be vilified and destroyed post-mortem by criminal
western media propaganda in cahoots with the even more criminal puppet
regimes of their countries. Only when the masses lose their
illusion that they are protected by their governments and countries and
instead realize that they have always been their victims and an object
of genocide, will this dumbed down species “Homo sapiens” begin to
awaken and see the truth behind this crumbling reality. And this time is
Now. ________________________ Obama Rages Over Germanwings Plane Shootdown, Refuses To Meet NATO Leader by Sorcha Faal, Whatdoesitmean , March 27, 2015 A new report released by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR )
today states that President Barack Obama became so enraged upon
learning that a NATO forces “war game” on Tuesday downed Germanwings Flight 9525 over southern France, killing all 150 aboard, he shockingly refused to meet this Western alliances top commander, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg despite repeated requests to do so. The NATO war game shootdown of Germanwings Flight 9525 (US Laser Test Destroys Germanwings Airliner Killing 150 Innocent Civilians ) the Ministry of Defense (MoD ) had previously reported was due to a failed US Air Force test of its High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System (HELLADS ) attempting to shoot down an ICBM reentry vehicle simulating a Federation nuclear attack upon Aviano Air Base in Italy.
SVR in their report notes that President Obama became aware of the
dangers this war game laser test posed to civilians airliners earlier
this month after a similar test nearly caused the destruction of Lufthansa Flight LH1172
over France barely two weeks ago, and which exactly like Germanwings
Flight 9525 on Tuesday, rapidly plummeted towards the ground before its
pilots/controllers were able to regain control. Most interesting
to note in this SVR report, however, are its technical contradictions
to what it calls the “massive cover operation” being employed by Western
intelligence agencies to keep their citizens from knowing the truth of
what happened to Germanwings Flight 9525, and are, instead, blaming
everything on its co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz . The
cover operation being implemented against the Germanwings Flight 9525
disaster, this SVR report continues, is being conducted by a specialized intelligence unit of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI )
called to the scene by the European Union, and who, like in all
previous incidents of this kind, and without knowing any facts,
forcefully assert that the incident/disaster was not caused by terrorism . Contradictorily
though, SVR experts in this report state, while on the one hand stating
their assurance that this airliner was not downed by terrorism, these
Western intelligence agencies, headed by the FBI, have now begun to
flood their nations media with reports that co-pilot Lubitz was, indeed,
a terrorist…who locked his own plane’s pilot out of the cockpit, then set it on a deliberate course causing its obliteration upon a French mountainside.
visual evidence of the Germanwings Flight 9525 crash site showing it
rained down in thousands of pieces causing a massive debris field
covering hundreds of acres across numerous mountain ranges, and with no
one single impact point being able to be identified, which can only lead
to the logical conclusion that it exploded in the air, this report
says, the main goal of the Western intelligence agencies cover operation
is to shift their publics attention away from what their eyes are
telling them, forcing them to, instead, concentrate their minds on the
“scapegoat” terrorist. This long known cover operation tactic,
this report explains, was, perhaps, most successfully used during the 11
September 2001 attack upon the US Pentagon when the American people
were “convinced” that a hijacked airliner had struck it, in spite of the
first CNN report stating it didn’t happen, and photographic evidence showing the hole left in that massive building was the size of a cruise missile , not an airliner. (Watch
this CNN video here aired only once immediately after the cruise
missile hit the Pentagon building and showing that there are absolutely
no aircraft debris to be seen at the site. Since then this lie of the US
government has been repeated infinite times and the vast majority of
zombified Americans obviously believe it as otherwise we would have had a
different USA: Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BNqgNvUhRQ See
also the hole in the Pentagon wall caused by this missile. Could you
see any airplane debris? What more proofs do these dumbed down American
people need to realize that they governed by criminals?)
more concerning of this cover operation, SVR experts in this report
say, even if co-pilot Lubitz had initiated a Controlled Flight Into
Terrain (CFIT ) of Germanwings Flight 9525, the Lufthansa Aviation Center (LAC ) at Frankfurt Airport would have detected it immediately via their Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS ) and corrected it remotely. To the high technical proficiency of Lufthansa monitoring their aircraft, this report says, can be read in their own words of how their Aviation Center operates: “Constant
monitoring of all aircraft in the Maintenance Control Center Lufthansa
Technik’s Maintenance Control Center monitors the technical status of
the serviced aircraft worldwide, both on the ground and in the air, and
controls necessary procedures. The structural statuses of the aircraft
and the due dates for required and planned modifications and tasks are
constantly tracked and monitored. Everything that is part of
fleet management is controlled here around the clock and around the
world. At the Lufthansa Traffic Control Center in Frankfurt, staff
compile all required data on the Lufthansa fleet operating worldwide
using what is known as the ACARS system (Aircraft Communications
Addressing and Reporting System), a data network using HF radio and
satellites, and analyze it. Potential faults are immediately detected.”
the Lufthansa Aviation Center, therefore, able to “immediately detect”
and “control necessary procedures”, even of their flights in the air,
like Germanwings Flight 9525, this report notes, it is inconceivable
that they would fail to notice one of their airliners plummeting towards
the ground in southern France and not remotely take control of it
before it crashed. In fact, so critically important to Lufthansa
that it be able to control its airliners remotely in case of a
crisis/emergency, this report says, was the deciding factor of their Airbus airliner purchases due to this aircraft having the worlds most sophisticated fly-by-wire (FBW ) system that replaces the conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface. In
a fly-by-wire system, this report explains, the movements of flight
controls are converted to electronic signals transmitted by wires (hence
the fly-by-wire term), and flight control computers determine how to
move the actuators at each control surface to provide the ordered
response. The fly-by-wire system also allows automatic signals sent by
the aircraft’s computers to perform functions without the pilot’s input,
as in systems that automatically help stabilize the aircraft, or
prevent unsafe operation of the aircraft outside of its performance
envelope. With Germanwings Flight 9525 clearly operating
unsafely “outside of its performance envelope”, and with the Lufthansa
Aviation Center monitoring it in real time and able to control this
aircraft without the pilots input via its FBW system, this SVR report
says, clearly shows that this airliner exploded in the air and was
unable to be remotely controlled…and as the visual crash site evidence
proves too. Most unfortunately, however, this report concludes,
is that the Western peoples will never know the truth of what happened
to Germanwings Flight 9525 as their war mongering governments , that have killed over 2 million during the last decade , know the backlash they could expect should the truth be known. Read also full report on Body Count: Casualty Figures after 10 Years of the “War on Terror” Sadly
though, this massive propaganda cover-up of the total destruction of
Germanwings Flight 9525 won’t affect Iranian sports journalist Hussein
Javadi, who took the last haunting photograph
of this doomed aircraft as it began its last journey. Everyone else,
of course, should start preparing themselves for all the sensational
news soon to come supporting the cover-up…after all, these monsters have
proved it works, and the people have more than proved they’re content
with lies. This entry was posted in Other Articles . Bookmark the permalink . ← What’s new? Massive ID Shift on March 26th /27th, 2015 →
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