Thursday, July 30, 2015

Sharing3 - Volume III: The General Theory of Biological Regulation. The Universal Law in Bio-Science and Medicine- Five New Technologies - Non-Linear Channeling

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Volume III: The General Theory of Biological Regulation. The Universal Law in Bio-Science and Medicine

by Georgi Stankov, Copyright 1999, 377 pages



Short Summary



 Volume III is unique in the history of bio-science and medicine as it presents for the first time a complete General Theory of Biological Regulation of cells and multi-cellular organisms, including the human body. This new theory also explains the pathogenesis of all human diseases and how to heal them from an energetic point of view, which is the only correct approach to any human disease.
Although the following statement is not part of volume III, but is instead extensively discussed in the book “Thoughts“, it is very important to stress at this place that all known dis-eases pertain exclusively to the three-dimensional level of human existence on earth and will no longer exist in this particular form in the 5th dimension, where eventually half of humanity will ascend by the end of 2012.
Most people, in particular when they become ill and go to a medical doctor, are unaware of the fact that the mystery of biological regulation has not been unraveled yet. This means that all medical doctors and bio-scientists have virtually no idea as to how human cells and the organism are regulated by the soul or the higher self. This explains why they treat their patients or make vital decisions with respect to their lives in a state of profound professional ignorance.
The Universal Law of All-That-Is was initially discovered by the author, who is a professional clinical researcher, for organic matter and only then confirmed for the physical world. This discovery led in turn to the development of the General Theory of Biological Regulation, referred to as the General Theory. The present volume is an introduction to its basic principles.
The General Theory includes the totality of human knowledge in the field of medicine, bio-science, pharmacology, genetics and is virtually infinite, just as life is eternal in All-That-Is. Human reality, perceived as 3d-space-time, is for instance an artificial, hallucinatory idea of this plane of existence, which is a product of the limited senses of the incarnated human entities; the latter are organic products of their souls. In this respect all human reality is a product of a transcendental bio-science of cosmic proportions. This fact is currently not at all apprehended in present-day agnostic empirical science. The General Theory is an introduction to this transcendental bio-science of the higher, multidimensional realms of existence, from where all human souls come on earth.
The content of volume III must be assessed in this context. It is based on the newest scientific data in bio-science and medicine and proves comprehensively and beyond any doubt that there is no biological phenomenon that has been observed in science so far, which does not comply with the theory of the Universal Law. This is a quantum leap in comparison to present-day bio-science, which is full of contradictions, blunders, and ignorance, as any textbook in this area perspires.
The General Theory integrates several partial bio-energetic approaches, which have been applied to organic matter in the past to explain its regulation with a modest success and only in restricted areas. These partial approaches are reassessed and their correct elements are integrated into the new General Theory.
In addition, several fundamentally new energetic concepts have been introduced that streamline and facilitate human understanding of biological regulation: 1) The soliton triplet and 2) The Functional Unit of Energy transLocation, called FUEL. The definition of both concepts is derived from the Universal Law. With their help the regulation of DNA and cell metabolism is explained for the first time in a logical and coherent manner. This intellectual achievement alone is a quantum leap in the theory of bio-science.
The General Theory introduces further new energetic concepts in pharmacology and pharmacy, and from there, in medicine. These are: the dipole-model of all chemical moieties when they are administered to the organism and interact with the cells, and the concept of cell-stimulating and cell-inhibiting drugs. Both concepts are unique in bio-science and lead to an incredible simplification in human understanding of biological regulation.
The concept of cell-inhibiting and cell-stimulating drugs led in turn to a new evaluation of most drugs and their pharmacological effects that are currently available on the market. It was found that about 90% of all synthetic drugs are cell-inhibiting drugs and thus increase mortality and morbidity in the human patient.
Volume III evaluates and quotes more than 50 large double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials that have been performed and published after 1988 in peer medical journals. They prove in an irrevocable statistical manner that current drug therapy of patients has led to the greatest holocaust in the history of mankind – greater than the holocaust of Slavonic and Jewish people by the Germans in World War II.
This finding alone makes volume III probably the most important scientific book from an ethical point of view that has ever been published in the history of mankind. One must only read and comprehend it appropriately in order to realize the importance of this conclusion.
The author has done everything possible within his limited scope of influence in the 90s to inform the responsible scientists, politicians, and the broad public through the mass media about this ongoing Holocaust in the health care system. Instead of analysing his scientific findings and arguments, he was put under great pressure or blackmailed by the dark forces in the health care sector and in governments (for further information read the book “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction” below).
This collective iatrogenic genocide on humanity is still ongoing and is greater than ever. In the few remaining months prior to mass Ascension of humanity in December 2012, this problem must be tackled resolutely as to stop this random killing of patients worldwide.
The General Theory proves beyond any doubt that cells and multi-cellular organisms are complex electromagnetic systems that degrade food in the process of cell metabolism into electrons and protons, which are expelled across biological membranes to create membrane potentials or gradients.
These electromagnetic gradients represent the universal form of stored energy in biological matter, which is the vital force of all organisms. This energy is incessantly transformed into biochemical energy of the cellular compounds and is responsible for the regeneration and support of any living organism.
This discovery represents the greatest revolution in human understanding of biological matter that will be fully comprehended only after humanity has ascended to the 5th dimension and will enjoy an expanded consciousness.
Until now, there is no scientist on earth who can understand to the full extent the General Theory of Biological Regulation as presented in volume III, as this presupposes a deep knowledge of the new Physical Theory of the Universal Law, on which the General Theory is founded. However, there is currently no bio-scientist on earth that is competent in physics and can understand the new physical theory of the Universal Law.
Most of the bio-scientists are not even competent in their narrow, specialized field. For instance, biologists have no knowledge of medicine, pharmacists and medical doctors have now idea of biochemistry, and so on. The ignorance in bio-science and medicine is overwhelming and this explains why these disciplines are responsible for the greatest genocide in the history of mankind, although they are considered to be highly ethical sciences.
Finally, volume III presents the therapeutic potential of two drugs, Nystatin and Amphotericn, including the group of polyenes, which was first discovered by the author of this book and explored in clinical trials (see patents on polyenes below).
These drugs are very well-tolerated after oral administration and can be effectively used in the treatment of most chronic diseases, including AIDS (see therapeutic guidelines on AIDS below).
This is one practical contribution of the author as a medical doctor and a healer to the successful treatment of many chronic diseases, for which there is no remedy at present. Unfortunately, this effort was also blocked by the dark forces in the pharmaceutical industry, which have no interest in healing human beings, but only in huge profits at the expense of human life.
Given this information, volume III will play very soon a central role in the upcoming revelations that will precede Ascension of humanity to the 5th dimension in December 2012.


1.1 Mitchell’s chemiosmotic theory today: a critical reassessment
1.2 Energy balance of human metabolism can be calculated with the universal equation
1.3 p-Electron structures in nature and the soliton concept
1.4 The functional unit of energy translocation (FUEL) and the soliton triplet
1.5 The Universal Law of biological regulation
1.5.1 Cell metabolism is regulated by depolarisation and repolarisation of plasma gradient
1.6 The Universal Law in the evolution of the genetic code PART 2

2.1 The dipole model
2.2 The Universal Law in health and disease
2.3 The pathogenesis of cancer in the light of the Law
2.3.1 Current treatment of cancer
2.3.2 New treatment strategies of cancer according to the Law
2.4 The energetic regulation of the immune system
2.4.1 Elements of the immune system
2.4.2 Soliton triplets in immune FUELs
2.4.3 The genetic coding of immunoglobulins and other immune FUELs
2.4.4 The energetic mechanism of self-tolerance and allo-reactivity
2.4.5 The energetic structure of common humoral FUELs of the immune system
2.5 Treatment of AIDS in the light the Law
2.6 Tissue regeneration in the aetiology of diseases
2.6.1 Supracellular Regulation of Bone Tissue Regeneration
2.6.2 The pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
2.6.3 The pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS)
2.6.4 The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis (AS)
2.6.5 The pathogenesis of Morbus Alzheimer (AD)
2.6.6 Summary
2.7 The energetic approach to polyenes. New frontiers in the treatment of AIDS, cancer, and chronic diseases
2.7.1 Polyene structure in the light of the dipole model
2.7.2 Pharmacological effects of polyenes
2.7.3 AIDS therapy with polyenes
2.7.4 Treatment of cholesterol-associated diseases with polyenes
2.8 Trials supporting the new treatment with cell-stimulating drugs
2.8.1 Treatment with humoral factors such as interferons, interleukins, and other FUELs
2.8.2 Treatment effects of depolarizing, non-proteinic drugs
2.8.3 Vitamins and other essential compounds exhibit cell-stimulating effects
2.9 Cell-inhibiting drugs increase morbidity and mortality
2.9.1 Interpretational Pitfalls of Mutagenesis
2.9.2 Disease associated point mutations confirm the soliton triplet concept
2.9.3 Treatment of cell-inhibiting drugs increase the risk of cancer
2.9.4 Placebo-controlled trials with cell-inhibiting drugs prove the increase of mortality in humans


The mystery of biological regulation has not been unravelled yet. The prevailing opinion is that it is impossible to establish a general theory of biological regulation comparable to the equivalent theories in physics. I have proved that this estimation is essentially wrong. In the past, the two edifices of physics – classical mechanics and quantum mechanics – were also regarded as separate theories for the physical micro- and macroworld, and it is still believed in physics today that the two disciplines cannot be integrated. In this context, thermodynamics is generally ignored and the theory of relativity – which is considered a further, albeit partial, development of classical mechanics – is integrated into quantum mechanics (QED). I have discovered the Universal Law of Nature (the Law), from which all known physical laws and their applications can be derived and epistemologically explained. In this way I have integrated physics on the basis of mathematical formalism and thus eliminated the aforementioned physical disciplines as separate areas of knowledge.
The Law was originally discovered in connection with the biological regulation of the cell and the organism, and was initially called the “Bioenergetic Principle”. This discovery led in turn to the development of the General Theory of Biological Regulation, referred to as the General Theory. The present volume is an introduction to its basic principles.The General Theory includes the totality of our knowledge of medicine, pharmacology, and bio-sciences and is virtually infinite – there is no cognitive, factual, or intellectual limit to this theory. As the General Theory is based on physical and mathematical axiomatics, as outlined in the German volume I on mathematics and physics (1997), and in the English volume II on physics and cosmology (1999), it can only be properly understood and evaluated after this axiomatics has been fully comprehended. The scientific theory of the Universal Law leads to the following fundamental conclusions in science:
1. There is no experiment or phenomenon – be it physical (inorganic) or biological (organic) – that infringes upon the Universal Law.
2. All mathematical presentations of physical phenomena are applications of the Law.
3. Many non-mathematical interpretations of mathematical or other results obtained from scientific experiments infringe upon the Law and should be eliminated from science as erroneous concepts. This is particularly true for the basic concepts of medicine and the bio-sciences.
In this volume, the basic mechanisms of cell regulation will be analysed in the light of the Law. Their elaboration establishes the methodological basis with which any specific biological phenomenon can be appropriately assessed and explained. Detailed solutions to fundamental biological phenomena and diseases will be presented. To illustrate the ubiquitous applicability of the General Theory in medicine, the pathogenesis of cancer, AIDS, and some other common chronic diseases is explained and some new effective therapies are introduced. The new theory brings together several well known partial bioenergetic approaches and amalgamates them into a unified theory. These are:
a) The chemiosmotic theory of P. Mitchell
b) The soliton concept of A.S. Davydov
c) The concept of biological excitations of H. Fröhlich
d) Supramolecular chemistry
e) The biochemistry of cell metabolism
These approaches will be critically reassessed. I shall explain why none of them has been able to forward a coherent explanation of biological regulation. The General Theory departs from the new physical and mathematical axiomatics and considers the state-of-the-art in biology, biochemistry, genetics, medicine, and pharmacology up to the present day; it is based on the retrospective and prospective evaluation of more than 10 000 pivotal publications. It introduces two fundamentally new concepts which are basic to an understanding of cell metabolism and its regulation:
1. The soliton triplet
2. The functional Unit of Energy transLocation,called FUEL.
1. Soliton triplets represent specific amino acid sequences that are regularly found in proteins. They are of central importance to the kinetic (energetic) behaviour of proteins. In addition, they determine the spatial structure of transmembrane proteins and cytosolic enzymes. The existence of such amino acid sequences and their role in cell regulation have so far evaded the attention of scientists. The functional meaning of the soliton triplets, their modulation by means of genetic mutations, and their role in the pathogenesis of various diseases will be elucidated in the context of the Law. Thus, for the first time since the discovery of the genetic code in the 50s, a consistent energetic explanation of the DNA code which determines the amino acid sequences in proteins will be presented with respect to their function and kinetic behaviour in the cell. This includes the reading and understanding of the amino acid sequence code of proteins; the latter is a mirror image of the DNA code.
2. The new term “FUEL” is the U-set (the set of all sets that contain themselves as an element) of all transmembrane proteins, independent of their actual function (e.g. receptors, channels, ATP-ase, etc.), and of all enzymes in the cytosol. The biomolecular basis of these two energetic systems or levels of the cell will be presented in detail.
The General Theory explains in a straightforward and consistent way the pharmacological effects of all drugs and the physiological effects of all hormones, humoral factors, and neurotransmitters by introducing the concept of the “dipole model”. This model allows the prediction of the therapeutic and adverse effects of any chemical moiety based on its chemical and supramolecular structure. It includes the theory of quantum mechanics as presented in the light of the Law. Due to the complexity of the theory involved, this model can only be outlined here in general, nonmathematical terms.
The dipole model proves that any chemical compound which is applied to the organism for therapeutic purposes has either cell-stimulating or cell-inhibiting effects. The two terms are introduced with respect to cell metabolism, which is a particular energy exchange in space-time. Therefore, the two concepts are axiomatically derived from the primary term, that is, from the Law. Cell-stimulating compounds such as some drugs and most vital substances augment the turn-over of the cell and the organism, while cell-inhibiting drugs decrease same. It can be proven that almost all biological compounds that participate in the natural regulation of the organism are cell-stimulating. This means that cell-stimulation is the only functional mechanism of biological regulation. The very existence and longevity of cells and organisms depend exclusively on the appropriate biochemical stimulation.
Cell-inhibiting drugs on the other hand are deleterious to the organism because they impede physiological cell metabolism. Such drugs cause cell lysis and numerous toxic effects at the organic level (adverse events). When they are chronically applied to humans, they significantly increase morbidity and mortality. Many excellent double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trials published in the last few years overwhelmingly confirm this basic conclusion, which follows consistently from the Law when it is applied to the level of organic matter. These recent clinical data prove beyond any doubt that modern medicine has contributed to the systemic annihilation of millions of patients by treating them chronically with cell-inhibiting drugs, such as calcium antagonists, beta-blocking agents, antiarrhythmics, cytostatics, etc. (see chapter 2.9). The total number of these “iatrogenic murders” committed during the last 50 years of applied pharmacology may exceed by far the number of victims in the numerous wars, including the two World Wars, which have been so characteristic for this most brutal and bellicose century in the history of mankind.
The dipole model is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding applications of the Law in bio-science and medicine. While it reveals the dreadful truth about modern pharmacology, at the same time it permits the rapid development of cheap and effective cell-stimulating agents for the treatment of a variety of diseases for which there is no therapy at present. The application of this model will save the pharmaceutical industry billions of dollars, which are currently wasted in futile research. At present, the search for effective drugs is based on the empirical “trial and error” method because there is still no consistent theory of biological regulation and pharmacological effects. As a rule, the companies have to synthesize and check more than 9000 chemical compounds before they register a single drug. For this reason the level of expenditure in pharmaceutical research has been growing exponentially in the last 10-15 years. The primary cause for this increase in Ro&oD lies in the elevated statistical standards of clinical research as demanded by national and international registration authorities. In this respect, we should emphasize the pioneering work of the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA. The latest recommendations of this institution have prompted the conducting of some excellent, large, controlled trials, which have yielded negative results for some of the most commonly used drugs. When compared to placebo, these drugs significantly increase mortality and morbidity in all the indications tested. The most relevant “negative results” will be presented in the last chapter of the present volume.
The General Theory establishes an integrated framework of cellular and supracellular regulation, based on the three fundamental axioms of the new physical axiomatics: 1) the axiom of the conservation of action potentials (CAP) 2) the axiom of reducibility (AR) and 3) the axiom on the reciprocal behaviour of the LRCs of two contiguous levels in a system. These axioms are basic to the formulation of all known physical laws. They can also be applied to explain the micro- and macroeconomic behaviour of society (general theory of economics), which is a subset of organic matter.
The immediate virtue of the General Theory is that it explains in a consistent way the dynamic pathogenesis of various diseases, such as cancer, AIDS, other viral diseases, and chronic diseases with immunopathogenesis, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer disease (AD), atherosclerosis (AS), etc., while incorporating the latest scientific data in each of these fields. The present vague and conflicting hypotheses on the pathogenesis of human diseases, as presented in any comprehensive textbook on this issue (e.g. in Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine), will be substituted by a new, coherent medical theory of pathogenesis based on the Law. This theory is credibly confirmed by all relevant data in the field concerned.
Finally, the novel bioenergetic approach affords a profound insight into the molecular mechanisms of neuronal connectionism. This will promote the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and the construction of new types of computers based on supramolecular (nanomolecular) chips, also known as molecular wires. These chips will imitate the properties of the FUELs. The same technology will be used for the development of new sources of energy based on the principle of photosynthesis, that is, on the transformation of photon energy into electric energy by the simultaneous production of oxygen. This new energy source is opposite to combustion, which is the prevailing form of energy exchange employed today. Combustion leads to oxygen consumption and its subsequent depletion in the atmosphere. If this kind of energy production continues at the same pace, this will ultimately lead to the annihilation of mankind (see vol. I). The new energy sources based on photosynthesis will regenerate the oxygen which has been consumed by combustion since the beginning of the industrial revolution. The development of such new technologies will determine the scientific research of mankind in the coming millennium. In all these fields, I have achieved major theoretical breakthroughs which are beyond the scope of this present elaboration. The present overview reveals the interrelated character of the Unified Theory of Science based on the Law.
During my clinical research activities, I discovered empirically that the two polyenes Amphotericin B (Amp) and Nystatin (Nys) are highly effective in various clinical conditions. This fact led to the discovery of the Law and the development of the General Theory. In the process, it was established that these drugs dramatically reduced mortality in severe trauma patients, lowered high plasma cholesterol levels in humans, cured various forms of chronic allergy, exacerbation of neurodermatitis, recurrent aphthous stomatitis, and acne, promoted the healing of wounds
and burns, improved the clinical condition of patients with chronic immunological diseases, such as cold agglutinin disease (CAD) and rheumatoid arthritis, and had a positive impact on various other diseases such as diabetes mellitus (e.g. through a reduction of high-dose insulin, stabilization of glucose levels and improvement of clinical symptoms). In addition, the life expectancy and quality of life of marastic cancer patients could be improved and the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiation markedly reduced, or even offset. Nys and Amp also caused the encapsulation of tumours, as was histologically observed in several patients.
These preliminary clinical results were observed both by myself and independently by other physicians and were found to be in accordance with a large body of published data. None of the authors writing on Nys and Amp have provided any satisfactory explanation for the vast array of in vitro and in vivo effects exhibited by these drugs. For instance, there is clear in vitro evidence that both Amp and Nys are effective in the suppression of HIV – a fact that fully complies with the predictions of the General Theory. Therefore, these drugs can be given as an early chronic treatment of HIV-positive patients to postpone the occurrence of the AIDS-related complex.
At present, the two drugs are only used in the treatment of yeast. Until the discovery of their novel effects, it was believed that Nys and Amp were not resorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and hence did not enhance any systemic effects. Therefore, they are still exclusively used for gut decontamination and the topical treatment of candidiasis. Amp is also given intravenously (i.v.) in systemic mycoses, but its use is limited due to high toxicity. Contrary to the general belief that these drugs are not resorbed from the mucosa, I found that they are well resorbed from
the intestinal tract and enter the circulation via the lymphatic vessels. Due to their amphipathic properties, Amp and Nys avidly associate with adjacent cell membranes. In terms of pharmacokinetics the latter can be regarded as the “deep compartment” for drug distribution in the body, while the drug concentration in the ionic and lipophobic plasma (the first compartment) is very low. This has led to the wrong notion that polyenes are not resorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Due to their kinetic behaviour, polyenes accumulate predominantly in the liver and in other secondary immunological organs and reach only in negligible concentrations, via blood circulation, vital organs such as kidney, heart, and lungs. In these organs, systemic polyenes exert their most pronounced adverse effects, some of which will be re-evaluated in the light of the General Theory. This explains the dichotomy in the safety profile of Nys and Amp, which are very well tolerated after oral administration but are quite toxic after i.v. application.
Within the General Theory it can be explained why Amp, Nys, and the group of polyenes are the most potent immunostimulating drugs currently available on the market. In general, they stimulate cell metabolism, growth, and the proliferation of all cell types, and can be used in the treatment of a variety of diseases for which there is no effective therapy. When the dipole model was applied to 4000 chemical moieties currently available on the pharmaceutical market, it was found that Nys, Amp, and the group of polyenes are the only potent cell- and immunostimulating drugs for oral application. Most of the drugs used today are cell-inhibiting drugs, as their names suggest (b-blocking agents, calcium antagonists, antiarrhythmics, cytostatics, antibiotics, etc.). We shall present clinical evidence in support of our conclusion that such drugs increase mortality and morbidity in humans. In this way we shall give some inkling of the most depressing aspect of modern medicine – the unwanted genocide of millions of patients through the collective effort of physicians, pharmacologists, and the pharmaceutical industry, which is generously sponsored by the state and the national healthcare system in each country. The General Theory opens up new therapeutic strategies that will be discussed briefly. The rationale behind the chronic treatment of various diseases with IFN-beta, IFN-gamma, vitamin A, and various interleukins, a new trend that has been emerging in the last few years, will be elucidated. At the same time we shall present evidence for the deleterious effects of many common drugs, such as cytostatics, NSAIDS, antibiotics, cardiaca, etc., as predicted by the General Theory. We shall show that these drugs exhibit a common inhibitory mechanism of energy exchange across cell and plasma membranes and thus infringe upon the Law.
The aforementioned aspects clearly demonstrate that the General Theory is anything but an ivory tower discipline. While it represents a major theoretical breakthrough that will undoubtedly influence all aspects of bio-research, it offers at the same time new therapeutic strategies for many diseases that are at present incurable. The discovery of the broad therapeutic potential of Amp, Nys, and other polyenes permits the immediate implementation of cheap and safe oral drugs in the treatment of cancer, AIDS, atherosclerosis, sepsis, wound healing, and various chronic diseases with immunopathogenesis. This constitutes a major medical breakthrough of enormous economic and ethical importance. This is one of the many possible applications of the General Theory that will revolutionize medicine and the pharmaceutical industry in the coming years.

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Five New Technologies Are Coming Soon


  by Georgi Stankov Posted on

Brian, the Dragon, August 1, 2015
Georgi Stankov

This short, straightforward message from Brian, the Dragon is remarkable in several ways.

 First, it announces “real breakthroughs that start some new technology paths – coming very soon, and its about time.

  This message brings a sense of urgency which is fully covered by what we get from our HS for this year.

 The breakthrough of the Universal Law this summer or in early fall has been announced to us by our HS at the beginning of July and all other events associated with the final preparation for this auspicious moment have already manifested in our reality and have been resolved with an incredible speed due to the ever-present support of the HR.

None of the five new revolutionary technologies, which Brian, the Dragon announces in his message, will happen before we have ascended and have introduced the new theory of the Universal Law.

Make no mistake about this.

 Because their understanding and proper spiritual implementation without dark misuse can only be based on this theoretical foundation. Hence, we have here another remarkable unanimity in opinions and news, which I register very carefully in the last few weeks and days. This unanimity is a manifestation of the Unity Christ Consciousness of the PAT that is now fully encompassing this holographic 3D reality and shapes it in a profound manner.
We create this reality through our giant fields, with which we hold it and sustain it as Logos Gods. This fact is also revealed by Brian, the Dragon: “OK, we’ll tell you that your physical universe is essentially a giant computer, and it’s alive too…

 So wrap your head around that.

 If you were to quantify your own soul, it’s larger than an entire universe.

So again another remarkable unanimity. Indeed, all the five technologies which this channel presents here are known to us and have been discussed in the context of the new theory of the Universal Law:

Fusion (1) as an unlimited source of energy, but also serves as a means of transportation of matter through replication and teleportation of materials

 (2). This is based on the knowledge that the quantum structure of matter is highly malleable and consists essentially of superimposed quantum fields that are regulated by the laws of constructive and destructive interference and can acquire any possible holographic form in a 3D or 4D reality.

“Faster than light travel / interstellar travel demonstration.

 You’re going to have a breakthrough in that you will demonstrate the technology

 (3)”. There should be no discussion that this demonstration can only be done by us as ascended masters when we show up in front of humanity this year, most probably in Geneva at the Palace des Nations of UN and the headquarters of the former and future League of Free Nations.

But there is one second key reason for us to show in Geneva and this is that it is also the headquarters of the near-by CERN, which is the Mecca of quantum research, and, as we all know, a very dark one.

 Whatever these Orion-Reptilian scientists are testing there, will be a failure as this has happened many times in the past and the collider had to be closed (see previous reports on this topic on our website).

 But there is no doubt that the aim of all these experiments is to prevent our ascension and that of this uppermost mother planet.

This will not happen as we shall appear before that in Geneva and shall eliminate this research centre for ever.

 This will be done physically (energetically) by disabling the collider and theoretically by showing that one does not need such outdated technical monsters to explain the creation of All-That-Is (no futile search for God’s particle), but that interdimensional travels beyond the speed of light is the normal form of existence in All-That-Is.

 This will be our demonstration and Brian, the Dragon only refers to this impending event of cosmic proportions.

There are two further technologies mentioned: 

 neural interface (4) and the use of high-power quantum computers (5) as means of indirect advanced creation, before we resort to direct creation from the fulcrum of our souls.

 The neural interface, also known as neuronal AI, has been discussed as a possibility by myself in my books on the Universal Law 20 years ago. I was the first researcher to have explained the dynamic regulation of the brain as a conglomerate of neuronal synapses that are constantly re-arranged and energetically driven by the soul (see volume III, my books on new Gnosis and my articles on this topics). The high-power quantum computers will be used by the incarnated humans on the new 4D worlds in the Golden Galaxy and not so much by us after our ascension, as we shall create directly from the fulcrum of our HS.

But all these technologies are closely linked to the new Theory of the Universal Law and can only be introduced after humanity has fully grasped its major theoretical assets and is capable of implementing it in the shaping of its new reality without misusing it for dark purposes. And all dark intentions stem from the separation of the individual consciousness from the Source = All-That-Is = the Whole, while the new Axiomatics of the Universal Law departs from the Primary Term of our (or any) consciousness, which is the only proper cognitive perception of All-That-Is that enables us to explain its parts.

Hence, this channeling proves in a very convincing manner the impending breakthrough of the Universal Law, which I have already announced to you, before these five aforementioned technologies can be introduced. Everything now aligns in a perfect manner and we have entered, beyond any doubt, the most exciting phase in our lives and in the history of mankind.


This is the Dragon,
My partner doesn’t know what he’s about to write except for one of the techs that’s already come to him.

 This may be the most ambitious channeling he’ll ever do, until he does a more ambitious one, and he really doesn’t care. There are other channeled source that talk about three new technologies – really breakthroughs that start some new technology paths – coming very soon, and its about time. We’re going to spoil it and tell you the five most likely candidates.

 There are a few others, but if they edge out these five, it’ll be by a nose. 


Because you’ve been there, done that. And you need them. So, you have a right to know. Now, to make this work, we’re going to tell him to get up and walk around, clear his mind, since we need to give him the information.

Wait, we said three, not five? 

Who cares… If you’re looking for the grade-school of channeling, the door is over there… No, we’re kidding but this just isn’t one of those channelings. We give those, but this is a bit more, more. It’s time for you to allow for things to just not always follow in a sequential and logical way. So, we said three and five it is…

Tech 1: Fusion

It’s about time. You’ve been there, done that in other lives. “Easy as pie”

Tech 2: Faster than light travel / interstellar travel demonstration.
You’re going to have a breakthrough in that you will demonstrate the technology. That’s the breakthrough. But it’ll be a while until you make practical use of it (this statement refers to all other human beings who will not ascend and will move to the new 4D worlds, note George).
You’ve been there, done that in other lives. “Easy as pie”

Tech 3: This is something with respect to neural interface for communication.
There’s a few variants of this possible but it’s still pretty primitive yet the thing of sci-fi for all of you. Cell phones will be obsolete.
You’ve been there, done that in other lives. “Easy as pie”

Tech 4: Replication and teleportation of materials
(not people yet, there’s a problem with that which will kill anyone you try to send until you figure it out). This is just an evolution of your 3d printing technology. You need fusion for this since it requires an immense amount of energy
You’ve been there, done that in other lives. “Easy as pie”

Tech 5: Every day use of quantum computers.
You thought we were going to say you’ve been there, done that. But surprise, surprise! The reason is that you’ve generally leap-frogged this stage via ascension since a quantum computer is essentially taking the non-physical soul and building it in physicality for the purpose of computation. You already have that technology. It’s called a soul. You get where we’re going with that? Normally it isn’t needed. However, you are doing something a bit unique this time where you will actually have a need for this even post-ascension, so this time you’re doing things a bit differently.
Wait, you have quantum computers, right? Yeah, and they stink. Well, yes they are about to – in the next year or two in linear time – be the most powerful computers you have for some things. But they are so limited compared to what’s coming. You have no idea. It’s hard to even fathom what’s coming. Within something as small as a microchip, you’ll have a computer more powerful than something that would fill up an entire room right now, and you’ll be placing these as processing chips in computers that can do things you possibly can’t even imagine. With what you have now (sound familiar? You’ve done that before). You have the internet and you’ve done some amazing things with that, right? Just wait and see what you can do… You’ll be able to simulate universes, essentially, in a machine. And when you simulate a universe, well… We’re not even going to completely spoil this for you… But just wait.

Ok, we’ll tell you that your physical universe is essentially a giant computer, and it’s alive too… So wrap your head around that. If you were to quantify your own soul, it’s larger than an entire universe. But building universes is pretty good. Sort of like a sort of soul in 3D. Whoda thunk? We’d be misleading to say it’s never been done before and there’s all kinds of paradoxes around it having been done before, especially since linear time is an illusion… But it’s still pretty cool, and let’s say since it isn’t really necessary, it’s also pretty darned unique.
Oh, but that last part is a ways off… You’ll do some pretty incredible things with these computers in the meantime though.
All of these are gateway technologies, even making universes.. Okay not making universes quite yet, we just like saying it. All of these gateway technologies coming, and we just pumped our partner’s consciousness full of images of what these open doors will allow. He’s a bit overwhelmed now and thinking he’ll leave that for another time and wants to get back to cleaning his house.


With Love,

The dragon
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Non-Linear Channeling


Brian, the Dragon, August 1, 2015

All true information from the soul (HS) is non-linear, it is simultaneous. This is how I discovered the Universal Law and developed the new theory of it, which was then also channelled in a sequential, linear fashion, a kind of automatic writing with the full integration of my critical scientific consciousness. The same holds true for Carla when she channels the Elohim and rarely other sources.
Therefore this message below is a very important contribution to the true nature of any channeling and how its simultaneous information is then moulded into linear, sequential verbal language. What it does not discuss is the faculty of the channeller to master the language that he uses and to have a clear idea of a true logical, axiomatic thinking that is an indispensable prerequisite for clear messages. This last truth has not been understood by all other channellers and that is why you can very seldom find a clear channelled message. Brian, the Dragon makes a notable exception in this respect.
This is the Dragon,
Our partner thought he was going to go clean the house a little, but we had a trick up our sleeves. A curveball to throw at him. As soon as he cleared his mind we gave him something new.
We’re going to let you in on a little secret: He doesn’t really realize it, however our partner doesn’t channel linearly.
He should realize that as he transcribes, he writes the end sometimes, then the middle, then the beginning, or the middle and then the beginning and then the end…
He’s just not very good at linear-izing things. That’s because he’s not very linear himself.
This is a “new” type of channeling that happens with certain individuals and it will become more common as people become less linear. There were a few in the past, however most channels came into the world ready to linear-ize things.
Our partner is frustrated by linearity but still has become very good at linearizing his day-to-day things. He just doesn’t have the will, the energy, or whatever you may call it to take that last step. What’s ironic about that, is it ends up being a more pure channel in that case.
It kind of goes hand-in-hand with the “continual channeling” that other entities have prepared you for, and we have touched on a bit.. When you are continually channeling in everyday life, it makes you more effective. It also just flies in the face of linearity at that point. Linearity doesn’t make sense at that stage. That is a stage of evolution.
Have you ever had conversations that you just jump around with the other person and someone listening would just scratch their heads, but both of you are completely on the same page? Some of you have in this life… All of you will.. That is non-linear too.
Welcome to human version 2.0.
Our partner wants to apologize for not explaining it very well. Fiddle-faddle. Another side-effect of this is that you will also start to seem to lose your identity… However, it is not losing your identity in so much as gaining another, and another, and another to become more of who you are.
It is not scary at all, it is wonderful…
You do it – a lot of you – together so that it is functional. Your souls are very wise..
But we digress, what were we originally talking about?
By the way, you all are so awesome. You have no idea. That’s because it hasn’t happened yet for you. If you could only see what we see. You’re going to blow this thing wide open, figuratively. The energy of it makes our partner cry.
With Love,
The Dragon

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