Tuesday, December 8, 2015

sharing3 - Edgar Cayce- Miracle – We Have Survived Another Year!

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▶ Billy Meier - Concentration Exercises - YouTube


▶ Billy Meier - Concentration Meditation Sleep 2/3 - YouTube

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Miracle – We Have Survived Another Year!

by Georgi Stankov Posted on December 6, 2015

Georgi Stankov, December 6, 2015


Incredible! Who would have believed it?

– We have made it through this most turbulent and eventful year of 2015. This was only possible because the PAT is indistructable notwithstanding all existential challenges. After all we are called with purpose “The Light Warriors of the First and the LAST hour“, which is a blessing and a curse at the same time. But why digress here as you all know what I mean.

Now is the time to express my infinite gratitude to all of you who have supported this website generously with donations or through direct energetic compensation throughout this and last year when I opened it again after a six-month pause dedicated to intensive cosmic creation. Without your unwavering help and dedication to the cause of the ascension in all these hard times I would not have been able to edit this website on a daily basis with this necessary intensity, and I might not have even been able to open it one more time last summer. I still remember with great fondness your overwhelming financial and moral support in July last year prior to my surgical operation in Germany that helped me immensely to go unscathed through this challenge.

My emphatic thanks go, from the bottom of my heart, to all of you who have carried this source of spiritual and transcendental information on angels’ wings. This includes all your touchingly sincere and insightful contributions to the regular Energy Report of the PAT and also all individual articles and essays on various topics on your part that further highlighted the rapidly changing world in the current End Times we live in and the awakening of humanity which we coach as sovereign Ascended Masters on its steep ascension path to the light.

Looking back at this year, we have accomplished so much that I would need another big article to only list our immense achievements. Among them the Creation of New Lemuria in the night of June 4th looms high. This is the paradise we, the PAT, have created for ourselves to recover from the hardships after our grandiose work has been finished on this planet, and from where we shall exert our stewardship as Logos Gods over the ascended portion of humanity in the new 4D worlds.

In the last several months we have moved a great deal towards this goal. Please go one more time to the log function and read chronologically all the major victories we have won and all the remarkable achievements of light we have accomplished in this auspicious year of 2015 with the numerological sign of Infinity = 8. Indeed, we have reached this infinity already and are only present as avatars in this crumbling reality to give testimony to All-That-Is on the last glorious moments of this most formidable victory of the light in this multiverse, the champions of which we are – the PAT, the most indomitable group of souls throughout the whole multiverse.

Let us now celebrate ourselves and our victories while the rest of mankind celebrates Christmas, in case the final events will not stipulate before that. By celebrating ourselves, we actually celebrate the Arrival of Christed Consciousness on the earth, because we are the Bearers of Christed Consciousness and we are the ones who embody the Second Coming of Christ.

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▶ Billy Meier - Concentration Meditation Sleep 2/3 - YouTube

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Earth Heal - 80 Years Ago Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin’s Role in Stopping WW3

80 Years Ago Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin’s Role in Stopping WW3

Saturday, 17 October 2015

By Buck Rogers

Watching geo-political events unfold today is like watching a slow motion train wreck, especially if you’re informed by history and understand the connection between ‘World Wars‘ and the unseen influences behind international politics and global banking.

Edgar Cayce is one of the world’s most revered psychics, the ‘Sleeping Prophet,’ as they called him, and many consider him to be the father of holistic medicine. Entering into trance-like states of consciousness at will, he could divine information from some extra-ordinary plane of existence on behalf of his patients or in response to specific queries from an audience. He was remarkably insightful and accurate, which is why his name is so familiar to so many.

Much of what he brought back from the ‘Source’ of his inspired information pertained to specific medical issues, but in the staggering volumes of his readings and written works there is an abundance of insight and prophecy related to larger global political and social events.

“Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.” –Edgar Cayce

Many of Cayce’s psychic readings occurred in the early part of the 20th century during two World Wars and the Great Depression, but before his death in 1947 he had already seen many of his predictions come true, including foretelling of the stock market crash of 1929, foreseeing events related to both World Wars, and even the warning of the untimely deaths of two American presidents.

In a series of what he called ‘World Affairs Readings,’ Cayce made many remarkable statements about the future of world finance, world leadership, collective spirituality, and interestingly the role that somehow Russia was to play as a force of right in the coming global turmoil that we see unfolding before our eyes today.

The Thorn in the Side of Europe

Cayce foresaw that future world crises would hinge on finance, and he pointed to Russia as being the thorn in the side of the financial powers that were organizing themselves against the good of humanity in a post WWII world.

When asked in 1932 about political and economic trends in Europe Cayce zeroed in on Russia:

Europe is as a house broken up. Some years ago there was the experience of a mighty peoples being overridden for the gratification and satisfaction of a few, irrespective of any other man’s right. That peoples are going through the experience of being born again, and is the thorn in the flesh to many a political and financial nation in Europe, in the world…

Q. What is the name of that nation referred to?

A. Russia! (3976-8)” [Source]

70 years after the defeat of the Axis powers, Russia has been reborn, but the rest of the world is now largely under the thumb of the Western globalist banking cartel. This cartel is organized as the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, and the global network of central banks, reserve banks, development banks, and investment banks that hold the world’s elected governments in perpetual receivership and the world’s people in bondage to mathematically impossible to pay debt.

Present Day on the Edge of the Knife

In 2013 the US was attempting to invade Syria under obviously false pretenses.

Putin prevented US involvement by threatening to intervene militarily in a conflict that at that time had not yet devolved unto the horrid conditions we see today.

With the deliberate destruction of Ukraine by the George Soros funded color-revolution destabilization team then the advances of the IMF to debt-conquer Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in forced development loans, Putin’s Russia emerged as the singular force capable of checking the banking cabal’s global advance, and is refusing to allow Ukraine and Crimea to fall into the hands of Western backed forces.

The grand chessboard that is the Middle East is ablaze, and the world is on a razor’s edge, caught between the very real possibility of escalation to third world war and the seemingly distant hope of world leaders suddenly finding sanity and de-escalating the situation.

Cayce spoke of Russia’s role as being the ‘hope of the world’ in a coming time such as this:

“In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no;

but freedom, freedom!

That each man will live for his fellow man!

The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.”

(Edgar Cayce, 1944, No. 3976-29)

As events in Syria and Iraq have become more convoluted and devastating for people in the region, the Islamic State (ISIS) has been on a campaign of shock and awe, reigning bloody terror on Christians, Syrians, Kurds, moderate Muslims, Shia Muslims, and anyone in between. ISIS, as everyone apparently knows, is funded and supplied weaponry by the US and Israel as a means of indirectly toppling the Assad regime in Syria.

As the US and its allies pretend like they are not responsible for ISIS and act like they are powerless to stop ISIS, Putin has calmly told the world in no uncertain terms the truth about the West’s support for ISIS and the other mercenary factions which have completely destroyed Syria, already killed hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, and forcing the engineered refugee crisis on Europe, expanding the crisis now into Macedonia.

In this video Vladimir Putin cogently explains the Syria situation with striking clarity:

VIEW: Putin: Who Created ISIS?

Russia has quickly been able to stop ISIS in its tracks by destroying ammunition dumps and supply lines, a rather basic military accomplishment that the US has not been willing to achieve in years of bombing ISIS. Even US Democrat Congresswoman Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has asked the president why Russia bombing ISIS is a bad thing?

The Spiritual Development and Leadership of Russia

Even before WWII, Cayce appears to have foreseen the need for Russia to evolve spiritually in some manner so that it would be able to rise in opposition to the decaying moral values of the capitalist West and play its part as the great hope of the world.

Cayce was asked, “What should be the attitude of so called capitalist nations toward Russia?”

On Russia’s religious development will come the greater hope of the world.

Then that one, or group, that is the closer in its relationships, may fare the better in the gradual changes and final settlement of conditions as to the rule of the world. (3976-10)

Six months later, additional information was presented which helped to clarify this earlier prediction.

Out of Russia, you see, there may come that which may be the basis of a more world wide religious thought or trend… (3976-12)

When Hugh Lynn Cayce asked about the Russian situation in June 1938, he was told:

A new understanding has and will come to a troubled people.

Here, because of the yoke of oppression, because of the self - indulgences, has arisen another extreme. Only when there is freedom of speech, the right to worship according to the dictates of the conscience—until these come about, still turmoils will be within. (3976-19) [Source]

Essentially Cayce appears to be referring to Russia after the trials under Soviet rule and the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as the need for the world to return to humanistic values in order to free itself from the oppression of the Zionist cartels which have been organizing against the human race for centuries.

Cayce is saying that some sort of much needed spiritual leadership will come from Russia in this time, some kind of attitude that will make it possible for a transition of this calibre to occur without having to experience the guaranteed destruction of any World War III.

Putin is at best no saint, and there is no underestimating the potential for deception by any nationalistic organization, but in a survey of the major players on the field at the moment, when the human race is teetering on a razor sharp knife’s edge, Putin appears to be bringing something to the table that other world leaders aren’t weilding…

common sense.

And what would spiritual leadership look like in a world gone mad, anyhow? At first it would appear as common sense. Of course.

Aristotle even goes as far as to say that common sense is where consciousness originates. So if a society is lacking in common sense, and there’s little to no conscience, morality, empathy, consciousness, creativity, taste, discernment or love, how does one propose to govern such a population?” [Source]

Putin’s actions in Syria makes the most common sense, among the available options. Already he has likely prevented the invasion of Syria by Turkey, checking President Erdogan at the border, and he has severely disrupted the operations of ISIS. Both are wins for the cause of common sense in an arena of treachery.

Did Edgar Cayce somehow know that Russia would take the common sense gap between spiritual leadership and the guaranteed destruction of World War III which is being engineered by the West?

Speaking on the current state of US and Russia relations at a recent summit, Putin said, regarding America:

“You must rise above the endless desire to dominate. You must stop acting out of imperialistic ambitions. Do not poison the minds of millions of people; like there can be no other way but imperialistic politics.”

Vladimir Putin

Putin is directing our attention to the 800 pound gorilla in the room that no one else seems willing to talk about: America and the West no longer have any moral superiority in the world.

Cayce also made comments about America’s future moral decay:

In the final World Affairs reading given on June 22, 1944, less than six months before Edgar’s death, he addresses the spirit and “the sin of America.”

What is the spirit of America?

Most individuals proudly boast “freedom.” Freedom of what? When ye bind men’s hearts and minds through various ways and manners, does it give them freedom of speech? Freedom of worship? Freedom from want?…In the application of these principles…America may boast, but rather is that principle being forgotten… and that is the sin of America. (3976-29) Reading 3975-15, given on January


Did Edgar Cayce foresee Putin’s interfering role in the Western cabals plan to overtake the world through financial domination, political destabilization, and all out world war, order out of chaos?

Cayce also predicted the possibility of a THIRD World War. He spoke of strifes arising…”in Libya, and in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those areas above the Persian Gulf.” [Source]

Whether or not you believe in the power of the human mind to connect with Source and withdraw information about the future, things are lining up in such a way that Cayce’s prophecies regarding Russia are proving quite prescient now, giving us a clue that at least we shouldn’t hold on too tightly to any preconceived notions about what will happen in coming years...

Read more: Waking Times

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Jerry’s Message to the Saker

by Georgi Stankov Posted on December 9, 2015

Jerry R James, December 9. 2015


Response to Saker’s article

All I can say is WOW, WOW, WOW. What a great summary article and what a dumb as expected response from Saker. To be fair to him however I know it was a bit much for him to swallow so because I am seeing the number 11-11 a lot again I have summarized the major ideas in 11 steps below:

1. This earth has been ruled for at least 26,000 years by the dark off world and other dimensional entities through their hybrids and human recruits.

2. The dark over the centuries have used every institution including the church, education, medical and financial to further their agenda.

3. They have used every trick and power at their disposal to hijack the very purpose for us incarnating which was not to clear karma or to win salvation but to activate the light body.

4. Especially effective have been their dumb down tactics, which has increased exponentially in the last twenty years through television, social media, and pop culture to foster the belief of the human as a helpless, dumb and ineffective sack of shit with no hope of ever changing this condition through his own power.

5. The off world forces of light support energetically the ascension of the earth and mankind but can not directly interfere with this process. The work has to be done with boots on the ground and that’s us (PAT)

6. Prophets including Jesus helped create the energetic environment for ascension that us as warriors of the first and last hour are completing.

7. The prophecies of the Bible and other religious text are being fulfilled through the work of the Planetary Ascension Team

8. The dark, including their human stooges, have been defeated as of December 21, 2012 but have continued to perform as if programmed on autopilot because they are.

9. Nothing can stop the eventual outcome which will be ascension of earth and a portion of humanity to the 4D and the Warriors of the first and last order to 5D and beyond.

10. All of this has already occurred. Time is irrelevant and non-existent outside this false but shattering matrix.

11. What task still keep us here. It is the economy stupid. And when it crashes, all lingering doubts concerning business as usual will be gone and this phase of our mission will be completed.


Dear Jerry,

excellent sum-up. In fact, while preparing this publication, I established telepathic contact to you and was thinking of you and that you would surely comment it. Which is exactly what happened. Here you have the proof that everything that happens has already happened, the moment we think it, including our ascension.

With love and light



Yes George,

I received your telepathic message loud and clear.

The energy is still very strong but my body seems better able to handle. Mostly it is fatigue especially when first waking from sleep from all the astral activity I recall much of performing not so much dross clearing now but many details to attend on alternate timelines. Events seem stable on the ground but it takes all our effort to keep this reality intact until it is at the most advantageous condition for us and ascending humanity. I am told it will be over very soon.

Thanks for your continued service and leadership.


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