Wednesday, March 30, 2016

sharing3 - The Arrival of the Mermaids- Difficult Becomes the Life of the Prophet! - Ascension Now – How Real Dreams Substitute a Dreamy Reality

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Ascension Now – How Real Dreams Substitute a Dreamy Reality » Stankov's Universal Law Press

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Ascension Now – How Real Dreams Substitute a Dreamy Reality 

by Georgi Stankov Posted on March 28, 2016

Energy Report of the PAT – March 28, 2016

Dear Georgi,

how are you doing? I now feel so elevated and detached from this crude world and I’m not sure if there’s any sense in writing energy reports. The detachment has become even more intense after the two recent portals, which were pretty agonizing and yet it felt like a dream from which you cannot wake up. It seems that energies settled down a bit so we can get some relief.

It’s really interesting to see how the disillusion of the masses unfold in front of our eyes, as everything falls apart. It was almost impossible to do any damn shopping a few days ago, because the checkouts were simple not functional and they couldn’t get them fixed. Everything went so quickly during the energy carnage that I’m not really sure what happened. The Brussels attacks triggered fear factor amongst humanity, which I felt just slightly and not like several times before, I think that’s another sign of how high do we actually vibrate now.

My father was diagnosed a Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and was hospitalized for a week. It’s quite severe and he can barely sleep at night. Further examinations are needed in order to specify how advanced the disease has become. It might eventually lead to his death and it’s quite possible that he will need to carry an oxygen bottle, so he does not suffocate. I’m totally sure that it’s related to Ascension process, but I’m not sure how this will end. It’s been quite rough between my parents lately as a result of the energy bombardment. I can definitely feel the soul essence from my mother now. Trump is also dropping bombs, good, we need some more!

What is your view on the next month?

With regards,

J. Fleischman


Dear Pepe,

our dreams are becoming more real and this reality is becoming more dreamy each day. This is how we shall transcend this world and it is happening now.

I do believe that the chronic bronchitis your father has is related to the latest energies because if it were chronic obstructive disorder which is another word for chronic asthma then he would have had it much earlier. I have a suggestion for you – when he comes back, treat him each day for 5-10 minutes with your hands by placing them in the upper lungs where the breasts are and in the middle where the trachea is, and he will feel a sudden relief. This disease is very susceptible to energetic treatment with hands.

With love and light

PS: I expect the continuation of the substitution of this reality with our dreams at a more rapid pace.


Dear Georgi

I’m feeling the same as everyone else and I’m exhausted most of the time. As soon as it hits 9pm I just can’t seem to stay awake. There are mornings that I wake up so tired I can hardly move.

I’ve come to a point where everything that is happening in Europe is beginning to stink. I’m not angry, just bored and disinterested in the current events. It’s the same damn shit over and over again. The British media love a bit mayhem, they’re like bitches loving a bit of gossip about others and adding to the mayhem. As I said, it’s beginning to stink. It seems to be that the public keep seeing the same scenario played out again and again and keep acting as though everything that happens is a new. Although many are also getting fed-up of it.

The BREXIT elections are coming soon and I may not be in the country to vote, but will try and find a way. Again, the propaganda, the people’s views on it all just makes me cringe and it stinks even further. Well, my patience and understanding is just not there anymore, as none of this interests me, I’m feeling hollow. I put this down to not wanting to waste my energy on these low vibrations as my energy is being preserved for something much more effective. I feel the change coming and I’m excited and relieved.

I’ve wanted to e-mail you but energy wise I can’t find the words to explain what’s happening to me. Although I would like to share that when you published your genius report on the astral currency I went to bed that night and got stuck into the project. As it has been mentioned on your website, it’s nothing technological as humans may perceive it to be. Quite frankly this cheap and nasty, but expensive technology is worthless for the new currency, it has no place in your idea. Not to mention the harm it’s doing to us. NO, this is a much more powerful and clever sort of energy that was implemented within the community I was teaching, which was done through telepathy on a much stronger level than we can ever imagine, (or have forgotten). There was no physical substance with it, it was all through the mind. Such a peaceful process and everyone was happy. With it came pure love, pure understanding, pure thinking. So to think that we can use anything that has been given to us in this current time is wasted energy. I’m sorry I can’t explain it to the detail of my dream as I usually can’t put brilliance into words only into thought and emotion.

I would like to ask your advice on something that I’m struggling to make sense of. I’ve had this since I was a child, but now the energy source I’m experiencing has changed, for obvious reasons, but I feel I’m letting something slip away as I don’t know what to do with it. Last Wednesday I had a presence in my room, this has happened numerous times in my life, and it was positioned on my left side. It looked like a black orb, but I couldn’t see it clearly as my soul was half-way out of my body looking at it. It suddenly moved onto me and surrounded me with a warm vibration and engulfed my body completely to the point that I couldn’t move. This usually happens within a space of months, sometimes only once a year. The last time it happened the blast of the vibration was so strong that I started to sing to our lady to release me and it felt as though I was speaking through a fan and my words trembled like nothing I have experienced before. This time it was different but as time goes on I don’t know what to do with it or even know what’s happening. My meditative state seems to be non-existent at the moment, I don’t have the energy to focus, my brain feels like a glass of slush puppy. Although my dreams are stronger and clearer, which is why I’m not questioning if something isn’t right.

By the way, I would like to commend Brad on his genius articles, they are precise, informative and hilarious, always a joy to read during these times of chaos.

Well Georgi I’m looking forward to the storm, strange as that may seem to some people. As much as the cabal would like us to think differently, their eyeballs will be popping out of their sockets soon. How soon? When the time is right.

Have a lovely week ahead.

Much love and light to all,



Dear Dalila,

indeed we are now severing all connections to this crumbling reality which appears very hollow to us, and rightly so at it has no energetic support anymore from the source and the crystalline grid. By retrieving our attention from this world, we begin to wrap up this reality. At the same time our dream state becomes more active where we create the new reality. As we increasingly remember what we are doing in the dream state our return to this world is like making a holiday in a resort you know is not your home but only a temporary sojourn.

This is perfectly illustrated by your dream on the new Astral currency where you co-created it in the new 4D and 5D worlds. And it has nothing to do with technological realisation as a software program as this is an external phenomenon that only distracts from the real inner values of this concept. It is a perpetuation of this 3D holographic model, but many not so evolved people do not get it.

Now to your experience with this black orb. From what you have written to me it is difficult to discern if it is dark energy coming from archons or something else. If this is so you must make an immediate cleansing as soon as you are capable of moving, by using the seven sacred flames and creating a huge vortex by rotating your arms and loudly asking all your guides, angels and archangels, ascended masters, and anybody you want to invite to help you eliminate all dark and low vibrating energies from your fields and body, all attachments etc. I used to do this procedure on a daily basis when we were attacked by dark archons and did massive cleansing but since February it feels as if there are no more archons on this uppermost timeline and I have stopped doing it. But it may as well be something completely different, part of the energetic transformation. But even in this case it will not harm to do this procedure as you cleanse your fields and support the ascension process.

It feels very much like the lull before the storm and the story with the Brexit is a distraction and shows that Britain is in a cul de sac and the current clueless government moved the country into utter irrelevance. This powerlessness of the ruling cabal is now present everywhere – here in Canada, in the USA and also in the EU. The only country that seems to move things and has success is Russia and this has changed the entire world politics, much to the surprise of the cabal in the west, and in particular in GB, who are the greatest and most insidious snobs of all and will never admit how little their opinion matters.

With love and light




The whole night (March 27th) is a continuing episode of the PAT and myself changing into light bodies. Due to the work of the PAT our families are recommended for the transformation into crystalline form in no “time” for the transfer to the New Earth. Expression of gratitude to Source made by our Higher Selves and the collective light workers. Repeated again and again.

This has been a long period of preparation for all of us.

Love and light.

Angel Jr, Philippines


Dear Angel,

this is an excellent dream. I dreamt this night (March 27th) that we accomplished a great success and then we celebrated in a banquet with champagne. Very similar to your dream.

With love and light




I have been having very vivid dreams. Here are two of them.

Dream morning of 3/24

I dreamt i was being abducted by alien beings. They were pulling me out of my bed by my arm.

I told them I was sovereign being and they must leave immediately. I then called in help from my guides and AA Michael. Just like that they were gone. Poof. I woke up sitting on the edge of my bed feeling puzzled. And then i looked for bruises on my arm. No bruises.

It was very unsettling but i wasn’t afraid.

Dream morning of 3/25

I am at a war negotiation with Russia and the Americans. My job is to keep the Russians there and provide translation. I am a young man in my early thirties or late twenties. I look like jfk jr and i am wearing a sport jacket ( small plaid). I am American. I’m like a gopher and interpreter. The American negotiators keep pissing the Russians off. Putin is there with a group of his men. They are ready to go to war because the Americans keep up with lies and antics.

The American negotiator gets up and walks out of the room to go to the rest room but he does so abruptly with no explanation. Putin finds this very disturbing and disrespectful. He is ready to walk away from negotiations.

I tell Putin the negotiator is leaving to get refreshments. I leave the room to get the good vodka, cigars and bacon ( special long strips, smoked) that he likes. I come back in with the refreshments and they are very pleased especially Putin. They are slapping me on the back, yes, good job, young fellow, we like you, that kind of thing. We drink and toast. Putin is smiling and raising his glass.

I sign an agreement to no more war. My signature is a etheric signature or checkmark in the air on this floating etheric document. It is like a signature before Source. And then i wake up.

Sheryl Groen, USA


Dear Sheryl,

beautiful dreams, and so realistic. This is indeed what we are doing these days in the dream state – trying to prevent a global war that would have exploded long time ago if it were not for us to channel all the dark energies of aggression from humanity and recycle them back to the Source. That is why we are so tired after awakening and feel all the negative energies from the collective that flow through our fields.

With love and light



My dreams are extremely vivid and I can generally remember them. Dream time now seems more real to me than waking time. Last night I dreamt of a beautiful place where the apples were the size of small pumpkins; they were perfect not a single imperfection. They hung on short trees where they were easy to pick. I was astonished and kept showing them to others.



Hello Georgi and Carla,

Just a quick note in response to Jerry. On Friday the 19th, I had a terrible ongoing dream/nightmare. The message sent across was ‘these people are brutal and brutes’. It was all about different formats of torture, and I physically watched as each encounter took place. I also spent time with a family or close-knit community that were being pursued by the barbarians. It was terrifying. It had a landscape of the modern world with all of the amenities but these creatures were solely focused on a horrible death for each person. I was observer, as though embedded and learning the horrifying details. Terrible. This was without a doubt a precursor to the absolute divine expressions of Love that commenced shortly thereafter. I don’t have any answers, but I can verify in any case what Jerry may be referring to.

With Love, Jessica


Hi George,

This night (March 22) I had this very very vivid dream of Brussels and a friend of mine which I told you about that is doing an internship there in the EU Commission. I knew in my dream that there was a terrorist attack and what I clearly remember is that the location was somewhere nearby a tram line. Although I wasn’t feeling any panic after this instant knowing. In my dream I was communicating with everyone by telepathy and I figured this out after waking up. And today I wake up, go to work and I understand what happened 30 minutes ago. I was really amazed.

And I was thinking to go to Brussels to visit my friend there in the middle of April. I think I will be staying in Bulgaria for now. Thank God that nothing bad has happened to my friends there.

Hope you and Carla are fine, thanks for the written support you are giving us through your website.

Sending you love and light,



Dear Teodora,

now you know what we are doing in the dream state. We are supervising all major events and also guide the souls of the dead people to Celestria when they die from a sudden death and are very confused. However, I am not sure if this terror attack is not planned by the ruling cabal to clamp down on the people as the EU is now falling apart and they are losing their grip on them.

With love and light



Dearest Georgi,

I wanted to write after I read the March 18th energy report and your vision dream of brain surgery and Jessica’s dream but I was tied up in travel since the 2ndl (living in a materially nice apartment that was devoid of positive energy—almost like a hotel but much nicer furnishings and location). I’ve been tending to sick relatives who both have blockages in the main artery leading to the brain….

I had another dream about the Astral currency. I went to the dentist to have my Amalgam mercury laden fillings removed but before she began the procedure I asked “what portions of the metal would be returned to me” and she looked at me with a rather puzzling face but did not answer. She then began to remove the old fillings and all of sudden said “Wow! They put Amalgam over gold? I’ve never seen that before”; at which point I reiterated, “I must have my metals returned to me” and she said “Of course, I didn’t understand your initial question but now I do!” I immediately understand that my vibrations had risen to such heights that I had transmuted the mercury into gold alchemically.Once she finished she handed me a very tiny amount of gold and laughed. She said it was such a small amount that there really wasn’t much that I could do with it. And that’s when the dream turned surreal.I turned to her and said that the gold only serves as my calling card for it is 100% pure without any isotopes and that anyone examining this gold would immediately understand that the holder of such gold is capable of creating unlimited amounts because it is beyond mankind’s ability to produce this type of gold. She then looked at me with deep reverence and awe and said “It was a tremendous pleasure to have provided service to me” and I eft the office.I can only say that I am having the ride of my life and I have never been happier, at peace and in bliss. I am so grateful to God for everything; especially you and the PAT.

Peace & love to all,



Dear Charlotte,

these are wonderful experiences and dreams….

Your dream about transforming amalgam into alchemical gold is self-explaining and need not be commented. There will be a lot of reverence from the people for this achievement for the simple reason that they will understand the nature of money and how their liberation from its enslavement with our help – with the introduction of the Astral currency – has brought unlimited prosperity and freedom to them. They will honour our spiritual achievements which they will be ready to follow very soon.

This all is happening at the level of the HS and this knowledge is now flowing down (and no longer trickling down) into the ego-mind level of the people and is willingly accepted by the people. Hence their increasing ability to express gratitude and to reflect on their past dark sides. The new transliminal souls want to overcome this negative past and move forward with us to the higher dimensions. That is why they are here – to help us help them. This is what I call “mutual benevolence of the Source.” The new transliminal souls understand that. The old dark soul fragments that were replaced did not, they were incurable recidivists, that is why they had to go. Now the pathway to ascension is open and even as most hindrances have been removed at the soul level. We must now only patiently await till this inner transformation manifests in significant changes at the societal and economic level.

With love and light



As the PAT dreams show, we now change this reality through our dreams and inner visions and this is how we ascend in each moment in the Now. This is the key issue during these final days and this process is also highlighted in a new message by Brian, the Dragon, which I must present to you at this point in time for the sake of completeness. It is a plea for the PAT as visionaries of the new worlds who do not need to engage in social battles. They leave this doing to younger souls and the evil doing to the cabal who is now very busy to expel themselves from this ascending timeline:


Doing versus Dreaming

Brian, the Dragon, March 27, 2016

This is the Dragon,

Your past history was marked by an emphasis on “doing”. There were many dreamers shut down by those who said hard work is the only way to go, and dreaming is not productive. That has evolved into a hierarchical system meant to control and harness the hard work by many, to influence them into working harder for the betterment of the “dream” of a few who didn’t necessarily think of things in the best interest for mankind or let the system they created transform into something that didn’t work in the best interests of mankind. Visionaries have to also be successful in business or the public sector to get respect.

You are moving into a time where dreaming becomes more important. You will not have such an emphasis on creating by “nuts and bolts” but instead will have a balance between dreaming and doing enough in the physical to allow the universe to manifest the dreams.

It’s important to understand that some action in dense physicality is still required to make something become manifest. It sort of gives a “signal to the universe” that in your heart something is wanted. As you raise in vibration and/or as things become less dense in your own experience, the amount of activity, physical toil, to make something manifest is decreased. At some point, things manifest nearly instantly. However, small actions still help. If you observed high vibrational physical beings who can manifest at will, you will notice they may do things like motion with their hands, even if that isn’t necessary. It helps.

A time is coming where dreamers will be encouraged, and not only if they toil and work hard. They won’t be called “dreamers that don’t do anything”. They will be called visionaries. They will get the respect for the dreams, their energy, and others will be attracted to them. Others that have the ability to make their dreams come true.

Humanity will become aware of the different kinds of people in the world, and won’t expect every person to be a cookie-cutter copy of each other. The idea of just “throwing people at something” or building a bureaucratic triangle will go out the door.

We think you will enjoy it. That’s what is important, right?

With Love,
The Dragon

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The Arrival of the Mermaids » Stankov's Universal Law Press

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The Arrival of the Mermaids
by Georgi Stankov Posted on March 28, 2016

Elna Goldsmith, March 28, 2016

What an amazing story! It heralds the miracles that are coming big now. I very much resonate with Elna’s experience as Carla was told twice that she was a mermaid in another life. – George

Hello George

Wanted to thank you for the advise, about my going to Africa Dream. I did ask my H/S. When I awoke the next morning. Africa was strongly on my mind. Had a good feeling about it. Just to bad I did not remember what was said. I did realize that this was another part of me moving there.

Interesting Posts from Brian the Dragon and The Sirian Archangel Hermes. From the readings, I’m being prompted to write a story and am not sure how to tell this story. I will give it a shot. (so to speak)

Woke up on Thursday morning, feeling real good. For a change…. After my morning tea. I wanted to go to one of the local Indian Casinos. This is not me at all. I detest going to Casinos. For some reason I had a good feeling about going. You should have seen my spouse fall out of his chair when I mentioned us going for the day. Yes we did go. I didn’t have to ask my spouse twice.

We were at the Casino a while, we went to the bar for a drink. This is a Big Circular Bar. We went to what I call the back side of the bar. This bartender took our order. I noticed how strange her voice was, then just let it pass on by. We went on to have dinner. A good meal. Afterwards played the games. My spouse wanted a beer and I a glass of wine. I’ll go get the drinks.

I walked up to this bar, placed my order with this same bartender. Another woman was sitting at the bar. I said my hello and we just started talking. This woman had a strange sounding voice too! Out of the Blue…. This woman says: “I am a Mermaid…”


She repeats her words again: “I am a Mermaid…”

You should have seen the shocked look on my face. This woman says pointing to the Bartender: “She’s a Mermaid too!” The Bartender pipes up and says out loud: “I AM a Mermaid.” Smiling. These women were dead serious. The woman pulls out her phone and show’s me a picture of her, taken of her as a Mermaid. Just then a man shows up and she says: “He took the picture.” He totally agrees, shaking his head up and down. Now you should see how I am taking this news all in. Mind boggling. No, he is not a Merman. I am just looking at this woman and not saying a word. Just trying to let this sink in to my head.

What’s even crazier is that I Believed them. I told them, that I believe them. They were shocked at my answer. NOBODY EVER BELIEVES THEM. (G-Whiz, where have I heard this before.) What made me believe is their voices. Have you ever heard the sound of a Dolphin talk. That high-pitch sound that they make. This is how those women talked, a fast high-pitched sound. They both had the same tone. I had asked if they were related. No, was their answer. They just happened to find each other. I asked if there were others. The answer was no.

The man who had showed up. I told the one woman, that he was there to take care of her. She looked at me. Without saying. ( A scatter brain.) She needed being taken care of. What’s interesting is that the man said, that he sinks like a rock, while in water. I have only met one other person who does the same thing. Sinking to the bottom of the water.

I had asked her why she was here? Her reply to me was: “Bring Happiness.”

It was time for me to deliver the beverage to my spouse. As I was leaving, I made the comment. We are a Galactic Family. The woman said: “Yes, we are…”

I dropped off the beer to my spouse and turned around to go back to the bar to talk some more… All three, were gone!!!! Here I am scratching my head, with my jaw wide open.

What in the world just happened here? One woman with blonde hair with transparent skin. The Bartender had red hair with transparent skin. The man dark hair. All looked to be in the twenties. They looked like anyone on the street.

Did I bilocate, could this circular bar be a portal? I haven’t a clue what happened. The high energy and positive feeling, just being around these three people. Up lifting.

It’s no wonder my H/S would not let me remember, when I woke up that Thursday morning…

Makes me think, You don’t believe the Prophet until after he’s gone. The Words that have been documented on your Web-site George.

Love from the Hills of Arkansas


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Difficult Becomes the Life of the Prophet! » Stankov's Universal Law Press
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Difficult Becomes the Life of the Prophet! 

by Georgi Stankov Posted on March 26, 2016

Sirian Archangel Hermes, March 26, 2016

This is a third channelled message today that very well summarizes our unthankful destiny as prophets in an intransigent world. But it also highlights the psychopathy of the ruling cabal and confirms brilliantly our ascension scenario for this uppermost mother planet based on their irrational behaviour. It is a pity that there are so few messages from other sources that coalesce in such a perfect manner with our experiences and views of the world. But this stipulation of three such messages (two from Brian, the Dragon) today already indicates that we are very close to the final resolution – again from an energetic point of view in terms of reaching the threshold of the ultimate ID shift and not in terms of linear time. This should be cogent to everybody.



Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as the penumbral lunar eclipse is set to occur, with the energies of the equinox flowing strongly within your spaces of linear time. I come also with messages for the prophets. Those who have followed my messages will know, it is during these times that a window opens, allowing for my messages to be transmitted through my channel, and then to those whom are aware. All who are able to read or hear my messages do so only of their own will, and are drawn to them by their own alignments and choices. Those who are unable to see or hear my messages, are not able to simply because they have not yet opened their minds, they have not yet attuned their own inner frequency to interact, to align, to comprehend. A parable of this, to better comprehend, is to think of two lines, each with a wave that repeats, such as the symbol of Aquarius. The lower line does not interact or cross over into the upper line, therefore while both exist within the same symbol, they exist in duality, unaware or the polar opposite of each other.

Such is the same, as above so below, on your world. There exists another realm, hidden to most, because they are unable to see, to feel, to comprehend, and ultimately, to believe that such a thing could exist. The allegory of Plato’s Cave is another parable to consider.

The prophets of truth are being given dreams, messages, and premonitions eluding to what is to come. It is becoming more and more clear to them, that their abilities are real, however for many, they are only real to themselves. It is during these times, in which the prophets begin to observe and behold their own prophecy becoming manifest, that pressures can begin to build for their own psyche and mental health. Events which they have already foreseen, manifest before them, and while they know they have been delivered prophecy, most everyone around them knows not. The life of the prophet is solitary, isolated, until the day in which they leave their own country, it is only then, that a true prophet becomes acknowledged and observed. For no prophet is accepted within their own nation or homeland.

Difficult becomes the life of the prophet! For their physical bodies reside upon the Earth, yet their mental and light bodies exist beyond, before, and after the physical. The lives in which they must live as a human, differ greatly from the lives they are living beyond the physical realm, often causing a duality of chaos, of madness. To deliver prophecy to their peers and friends, is only to isolate them further, for only those whom are also aware, shall even begin to comprehend. Finding others that are aware, locally, becomes something of an enigma. Of you that now read or hear these words, how many have noticed, that your friends which are able to comprehend the metaphysical and supernatural aspects you know, all of them are distant yes? Finding anyone locally to speak of such subjects with and be taken seriously, they simply are not there, are they?

This is for a good reason, for the light which descends to the world does so in the darkest of places at first, alone, isolated. Over linear time it begins to shine its light more brightly, illuminating and reveal what is truly going on in the darkness around them. Many forces do not wish for their dealings in the darkness to be revealed, and this is another aspect of the pressures which can build in social correspondences, leading to discord and cognitive dissonance, which is made even more discordant by modern lifestyles, upbringings and conditionings of the masses.

Humans were once a race of beings which functioned as a collective, within tribal civilizations. However, at some point in the time stream, the concept of duality was introduced, leading to the formation of the dark cabal. Ever since, humans have been conditioned and trained not to unite, but to value independence, original thought. When times of chaos come to life forms which function as a collective, they worry not about single lives, and work fearlessly and seamlessly to restore order, such as the insect kingdoms, the animal kingdoms, and other such life forms on your world. Humans however, in times of chaos, rarely unite, and will fight for their own individual survival instead of that of the greater colony. Much of the life forms in which you observe everyday, are far more advanced and intelligent than most could ever comprehend, and again the parable of Aquarius is seen here.

There exists a race of bi-pedal, human looking beings, which function as a collective on your world. They are the dark cabal and the branches of its tree, they hold power in every aspect of control needed in your world, military, finance, medicine, religion, industry, culture, all of your modern mainstays. The are able to retain control simply because they function as a collective. To them, there is no independent thought, no pure creativity, they are mimics. They survive only by feeding from your creativity and originality. Their greatest fear is chaos, for in chaos, their power fades and the chances of original creation, which is beyond their control, can manifest. Ordo Ab Chao, or order from chaos, is their creed. They initiate chaos when the scales are about to tip from their own favor, and quickly play the role of the savior, attempting to regain the trust of the people through trauma, tragedy, war and chaos, by restoring order. Therefore, I say to you now, when you are in the midst of chaos, be wary of the ones who extend their hands and offer help to you, for while they may have your best short-term interest in mind, you can be certain that in the long-term, they seek only to enslave you further. That is the creed of this world now, those who are born, manifest here, are raised to believe that they are forever in debt, and owe this controlling entity to exist.

As the world grows more chaotic, you can be certain that this chaos is being created by the same entity which fears it, in ever-growing desperation of how to regain order and control over those caught in the chaos. It has worked since the dawn of duality itself, but as we of the higher realms begin to integrate more and more, reminding and guiding those who remain open to our teachings, more will remember, and the chances of an eventual tipping point grow. The cabal has forgotten, that while you can entice chaos, you cannot control it. Their fall will come by their own hand, their own lies, their own deceptions and their own creations. It is inevitable.

I come to speak of climate change, which is also by design, let no other tell you that these events are natural. All climate is by design, and what is happening now is your world is being conditioned to become more temperate, warmer along the tropics of Capricorn and cancer. The reason for this is clear to the open mind which thirsts for knowledge. It is much easier to control and condition human beings of a warmer climate, than it is a colder one. It is easier to control the crops, the food supply, and also disease and bio-weaponry.

This is why most of your polar regions, save for the hidden civilization of Antarctica, remain purely tribal. This is also how the cabal was able to appease the native american and other tribal nations. I say appease, because those nations are still allowed to exist, with their cultures and law, however, within reservations set aside by the cabal. The native tribes possess the spirituality of the past, and it is this type of metaphorical nihilism, which allowed for them to continue their way, and not be completely infiltrated by the cabal. This is also how they are aware of the metaphysical and supernatural manifestations of the world, such as the lore of the Hopi tribe. Therein is a clue for the rest of you, who wish to honor and retain the ways of the ancestors which beg and weep for their culture to not be forgotten.

The ultimate goal of the dark cabal is to initiate a new world order, expand their pyramid of power until it is absolute. To do this however, they know they must always retain some type of human element, some type of life form which can be easily controlled and conditioned to conform to their rule, but not become completely void of creativity and original thought, as they have. Just as mankind must consume to survive, so must they. Just as crops and animals are nourishment and food for man, so is man for them, and just as man is blissfully unaware of this concept, so are the crops and animals.

It is only those who have the ambition and courage to learn these truths, and then begin to live their lives in such a way, that the window of prophecy opens for them. Prophecy is a gift not for the meek, but for the strong, for only the strong can exist in the present, knowing the future. Those without such strength return to the past, to continue their own great work.

I come to the prophets now with a message. You must erase your doubts, you must know that the visions and dreams you are being given are reality, it is only the illusion of linear time and distance of space which will lead you to doubt, to question. For your visions may come in the present, and not manifest until the distant future, however they will manifest. Metaphor will be your cipher. Bathe yourselves in the rays of the moonlight, for it is there, which the narrow stream of prophecy which you are being given now, widens. Thoth, another name given to the gestalt which makes up the Hermes entity, has the moon upon his crown. The horns which cradle the moon are the thirst, the hunt, for knowledge, and the deities of the mythology of the past show this to you each time you study of them, however, are you able to see? Horns are not a sign of evil, they are a sign of one who is thirsty, who is ambitious, who hunts, who seeks. It is that foundation of motivation, which makes knowledge and wisdom comfortable, which cradles it and welcomes it. Heed my words now, go beyond reading them, feel them, live them, and you will know all that I have said to you is truth! Always thirst, for that which is empty, yet yearns to be full, shall be filled.

In infinite love, I am looking at you this way. Blessings in light!

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