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Breaking News: Donald Trump’s Historic Speach on His New Foreign Policy in Washington, DC » Stankov's Universal Law Press
60,000 People Change Parties in Pennsylvania to Vote for Trump
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Looking more like Trump v Hillary
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We are Headed into a New Ice Age – But When?
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Stock Market – What Next?
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Two Volcanoes Erupting Simultaneously
Blog/Understanding Cycles
Posted Apr 27, 2016 by Martin Armstrong
COMMENT: Here in the Netherlands we had snow on april 25 and 26 2016. This is a rare event and could indicate your models on Global Warming are right. Could this be the start for colder winters in the coming decades.
REPLY: Yes, it was also snowing in Britain. Unfortunately, when this cycle turns it does so rather violently. This is why we are looking to move the office to Florida to get closer to global warming for it is moving south. We warned that beginning in March, our models were turning up for the West Coast. So far, this seems to be on point. This is something we input into the system as a peripheral data set.
We are trying to update our models on a much deeper scale with specific data points on a regional basis. Earthquakes and volcanoes are also connected. We are getting unprecedented activity on the West Coast. There were two big volcanic eruptions this month in April. If this continues to build, the world will move rapidly into an ice age and our models warn that this trend will produce lower lows. Forget global warming – the danger is a global freeze.
Popocatépetl in Mexico
Popocatépetl volcano erupted this month just 35 miles from Mexico City and 20 miles from the nearby city of Peubla. It sent a mile-high plume of ash into the air, putting thousands of people living within a 10-mile radius on a yellow alert to be ready to evacuate should activity increase. Plumes of volcanic ash block the sun and cause crop failures on a wide scale. A second volcano, also on the western edge of the ring of fire, also erupted this month in Alaska. These two volcanoes erupted at nearly the same time. This is indicating that there is a massive build-up of tectonic stress on the West Coast of North America.
Pavlov in Alaska
We warned that our models were turning up in March for earthquakes on the West Coast. The Alaskan eruption of Mount Pavlov volcano on Alaska’s Aleutian Island chain blew ash, stone, dirt, and smoke some four miles into the air before lava began seeping out. The Pavlov volcano is around 600 miles southwest of Anchorage. Neither one was a killer explosion. However, the more we get at this level, it can combine as if there were one catastrophic eruption that blocks the sun. All of this is connected. There is also a cluster of earthquakes in Yellowstone National Park where there is the super volcano. We are attempting to get as much data into the system as possible so it can make the global correlations. We are short of staff but we are trying to find the time to accomplish this rapidly.
Categories: Understanding Cycles
Tags: Climate Change, Global Warming, Pavlov, Popocatépetl, volcanoes
« 17-Year Cycle of Cicadas
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Breaking News: Donald Trump’s Historic Speach on His New Foreign Policy in Washington, DC » Stankov's Universal Law Press
60,000 People Change Parties in Pennsylvania to Vote for Trump
Armstrong Economics

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Looking more like Trump v Hillary
Armstrong Economics

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We are Headed into a New Ice Age – But When?
Armstrong Economics

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Stock Market – What Next?
Armstrong Economics

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Armstrong Economics

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Two Volcanoes Erupting Simultaneously
Blog/Understanding Cycles
Posted Apr 27, 2016 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: Here in the Netherlands we had snow on april 25 and 26 2016. This is a rare event and could indicate your models on Global Warming are right. Could this be the start for colder winters in the coming decades.
REPLY: Yes, it was also snowing in Britain. Unfortunately, when this cycle turns it does so rather violently. This is why we are looking to move the office to Florida to get closer to global warming for it is moving south. We warned that beginning in March, our models were turning up for the West Coast. So far, this seems to be on point. This is something we input into the system as a peripheral data set.
We are trying to update our models on a much deeper scale with specific data points on a regional basis. Earthquakes and volcanoes are also connected. We are getting unprecedented activity on the West Coast. There were two big volcanic eruptions this month in April. If this continues to build, the world will move rapidly into an ice age and our models warn that this trend will produce lower lows. Forget global warming – the danger is a global freeze.

Popocatépetl in Mexico
Popocatépetl volcano erupted this month just 35 miles from Mexico City and 20 miles from the nearby city of Peubla. It sent a mile-high plume of ash into the air, putting thousands of people living within a 10-mile radius on a yellow alert to be ready to evacuate should activity increase. Plumes of volcanic ash block the sun and cause crop failures on a wide scale. A second volcano, also on the western edge of the ring of fire, also erupted this month in Alaska. These two volcanoes erupted at nearly the same time. This is indicating that there is a massive build-up of tectonic stress on the West Coast of North America.

Pavlov in Alaska
We warned that our models were turning up in March for earthquakes on the West Coast. The Alaskan eruption of Mount Pavlov volcano on Alaska’s Aleutian Island chain blew ash, stone, dirt, and smoke some four miles into the air before lava began seeping out. The Pavlov volcano is around 600 miles southwest of Anchorage. Neither one was a killer explosion. However, the more we get at this level, it can combine as if there were one catastrophic eruption that blocks the sun. All of this is connected. There is also a cluster of earthquakes in Yellowstone National Park where there is the super volcano. We are attempting to get as much data into the system as possible so it can make the global correlations. We are short of staff but we are trying to find the time to accomplish this rapidly.
Categories: Understanding Cycles
Tags: Climate Change, Global Warming, Pavlov, Popocatépetl, volcanoes
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Where Will the Financial Crash First Begin? » Stankov's Universal Law Press
Where Will the Financial Crash First Begin?
by Georgi Stankov Posted on April 26, 2016
by Brad, The Barber of Sevilla and George, Peter Pan, April 27, 2016
“The crash and burn of that whole thought system being our cue to exit stage right… into the light…”First star on the right and straight on till morning”; says Peter Pan to Wendy and the boys… Jerry and Brad, you are both just the best boys!!! [Does that make George Peter Pan (of the PAT)??]”
Pamela Ennis
Dear Brad,
you sound as if you were really pumped while writing this article. No wonder as the energies are now very empowering and we made another ID leap in the last 24 hours. The cracks on the Orion facade are getting bigger and bigger and it is a marvel to witness its dissipation.
Today David Haggith sent me his latest article
Dohaha, Slippery Oil Laughs at Nearly Everyone
And this is what I responded:
“Dear David,
Pepe Escobar, who is very well-informed thinks that the Doha agreement failed under pressure from the US and not because the Saudis did not want to reduce oil production. This is also my opinion:
This gives a completely new perspective to this event and explains why oil price surged, which for me is an important proof that the Empire of Evil is no longer in control of the world events.
With best regards
The invariant pattern we observe now is that no matter what the cabal try to do, the opposite result happens. This is true for politics as well as economics. With this inverse manifestation, which the dark cabal have never experienced before, it is easy to envision when the breaking point is reached. One just needs to lean back and eat popcorn and enjoy the unfolding drama.
Can you predict shortly for me what do you expect to happen next in the financial markets? Where will the crash first begin? Or will there be a sudden death without any particular bank bankruptcy or the like?
With love and light
Dear George,
Any time I am urged to write an article the energies for me are usually incredibly intense and running “hot”. Today would be no different but it was building the last couple days. Just feel like a giant vibrating magnet I guess with ever-increasing intensity. It was amazing to write all that about magnets and then see you post that article on the magnetosphere, but why would that surprise me?
This oil subject is a perfect one to display the issue at work and the best way to guess what comes next. The ability to control the paper in these markets is the key to everything and what is being used to fund the fraud. It’s being used as one giant paper extractionary process by pure force. It’s the ATM and source of energy. This has always been underlying how these markets have been used, but now it is so blatant.
On Feb. 11th, the stock market as measured by the S&P was in full crash mode and broke through 1812 which was the last line of support. Oil was also crashing as well to new lows. The exact moment that the market would have normally gone into full meltdown, a “rogue” oil story came across that an agreement was to be made regarding production of oil as mentioned by some random Kuwaiti oil minister even though it was somewhere around 1 AM Kuwaiti time. All markets went into full reversal to the upside and painted a huge technical reversal on the charts that people are still chasing back to the upside. This is the infamous moment ZeroHedge has been trying to track down the conversations that were had at this exact time between Janet Yellen and Mario Draghi and other important phone calls that they won’t release to the public. I wouldn’t give her so much credit in this process as this is the most devious criminality ever displayed globally.
With the newly painted reversal in the charts that is controlling the entire money or liquidity flow of the entire world on Feb. 11th, the paper markets could now be taken advantage of just as they always do with the paper markets of the gold and silver world that I am beyond familiar with. Now the paper games have invaded every other market and people are finally getting angry by being beaten down by what the metals nerds have been complaining about forever. You would have to be incredibly desperate to do this to all markets because you are killing the golden goose here. Controlling the metals controlled the value of the paper currencies and corresponding interest rates in to keep a broken bond market alive, but to destroy the S&P is saying something.
I do want to point out that this is why you avoid the lawsuits now:
This is what suing the US for terrorism will get you.
When I told you the market would squeeze higher from February it was because of this reversal and because the options markets were heavily positioned by specs (hedge funds mostly) with bets to the downside. The commercials, or big boys, take the other side of these trades and made an absolute fortune with their infinite access to new liquidity being produced through Europe and Japan and hidden ways of reinvesting interest on the Feds massive portfolio by forcing the market back up and fleecing people not in on the con. This was the first time I ever saw this so obvious in the major markets.
The exact same thing took place in the oil market at the same time. The news that supposedly turned this whole thing around was that there would be an agreement to restrict oil supply. For two months we have watched the markets surge higher every time a headline came across that oil was fixed which really was only squeezing out the majority of short positions in the options markets. Now, we’ve hit the end of that road as it all is obviously fundamental bullshit, but the positioning in the options markets is completely opposite. The specs have been suckered in long again in both stocks and in oil. The gold market is the same but a different setup. Here’s a perfect article today showing the positioning:
So if I transpose this situation to what we should see next, the options expiration for the stock market was just on Friday. The tech heavy Nasdaq is struggling bad and signaling problems and leading a possible way down. If I go with my usual cynicism of this process, they are about to drop this market to make money to keep the games going and I don’t know how anyone will be left with yet another wash and rinse cycle that follows no laws but pure force. Most people left are just chasing this process around. This article shows the general sentiment all too well amongst most of those left and I found it quite funny that he used the term anarchist in his article after my anarchist financial joke a few days ago. The jokes write themselves anymore
The banks aren’t letting their ideas go bankrupt and they have access to infinite digits. Preventing the Western populations from understanding this and making a run on the bank to get out of the casino is all that keeps this together. So due to this, the ability to set price is everything if the paper can make everyone chase this. The wall of paper that has come up in the precious metals markets to stop its progress is almost historical right now. The paper reversal on Thursday to now make the charts look terrible with bad technical signals sets up the precious metals to get terrorized into their options expirations next week where the commercials will cash in on their epic short positions again and start to flip back the other direction as all spec players jump ship again.
This wash and rinse paper options process is what is underneath the line of ascension I pointed out in the gold chart from my last article. It’s all paper control, but all the physical supply disappeared to Russia and China and others and they are now starting the first physical pricing outside of the West last week. Now that they took it to all their markets, it’s a full-blown disaster how bad of shape the Western financial system is operating in. I hear the Eastern version of the Swift system or CIPS is nearly fully operational as well.
As the dark energies at work are so good at abandoning minions, I bet anything that wants to survive is abandoning the US and Britain and heading East. Reading China is very important here but nearly impossible to know some of the levels of infiltration. Here is a guy who lives in China and works with Denver Dave whose work has been quite incredible of an agnostic sort:
Some that have done an unbelievable amount of math on the physical gold market believe that the float or supply of gold that is filling the gap between production and delivery worldwide is coming out of London’s vaults and that they would run out by this June. They’ve taken Ukraine’s gold, Libya’s, and reclaimed Venezuela’s after Chavez’ death so the destruction and access to more gold is not out of the question. The synchronicity with the comments on London over the last two days on your site, in my world, and in the gold market would say that the Two Towers of London and whatever city in the US is appropriate (NY, Chicago, or Washington D.C.) are about to crumble and the most obvious instigator would be one of a couple of things. Either a failure to deliver gold from the West to some Asian market, which is an inevitability, or the loss of the ability to price something else such as oil. If Saudi Arabia, which is most likely bankrupt already but not called out for it, runs East for any life at all, that would get it done as well.
As you say, things in many areas are going the opposite direction of what the cabal may want, but there still is not a loss of the same control in these paper markets. The paper markets are setting up to squeeze the dollar higher for a few weeks, crush gold and commodities and related currencies again, and possibly start a nasty downtrend in the general markets. If all of that takes place, there is no loss of control. If the new pricing of gold in Asia in physical form and delivery prevents the paper control as it should soon, then the massive positions will be forced down the cabal bankers throats and they could get forced to buy their record positions back in a massive short squeeze instead of continually getting what they want by force. If that happens in any market, you will know. I’m not sure in the other markets, but that will be an instant default in the ability to perform in the Comex and surely a default. This is why the Comex just got listed so closely with the Fed and moved into a position of systemic liquidity support.
Basically, the West has written checks its ass can’t cash and multitudes of areas are secretly defaulting on everyone in hidden manners. If we don’t see an immediate intentional collapsing of the Dollar as it so obviously needs to be abandoned, then we will see a failure to deliver in the metals market. What is even more interesting with the metals is their ability to deliver silver. Silver is crucial to warfare and a continual cheap supply is vital to the perpetual war. This goes to the Chris Rock joke that if you want less people to get shot, then just make the bullets really expensive. I hope the failure to deliver occurs immediately in silver as that would be the most ultimate joke energetically in history. I like jokes.
Next week in the metals markets will tell us everything we need to know about the level of control that exists. Anyone who trades based on paper positioning is calling the metals market Halloween right now as it is scary how big the short positions are. If it blew up to the upside next week, we don’t live in Kansas anymore Toto.
I am still leaning towards metals failure as all should know, but oil pricing may do it. Now that luxury real estate is imploding, the default cycle is upon us and there is no stopping the chain of derivatives.
I hate to tell anyone, but discussing fundamentals is pointless. This all is only showing how powerful the dark energies at work have been and are beyond even my wildest imagination.
As far as agreements go between all these people, that’s not my world so I wouldn’t be able to make worthy commentary.
I hope next week displays Two Towers implosion time. My mom is a writer and we once had Ray Bradbury over to my house before he died. He knew the temperature at which paper would burn. What a stud.
With love and light
Dear Brad,
I did not expect such a comprehensive answer but it makes me very happy as I will now watch closely the areas you define as vulnerable. And I will publish your answer as a separate article tomorrow. I have just published The Bridge to Peace.
It is very interesting that your mother and family know Rad Bradbury as he was one of my favourite authors when I was young. It is remarkable that at that time these authors were immediately translated and published in Bulgaria although we were under communism and the censorship was omnipresent. Fahrenheit 451 struck me with its dystopian vision of the NWO beyond explanation as I knew it had a message for me that was not necessary related to the communist oppressive system at that time. It painted a dark future vision of humanity that was scary and somehow related to my mission in this life which I always had as an intuition even if I did not understand it until much later in my life.
Did you meet Ray Bradbury personally? He died in 2012 and his best books were written in the 50s when he was rather young. What did he do the next half a century? – I did not hear much of him after that.
With love and light
Dear George,
My mom was big into writer’s conferences so she was always setting up events. Ray Bradbury came to our house as part of an event so I did get to meet him, but he wasn’t a close friend by any means. That was in 1985 or so and I remember him being incredibly nice to speak with. I read his early works and definitely felt a connection, but I have no idea what he even wrote for the last 30 years.
The only other comments I have on the financial markets of note to watch would be the action in the Chinese Markets. Like the Nasdaq, it displayed some big weakness last week. Down 4%. That means the two main growth indicators the markets love to adhere to for their story are not looking great. This would go along with everything else I wrote. However, on the other side is that the great cycle traders show a runaway cycle developing in the S&P and a massive flow of money to the biotech and drugs. They have been very accurate lately, but when it’s all rigged like it is, these things keep getting used against everyone. It would be the blowoff top of all time and the biggest drug party ever known. God save us all if we have to watch the level of stupidity we would witness by the end of that.
Next week should be interesting, but isn’t it all at this point?
With love and light,
Dear Brad,
thank you very much for this background information on Ray Bradbury, I almost wrote Brad Raybury. You are too young but Bradbury was a pioneer in the 50s and 60s but as he was ahead of the rest of humanity it is a real surprise that he became so popular at that time. In the 80s few people knew or remembered him and since then it was very silent around him.
If the pharmaceutical and the tech companies are now the last resort for the robo traders, then it can’t last very long as we have discussed what these companies are worth – nothing. When the theory of the Universal Law comes, these companies will end up with a massive death like the dinosaurs.
With love and light
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Debunking the Jewish Myth » Stankov's Universal Law Press
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Debunking the Jewish Myth
by Georgi Stankov Posted on April 26, 2016
Georgi Stankov and Charlotte Smith, April 26, 2016
Today our topic is the conspiracies of the dark ones, the revelations of which now shape the End Time scenario. The origin of the Jews is a major component of the off-world conspiracies of the aliens from the Orion/Reptilian empire that have been the major source of all evil and wars on this planet. The current conflicts in the Middle East stem from the forged Jewish myth as the chosen people. It is also known that the banksters cabal in the West are of Khazarian origin and that this fraction aims at the full control of this planet through their Ponzi banking system which they created first in Europe and then exported to the USA. I have written a lot on this topic in the past.
I have also published about three years ago an article on a key genetic study performed by a Jewish scientist that debunked all the accepted myths regarding the Jewish origin that have been promoted by the dark ones before such genetic studies were possible.
The Orion Fraud with The Jewish Race as the “Chosen People”
In 2012 the Jewish researcher Eran Elhaik from Johns Hopkins University published his results that rejected the “Rhineland Hypothesis” and supported the “Khazarian Hypothesis” concerning the historical and ethnic origin of this nation based on the religion of Judaism and was vehemently attacked by the Jewish and western establishment:
Source: http://gbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/12/14/gbe.evs119.full.pdf
“Abstract: The question of Jewish ancestry has been the subject of controversy for over two centuries and has yet to be resolved. The “Rhineland Hypothesis” depicts Eastern European Jews as a “population isolate” that emerged from a small group of German Jews who migrated eastward and expanded rapidly. Alternatively, the “Khazarian Hypothesis” suggests that Eastern European Jew descended from the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Mesopotamian and Greco-Roman Jews continuously reinforced the Judaized Empire until the 13th century. Following the collapse of their empire, the Judeo-Khazars fled to Eastern Europe. The rise of European Jewry is therefore explained by the contribution of the Judeo-Khazars. Thus far, however, the Khazar’s contribution has been estimated only empirically, as the absence of genome-wide data from Caucasus populations precluded testing the Khazarian Hypothesis. Recent sequencing of modern Caucasus populations prompted us to revisit the Khazarian Hypothesis and compare it with the Rhineland Hypothesis. We applied a wide range of population genetic analyses to compare these two hypotheses. Our findings support the Khazarian Hypothesis and portray the European Jewish genome as a mosaic of Caucasus, European, and Semitic ancestries, thereby consolidating previous contradictory reports of Jewish ancestry. We further describe major difference among Caucasus populations explained by early presence of Judeans in the Southern and Central Caucasus. Our results have important implications on the demographic forces that shaped the genetic diversity in the Caucasus and medical studies.”
It is important to know in this context that the very existence of Israel is based on these historical myths as otherwise the foundation of Israel will be considered invasion and occupation of Palestinian land. If this idea is accepted as a political fact, the very existence of Israel as the most dark and criminal country on this planet is jeopardized.
Only a few days ago Netanyahu claimed that the occupied by Israel Golan Heights in Syria belong to Israel and that they will never be returned back to Syria. He made this statement after his visit to Putin in Moscow and was immediately rejected by Kremlin that pointed out that there is a UN resolution that defines the Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights as illegal and demands their return to Syria. Surprisingly, several days later both the USA and Germany, the two most staunch allies of Israel, also rejected Netanyahu’s claim and pointed out as the Russians to the existing UN resolution that demands the retreat of the Israeli forces from the Golan Heights.
This new political development indicates that some tectonic shifts are now happening within the cabal ranks and that the Diadochi fights are in full sway. This is a significant sign that we are nearing the A-Day when the cabal will be ousted from power and we can finally ascend. Today I read the following article in the Independent and sent the link to Charlotte Smith from the USA who is a specialist on the Jewish fraud and follows this story closely:
And this is what she just wrote back to me:
“This is very interesting for several reason.
1. When Dr. Elhaik first published the results of his DNA Analysis in November 2012, no one noticed because Khazar controlled Hollywood was busy scaring the daylights out of everyone with their 2012 movie.
2. Hollywood was obviously tipped off about the results because in September 2012 NY Post reported Kissinger said that within 10 years there would be no such thing as a Jew.
3. Dr. Elhaik was attacked from all sides in an effort to shut him up but he has persevered. Even though there was no discussion of this matter in the US, all of Europe lit up over the research because of the implications that Palestinians had been dying for 70 years over land that has always belonged to them because the Jews are not Jews or chosen people. In fact, shortly after the Dr. published his work in 2012, the boycott was put in place on goods produced in the occupied territories.
4. If the Independent is publishing something like this at this time, it would seem that they are preparing to make some type of worldwide statement. There was a rumor a few months back, maybe a year, about “Bibi” wanting access to the underground pyramids in the Ukraine because they actually controlled a portal off the planet. But Putin was unwilling to allow them to have the pyramids without a worldwide declaration that the Jews were not Jews and had no right to the land in Israel. But that rumor disappeared “quickly”.
Between this article: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/04/22/unprecedented-access/
This video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXXeynuGk5g
And with the collapse of the magnetosphere it would appear that forces are converging for some type of earth shattering announcement regarding religion.
And here is the latest article on the Jewish fraud based on a new genetic study by the same scientist that may have serious repercussions on the Revelation scenario before the Ascension scenario can fully unfold as Charlotte also surmises.
Scientists reveal Jewish history’s forgotten Turkish roots
Israeli-born geneticist believes the Turkish villages of Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz were part of the original homeland for Ashkenazic Jews
The Independent, April 19, 2016
New research suggests that the majority of the world’s modern Jewish population is descended mainly from people from ancient Turkey, rather than predominantly from elsewhere in the Middle East.
The new research suggests that most of the Jewish population of northern and eastern Europe – normally known as Ashkenazic Jews – are the descendants of Greeks, Iranians and others who colonized what is now northern Turkey more than 2000 years ago and were then converted to Judaism, probably in the first few centuries AD by Jews from Persia. At that stage, the Persian Empire was home to the world’s largest Jewish communities.
According to research carried out by the geneticist, Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield, over 90 per cent of Ashkenazic ancestors come from that converted partially Greek-originating ancient community in north-east Turkey.
His research is based on genetic, historical and place-name evidence. For his geographic genetic research, Dr Elhaik used a Geographic Population Structure computer modelling system to convert Ashkenazic Jewish DNA data into geographical information.
Dr Elhaik, an Israeli-born geneticist who gained his doctorate in molecular evolution from the University of Houston, believes that three still-surviving Turkish villages – Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz – on the western part of an ancient Silk Road route were part of the original Ashkenazic homeland. He believes that the word Ashkenaz originally comes from Ashguza – the ancient Assyrian and Babylonian name for the Iron Age Eurasian steppeland people, the Scythians.
Referring to the names of the three Turkish villages, Dr Elhaik points out that “north-east Turkey is the only place in the world where these place-names exist”.
From the 690s AD onwards, anti-Jewish persecution by the Christian Byzantine Empire seems to have played a part in forcing large numbers of Jews to flee across the Black Sea to a more friendly state – the Turkic-ruled Khazar Empire with its large Slav and other populations.
Some analyses of Yiddish suggests that it was originally a Slavic language, and Dr Elhaik and others believe that it was developed, probably in the 8th and 9th centuries AD, by Jewish merchants trading along some of the more northerly Silk Roads linking China and Europe.
By the 730s, the Khazar Empire had begun to convert to Judaism – and more people converted to the faith.
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Where Will the Financial Crash First Begin? » Stankov's Universal Law Press
Where Will the Financial Crash First Begin?
by Georgi Stankov Posted on April 26, 2016
by Brad, The Barber of Sevilla and George, Peter Pan, April 27, 2016
“The crash and burn of that whole thought system being our cue to exit stage right… into the light…”First star on the right and straight on till morning”; says Peter Pan to Wendy and the boys… Jerry and Brad, you are both just the best boys!!! [Does that make George Peter Pan (of the PAT)??]”
Pamela Ennis
Dear Brad,
you sound as if you were really pumped while writing this article. No wonder as the energies are now very empowering and we made another ID leap in the last 24 hours. The cracks on the Orion facade are getting bigger and bigger and it is a marvel to witness its dissipation.
Today David Haggith sent me his latest article
Dohaha, Slippery Oil Laughs at Nearly Everyone
And this is what I responded:
“Dear David,
Pepe Escobar, who is very well-informed thinks that the Doha agreement failed under pressure from the US and not because the Saudis did not want to reduce oil production. This is also my opinion:
This gives a completely new perspective to this event and explains why oil price surged, which for me is an important proof that the Empire of Evil is no longer in control of the world events.
With best regards
The invariant pattern we observe now is that no matter what the cabal try to do, the opposite result happens. This is true for politics as well as economics. With this inverse manifestation, which the dark cabal have never experienced before, it is easy to envision when the breaking point is reached. One just needs to lean back and eat popcorn and enjoy the unfolding drama.
Can you predict shortly for me what do you expect to happen next in the financial markets? Where will the crash first begin? Or will there be a sudden death without any particular bank bankruptcy or the like?
With love and light
Dear George,
Any time I am urged to write an article the energies for me are usually incredibly intense and running “hot”. Today would be no different but it was building the last couple days. Just feel like a giant vibrating magnet I guess with ever-increasing intensity. It was amazing to write all that about magnets and then see you post that article on the magnetosphere, but why would that surprise me?
This oil subject is a perfect one to display the issue at work and the best way to guess what comes next. The ability to control the paper in these markets is the key to everything and what is being used to fund the fraud. It’s being used as one giant paper extractionary process by pure force. It’s the ATM and source of energy. This has always been underlying how these markets have been used, but now it is so blatant.
On Feb. 11th, the stock market as measured by the S&P was in full crash mode and broke through 1812 which was the last line of support. Oil was also crashing as well to new lows. The exact moment that the market would have normally gone into full meltdown, a “rogue” oil story came across that an agreement was to be made regarding production of oil as mentioned by some random Kuwaiti oil minister even though it was somewhere around 1 AM Kuwaiti time. All markets went into full reversal to the upside and painted a huge technical reversal on the charts that people are still chasing back to the upside. This is the infamous moment ZeroHedge has been trying to track down the conversations that were had at this exact time between Janet Yellen and Mario Draghi and other important phone calls that they won’t release to the public. I wouldn’t give her so much credit in this process as this is the most devious criminality ever displayed globally.
With the newly painted reversal in the charts that is controlling the entire money or liquidity flow of the entire world on Feb. 11th, the paper markets could now be taken advantage of just as they always do with the paper markets of the gold and silver world that I am beyond familiar with. Now the paper games have invaded every other market and people are finally getting angry by being beaten down by what the metals nerds have been complaining about forever. You would have to be incredibly desperate to do this to all markets because you are killing the golden goose here. Controlling the metals controlled the value of the paper currencies and corresponding interest rates in to keep a broken bond market alive, but to destroy the S&P is saying something.
I do want to point out that this is why you avoid the lawsuits now:
This is what suing the US for terrorism will get you.
When I told you the market would squeeze higher from February it was because of this reversal and because the options markets were heavily positioned by specs (hedge funds mostly) with bets to the downside. The commercials, or big boys, take the other side of these trades and made an absolute fortune with their infinite access to new liquidity being produced through Europe and Japan and hidden ways of reinvesting interest on the Feds massive portfolio by forcing the market back up and fleecing people not in on the con. This was the first time I ever saw this so obvious in the major markets.
The exact same thing took place in the oil market at the same time. The news that supposedly turned this whole thing around was that there would be an agreement to restrict oil supply. For two months we have watched the markets surge higher every time a headline came across that oil was fixed which really was only squeezing out the majority of short positions in the options markets. Now, we’ve hit the end of that road as it all is obviously fundamental bullshit, but the positioning in the options markets is completely opposite. The specs have been suckered in long again in both stocks and in oil. The gold market is the same but a different setup. Here’s a perfect article today showing the positioning:
So if I transpose this situation to what we should see next, the options expiration for the stock market was just on Friday. The tech heavy Nasdaq is struggling bad and signaling problems and leading a possible way down. If I go with my usual cynicism of this process, they are about to drop this market to make money to keep the games going and I don’t know how anyone will be left with yet another wash and rinse cycle that follows no laws but pure force. Most people left are just chasing this process around. This article shows the general sentiment all too well amongst most of those left and I found it quite funny that he used the term anarchist in his article after my anarchist financial joke a few days ago. The jokes write themselves anymore
The banks aren’t letting their ideas go bankrupt and they have access to infinite digits. Preventing the Western populations from understanding this and making a run on the bank to get out of the casino is all that keeps this together. So due to this, the ability to set price is everything if the paper can make everyone chase this. The wall of paper that has come up in the precious metals markets to stop its progress is almost historical right now. The paper reversal on Thursday to now make the charts look terrible with bad technical signals sets up the precious metals to get terrorized into their options expirations next week where the commercials will cash in on their epic short positions again and start to flip back the other direction as all spec players jump ship again.
This wash and rinse paper options process is what is underneath the line of ascension I pointed out in the gold chart from my last article. It’s all paper control, but all the physical supply disappeared to Russia and China and others and they are now starting the first physical pricing outside of the West last week. Now that they took it to all their markets, it’s a full-blown disaster how bad of shape the Western financial system is operating in. I hear the Eastern version of the Swift system or CIPS is nearly fully operational as well.
As the dark energies at work are so good at abandoning minions, I bet anything that wants to survive is abandoning the US and Britain and heading East. Reading China is very important here but nearly impossible to know some of the levels of infiltration. Here is a guy who lives in China and works with Denver Dave whose work has been quite incredible of an agnostic sort:
Some that have done an unbelievable amount of math on the physical gold market believe that the float or supply of gold that is filling the gap between production and delivery worldwide is coming out of London’s vaults and that they would run out by this June. They’ve taken Ukraine’s gold, Libya’s, and reclaimed Venezuela’s after Chavez’ death so the destruction and access to more gold is not out of the question. The synchronicity with the comments on London over the last two days on your site, in my world, and in the gold market would say that the Two Towers of London and whatever city in the US is appropriate (NY, Chicago, or Washington D.C.) are about to crumble and the most obvious instigator would be one of a couple of things. Either a failure to deliver gold from the West to some Asian market, which is an inevitability, or the loss of the ability to price something else such as oil. If Saudi Arabia, which is most likely bankrupt already but not called out for it, runs East for any life at all, that would get it done as well.
As you say, things in many areas are going the opposite direction of what the cabal may want, but there still is not a loss of the same control in these paper markets. The paper markets are setting up to squeeze the dollar higher for a few weeks, crush gold and commodities and related currencies again, and possibly start a nasty downtrend in the general markets. If all of that takes place, there is no loss of control. If the new pricing of gold in Asia in physical form and delivery prevents the paper control as it should soon, then the massive positions will be forced down the cabal bankers throats and they could get forced to buy their record positions back in a massive short squeeze instead of continually getting what they want by force. If that happens in any market, you will know. I’m not sure in the other markets, but that will be an instant default in the ability to perform in the Comex and surely a default. This is why the Comex just got listed so closely with the Fed and moved into a position of systemic liquidity support.
Basically, the West has written checks its ass can’t cash and multitudes of areas are secretly defaulting on everyone in hidden manners. If we don’t see an immediate intentional collapsing of the Dollar as it so obviously needs to be abandoned, then we will see a failure to deliver in the metals market. What is even more interesting with the metals is their ability to deliver silver. Silver is crucial to warfare and a continual cheap supply is vital to the perpetual war. This goes to the Chris Rock joke that if you want less people to get shot, then just make the bullets really expensive. I hope the failure to deliver occurs immediately in silver as that would be the most ultimate joke energetically in history. I like jokes.
Next week in the metals markets will tell us everything we need to know about the level of control that exists. Anyone who trades based on paper positioning is calling the metals market Halloween right now as it is scary how big the short positions are. If it blew up to the upside next week, we don’t live in Kansas anymore Toto.
I am still leaning towards metals failure as all should know, but oil pricing may do it. Now that luxury real estate is imploding, the default cycle is upon us and there is no stopping the chain of derivatives.
I hate to tell anyone, but discussing fundamentals is pointless. This all is only showing how powerful the dark energies at work have been and are beyond even my wildest imagination.
As far as agreements go between all these people, that’s not my world so I wouldn’t be able to make worthy commentary.
I hope next week displays Two Towers implosion time. My mom is a writer and we once had Ray Bradbury over to my house before he died. He knew the temperature at which paper would burn. What a stud.
With love and light
Dear Brad,
I did not expect such a comprehensive answer but it makes me very happy as I will now watch closely the areas you define as vulnerable. And I will publish your answer as a separate article tomorrow. I have just published The Bridge to Peace.
It is very interesting that your mother and family know Rad Bradbury as he was one of my favourite authors when I was young. It is remarkable that at that time these authors were immediately translated and published in Bulgaria although we were under communism and the censorship was omnipresent. Fahrenheit 451 struck me with its dystopian vision of the NWO beyond explanation as I knew it had a message for me that was not necessary related to the communist oppressive system at that time. It painted a dark future vision of humanity that was scary and somehow related to my mission in this life which I always had as an intuition even if I did not understand it until much later in my life.
Did you meet Ray Bradbury personally? He died in 2012 and his best books were written in the 50s when he was rather young. What did he do the next half a century? – I did not hear much of him after that.
With love and light
Dear George,
My mom was big into writer’s conferences so she was always setting up events. Ray Bradbury came to our house as part of an event so I did get to meet him, but he wasn’t a close friend by any means. That was in 1985 or so and I remember him being incredibly nice to speak with. I read his early works and definitely felt a connection, but I have no idea what he even wrote for the last 30 years.
The only other comments I have on the financial markets of note to watch would be the action in the Chinese Markets. Like the Nasdaq, it displayed some big weakness last week. Down 4%. That means the two main growth indicators the markets love to adhere to for their story are not looking great. This would go along with everything else I wrote. However, on the other side is that the great cycle traders show a runaway cycle developing in the S&P and a massive flow of money to the biotech and drugs. They have been very accurate lately, but when it’s all rigged like it is, these things keep getting used against everyone. It would be the blowoff top of all time and the biggest drug party ever known. God save us all if we have to watch the level of stupidity we would witness by the end of that.
Next week should be interesting, but isn’t it all at this point?

Dear Brad,
thank you very much for this background information on Ray Bradbury, I almost wrote Brad Raybury. You are too young but Bradbury was a pioneer in the 50s and 60s but as he was ahead of the rest of humanity it is a real surprise that he became so popular at that time. In the 80s few people knew or remembered him and since then it was very silent around him.
If the pharmaceutical and the tech companies are now the last resort for the robo traders, then it can’t last very long as we have discussed what these companies are worth – nothing. When the theory of the Universal Law comes, these companies will end up with a massive death like the dinosaurs.
With love and light
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Debunking the Jewish Myth » Stankov's Universal Law Press
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Debunking the Jewish Myth
by Georgi Stankov Posted on April 26, 2016
Georgi Stankov and Charlotte Smith, April 26, 2016
Today our topic is the conspiracies of the dark ones, the revelations of which now shape the End Time scenario. The origin of the Jews is a major component of the off-world conspiracies of the aliens from the Orion/Reptilian empire that have been the major source of all evil and wars on this planet. The current conflicts in the Middle East stem from the forged Jewish myth as the chosen people. It is also known that the banksters cabal in the West are of Khazarian origin and that this fraction aims at the full control of this planet through their Ponzi banking system which they created first in Europe and then exported to the USA. I have written a lot on this topic in the past.
I have also published about three years ago an article on a key genetic study performed by a Jewish scientist that debunked all the accepted myths regarding the Jewish origin that have been promoted by the dark ones before such genetic studies were possible.
The Orion Fraud with The Jewish Race as the “Chosen People”
In 2012 the Jewish researcher Eran Elhaik from Johns Hopkins University published his results that rejected the “Rhineland Hypothesis” and supported the “Khazarian Hypothesis” concerning the historical and ethnic origin of this nation based on the religion of Judaism and was vehemently attacked by the Jewish and western establishment:
Source: http://gbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/12/14/gbe.evs119.full.pdf
“Abstract: The question of Jewish ancestry has been the subject of controversy for over two centuries and has yet to be resolved. The “Rhineland Hypothesis” depicts Eastern European Jews as a “population isolate” that emerged from a small group of German Jews who migrated eastward and expanded rapidly. Alternatively, the “Khazarian Hypothesis” suggests that Eastern European Jew descended from the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Mesopotamian and Greco-Roman Jews continuously reinforced the Judaized Empire until the 13th century. Following the collapse of their empire, the Judeo-Khazars fled to Eastern Europe. The rise of European Jewry is therefore explained by the contribution of the Judeo-Khazars. Thus far, however, the Khazar’s contribution has been estimated only empirically, as the absence of genome-wide data from Caucasus populations precluded testing the Khazarian Hypothesis. Recent sequencing of modern Caucasus populations prompted us to revisit the Khazarian Hypothesis and compare it with the Rhineland Hypothesis. We applied a wide range of population genetic analyses to compare these two hypotheses. Our findings support the Khazarian Hypothesis and portray the European Jewish genome as a mosaic of Caucasus, European, and Semitic ancestries, thereby consolidating previous contradictory reports of Jewish ancestry. We further describe major difference among Caucasus populations explained by early presence of Judeans in the Southern and Central Caucasus. Our results have important implications on the demographic forces that shaped the genetic diversity in the Caucasus and medical studies.”
It is important to know in this context that the very existence of Israel is based on these historical myths as otherwise the foundation of Israel will be considered invasion and occupation of Palestinian land. If this idea is accepted as a political fact, the very existence of Israel as the most dark and criminal country on this planet is jeopardized.
Only a few days ago Netanyahu claimed that the occupied by Israel Golan Heights in Syria belong to Israel and that they will never be returned back to Syria. He made this statement after his visit to Putin in Moscow and was immediately rejected by Kremlin that pointed out that there is a UN resolution that defines the Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights as illegal and demands their return to Syria. Surprisingly, several days later both the USA and Germany, the two most staunch allies of Israel, also rejected Netanyahu’s claim and pointed out as the Russians to the existing UN resolution that demands the retreat of the Israeli forces from the Golan Heights.
This new political development indicates that some tectonic shifts are now happening within the cabal ranks and that the Diadochi fights are in full sway. This is a significant sign that we are nearing the A-Day when the cabal will be ousted from power and we can finally ascend. Today I read the following article in the Independent and sent the link to Charlotte Smith from the USA who is a specialist on the Jewish fraud and follows this story closely:
And this is what she just wrote back to me:
“This is very interesting for several reason.
1. When Dr. Elhaik first published the results of his DNA Analysis in November 2012, no one noticed because Khazar controlled Hollywood was busy scaring the daylights out of everyone with their 2012 movie.
2. Hollywood was obviously tipped off about the results because in September 2012 NY Post reported Kissinger said that within 10 years there would be no such thing as a Jew.
3. Dr. Elhaik was attacked from all sides in an effort to shut him up but he has persevered. Even though there was no discussion of this matter in the US, all of Europe lit up over the research because of the implications that Palestinians had been dying for 70 years over land that has always belonged to them because the Jews are not Jews or chosen people. In fact, shortly after the Dr. published his work in 2012, the boycott was put in place on goods produced in the occupied territories.
4. If the Independent is publishing something like this at this time, it would seem that they are preparing to make some type of worldwide statement. There was a rumor a few months back, maybe a year, about “Bibi” wanting access to the underground pyramids in the Ukraine because they actually controlled a portal off the planet. But Putin was unwilling to allow them to have the pyramids without a worldwide declaration that the Jews were not Jews and had no right to the land in Israel. But that rumor disappeared “quickly”.
Between this article: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/04/22/unprecedented-access/
This video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXXeynuGk5g
And with the collapse of the magnetosphere it would appear that forces are converging for some type of earth shattering announcement regarding religion.
And here is the latest article on the Jewish fraud based on a new genetic study by the same scientist that may have serious repercussions on the Revelation scenario before the Ascension scenario can fully unfold as Charlotte also surmises.
Scientists reveal Jewish history’s forgotten Turkish roots
Israeli-born geneticist believes the Turkish villages of Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz were part of the original homeland for Ashkenazic Jews
The Independent, April 19, 2016
New research suggests that the majority of the world’s modern Jewish population is descended mainly from people from ancient Turkey, rather than predominantly from elsewhere in the Middle East.
The new research suggests that most of the Jewish population of northern and eastern Europe – normally known as Ashkenazic Jews – are the descendants of Greeks, Iranians and others who colonized what is now northern Turkey more than 2000 years ago and were then converted to Judaism, probably in the first few centuries AD by Jews from Persia. At that stage, the Persian Empire was home to the world’s largest Jewish communities.
According to research carried out by the geneticist, Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield, over 90 per cent of Ashkenazic ancestors come from that converted partially Greek-originating ancient community in north-east Turkey.
His research is based on genetic, historical and place-name evidence. For his geographic genetic research, Dr Elhaik used a Geographic Population Structure computer modelling system to convert Ashkenazic Jewish DNA data into geographical information.
Dr Elhaik, an Israeli-born geneticist who gained his doctorate in molecular evolution from the University of Houston, believes that three still-surviving Turkish villages – Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz – on the western part of an ancient Silk Road route were part of the original Ashkenazic homeland. He believes that the word Ashkenaz originally comes from Ashguza – the ancient Assyrian and Babylonian name for the Iron Age Eurasian steppeland people, the Scythians.
Referring to the names of the three Turkish villages, Dr Elhaik points out that “north-east Turkey is the only place in the world where these place-names exist”.
From the 690s AD onwards, anti-Jewish persecution by the Christian Byzantine Empire seems to have played a part in forcing large numbers of Jews to flee across the Black Sea to a more friendly state – the Turkic-ruled Khazar Empire with its large Slav and other populations.
Some analyses of Yiddish suggests that it was originally a Slavic language, and Dr Elhaik and others believe that it was developed, probably in the 8th and 9th centuries AD, by Jewish merchants trading along some of the more northerly Silk Roads linking China and Europe.
By the 730s, the Khazar Empire had begun to convert to Judaism – and more people converted to the faith.
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