Friday, May 6, 2016

sharing3 - Higher Realms - Digital Currency - The Chickens Come Home to Roost

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Digital Currency and Related Scam Are the Last Futile Efforts of the Dark Cabal to Save their Lives » Stankov's Universal Law Press

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Digital Currency and Related Scam Are the Last Futile Efforts of the Dark Cabal to Save their Lives

by Georgi Stankov Posted on May 4, 2016

Brad Barber, May 5, 2016

Dear Brad,

what is your take on this news:

Something is in the making, but I doubt that it is that much advanced as to be introduced before the system collapses and then it does not matter.

With love and light


Dear George,

That one nearly has it all. I’m half-afraid to write anything cynical about what they would be up to as it keeps coming true. The constructive side of what we discuss doesn’t seem to want to be so agreeable.

This moment reminds me of the onset of the Industrial Revolution. That’s pretty much when religion lost its grasp due to the population size and too much information getting around so mankind had to be harnessed in a different manner. God wasn’t scaring enough people and the ego had to be taken advantage of.

Now, money is dying as the control method so the priests of the church are trying their best to find ways to include the congregation to keep a belief structure intact. The next step will be the “money drop” as the Ponzi scheme has killed all value in the currency. Printing their stairway to heaven hasn’t worked.

I’m glad to finally see someone in politics quantify the financial apartheid that has been created with a socialist bailout policy for the “elite” and hyper-capitalist death match for the rest of us.

If they can find a way to keep printing money and replace Source connection completely, it’s lights out (all other wonderful things we discuss excluded of course). Everyone in the upper crust is finding the printer can never be shut off ever again or they will lose all their privilege. The moves in all Western economies are the greatest governmental and corporate fascist clique fraud ever attempted.

The best way to continue this would be to now give money to the people. Believe in me people. But it has to be on their terms of course. I’m guessing the next step is to start to apply the beginning stages of universal income but all money will be electronically tracked. I would bet this is much further along than even our worst guesses as people like Blythe Masters, the inventor of credit default swaps, has been working in this area for quite some time. Now that you see Larry Summers involved, we are all doomed.

There’s a reason they quit printing the 500 Euro note despite what they said a couple of months ago.

As you pointed out so perfectly in one of your articles, the brokerages are now moving money market funds to government securities and different cash concepts. Choice will continually be removed, but there has to be some bit of “sugar” for the masses to keep them as sources of energy.

You can’t make it much funnier in this article than the spot where they mentioned the head of Pfizer, Inc. was there. After all of my recent drug comments I don’t think I need to say much more except “Why the f&%# is the head of Pfizer at this meeting?” Planetary Nurse Ratched is all you need to know. Maybe Eric Schmidt should eat dinner at everyone’s house every night after dropping down the chimney. Satan Claus knows when you’ve been naughty and nice.

The other key term was reconciliation and understanding the speed of capital. This is the modern day process of having the fastest ships across the Atlantic to get the information fastest and profit off of it. The faster they can move capital around the globe, and the slower they make the humans, the easier it is to always arbitrage that advantage and make sure it’s win-win. If a few more gains can be made tomorrow by exploiting a small error in valuing Polish basket weavers while borrowing in Norwegian Krone for 18 minutes while you send in the police to raid the basket shop due to them being a little to vocal about not liking being molested then that’s what will happen.

In any cash accounting basis, and non margin, there is the inconvenience of actually having to wait for some transaction to settle fully before being able to redeploy funds. It’s very difficult to get high every day when you have to wait. The instantaneous clearing process of blockchain is like Bill Clinton being limber enough to be able to lick himself. Heaven on Earth for exploitative systems.

“Give me a bottle of whiskey and a quiet hour to drink it in.” – Clint Eastwood

Light based energy has what I call Rambo disease. In the movie, Rambo was a veteran who walked into town just looking for something to eat. The local sheriff harassed him a told him to get out of town because of how he looked. Light based people just want to be left alone. I was the same way until I realized the design was to truly “own” it. Rambo ended up blowing up the whole town just because the sheriff wouldn’t let him get something to eat in peace. These concepts are all about the energies at work finding ways to make sure you will never be left alone.

Light based thought is always way behind because of this. The fraud always heads to hijack the new areas as there are no laws that exist to contain their crimes. Most are still trying to get some justice for 2008 and the laws don’t even start to contain the fraud from that. Now that the curtain is being dropped again as the banking system fails in its current design, it may be time to be forced to pay them off. Now that money is completely spiritually bankrupt, why not?

The best way to ensure that you will never be able to rest is to pay you, drug you, and electronically monitor every aspect of it so that the process will have an infinite Khazarian style engrained parasitism that will always be able to leach in a systemic fashion. Future beings would know no difference.

My children are being taught all of this in school now in pretend capitalist “mini societies.”

Obviously, I am rooting for a massive “flood fabulous” of transliminal souls to deal with, because if this continues a linear path only introducing a wisdom through the children being born, Rambo have to pay the sheriff 10% just to think about breakfast. There are signs for sure.

The funniest part is how every new idea is about how to help everyone pay faster.

All we talk about is how people truly can get paid. You’d think more would want to talk to us.

The rest of humanity is filing lawsuits at the gates of Mordor and the eye is looking the wrong way. We’re up the volcano and holy shit I’m tired. Toss the damn ring in the volcano so I can eat my breakfast in peace.

With love and light,


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How the Higher Realms Cripple Dark 3D Technology in the End Time » Stankov's Universal Law Press

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How the Higher Realms Cripple Dark 3D Technology in the End Time

by Georgi Stankov Posted on April 29, 2016

by Georgi Stankov, April 29, 2016

Brad discusses today in his article “The Dollar Is Dead” how all dark 3D technologies are failing spectacularly in the current End Time when coming in contact with source energies flowing through our expanded fields as Logos Gods. And a few minutes later this spectacular news:

Large Hadron Collider: Weasel causes shutdown

“The Large Hadron Collider at Cern is offline after suffering a short circuit – caused by a weasel. The unfortunate creature did not survive the encounter with a transformer at the site near Geneva in Switzerland. The LHC was running when a “severe electrical perturbation” occurred in the early hours of Friday morning.

A spokesman for Cern said that the weasel did not get into the tunnels, just the electrical facilities. Arnaud Marsollier told the BBC that while it was, fortunately, not every day that an animal affected the equipment, it was not that surprising as the research facility is in the countryside. Really!?“

Our immediate creation continues unabated and is gaining momentum with each day. Brad predicted the collapse of the dollar as follows today:

“The gold market should have been laid to waste this week with options expiring and instead it has rallied hard and closed tonight over the $1265 that I’m looking for to go nuts up to the mid $1500’s. Tomorrow is a huge day as a weekly close over $1265 would be surreal with everything in paper world saying the opposite should be happening. It is the loss of control we are looking for. The physical market is now taking over and it doesn’t exist in the West anymore.”

And guess what? Today the gold price has surged early this morning to $1295 and has currently stabilized around $1291.

Conclusion: The dark cabal and their banksters are now rapidly losing control over the financial markets and the world situation and the crash is striding with giant steps. It does not need a “black swan” but a small weasel to shut down the only technological vehicle the dark forces have at their disposal with which they try to hinder our ascension – the large hadron collider in CERN. And now…. what will be needed for the dollar to collapse…?

This is what I define as the law of cosmic optimization:

minimal cause, maximal effect.

Until the next showdown.

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The Dollar is Dead » Stankov's Universal Law Press

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The Dollar is Dead

by Georgi Stankov Posted on April 29, 2016

Brad Barber, April 29, 2016

We are on the edge of a complete Dollar panic selloff. My article “The Helmet Comes Off” is more perfect now than it was last year. It’s dedicated to the Dollar jihadis.



Dear Brad,

I just reread your article “The Helmet comes off” which was published on November 1, 2015, exactly on my birthday:

Then when I came down to the second till fourth charts they are actualized till April 28th, today. How is this possible as we have only pictures of them and the article was published last year?

But apart from that what is now crashing the dollar? Can you read it behind the chart?

With love and light



Dear George,

The amount of stuff that took place in two days….. I just have to type something to deal with it. All of it happened. All of it. After you said you went through the ascension test run two days ago, I was trashed yesterday into last night. I came home and didn’t even take my clothes off and slept all night. Went out to eat yesterday and all food not prepared by higher consciousness hands basically is losing any taste at all. My friend said the exact same thing. The costs are skyrocketing and there is nothing there.

That’s basically exactly why the dollar is falling apart, although not completely yet. Technically, it’s on the edge of oblivion. There’s nothing there to make anything taste good except the pure force that is trying to tell the world it still tastes good. The prices are wrong everywhere so that imbalance is finally starting to show now that the rest of the world is getting the chance to have its say. To see those Chinese and Russian oil pricing articles released after The Barber of Peter Pan Sevilla is just so powerful. The ability of the East to have a say in worldwide pricing is everything. NWO likes to serve garbage and price it too so it creates brutal human beings that don’t know any better instead of having to work hard to produce quality.

The gold market should have been laid to waste this week with options expiring and instead it has rallied hard and closed tonight over the $1265 that I’m looking for to go nuts up to the mid $1500’s. Tomorrow is a huge day as a weekly close over $1265 would be surreal with everything in paper world saying the opposite should be happening. It is the loss of control we are looking for. The physical market is now taking over and it doesn’t exist in the West anymore. (Read also here and here about the dissociation between the financial Ponzi schemes and the real economy in the Greatest Depression that represents the plight of the people. The latter stands for truth and determines the collapse of the old Orion matrix. Note, George)

If the West loses the ability to price things as it appears, then we have the first true signs of multipolarity functioning. If this is the case, every single thing priced in dollars is in big trouble and the American public are the odd ones out. I believe John Williams said it best in this article. A worldwide divestiture of dollar based assets and the only thing to be buying them is the Fed printer and this wonderfully undereducated American public.

I may be completely wrong in my assessment that many could use a huge balancing in their systemic understandings. Everyone talking love and moving forward in God’s will and they don’t know a single thing about what is taking place. I see a massive addiction in beings around me to letting things take place in a random manner so that they can box it up as seen fit. How are you loving someone as you throw them under the bus with this bs? It’s not hard to see the open energetic circuits at this point, but around here, it’s only the individual circuit that’s open and willing to accept cash at any time. I get it that you have a strong intuition but you can’t apply it any sound fashion with what you are thinking. You’ll ascend your way into the dumpster of pain yet again. But then, this is my view again now isn’t it?

The earnings from the last two days are just plain sad to watch as the dark energies flail and flail. Basically the tech index of Nasdaq is giving a signal that a 17 month top is in and about to get annihilated. Apple laid the egg that it should have, but the rest is just sad to watch the financial engineering fail. The level of debt is skyrocketing as earnings crater leaving the corporate world as one giant hollowed out failure and most of these companies have been using all of their money to buy their own shares back at much higher prices than they are at now. The high and mighty are just coming out pathetic one after another. The shitty technology is about to lead the way down and that quite appropriate. People don’t realize the greatest technologies in the world are hiding behind what the gold and silver markets are screaming at you. It’s not hard to toss silver coins into the wishing well after you extricate them from the fraud either. Just sayin’

Tesla can’t even make a dollar and the West values his government backed failures at ridiculous prices. Pure failure. Please double down and buy on every dip. No flavor. No taste. Bland as hell. Anyone even ask where the electricity comes from for these “clean” ideas. Anyone ask about the debt slavery involved with all this poor cooking?

The saddest effort is the news out of Facebook yesterday and Amazon and LinkedIn today. So the only companies that are supposedly killing it now are the ones that are sponsored and additionally funded by the government to know everything you do at work, everything you do at home, and everything you buy. Watching a few traders still chase this around like it is something exciting is really quite sad. There’s no flavor left. There’s no taste. There’s no salsa, tabasco, cholula, Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, mustard, sriracha, soy product, barbecue sauce, pepper, garnish, fruit, vegetable, pudding, or any other type addition to a meal that can possibly produce any viably edible product ever again out of this system.

We have Larry Summers joining a Bitcoin firm as bitcoin surges again in the 50 shades of consciousness game. This may be one of the funniest jokes ever written.

There is only one thing funnier than Larry Summers and bitcoin that could happen today and it just came across the wires. Legendary cabal stooge “Mad Money” Jim Cramer telling the world to buy drugs. America anesthetized!

The fraud can now trash the stock markets to make a few bucks like they’ve set it up to do. This is where everyone is about to find out that any idea priced in dollars ain’t a good idea. The gold and silver markets are the first ones to heal themselves as the real metal beings to price it. Platinum and palladium will join in too. The US doesn’t barely produce any palladium and yet prices it. So dumb. Most of the palladium comes out of Russia. Hmmmmmmm……. The other materials are all up in the air as there is plenty of supply. Oil could now go about any direction but gas in the US could become unbelievably expensive real fast. The rest may go up in relation to dollar failure but nothing will touch gold and silver. Stocks don’t even matter as this will destroy companies earnings potentials. Liquidity, the most important, will then not matter soon either as the drugs become worthless. Printing only works if you have value.

Everyone in the US and your belief in real estate and sky-high prices being a good thing, please put a cork in your face. You stormtroopers over-charging for rent and over-leveraging properties to do so can follow all the lemmings off the cliff.

We have a discussion on nuclear energy and the immediate Western failures show themselves:

We discuss 3-D printing and get a sign of immediate life as these stocks shouldn’t be rallying. Maybe there are few chefs in here that know how to season the meat. The debt fraud can never afford this to work.

We just had one of the biggest drug M&A days in history. Nothing can wait anymore. This all manifests immediately.$5.8B+Cash+and+Stock+Deal/11552354.html

The Fed failed yesterday and the BOJ failed in not destroying itself further last night as everyone expected. There’s nothing but fail. Who’s the chef?

I have seen way too many comments on Susan Sarandon and what she said about Hillary Clinton last night. You know what, she at least headed for the bridge of Peace. The election of Obama neutered any celebrity of saying almost anything for the last 8 years or they would be labeled racist.

I could talk about the vertical rallies in silver miners all day. Charts of GPL that display it all. I could go on for days with all that came out the last two days, but it only one thing matters.

The days of image are dead. The only truly great seasoning and flavor is stored in the people. Talking loud ain’t saying nothing.

The Two Towers of War are crumbling.

Time to honor Neil Young with this one because we’ve been searching for the Hearts of Gold and it’s getting old.

The dollar is dead!

Rest in Peace.

With love and light


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