Monday, May 9, 2016

SHARING3- archive- The Hand That Bites Itself » Die Hand, die sich selber beißt - A+ -Think Bold, Blow Up the Shackles of the Orion Matrix » Masters of the Multidimensional Chessboard

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by Georgi Stankov Posted on May 7, 2016

What Will Happen When the Dark US Cabal Tries to Kill Donald Trump? 
– A Message From My Higher Self

Schinzhi Rumi, May 8, 2016

Question to my Highest Self: Does the Source of All-That-Is have a message of relevance to the current primary elections and imminent presidential elections in the USA? 

Answer: Yes. 

Request: Please tell me this message now.

Answer: The imminent US-presidential elections require thorough, profound observation by all those observers incarnated in human form on behalf of the Source of All-That-Is. (That is why I am publishing recently so many articles on the election race that is dominated by Donald Trump. Note, George) These elections are of such far-reaching relevance because there will be no future US-presidential candidates and US-presidents.

The end of the US-economy and US-hegemony has come.
 The rampant excess of power abuse, the political miscalculations, the self-serving objectives and single-mindedness of the current US-government and previous US-governments have herewith come to a long expected end.
 There will be no future US-president who could lead the USA as a whole, great, united nation and military and economic power, no president who would allow an invisible, hardly visible hand in a red velvet glove to manipulate, to move, to lead, to control, to guide him like a stooge, a puppet on a string, an executive tool. 

The hand in the glove bites itself like a poisonous snake in anger because its selected prey got out of the reach of and wished away from its deadly bite the very last instant.
 (The emphasis here is on the word WISH, implying that some benevolent force wished the prey away from the snake. Note, Rumi.)

In view of the turbulent power struggles inside the shadow government of the USA and the associated shadow government which intends to execute unlimited rule over the entire Earth and which, to this end, has placed itself in strategic positions and set, and intends to set, means and powers in motion, it should be noted that certain forces inside this shadow government have failed to remember and to merge with the Source inside themselves whence the creative powers available to them spring, for which reason these forces do not act from the fulcrum of their timeless soulselves, but from and on the surface of their short-lived human selves.

It should be noted that there are forces inside this shadow government aware of the consequences of their previous and current actions to the disadvantage of all other souls incarnated in and as all kinds of lifeforms on this Earth. And that these forces find themselves in an unlearning/relearning and unthinking/rethinking process. And that these forces use the means and powers available to them in order to foil the realization and the worst consequences of the plans of this shadow government.

(Months ago Carla received information from her HS that there are essentially five factions in the deep US government and two of them are more sane and positively orientated. Especially one patriotic faction is doing everything possible to curtail the destructive decisions of the other three dark factions such as neo-cons. We must wait and see how these internal fights will play out when the shit will hit the fan. Note, George.)

There are those awakened, enlightened forces inside this shadow government which, apparently, are working to realize the plans of the shadow government and which, on the surface of public perception, appear to be the clear perpetrators of these plans. This masquerade is necessary in order to keep the true intentions and plans of these awakened, enlightened forces from premature exposure.

In view of such a background situation it is no wonder that the current information situation on the surface of public perception is anything but unambiguous, but deliberately contradictory and polarizing. This polarization serves on the one hand to distract the awakening masses a little longer from getting on the proverbial right track, on the other hand to confuse all those forces inside this shadow government fighting each other. This is a very dangerous game which only such a player can handle who understands to purposely use the worldly and spiritual means and powers available to him on behalf of All-That-Is.

This game will culminate at that moment when it will be unambiguously and irrefutably clear that the current US-presidential candidate Donald Trump will fall victim or could fall victim or will have fallen victim to an assassination attempt.
 Such an assassination attempt on the political system of the USA, the world’s largest military and economic power – the latter only nominally, though – would amount to and will result in rendering the USA incapable of acting and in placing the proverbial reins of power into the hands of an interim government.
 An interim government set up for the singular purpose of giving rein to those forces having bitten their own hand.
 This interim government will apparently go to so far a degree as to use the means and powers available to it either to the greatest benefit or to the greatest damage to all those at the mercy of these forces.

Statement: This means that this interim government will be set up by those forces working to realize plans which are not on behalf of the Source of All-That-Is.
 Is this correct?

Answer: This is correct. It must be taken into consideration, however, that there are forces inside this shadow government acting on behalf of the Source of All-That-Is which are keenly aware of and actively working against this attempted coup, even if this is not perceived in such a way on the surface of public perception. In fact, there is the possibility and probability that those forces acting on behalf of the Source of All-That-Is will gain the proverbial upper hand and set up a government which will change the existing system of power abuse in the USA to the benefit of the entire world and all life on this Earth.

Question: What role does Germany or the Federal Republic of Germany (short: FRG) play in this scenario?

Answer: Germany’s role in this scenario will apparently be a subordinate one because Germany or, precisely speaking, the FRG is locked in an asymmetrical state of dependence to the USA which still are present and operate as silent occupation force in this central part of Europe.

No FRG-government has ever been sovereign. No FRG-government has ever acted on behalf of the German people and the people living in Germany, but always on behalf of the forces and powers controlling the FRG.

At this moment, the FRG is locked in a pinch of diverse political, economic, military forces and powers which restrain the FRG’s already restrained capacity to act and to decide in a self-determined way to such a degree that it would be more appropriate to speak of the Banana Republic of Germany, BRG or a vassal state not able and not allowed to sovereignly represent and exert its own interests at home and abroad.

The existing BRG-government finds itself unable to break free from this pinch by itself in view of a permanent state of attack which is active but not actively executed. The function of this state of attack is that of a lever undoing the FRG’s inner stability. A time fuse which can be adjusted and activated at any moment in order to detonate at certain times in certain places for the purpose of destroying the FRG’s inner stability – if necessary, for the purpose of destroying the FRG as a whole.

(This is a very important information which every German citizen should know and keep in mind as this is how this country has always been weakened and subjugated by the Empire of Evil, beginning with the CIA sponsored RFA terrorism (Gladio) in the 70s and 80s until the recent massive invasion of Middle East refugees in Germany and the rogue and immoral agreements of Germany and EU with Turkey that were drafted by US NGOs in Europe. Read here. Not to speak of the VW scandal that was organized by the USA to crash the German car industry and force the German industry lobby to obey the Russian sanctions which it criticizes. Note, George)

Question: What is the effect of the souls in human form present in Germany which act on behalf of the Source of All-That-Is?

Answer: The relevance of these souls must not be underestimated, but also not overestimated. Their function is to defuse the very real threat to the inner stability and to quietly make sure that destructive forces will not be able to become operational. To this end, the destructive impulse inherent in and implanted into these forces is deleted, the energetic basis for executing destructive impulses and programmes is withdrawn.

As for this BRG-government, there is no hope in expecting that this government will initiate any self-induced measures for the benefit of the German people and the people living in Germany. This government will cling to the existing world system to the very end and use the means and powers available to it in their own interest and in the interest of the forces and powers controlling it. The system BRG will not fall on its own.

Question: Is there any probability that the people living in Germany will awaken to such an extent that they will topple the system BRG and reform it on their own?

Answer: It is not about reforming a dysfunctional system. It is not about reforming the world system. It is not about reforming the USA. It is not about reforming any existing man-made system. It is exclusively about reforming human thinking and human consciousness. From such a reformed thinking and consciousness arise new approaches and proposals to finding solutions how to establish a self-determined life on this Earth, a life unknown to humanity for too long a time.

Statement: There is no need to reform any existing dysfunctional system in this dysfunctional world system from the vantage point of a human personality existing in a three-dimensional space-time continuum aware of its true multidimensional nature. Such a personality does not identify itself with any nation, any religion, any ethnic group, any man-made identification feature, not even with its apparently own, stand-alone personality.

Such a personality considers such features as possibilities to experience itself and to differentiate itself as human life form in a three-dimensional time-space continuum. Such a personality is no longer bound by man-made systems, even if the human body wherein such a personality resides exists in a three-dimensional time-space continuum. The farther the consciousness of a human personality unfolds, the more strongly and more permanently the soul’s inherent knowing about its true multidimensional nature reaches and penetrates the surface of the human personality’s consciousness. As a result, the cognitive limits imposed on and accepted by this personality dissolve. Such a personality is freer than another personality which has not been able to lift these limits or whose soul has not willfully lifted these limits for the purpose of experiencing itself as human life form in a three-dimensional space-time-continuum.

Is there anything that needs to be added in this regard?

Answer: It should be added that, principally, each and every soul incarnated in human form on this Earth in this time-space continuum has the possibility to remember its true soul nature in the course of this ongoing ascension process and to act as human expression of soul truthfulness in this world and to change this world system. Even though it is not about changing the existing world system, but about each and every human personality remembering its true soul nature and, therefore, its apparent return to the Source of All-That-Is.

Statement: A human personality is, so to say, the surface function of a soul incarnated in human form which enables this soul to experience itself as human personality in a three-dimensional space-time-continuum.

Answer: Nothing needs to be added in this regard.

This is the end of this announcement.


06.05.2016: Die Hand, die sich selber beißt

Frage an mein Höchstes Selbst: Hat die Quelle des Allganzen eine wichtige Nachricht bezüglich der gegenwärtigen Vorwahlen und kommenden Wahlen zur US-Präsidentschaft?

Antwort: Ja.

Aufforderung: Bitte teile mir jetzt diese Nachricht mit.

Antwort: Die bevorstehenden US-Präsidentschaftswahlen erfordern eine eingehende, tiefgründige Betrachtung durch all jene Beobachter, die im Sinne der Quelle des Allganzen auf dieser Erde in menschlicher Gestalt inkarniert sind. Diese Wahlen sind deswegen von solch weitreichender Bedeutung, weil es keine künftigen US-Präsidentschaftskandidaten und US-Präsidenten mehr geben wird.

Das Ende der US-Wirtschaft und US-Herrschaft ist gekommen. Der ausufernde Machtmissbrauch, die politischen Fehleinschätzungen, die eigennützigen Zielsetzungen und Zielstrebigkeiten der gegenwärtigen US-Regierung und voriger US-Regierungen haben hiermit ein zu erwartendes und lange erwartetes Ende gefunden. Es wird keinen künftigen US-Präsidenten mehr geben, der die USA als ganze, große, geschlossene Nation und Militär- und Wirtschaftsmacht anführen könnte, kein Präsident, der sich als Handlanger, Marionette, ausführendes Werkzeug einer unsichtbaren, kaum sichtbaren Hand in einem roten Samthandschuh manipulieren, bewegen, führen, lenken, leiten ließe.

Die Hand im Handschuh beißt sich selber wie eine Giftschlange im Zorne, weil die von ihr ausgesuchte Beute ihrem tödlichen Zubiss im letzten Moment entkommen und entwunschen ist. (Das Verb entwunschen ist ein Neologismus und wurde mir anstelle des Verbes entwischen vorgeschlagen. Die Bedeutung liegt hier im Worte WUNSCH, als hätten wohlwollende Kräfte die Beute vor der Schlange weggewünscht. Bemerkung, Rumi.)

Angesichts der turbulenten Machtkämpfe innerhalb der Schattenregierung der USA und der damit verbundenen Schattenregierung, die ihre Herrschaft über die gesamte Erde in uneingeschränktem Maße auszuüben gedenkt und sich dementsprechend strategisch aufgestellt und ausgerichtet und Mittel und Mächte in Bewegung gesetzt hat und zu setzen gedenkt, sei gesagt, dass gewisse Kräfte innerhalb dieser Schattenregierung es versäumt haben, sich auf die ihnen innewohnende Quelle zu besinnen, der die ihnen zur Verfügung stehende Schaffenskraft entspringt, und sich mit dieser Quelle bewusst zu verseelen, weswegen diese Kräfte nicht aus der Tiefe ihres zeitlosen seelischen Selbstes heraus handeln, sondern von und an der Oberfläche ihres kurzlebigen menschlichen Selbstes.

Es sei gesagt, dass es innerhalb dieser Schattenregierung Kräfte gibt, die sich der Folgen ihres bisherigen Handelns zum Nachteile aller anderen auf dieser Erde als unterschiedlichste Lebensformen inkarnierte Seelen und in unterschiedlichsten Lebensformen inkarnierten Seelen bewusst sind. Und dass diese Kräfte sich in einem Umlern- und Umdenkvorgang befinden und die ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel und Mächte einsetzen, um die Umsetzung und die schlimmstmöglichen Folgen der Pläne dieser Schattenregierung zu vereiteln.

Innerhalb dieser Schattenregierung gibt es solche erwachten, erleuchteten Kräfte, die zum Scheine an der Umsetzung der Pläne der Schattenregierung arbeiten und an der Oberfläche der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung als eindeutige Verursacher dieser Pläne dastehen. Diese Maskerade ist notwendig, um die wahren Absichten und Pläne dieser erwachten, erleuchteten Kräfte vor frühzeitiger Aufdeckung zu bewahren.

Angesichts einer solchen Hintergrundlage ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass die gegenwärtige Informationslage an der Oberfläche der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung alles andere als eindeutig, sondern gewollt widersprüchlich und polarisierend ist. Diese Polarisierung dient einerseits dazu, die erwachenden Massen ein bisschen länger von der sprichwörtlich richtigen Fährte abzulenken, andererseits dazu, all jene gegeneinander streitenden Kräfte innerhalb der Schattenregierung zu verwirren. Dies ist ein sehr gefährliches Spiel, das nur ein solcher Spieler bestehen kann, der es versteht, die ihm zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel und Mächte weltlicher wie spiritueller Natur gezielt zum Nutzen des Allganzen einzusetzen.

Dieses Spiel wird seinen Höhepunkt zu dem Zeitpunkt erreichen, an dem es eindeutig und unwiderruflich klar sein wird, dass der gegenwärtige US-Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald Trump einem Attentat zum Opfer fallen wird bzw. könnte bzw. gefallen ist. Ein solches Attentat auf das politische System der USA, der weltgrößten Militär- und Wirtschaftsmacht – wenngleich letztere auch nur nomineller Natur – würde bedeuten und wird zur Folge haben, dass die USA nicht länger handlungsfähig sein und einer Übergangsregierung die sprichwörtlichen Zügel der Macht in die Hand gelegt werden. Einer Übergangsregierung, zu dem einzigen Zwecke ins Leben einberufen, um jenen Kräften freie Hand zu lassen, die sich selber in die Hand gebissen haben. Diese Übergangsregierung wird allem Anschein nach soweit gehen, die ihr zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel und Mächte soweit zu nutzen, dass diese entweder den größtmöglichen Nutzen oder den größtmöglichen Schaden für all jene haben werden, die diesen Kräften ausgeliefert sein werden.

Feststellung: Das bedeutet, diese Übergangsregierung wird von jenen Kräften ins Leben einberufen, die an der Umsetzung von Plänen arbeiten, die im Widersinne der Quelle des Allganzen sind. Ist das richtig?

Antwort: Das ist richtig. Es muss allerdings auch berücksichtigt werden, dass innerhalb dieser Schattenregierung jene Kräfte, die im Sinne der Quelle des Allganzen handeln, sich dieses Umsturzversuches äußerst bewusst sind und diesem aktiv entgegenwirken, auch wenn dies an der Oberfläche der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung so nicht wahrgenommen wird. Tatsächlich besteht die Möglichkeit und Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass jene Kräfte, die im Sinne der Quelle des Allganzen handeln, die sprichwörtliche Oberhand gewinnen und eine Regierung einsetzen werden, die das bestehende Machtmissbrauchssystem der USA zum Nutzen der ganzen Welt und allen Lebens auf dieser Erde verändern wird.

Frage: Welche Rolle spielt Deutschland bzw. die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (kurz: BRD) in diesem Szenario?

Antwort: Die Rolle Deutschlands in diesem Szenario ist augenscheinlich eine untergeordnete, da sich Deutschland bzw. genauer gesagt die BRD in einem asymmetrischen Abhängigkeitsverhältnis zu den USA befindet, die nach wie vor als stille Besatzungsmacht in diesem zentralen Teil Europas präsent sind und wirken.

Keine BRD-Regierung ist jemals souverän gewesen. Keine BRD-Regierung hat jemals im Sinne des deutschen Volkes und der in Deutschland lebenden Menschen gehandelt, sondern stets im Sinne der die BRD kontrollierenden Kräfte und Mächte.

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt befindet sich die BRD in einem Zangengriff unterschiedlicher politischer, wirtschaftlicher, militärischer Kräfte und Mächte, die die ohnehin beschränkte Handlungs- und Selbstbestimmungsfähigkeit der BRD in einem solchen Maße einschränken, dass es angebrachter wäre, von einer Bananenrepublik Deutschland, BRD oder einem Vasallenstaat zu reden, der seine Interessen im Inneren und Äußeren nicht souverän vertreten und ausüben kann und darf.

Aus diesem Zangengriff sich aus eigener Kraft zu lösen ist die bestehende BRD-Regierung nicht in der Lage angesichts einer dauerhaft bestehenden Angriffslage, die aktiv ist, aber nicht aktiv ausgeführt wird. Diese Angriffslage fungiert als Hebel zur Aushebelung der inneren Stabilität. Ein Zeitzünder, der jederzeit justiert und aktiviert werden kann, um zu bestimmten Zeiten an bestimmten Orten zu detonieren zwecks Zerstörung der inneren Stabilität der BRD – wenn nötig, zwecks Zerstörung der BRD als Ganzes.

Frage: Welche Wirkung haben die in Deutschland befindlichen Seelen in menschlicher Gestalt, die im Sinne der Quelle des Allganzen handeln?

Antwort: Die Bedeutung dieser Seelen darf nicht unterschätzt, aber auch nicht überschätzt werden. Ihre Funktion besteht darin, die real vorhandene Gefährdung der inneren Stabilität zu entschärfen und auf stille Weise dafür zu sorgen, dass zerstörerische Kräfte nicht in Aktion treten können. Dazu wird der diesen Kräften innewohnende und implantierte Zerstörungsimpuls gelöscht und die energetische Grundlage zur Ausführung zerstörerischer Impulse und Programme entzogen.

Was diese BRD-Regierung betrifft, ist keine Hoffnung auf von dieser selbst eingeleitete Maßnahmen zum Wohle des deutschen Volkes und der in Deutschland lebenden Menschen zu erwarten. Diese Regierung wird sich bis zum Ende an das bestehende Weltsystem klammern und die ihr zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel und Mächte im Eigeninteresse und im Interesse der sie kontrollierenden Kräfte und Mächte einsetzen. Das System BRD wird von alleine nicht fallen.

Frage: Besteht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die in Deutschland lebenden Menschen in einem solchen Maße erwachen, dass sie das System BRD umstürzen und von selber reformieren?

Antwort: Es geht nicht um die Reform eines dysfunktionalen Systems. Es geht nicht um die Reform des Weltsystems. Es geht nicht um die Reform der USA. Es geht nicht um die Reform irgendeines bestehenden von Menschen geschaffenen Systems. Es geht einzig und allein um die Reform des menschlichen Denkens und Bewusstseins. Aus einem solch reformierten Denken und Bewusstsein entwachsen und entstehen neue Lösungsansätze und -vorschläge zur Schaffung eines selbstbestimmten Lebens auf dieser Erde, wie es die Menschen seit viel zu langer Zeit nicht kennen.

Feststellung: Es besteht keine Notwendigkeit, irgendein bestehendes dysfunktionales System in diesem dysfunktionalen Weltsystem zu reformieren aus Sicht einer in einem dreidimensionalen Raumzeitgefüge befindlichen menschlichen Persönlichkeit, die sich ihrer wahren seelischen multidimensionalen Natur bewusst ist. Eine solche Persönlichkeit identifiziert sich nicht mit irgendeiner Nation, irgendeiner Religion, irgendeiner Ethnie, irgendeinem von Menschen geschaffenen Identifizierungsmerkmal, nicht einmal mit seiner vermeintlich eigenen und eigenständigen Persönlichkeit.

Eine solche Persönlichkeit nimmt solche Merkmale als Möglichkeit der Selbsterfahrung und -differenzierung als menschliche Lebensform in einem dreidimensionalen Raumzeitgefüge wahr. Eine solche Persönlichkeit ist nicht länger an irgendwelche von Menschen geschaffenen Systeme gebunden, auch wenn der menschliche Körper, den eine solche Persönlichkeit bewohnt, sich in einem dreidimensionalen Raumzeitgefüge befindet. Je weiter sich das Bewusstsein einer menschlichen Persönlichkeit entfaltet, umso stärker und umso dauerhafter erreicht und durchdringt das der Seele innewohnende Wissen um ihre wahre multidimensionale Natur die Oberfläche des Bewusstseins der menschlichen Persönlichkeit. Dadurch lösen sich die dieser Persönlichkeit auferlegten und von dieser Persönlichkeit akzeptierten kognitiven Grenzen auf. Eine solche Persönlichkeit ist freier als eine andere Persönlichkeit, die diese Grenzen noch nicht hat aufheben können bzw. deren Seele diese Grenzen bewusst nicht aufgehoben hat zum Zwecke der Selbsterfahrung als menschliche Lebensform in einem dreidimensionalen Raumzeitgefüge.

Gibt es dieser Feststellung etwas hinzuzufügen?

Antwort: Dieser Feststellung ist hinzuzufügen, dass grundsätzlich jeder auf dieser Erde in diesem Raumzeitgefüge in menschlicher Gestalt inkarnierten Seele die Möglichkeit offensteht, sich im Zuge des andauernden Aufstiegsvorganges ihrer wahren seelischen Natur zu entsinnen und als menschlicher Ausdruck seelischer Wahrhaftigkeit in dieser Welt zu wirken und dieses Weltsystem zu verändern. Auch wenn es letztendlich nicht um die Veränderung des bestehenden Weltsystems geht, sondern um die Rückbesinnung einer jeden menschlichen Persönlichkeit auf ihre wahre seelische Natur, und somit um deren vermeintliche Rückkehr zur Quelle des Allganzen.

Feststellung: Eine menschliche Persönlichkeit ist sozusagen die Oberflächenfunktion einer in menschlicher Gestalt inkarnierten Seele, die es dieser Seele ermöglicht, sich als menschliche Persönlichkeit in einem dreidimensionalen Raumzeitgefüge zu erfahren.

Antwort: Dem gibt es nichts hinzuzufügen.

Dies ist das Ende dieser Durchsage.


Lieber Rumi,

ich bin gerade zurück gekommen. Wir waren in Nord Vancouver am Strand beim sonnigen Wetter und frischen Wind vom Ozean, mit vielen Menschen, die den ersten warmen Tag nach einem sehr langen Winter richtig genossen haben. Wir haben dann nach einem Spaziergang am Strand im Strandrestaurant gegessen und meinen Namenstag gefeiert. Ich sagte Carla beim Essen wortwörtlich, dass unsere Dilemma darin liegt, dass wir auf der einen Seite die Menschheit und Gesellschaft verbessern wollen, mit all dem was wir tun, schreiben und denken und auf der anderen Seite genau wissen, dass diese Welt nicht reformierbar ist und dieser Widerspruch uns zum Verzweifeln bringt. Und nun hast du in dieser ausgezeichneten Botschaft haargenau dieses Problem des Lichtkriegers besprochen.

Die Botschaft ist nach allen Maßstäben sensationell. Die Bestätigung, dass etwas mit Trump passieren wird, hat sich bei mir verdichtet als er seine letzte Wahl in Indiana haushoch gewonnen hat und die Konkurrenz nieder gewälzt hat. Das hat den herrschenden Kabalen gezeigt, was sie demnächst zu erwarten haben, wenn sie ihn nicht stoppen. Ich habe seit Wochen gewusst, dass diese Wahlen in den USA schicksalhaft sein werden und dass sie uns Aufschluss über das Aufstiegsszenario in der letzten entscheidenden Phase geben werden. Ich bin auch sehr glücklich, dass dein HS auch bestätigt hat, dass Obama der letzte Präsident sein wird, denn zuvor wird es zu einer Krise kommen und der Ausgang auf dieser obersten Zeitlinie kann nur den Niedergang der herrschenden Kabalen bedeuten. Wie man allerdings dahin kommt ist ungewiss. Ebenso ungewiss ist wann der planetarische Aufstieg geschehen wird, oder der individuelle Aufstieg einzelner Logos Götter, die dann die Rolle von Trump als Katalysator des Wandels übernehmen werden. Diese Entscheidung bleibt uns vorbehalten als Schöpfergötter auf der Bühne.

Ich werde heute Abend deine erste Botschaft publizieren und morgen früh diese zweite, denn sie ist enorm wichtig und ausgezeichnet in jeder Hinsicht.

Viele liebe Grüße



Dear Rumi,

I’ve just come back home. We were in North Vancouver on the beach in sunny weather and fresh air from the ocean, with many people there who enjoyed the first warm day after a very long winter. After a walk on the beach we had a meal at the beach restaurant and celebrated my name day. I told Carla during our meal precisely that our dilemma is that we want on the one hand to improve mankind and society, with all that we do, write and think and know exactly on the other hand that this world is not reformable and this contradiction leads us to despair. And now you have discussed this problem of the light warrior exactly in this excellent message.

The message is spectacular by all standards. The confirmation that something will happen to Trump has been stipulating within me after he won his last election in Indiana in a sweeping manner and rolled over his competitors. This showed the ruling cabal what they can expect soon, if they do not stop him. I have known for weeks that these elections in the US will be fateful and that they will give us information about the ascension scenario in the last decisive phase. I am very happy that your HS has also confirmed that Obama will be the last president, because before that there will be a crisis, and the outcome on this uppermost timeline can only mean the downfall of the ruling cabal. How to get there, however, is uncertain. Likewise uncertain is when the planetary ascension will happen, or the individual ascension of some Logos gods, who will then assume the role of Trump as a catalyst of change. This decision is left to us as creator gods on the ground.

I will publish tonight your first message and tomorrow morning this second one, because it is very important and excellent in every respect.

With love


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Think Bold, Blow Up the Shackles of the Orion Matrix » Stankov's Universal Law Press

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Think Bold, Blow Up the Shackles of the Orion Matrix 

by Georgi Stankov Posted on May 6, 2016

David Haggith and Georgi Stankov, May 6, 2016 (St. George Day, Bulgarian national day for the Slayer of Reptilians)

St. George Slaying the Dragon, 1930, painted by Uroš Predić (Orlovat 1857 – Belgrade 1953)


Interesting that a friend sent this at about the same time you sent your email, so the two were sitting side-by-side in my email box. I read this right after reading yours.

I see things happening the same way as you do. At first, there is great resistance to change, and you think it will take forever to happen … and often it does; but the biggest changes often come when we reach tipping points or … in the present case, I think something much bigger than just a tipping point — a cataclysm … a major fault disruption.

From Michael Snyder on the one hand to you on the other, I hear people whispering about Obama being the last US president. Mostly I am hearing it from self-appointed prophets that I don’t put any stock in; but it’s interesting that I keep hearing this rumor from pretty divergent sources.

Anyway, the following article is interesting in light of your email. (Again, a different kind of source, but seeing the same kind of thing.) Like you, I’ve always seen Trump as being the likely winner of the Republican round, and Bernie could very well be a come-from-behind underdog and still get the Democrat nod. That will create quite a dust-up in both parties as the establishment tries to re-establish its lock on politics. It’s amusing to see the establishment finally shaken because, for the first time in decades, politics is not all going their way.

How all of that turns into Obama being the last president of the US, I don’t know. I cannot really see that happening as it is such a wildly unconstitutional outcome; BUT I do believe things will change greatly this year. Obama has diminished US power in favor of more power to the UN, particularly with his latest trade agreements which greatly empower corporations over sovereign states. I see it as he has used the presidency to weaken the US and strengthen law by international agreements so that, when he steps into the role he hopes for at the UN, he will have the power and the lack of interference he needs.

A time of great change is here. It stalled out more after January than I thought it would; yet, I’m not surprised, and I recall that I thought back then I should temper my view of rapid change just a little in light of the fact that this is a powerful election year where the establishment in both parties has incentive to pull every trick they possibly can because of Sanders and Trump presenting viable alternatives. Its like pulling out the choke as the engine leans out because its running out of gas. You get one last big burst of power, and then the engine dies. In this case, the burst could easily last through the election cycle, but I think we’re going to start seeing some really weird stuff as banks and their politicians dow what they can to keep the old dinosaur economy alive.



Let’s chew on this a bit….. ” because they are bringing up issues they are not supposed to bring up. Fundamentally, in an open society, change has to flow from the bottom to the top”……….and spit whatever you have, out….ha,ha…

In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. The only rational patriotism, is loyalty to the nation all the time, loyalty to the government when it deserves it.

– Quotes by Mark Twain

Why Trump Winning the Republican Nomination is Good for American Democracy

By Mike Krieger, May 4, 2016

Liberty Blitzkrieg

While it might sound strange, a coronation of Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary will mark the end of the party as we know it. There’s been a lot written about the “Sanders surge,” with much of it revolving around Hillary Clinton’s extreme personal weakness as a candidate. While this is indisputable, it’s also a convenient way for the status quo to exempt itself from fault and discount genuine grassroots anger. I’m of the view that Sanders’ support is more about people liking him than them disliking Hillary, particularly when it comes to registered Democrats. He’s not merely seen as the “least bad choice.” People really do like him.

The Sanders appeal is twofold. He is seen as unusually honest and consistent for someone who’s held elected office for much of his life, plus he advocates a refreshingly anti-establishment view on core issues that matter to an increasing number of Americans. These include militarism, Wall Street bailouts, a two-tiered justice system, the prohibitive cost of college education, healthcare insecurity and a “rigged economy.” While Hillary is being forced to pay lip service to these issues, everybody knows she doesn’t mean a word of it. She means it less than Obama meant it in 2008, and Obama really didn’t mean it.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have done America a great deal of good. By running from the political fringes, they have shattered status quo taboos and exposed the two-party political system for the monumental sham it is.

Whether you like either one of them is irrelevant. The truth about how undemocratic our elections actually are, and the disturbing overlap when it comes to establishment Republicans and Democrats needed exposing, and that’s exactly what’s happened this election season.

Personally, I wanted to see Trump vs. Sanders in the general election. I think the public deserved two non-mainstream choices for President for once in their lives, and such a match up would have provided two distinct non status quo visions for the future. That said, Trump vs. Clinton is the second best option.

The process of awakening that’s been happening across the electorate this campaign season is in large part due to the presence of Trump and Sanders, and this awakening is far more important than who wins in November. As Edward Snowden was quoted saying in, A Whistleblower Manifesto:

Fundamentally, in an open society, change has to flow from the bottom to the top.

He’s right. If you want fundamental, long-term change consistent with Constitutional principles, it needs to come from an informed citizenry.

America has not had a remotely informed citizenry in over a generation. The divide and conquer tactics of both establishment parties have proven tremendously successful in pulling the wool over everybody’s eyes and convincing them that there’s actually a real difference, when in reality both parties maintain the exact same position on a vast majority of the nation’s key issues. These include:

1) Support for interventionist wars of imperialism abroad.

2) An embrace of cronyism and corruption throughout the public and private sector.

3) A total pandering to Wall Street and support for taxpayer bailouts without accountability.

4) Support for the inhumane failure that is the war on the drugs.

5) Support for fake free trade deals that are actually corporate giveaways to insiders and donors.

6) Support for the unconstitutional and unaccountable mass surveillance of the American public.

I could go on, but you get the point. The interesting thing about the 2016 election is that millions of Americans are finally coming around to rejecting the policies listed above. The status quo, of course, has not; and therein lies the status quo’s problem.

Between Sanders and Trump, the status quo policy planks listed above have all come under attack. This cannot be allowed, which is precisely why the establishment has relentlessly fought both men in their attempts to win the nomination of their respective parties.

The status quo doesn’t actually care if a Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or Hillary Clinton wins the U.S. Presidency. The status quo wins either way. Not only because those individuals unquestionably will support the status quo agenda, but more importantly, they will largely refrain from bringing up any real issues during their campaigns.

Rather than being fought along the lines of trade deals, Wall Street corruption and disastrous foreign policy, a Bush vs. Clinton matchup would largely be centered around debate about guns, abortion, transgender bathrooms and disingenuous talking points about the free market vs. big government. This distraction provides fertile ground for continued status quo theft.

The problem with Trump is Trump brings up some real issues he’s not supposed to talk about, just like Sanders has done in the Democratic primary. This is extremely dangerous to the status quo because it teaches the American peasants to question issues and think about stuff they aren’t supposed to think about or have an opinion on. There’s nothing more dangerous than a public filled with critical thinkers. As George Carlin brilliantly explained so many years ago:

The real owners are the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians, they’re an irrelevancy. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice.

You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land.

They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the statehouses, the city halls. They’ve got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies, so that they control just about all of the news and information you hear. They’ve got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying ­ lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want; they want more for themselves and less for everybody else.

But I’ll tell you what they don’t want. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interests. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table and figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago.

You know what they want? Obedient workers ­ people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork but just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.

And, now, they’re coming for your Social Security. They want your fucking retirement money. They want it back, so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all, sooner or later, because they own this fucking place. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club.

This country is finished.

That’s all you really need to know. Politicians are irrelevant. They are there to spin issues and make sure the public remains as ignorant, distracted and divided along inconsequential themes as possible. The thing the status quo really fears is a population that begins to think outside the box, which is why both Trump and Sanders have been seen as existential threats to their corrupt and putrid sandbox of power.

So with all of that out of the way, it makes perfect sense that some establishment Republicans have announced they will support Hillary Clinton. Go back and read my status quo policy planks outlined earlier. Any Republican in favor of them will naturally support Hillary Clinton, because Hillary Clinton will protect and coddle their racket. This is guaranteed. Trump may also end up coddling the establishment, but the status quo can’t be 100% sure. He’s a wildcard and he’s uncaged. They can’t have someone like that causing them headaches and potentially getting the plebs all wound up.

Now let’s turn to Politico, to see a little of what I’m talking about. From the article, Republicans Consider Clinton over Trump:

While many conservative stalwarts are conflicted and stuck in a state of paralysis, some are considering the ultimate betrayal.

Hours before Indiana polls closed Tuesday evening when it was becoming clear that Trump was headed for a decisive win, some prominent Republicans were moving away from him. Mark Salter, John McCain’s former campaign speechwriter, signaled his support for Clinton via Twitter. Conservative pundit Ben Howe did the same.

Schmidt predicted that “a substantial amount of Republican officials who have worked in Republican administrations, especially on issues of defense and national security, will endorse Hillary Clinton in the campaign.”

But the most absolutist opposition to Trump is largely held by the GOP’s donor class and Washington-based establishment—the very people Trump and his supporters have delighted in offending from the start.

These four paragraphs tell you everything you need to know. It’s one thing to dislike Trump and decide you are unable to support him.

Given some of his rhetoric in the primary, I can certainly understand and respect this position. However, supporting Hillary Clinton, one of the most shady, dishonest, warmongering, corrupt animals the world has ever seen, is a whole other ballgame. It tells you who these so-called “conservatives” really are: status quo sycophants.

But it’s not just Republicans coming out in favor of Clinton. There’s increasing evidence that Clinton will target establishment Republicans for votes. The AP reports:

ATHENS, Ohio (AP) — With Donald Trump all but clinching the Republican nomination for president, Hillary Clinton is beginning to explore ways to woo Republicans turned off by the brash billionaire.

“I’m with her,” tweeted Mark Salter, a top campaign aide to 2008 Republican nominee John McCain, on Tuesday.

Democrats caution their effort to win over Clinton Republicans — or Hilla-cans, perhaps — is in its earliest stages, but could grow to include ads and other outreach targeted in particular at suburban women in battleground states. Already, aides say, a number of Republicans have privately told Clinton and her team they plan to break party ranks and support her as soon as Trump formally captures his party’s nomination.

“We have an informed understanding that we could have the potential to expect support from not just Democrats and independents, but Republicans, too,” said Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon. “There’s a time and place for that support to make itself known.”

Clinton has begun casting her candidacy in recent days as a cry to unify a divided country. After a series of victories last week, which all but ensured she will capture her party’s nomination, Clinton called on Democrats, independents and what she called “thoughtful Republicans” to back her bid.

Guy Cecil, chief strategist of Priorities USA Action, the super PAC backing her campaign, echoed that language Tuesday night, calling on “Democrats, independents and reasonable Republicans” to reject Trump’s “outdated ideas.”

Irrespective of what you think of Trump, his continued survival in the Presidential circus is undoubtedly good. Not because he’s some sort of savior who will “Make America Great Again,” but because he’s bringing up issues he’s not supposed to bring up.

Because he’s getting people who have given up on the political process engaged again. Because he’s convincing tens of millions of Americans that it really is possible to give the status quo the boot.

At the end of the day, it’s not the actions of any particular individual that instills true fear in the U.S. establishment and deep state government. What really scares them is a population capable of critical thought beyond false left-right paradigm talking points, and both Sanders and Trump should be applauded for their roles in this regard.

George Carlin – It’s a big club and you ain’t in it:


Dear David,

thank you for your comprehensive response that explores the coming change in a complete manner. The article you have forwarded to me is indeed very good as it analyzes objectively the real political situation with the US election race from a conventional point of view.

I particularly like Mike Krieger’s statement:

“Politicians are irrelevant. They are there to spin issues and make sure the public remains as ignorant, distracted and divided along inconsequentially themes as possible.”

This is the absolute truth and that is why one must envision a new reality where national states and politicians no longer exist. I have defined the national state as the single most important source of evil on this planet and have explained that this is a recent phenomenon in the history of mankind. From this conclusion one can easily find new solutions of social life that will guarantee the freedom and the sovereignty of the individual through elimination of the national state. Therefore all good-will patriots in the USA or elsewhere are on the wrong track – it is another form of brainwashing.

We need much bolder solutions to exterminate the evil on this planet. And this solution can only come if there is first a profound reform, reset of the Orion monetary system that is, together with the national state, the second biggest form of human enslavement and a source of evil. We have now reached the endpoint where the national state has become even a hindrance for the financial system to fully suppress humanity and that is why the ruling cabal want to eliminate the sovereignty of the national state through international agreements such as TTIP. However the recent revelations on this treaty have shown that it stinks like a “dead herring in the moonshine” to quote Billi Wilder’s excellent movie “One, Two, Three” and it has no chance of approval by the EU anymore. Obama’s propaganda visit to Europe on behalf of TTIP has fully failed. This is all part of the new energetic conditions that have been introduced on this planet with the beginning of this month as this very important message that I have just published tells you:

This is how our group, the Planetary Ascension Team, assesses the coming change from a higher vantage point of view and I am fully aware that these kinds of insights may not be shared or appreciated by people who have no direct access to them. But because of that they are so powerful as they arrive as unfathomable destiny and knock down the illusions of the people by opening their eyes for the truth.

At the same time we do not stay idle but create the future of humanity in the Now. The fact that we now observe an acceleration in the collapse of the financial system is not a random phenomenon but has been carefully prepared by us at a higher level. The irreversibility of the financial collapse was sealed when I wrote in early February and then published on March 1st the new project of the Astral currency that will very soon substitute the worthless fiat monies after their crash:

The merit of this new monetary reset is that it automatically eliminates the national state after it eliminates the current corrupt banking system. It is a “double whammy” as you say in English and “killing two rabbits with one shot” as we say in Bulgarian.

I am following the financial discussions worldwide for a very long time and I am flabbergasted that so many intelligent men have so little to say on how this rigged financial system can be ideally and theoretically replaced with a new just system of payments and transactions that excludes any form of fraud, greed and misuse. In other words I cannot stop being amazed at the intellectual laziness of the experts to sever all attachments to this toxic reality, to go new pathways and become truly bold thinkers. But at the end it may suffice to have only a few such thinkers to turn around the course of the events and this is precisely what humanity will experience this year. This is the mission of our group, the Planetary Ascension Team, that works both on the ground and simultaneously in many dimensions to prepare the coming Apocalypse which in Greek simply means Revelation that may indeed take the form of a global catastrophe depending on the individual mentality of the people.

With best regards


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Masters of the Multidimensional Chessboard » Stankov's Universal Law Press

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Masters of the Multidimensional Chessboard
by Georgi Stankov Posted on May 7, 2016

Shinzhi Rumi, May 7, 2016

Question to my Highest Self: Does the Source of All-That-Is have a message of relevance to the ongoing ascension process?

Answer: Yes.

Request: Please tell me the message now.

Answer: In view of the current tense world security situation caused by the machinations of a small influential group of young souls incarnated in human form on this Earth, these young souls are increasingly and instantly being challenged by the justified question how much longer and to what extent they will be able to stand the influx of high- and ever higher-vibrating energies. Because these young souls find it increasingly harder to keep their strategies, plans, intentions, measures, actions, chess moves secret in front of an ever more awakening and already partially awakened global public; a public which in each and every moment of each and every willful deception and lie holds the proverbial mirror in the face of these young souls.

This energetic repercussion, this energetic echo is caused by all actions of these young souls which are not in harmony with the Source of All-That-Is. Each and every caused low-vibrating frequency is answered by a high-vibrating frequency by means of which both frequencies superpose, harmonize and, finally, dissolve each other.

Proverbially speaking, the Source of All-That-Is and its actors on the Earth pull away the energetic rug from under the realization of all of these plans conceived by these young souls to the disadvantage of all other souls incarnated as and in all kinds of lifeforms on this Earth.

In this proverbial global chess game the players are unequally distributed. Overwhelming material means are available to the proverbial dark side which should actually suffice to eliminate the proverbial light opposite side. However, with each and every suffered defeat the dark side wonders with growing frustration, and even resignation, why its game does not turn out in its favour, how it can execute the next tactical move in such a way so as to gain a strategic advantage. At times, such tactical moves are successful which in reality are allowed on purpose by the Source of All-That-Is and its light players on and outside the game board. By successful execution of a tactical move the dark side is thusly given a false sense of superiority in believing in having gained another tactical victory over the light side. In reality, by granting this supposed tactical advantage the light side is, proverbially speaking, three moves ahead of the dark side. Moves which are not executed in a linear, but a multidimensional fashion. In full awareness of the lasting strategic impact of such tactical moves on a multidimensional chessboard.

This supposed battle cannot be won in a linear fashion. There is no We and They. There is no Light and Dark. There is no Superior and Inferior. There are no facets of Guilt and Innocence. Everything that happens happens for the purpose of adjustment and balance of energetic forces on behalf of All-That-Is.

Some players are partially aware of this balancing movement/motion of which they are an essential part. The more a player is aware of this wave movement/motion which establishes balance in all worlds of All-That-Is in each and every moment, the more far-reaching are the action possibilities of such an aware player. Such a player is and remains part of the wave. He feels it rolling, on and off, he swings and swims with it like a proverbial cosmic surfer. The function of the wave is movement/motion, the purpose of the wave is balance. The movement/motion of the wave of worlds is eternal and timeless, omnipresent and incessant. Ride the wave of movement/motion of worlds.

This is the end of this announcement.


Frage an mein Höchstes Selbst: Hat die Quelle des Allganzen eine wichtige Nachricht bezüglich des andauernden Aufstiegsvorganges?

Antwort: Ja.

Aufforderung: Bitte teile mir jetzt diese Nachricht mit.

Antwort: Angesichts der gegenwärtigen angespannten Weltsicherheitslage ausgelöst durch die Machenschaften einer kleinen einflussreichen Gruppe von auf dieser Erde in menschlicher Gestalt inkarnierten Jungseelen stellt sich diesen Jungseelen zunehmend und unmittelbar die berechtigte Frage, wie lange und inwiefern sie dem Zu- und Einstrom hoch- und immer höherschwingender Energien noch standhalten können. Denn es fällt diesen Jungseelen zunehmend schwieriger, ihre Strategien, Pläne, Absichten, Maßnahmen, Handlungen, Schachzüge vor einer immer mehr erwachenden und teilweise bereits erwachten globalen Öffentlichkeit geheim zu halten; einer Öffentlichkeit, die diesen Jungseelen in jedem Moment der mutwilligen Täuschung und Lüge den sprichwörtlichen Spiegel vorhält.

Diese energetische Rückwirkung, dieses energetische Echo wird von allen Handlungen dieser Jungseelen, die nicht im Einklang mit der Quelle des Allganzen sind, ausgelöst. Jede ausgelöste niedrigschwingende Frequenz wird durch eine hochschwingende Frequenz beantwortet, wodurch beide Frequenzen sich überlagern, ausgleichen, und schließlich aufheben.

Der Umsetzung aller von diesen Jungseelen erdachten Pläne, die zum Nachteile aller auf dieser Erde in unterschiedlichsten Lebensformen inkarnierten Seelen und als unterschiedlichste Lebensformen inkarnierte Seelen sind, wird von der Quelle des Allganzen und deren Akteuren auf der Erde sprichwörtlich der energetische Teppichboden unter den Füßen entzogen.

In diesem sprichwörtlichen globalen Schachspiel sind die Spieler ungleich verteilt. Die sprichwörtliche dunkle Seite verfügt über überwältigende weltliche Mittel, die zur Vernichtung der sprichwörtlichen hellen Gegenseite eigentlich ausreichen müssten. Mit jeder erlittenen Niederlage allerdings stellt sich der dunklen Seite in wachsender Frustration, und sogar Resignation, die Frage, weswegen ihr Spiel nicht zu ihrer Gunst verläuft, wie sie den nächsten taktischen Spielzug auf eine solche Weise ausführen kann, um sich einen strategischen Vorteil zu verschaffen. Zuweilen gelingen solche taktischen Spielzüge, die tatsächlich von der Quelle des Allganzen und deren heller Spieler auf dem Spielfeld und außerhalb des Spielfeldes absichtlich zugelassen werden. Somit wird der dunklen Seite durch erfolgreiche Ausführung eines taktischen Spielzuges ein falscher Eindruck von Überlegenheit gegeben, nämlich einen weiteren taktischen Sieg über die helle Seite errungen zu haben. Tatsächlich ist die helle Seite durch Gewährung dieses vermeintlichen taktischen Vorteiles der dunklen Seite um sprichwörtliche drei Züge voraus. Züge, die nicht linear, sondern multidimensional aus- und durchgeführt werden. Im vollen Bewusstsein der strategischen Reichweite solcher taktischen Züge auf einem multidimensionalen Schachspielbrett.

Linear ist dieser vermeintliche Kampf nicht zu lösen. Es gibt kein Wir und Sie. Es gibt kein Hell und Dunkel. Es gibt kein Überlegen und Unterlegen. Es gibt keine Facetten der Schuld und Unschuld. Alles, was geschieht, geschieht zum Zwecke des Ausgleiches und des Gleichgewichtes energetischer Kräfte im Sinne des Allganzen.

Manche Spieler sind sich dieser Ausgleichsbewegung, derer sie ein wesentlicher Bestandteil sind, teils bewusst. Je bewusster der Spieler sich dieser Wellenbewegung ist, die den Ausgleich in allen Welten des Allganzen in jedem Moment herstellt, desto weitreichender sind die Handlungsmöglichkeiten eines solchen bewussten Spielers. Ein solcher Spieler ist und bleibt Bestandteil der Welle. Er spürt sie rollen, heran und hinfort, er schwingt und schwimmt mit ihr wie ein sprichtwörtlicher kosmischer Wellenreiter. Die Funktion der Welle ist Bewegung, das Ziel der Welle ist Ausgleich. Die Bewegung der Weltenwelle ist ewig und zeitlos, allgegenwärtig und unaufhörlich. Reite die Welle der Weltenbewegung.

Dies ist das Ende dieser Durchsage.


Lieber Rumi,

ich danke dir vielmals für diese neue Botschaft, die ich Morgen publizieren werde, denn heute feiere ich meinen Namenstag mit Carla….

Diese Botschaft ist eine sehr präzise Darstellung des ewigen dialektischen Kampfes, den wir mit den dunklen Kräften führen und ich kann sie für meinen Teil voll bestätigen. So z. B. war das Finanzsystem Ende Januar, Anfang Februar fast daran zu krachen und dann gab es eine Pendelbewegung zurück zur scheinbaren Normalität als die Zentralbanken negative Zinsen einführten, um die Aktienmärkte zu stützen. Das schien als ein Sieg der Banksters gegenüber das Unvermeidliche. Damit hatten sie aber nur die Lage der Geschäftsbanken verschlechtert, die nun keine Gewinne mehr machen, da sie negative Zinsen an die Zentralbanken zahlen müssen und nirgendwo ihr Geld mit Gewinn anlegen können. Das war also ein Pyrrhus Sieg und nun erleben wir diese Tage den Zusammenbruch der Banken und Hedgefonds, den die Zentralbanken nicht mehr aufhalten oder stützen können, da sie ihr Pulver verschossen haben. Das sind die Wellen des Wandels und des Ausgleichs, die ich sehr deutlich sehe und es geht in der Tat nicht linear an, da wir mit Nicht-Gleichgewichtssystemen zu tun haben. Dafür ereignen sich die Singularitäten plötzlich und weg sind sie.

Viele liebe Grüße



Dear Rumi,

thank you very much for this new message, which I will publish tomorrow, because today I celebrate my name day with Carla ….

This message is a very accurate representation of the eternal dialectic struggle, we fight with the dark forces and I can fully confirm it on my part. For instance the financial system nearly crashed in late January, early February, and then there was a pendulum movement back to apparent normality when the central banks introduced negative interest rates to support the stock markets. That seemed as a victory for the banksters against the Inevitable. However, they had only worsened the situation of the commercial banks that now make no more profits, because they have to pay negative interest to the central banks and can nowhere invest their money at a profit. Hence that was a Pyrrhic victory and we are experiencing these days the collapse of the banks and hedge funds, which the central banks cannot stop or support, as they have spent their ammunition. These are the waves of change and equilibrium that I see very clearly, and it is in indeed non-linear, as we are dealing with non-equilibrium systems. In return, the singularities occur suddenly and they (the cabal) are suddenly gone.

With love


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