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Message from The Elohim – The Perfect Storm
by Georgi Stankov Posted on October 9, 2016
Carla Thompson, October 9, 2016
Hello everyone!
After all these weeks of superwaves (since early September at least) coming in to the planet and leaving many reeling from the onslaught of the energies, I connected with the Elohim to find out more about this very unusual energetic landscape.
The PATsters are consistently reporting such extreme cleansing and this really triggers my sense of compassion for each and every one of them as I myself have also been challenged while adjusting to these waves. I know there are many lightworkers worldwide who are also feeling the intensity of these waves, even if they just recently opened up to the frequencies as second wavers. As the Elohim confirm, no one is immune to the effects of these current waves whether they feel them or not.
I hope that all of you who are reading this know that you are moving the ascension forward by contributing on so many levels and in every state of awareness you hold, especially during your nighttime sleep state. These energies are powerful and Georgi and I have likened the whole experience to standing under the Niagara Falls. The purpose of these waves is to shake up the world and this is exactly what they are doing. This message conveys to me that the Elohim are leaving hints about other themes, themes that have come up in a healing meditation with our friend Julia two days ago. Georgi has added his energy report at the bottom of this post explaining the events that were carried out during this meeting.
The message confirms our perception of a highly unusual set of waves that are steady, powerful, and even very colorful at times. The waves are here to augment the ascension event now by applying strategic pressure to superimposed energetic systems including the personal body/mind/spirit complex as well as all forms of societal infrastructure. The Elohim have not provided specifics, only that this instability will affect the world on many levels.
The Elohim have also described a meditation with which we are able to process these negative energies in the best way possible. They speak about our true nature to command the light and that this is our time now to consciously do this. This meditation is very quickly done and it moves all negative energy thoroughly. If done on a daily basis all rampant negative energies flowing through our fields will be eliminated from this ever-expanding plane of existence.
My sincere wish for each and everyone of you is that you traverse this moment in time as easily as is possible and that you feel stronger in yourselves knowing that these energies have a clear purpose to move all of us along our true evolutionary path.
Much love to all,
October 4, 2016
“We are the Elohim and we greet you now on a platform of peace, a platform of calming energy.
There are expansive waves of light coming to you in a steady stream and they are of cosmic origin and of divine ordinance. The light of which we speak is the unseen light, the light coming from the primary causal fields of All-That-Is, of which you are each a part. This light is felt by many and seen by few, but no one is immune to their effect. This light is arriving in continual waves and has as its objective, to dismantle the intransigent energies that humanity loves to so dearly cling on to.
Many of you are feeling the deep discontent of a reality gone astray, if not mad. The consensual reality began to churn and froth some time ago and now the energies of all the lowest vibrations are thrown about your fields as never before. The presence of these energies are clues to a further deepening of societal instability.
All of you have noticed the anger and resentment, the frustration and exasperation, of a planet gone mad from emotional imbalance, lack of rationality and the force of the unclear mind. You are asking yourselves and those around you “Where is the sanity? What are we doing as a collective? Why are we settling for more status quo, mediocrity and empty non-sensical explanations?” These are the thoughts that flood our awareness, not only yours! It resembles, indeed, the perfect energetic storm.
The energies you feel coming in to your collective fields are imbalanced packets of light that are being shed from the majority of humanity that is now also immersed in this on-going wave of overwhelming release – release of the energies and their ways – to lower vibrational existence, that represent lives of chaos, mal-intent, disorder and a lack of compassion. These are the operational constructs of the now-dying reality. This is the perfect storm and within this storm you shall find the counter-balance and in fact you shall create the counter-balance.
As the fear-based energies of the Earth are released by each and every one of you, it is your priority and keen sense of responsibility that demands of you your utmost strength of character to flood these feelings and thoughts with a bevy of divine light that surrounds you in infinite beauty, and in every moment. This moment is commanding your attention and it is this moment that requires you to command the light.
The Age of Control is complete for now all energetic structures founded in the force of control are flooded with Light to re-align and re-energize them to return each and everyone of you to the Age of Unification.
You are being challenged now to release the overlays of planet Earth from all multi-dimensional aspects of your selves. Within the release is wrapped the power of the gift that lies within each and every one of you – the immutable power to command the light, and through the power of your Soul’s domain you may now choose a new path, one of integrity, high morality, acceptance of your own inner truth. And with this choice made in full and utterly complete surrender to the power of your soul, you then claim, in all perpetuity, your truth, your commitment to our Gaia and the humanity that needs your guidance at this dark hour.
As the launched rocket vibrates and shakes as it pulls against gravitation of your planet, you are also feeling the heaviness and scattered energies of the rough ride demanding your attention. Let go of these energies – let them go through dedicated breathwork and their conscious release into a ball of golden-violet light, of infinite capacity, to be returned to the Central Sun for balancing and reunification with All.
Once-released negativity frees one to master the energies of balanced acceptance and the embracing of those energies that you know to reflect each and every one of those who hold the sincere desire to move beyond the reality that surrounds you now and to which you feel you have lost all affiliation to. Now you are feeling so strongly, even more than ever, that you have absolutely no connection to the reality before you, nor do you carry any more the recognition of anything that supports your soul’s evolution and truth. As you feel these strong sentiments, know that you are now fully, and finally, moving out beyond the confines of this expression in to a whole new expanded reality, the fifth dimension. Your consciousness is now expanding moment by moment.
This is a precious moment as every action flows beautifully in a divinely guided progression. Everyone is doing their own part, and there are many parts to play in this Play!
All is in order as it is, it is the perfect storm. We are the Elohim and we do love you, completely.”
A Leap in Human Intelligence. A Meditation For Humanity With St. Germain on October 7, 2016
Georgi Stankov
Yesterday we met with our friend Julia, who has experienced a huge opening since last time we met her and together triggered the download of the blue-magenta light of the new worlds on this planet as reported in my chronicle. She for the first time realized what enormous interdimensional work we are doing and felt great to participate in it. This time I knew that we are up for something big given the relentless waves during the last three weeks. During our meditation St. Germain, and also many other beings, angels, archangels and ascended masters, were present in the room. Before the meditation I explained to Julia, who expressed the desire to dwell only in the 5D and create from there, that in order to achieve that we must first fully open humanity within their natural energetic restrictions in their mental and emotional bodies before they can be perceptive to new transcendental knowledge and leave behind all old human thought patterns that sustain this matrix. This is the only way how we can overcome this illusory holographic matrix and move to 5D.
In particular I referred to the general understanding of the new theory of the Universal Law and its infinite implications for the new human civilisation and also how difficult it is for the current humans to sustain its highest vibrations and adopt fully its holistic approach based on immaculate logic and precise and total axiomatisation of human language and scientific terminology. Then I referred to the fallacies of the light workers to think and express themselves in precise scientific terms or even to grasp properly any scientific content. Instead they easily and uncritically resort to all kinds of personal esoteric figments with which they substitute the true science of the Universal Law and pretend to be able to explain the energetic processes that drive the current ascension process in a seemingly novel manner. In other words, I was pondering one more time over the chronic mental malaise of the New Agers, on their inability to develop a true intellectuality and be able to create a viable vision, a true utopia of the new ascended world in the Now. In this way they fail as autark creator beings. This critics is a leitmotif of all my writings and an expression of deep regret as to the very low-level of mental evolution of the human species and the incarnated souls.
When St. Germain came to us, precisely to Julia who was the medium in this meditation, he told her exactly that – that we shall raise during this meditation the intelligence of every human being by 30% so that they can leave this dark, low-vibrating matrix of separation and be able to enter the new ascended world. He confirmed that humanity is on the cusp of it, on the very edge of a precipice, and now we are building an ethereal bridge for it to cross over and enter the 5th dimension. During the meditation I got immediately another cc-wave with massive download of source energy as I am the one who opens the portal in such meditations and then sends the new codes to humanity. Since then I still have a split head the whole night and this morning but feel that we have accomplished something great.
St Germain described this wave as a triple ccc-wave that will bring the following three virtues to humanity:
– Calmness, which means no fears,
– Clarity of mind, which eliminates the separation from the Source as it leads to the acknowledgement that we are all one with everything and the Whole and
– Common sense, which is so important in the current End Time of peaking insanity as this is demonstrated at the political, economic and financial stage as this can be observed in the MSM.
Then at the end we anchored the four basic qualities of the new ascended human as huge pillars of light:
– Compassion (for the cognitive, emotional and mental problems of the awakening humanity)
– Truthfulness (in the comprehension and presentation of the actual reality behind the current facade of lies that keep this illusory holographic matrix alive as this has been the objective of this website)
– Trust (in the divine order of all events and the inevitability of our ascension)
– Harmony (of thoughts and emotions amidst the worst chaos of fear this humanity has ever experienced in its history when their illusory world begins to crumble irreversibly and they lose all control over the events.)
On the way back home I told Carla that this meditation was actually the crowning of the energetic crescendo-tsunami under which we are reeling since the middle of September that began immediately after I published my chronicle of the events for the previous two months. Then the Elohim came immediately to Carla and confirmed that this meditation was indeed “the culmination of the ongoing energetic tsunami wave” that will most probably end up with the ID shift and our ascension to the new world, but only after the old matrix has fully crumbled. It will most probably begin with the simultaneous collapse of the financial and political structures in the USA and EU as they are very closely entangled.
It is notable to mention that the day before the meditation I had another massive descent of source energy with excruciating headache and had for the first time since long time the feeling of menace and danger coming from the collective. From this I conclude that we accomplished another major ID shift and separated numerous lower timelines with souls that will not ascend before the infusion of the new light codes of human intelligence can be inserted yesterday into this remaining humanity of evolved souls. I assume that there was another huge influx of transliminal souls as walk-ins associated with this upgrading of human intelligence. At the same time Carla had another meditation with Julia and two other light workers and they healed Gaia and humanity with the emerald green light. Hence on October 6th and 7th there was a massive alchemical reaction that transformed humanity for ever. It is interesting that today I found this video from Magenta Pixie that independently confirms the “The Phenomenal Acceleration of Mind in October 2016“. Although I do not resonate with the language of this message, it is otherwise remarkable with respect to the main news.
Now I am expecting some dramatic manifestations on the global stage. It is a basic truth that this illusory reality can only be sustained as long as sufficient people believe in it. This was the case with communism in the East and this will be case this year in the West and I have already my deja-vus. Now I expect that many people will awaken one sunny morning with bright thoughts and clear minds and will see all of a sudden the darkness of this reality. They will no longer have the desire or be able to accommodate in it and will discard it with vigor. I know what I am talking about as this happened with me suddenly when my soul fully descended into my body in 1972 and caused the most severe catharsis a human being can experience. All of a sudden the rug was pulled away from under my feet and I realized in what a sinister world I lived – under communism in Bulgaria at that time, which was the real NWO that has ever been established on this planet – and then I changed for ever. Since then I am a foreign body in this world and have never truly adapted to it, even though I had somehow to survive for another 44 years. Now this same psychological transformation will be experienced by the majority of the humans and this will be the inner motor of profound social change. I already register the first cathartic symptoms in the US and Europe.
Let us hope that now we shall see some big collapses as humanity seems to be ripe for them before we can move to the 5D. The Elohim describe the effect of the current tsunami waves from the Source on the human mentality as the “perfect storm” with respect to their emotions and world view and that is why we are very confident that we shall soon see how this energetic hurricane of new clarity and intelligence will devastate the old matrix, just as hurricane Mathew flooded and devastated large swaths of land along the coast of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.
Comments of the PAT:
George and Carla,
Thank you for your latest message October 9th – I agree with “The PATsters are consistently reporting such extreme cleansing” but it is somewhat different this time. I am not so anxious to hurry because I know this “great” work is so important and I am one of few who can bring this task to a successful conclusion. The grace of God allows that our bodies are able to handle this last and hardest round. I am barely in this world now and only function to allow this “great work to continue“. Each night I perform my work with joy, meeting with those in my group and helping them to overcome their miscreations and pull them off a negative timeline where they can ascend.
Earth is so ready and will not wait much longer, so we must be diligent. We agreed to take on these extra duties after 2012 because of our love for the Earth and humanity. I feel as you that this will continue for us until we see positive changes in the outer world. That will be a parting gift to us. Even though things are moving rapidly it will still take some time and probably at least the rest of this year and into some of 2017 before we have secured the positive timeline for new earth and are free to exhale and then our higher selves will be free to fully descend into our bodies. It cannot happen yet because we could no long continue our work in the same way as is required by this process. Easy for me to understand now but hard to explain. Continue to keep us informed as spirit leads you.
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Situation Analysis
by Georgi Stankov Posted on October 23, 2016
Georgi Stankov, October 22, 2016
We have entered eerie times. I am following very closely the emotional and mental changes in the US population during the ongoing election campaign and register the Big Awakening that is finally happening along the exact fault lines as predicted by ourselves when the inner soul dynamics of the light body process, LBP is taken into consideration. I am now gauging the outcome of the elections and predict a landslide victory for Trump contrary to the rigged polls of the propaganda MSM. The latter are based on very restricted sample sizes of about 1000 – 1500 participants and no longer represent the tectonic shifts in the collective world view that have occurred in the American population after the tsunami-wave from the Source hit the earth since mid September. The energies have now reached a high-level plateau and are gaining momentum for one final push prior to the 11.11 portal of ascension which is three days after the elections.
However, it is very difficult to make precise forecasts as the election mode in the USA is very complicated and not proportional. Al Gore, for instance, was beaten by Bush with about 200 rigged votes in Florida although he had overall 0.5 million more votes. That is why you should not expect as precise a forecast as I did for the Brexit, except that it should be a sweeping victory for Trump. If he wins, as I expect it, then the ruling cabal must crash the economy and the banking system between the election day and Christmas in an effort to install martial law and prevent Trump from becoming president. If Hillary rigs the elections in her favour, which is highly likely from what we hear so far, then the dark ones still have to crash the system as it barely functions and is kept alive on a lifeline in the ICU of Fed’s NIRP and gargantuan debt.
The Fed would have raised the interest rates long time ago and crashed the financial system if they were not afraid that this would play out in the hands of Trump with whose success they did not reckon initially. This perspires clearly from the latest Fed minutes. This is in blatant contradiction to all Fed strategies that are coupled to the inflation which has recently soured beyond the target of 2% even for the rigged and meaningless CPI (Core price index), while the real costs of life have virtually skyrocketed. And the cabal has already begun with the clamping down on the American people with psyops on the Internet while blaming the Russians. This reminds me of the crooked cock (read “crooked Killary”) that blames the pubis hairs for its inability to penetrate, to quote an old, crude Bulgarian saying.
Essentially the choice for the American people has been reduced between lies and deception as represented by Killary and the dire truth about the economy and the society as presented by Trump in his speeches.
Full Speech: Donald Trump Rally in Fletcher, NC 10/21/16
The people are now awakening in droves as the old collective consciousness of separation was eliminated by the latest tsunami wave since mid September as the Elohim told us. This is the real game changer and we are its conduits and executors. It was substituted by the new collective thinking of unity and this is the new determining factor which none of the pundits and fraudulent pollsters seem to grasp. But Trump does know this intuitively as he is divinely guided these days and has courageously declared war on the “corrupt establishment” as he names them after he “has been liberated from his shackles”, as he pointed out, when the Clinton campaign began to propagate lies about him groping women in the past. This is unheard of and it works – the cabal are scared for the first time and try to create a parallel universe where Trump loses the elections. As if such stupid iterations would change the outcome of the ascension process. This self-delusion only accelerates the demise of the dark elite from power.
The masses are angry and impoverished and they do not want a repetition of Obama’s policies another four or eight years but a real change for the better. This includes blacks and Hispanics in the inner cities who are drowning in violence and poverty. And the only real change is ascension from this 3D reality, which is irredeemable and can only be destroyed when the final ID shift comes.
When I made comparisons based on the support for Trump versus Hillary on the Internet, he wins with two to three times more supporters as a rule no matter what I compare. For instance, here are two videos with exactly the same title for Trump’s and Hillary’s speech at the Al Smith charity dinner:
Video: Full monologue: Donald Trump roasts Hillary Clinton at Al Smith charity dinner (2.0 million visitors and steadily growing)
Video: Hillary Clinton Roasts Donald Trump At The Al Smith Charity Dinner (1 Million)
And this is a very favourable ratio for Killary, normally Trump is ahead several times in terms of popular support. Here are some further data on the overwhelming support for Trump in the social media compared to anemic, fainting Killary:
“The staggering advantage Donald Trump has over Hillary Clinton in the “social media” world is evidenced by his having double the amount of Facebook users (Trump nearly 12 million to Hillary’s 5 million), a 30% advantage in Twitter users (Trump over 10 million to Hillary’s 8 million), Facebook Livestream posts with Trump having 135,000 likes, 18,167 shares, 1.5 million views compared to Hillary having 11,000 likes, 0 shares, 321,000 views, YouTube Livestream showing Trump averaging 30,000 live viewers per stream while Hillary is averaging 500 live viewers per stream, Instagram where Trump has 2.2 million followers and Hillary 1.8 million, and Reddit where Trump has 197,696 subscribers and Hillary only has 24,429—but Hillary For Prison has 55,228 subscribers.“
And even when a snap poll was performed by CNN, the most staunch advocate of Killary, without manipulation after the third debate, the result was stunning and very embarrassing for the anchor and the sender.
Here’s The 30 Seconds After The Last Debate That CNN Would Rather You Didn’t See
One must bear in mind that the entire republican camp hates Killary as the pestilence and they are much more motivated to vote for Trump on the election day as they also hate Bombama and do not want to experience more of him (see the turnout for early voting in the swing states North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, Nebraska, and Michigan). This is what Killary would do if she would be elected president as she belongs to the same corrupt cartel, while Trump stands for change and has left the club of the privileged. Remember how the GOP establishment tried to stab him in the back when the first rumors about women being harassed by him appeared and how quickly this revolt in a tea cup imploded a few days later when Trump declined to back down.
The democratic camp is split evenly in two factions and the supporters of Bernie Sanders are so disappointed with him endorsing Killary and disgusted by the latter that they will at best not vote or vote against her and for Trump. However Killary needs young voters (called millennials) to vote for her to win, while they are not even caring about this election. At the same time, Donald Trump’s Republican Party has registered more voters than Hillary to elect him, as even the most vicious anti-Trump outlet Politico admits. In this case we have roughly 60% or higher percentage of the electorate in favour of Trump, which is already a huge lead that scares the establishment to death.
All dark entities are notorious cowards and they hate courageous people abysmally as they demonstrate to them what they can never be. As this dwindling cowardly portion of the US population still controls the MSM and the state institutions, it is no wonder why Trump encounters so much opposition and distortion of the facts. I know what I am talking about as this is the collective hatred with which I have been confronted my whole life. And let us be frank – there are very few really courageous individuals on this planet. This hatred against courageous and vocal individuals is shared by all walks of society – in the New Age movement as well as in politics as the mindset of the people is the same, no matter what they do or pretend to be.
Now Trump has assumed this leading role in politics but he is sailing on the crest of the huge tsunami of source waves which we unleashed this summer and in particular since mid September until now. I assume that he will profit from this favourable energetic condition and will make the best of it in his election campaign against the corrupt Washington establishment and the deep government that is perfectly embodied by the most evil woman on this planet – Killary – as Trump now describes her in his speeches.
But I do not know how this all will translate into real votes for Trump given the fact that even the electronic devices they use in the USA for voting are rigged (hacked) as recently proven in a very emotional manner:
And one should not underestimate the criminal energy of Killary who does not even hesitate to rig the debates with Trump in front of millions of Americans as this video proves:
Read also: ‘Rigged’ Debates? Questions Arise Again Over Lighted Screen At Hillary’s Podium
At the end it is a choice between light and darkness, and I cannot imagine that the darkness will win one more time, given the relentless energies from the source that now engulf the entire humanity without any exception. The enlightened ones open to the unvarnished truth as never before and the dark ones behave insidiously in a more obvious manner as never before as nothing can be hidden nowadays. In the past only we, the few light warriors were affected by these energies. The new element now is that the entire humanity is under their influence and has to open to the truth. I receive information from the USA and Europe that the people are indeed opening in droves to the truth and the dire reality on this planet in exactly the same manner as has been predicted and advocated on this website for many years with regard to the light body and the ascension process. And this is entirely the success of our tireless light work on behalf of humanity and Gaia.
Essentially I have come to the conclusion that the change will come from the USA and the elections will not resolve the revolt of the masses behind Trump’s candidacy as this is only the beginning. If the cabal believe that with his eventual, rigged defeat the genie is in the bottle again, then they are absolutely mistaken. As Trump rightly points out in his speeches this is “a unique grass-root movement as never seen before”. He has a deep sense of what he has achieved historically even without knowing about the energetic support from the source and ourselves as ascended masters in physical bodies. By the way, our protuberance field has now expanded vastly and encompasses the entire North American continent, and this contributes significantly to Trump’s success.
He will continue fighting after the elections because he is very ambitious and does not give up easily. The people also, as they have nothing to lose – they have lost everything in the last 8 years of Bombama’s systemic destruction of the civil society in order to install the NWO. Seventy percent of the Americans have less than 1000 devalued dollars as savings and their debt has doubled during the Obama reign. More than one-third of the Americans are drowning in debt that is at least 180 days past due. This figure is exactly the real unemployment rate (106 million people in working age) I have calculated in the past for the US nation that is in the Greatest and Longest Depression of all time beginning with the crisis in 2008.
If the elections would be rigged, which is as sure as the thunder after the lightning, there will be a veritable revolution in the USA and nobody can stop it. That is why the cabal were so scared when Trump did not promise that he would accept the outcome of the elections if he loses in the last debate as leading articles in all major MSM outlets bitterly whined the next day. They seemed to have forgotten about Al Gore who also contested the election result in 2000. And also that more important than accepting the election result as to preserve social peace is to take care that the elections are not rigged and the voice of the sovereign is not suppressed as the constitution demands.
They now know that they have lost the war against the American people, actually against our light, as they have already lost the propaganda war for their minds. The “mass media” no longer deserve this name as they are followed by only 4% of the US population as recent surveys show while the alternative media determine the topics, in particular regarding the election fraud. Wikileaks has become a major issue in the presidential campaign and the Ecuadorian embassy is now under siege by the dark British stooges of the Empire of evil.
I recognize the same revolutionary situation as in 1989 in Eastern Europe and we all know how it ended – with the sudden and unexpected fall of the Soviet empire. There is a tectonic shift in the collective perception of this reality these days and it is carried on the wings of justified anger and even “wrath of the ants” (Steinbeck) about the lies and deceptions of the corrupt elite in power. This should not be a surprise as the vast majority of the Americans fears the corruption of government officials most and is afraid that the powers-that-were would rig the elections:
Over 60% Of Americans Fear “Corruption Of Government Officials” Above Anything Else
New Reuters Poll Shows That 70% Of Republicans Think The Election Is Rigged
The American people have every reason to worry as the USA has a long tradition of rigged elections.
However this time everything is different after our latest meditation when we invoked a significant leap in the overall human intelligence and in particular in the clarity of mind within the ever-expanding new protuberance field that contains all the codes for a proper understanding of the new Theory of the Universal Law by all ascending candidates. The people are beginning to see through the perennial fraud.
With this collective mindset in place, there is no way that America would remain the same after the election day and that the cabal would continue ruling uncontested. The moment the people stop identifying themselves with the system and projecting their social aspirations and hopes for a better life onto this unjust social order, the matrix will crumble irreversibly. The portion of humanity whose soul fragments have decided to ascend will move to the new worlds and the others will descend with the crumbling matrix to a lower timeline where they will continue their karmic games of separation.
The change will first come from the USA and then will quickly spread over to Western Europe which is ready to fall like a ripe, or rather rotten, fruit. The EU is already falling apart but the decisive impulse must first come from the Empire of Evil. Given the fact that the financial and economic system is not sustainable in the West and highly volatile, when it crashes it will happen Big and Overnight. It will be a controlled demolition like the twin towers on 9/11. And it may begin like that:

Apart from that we are compressed as if in a vise by the overwhelming vibrations and the intensity of the energy waves from the source and barely function in this reality.
Five minutes after I finished writing this article I received the following letter from a new reader of our website. It illustrates in a perfect manner the rapid awakening of the American people, and in particular the leap in intelligence and clarity of mind which we induced in a pivotal meditation a few days ago that is in the centre of this situation analysis:
“Hello Dr. Stankov, Carla and your staff. I would simply like to start by saying thank you for being who you are, doing what you do and sharing your information so readily and for free. I have been following information online for many years, since 2011, really, after what I have come to understand as my own Light Body Process began, in an attempt to understand what was happening to me and make sense of my reality.
This led me to the chilling reality of the nature of the hidden war on this planet and the many clandestine and hidden forces that were acting upon me, both positively and negatively, to influence my mind and behavior in the midst of what, as you know, has been an excruciating and logic-defying process that has made it nearly impossible for me to function well in American society.
I am not proud to admit that I also came under the spell of people like Cobra, Steve Beckow (briefly), and others in their deceptive attempt to neutralize so many of us with misinformation and false promises, but it was the only information that made a modicum of sense to me and, at least partly in the case of Cobra especially, explained the crazy nature of the reality I was experiencing even though everyone around me seemed to be oblivious or unaffected.
Somehow, I just came upon your website and writings this week and it has been completely opening up my mind and helping me to refocus my efforts and energies on what matters, liberating me from many delusions that had led me down a dark path of depression and suicidal contemplations. I do not know if it is too late for me and many others, as you suggest, or what will happen when the grand show begins, but for now I am experiencing some relief and peace and clarity thanks to your efforts. So again, vielen dank Herr Doctor.
My only question involves the published material, namely the 5 Universal Law volumes. I am currently reading your article published in 2011 about the fall of the economy and the New Gnosis book, and will be buying the two ascension manual books you referenced in the introduction to New Gnosis. However, at some point I would like to read the larger 5 volumes for my own edification, yet my German is very limited. Is there a reason only two volumes are offered in English, and do you have any plans to publish translations of Volumes I and IV?
Whatever feedback you feel inclined to share would be appreciated, however I understand you have far vaster concerns than my simple inquiry. Much love and gratitude to you and please know that I hear, see and feel your words very deeply and appreciate the grueling and often thankless work you and your colleagues are doing for the people of this planet.
Second Addendum:
Donald Trump’s 28 point plan for America
Donald Trump delivered his “closing argument for his presidential campaign” before another big turnout in Gettysburg, Pa. American voters face a clear choice in the election between the promise of change and Hillary Clinton’s promise of continuing the corrupt status quo. Trump called on voters to turn out and defeat a “totally rigged system.”
Donald Trump billed himself during the speech as a “once in a lifetime” agent of change who will revive the US economy and rid Washington of corruption.
“We will drain the swamp in Washington, D.C., and replace it with a new government — of, by and for the people.”
Here is the list of the “Contract with the American Voter” policies detailed by Trump:
Propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress
Institute a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health)
Require for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated.
Institute a five year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service
Create a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
Institute a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.
Announce intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205.
Announce withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Direct Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator.
Direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately.
Lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars’ worth of job-producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.
Lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward.
Cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America’s water and environmental infrastructure.
Cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama.
Begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities.
Begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won’t take them back.
Suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting.
Work with Congress on a Middle Class Tax Relief And Simplification Act.An economic plan designed to grow the economy 4% per year and create at least 25 million new jobs through massive tax reduction and simplification, in combination with trade reform, regulatory relief, and lifting the restrictions on American energy. The largest tax reductions are for the middle class. A middle-class family with 2 children will get a 35% tax cut. The current number of brackets will be reduced from 7 to 3, and tax forms will likewise be greatly simplified. The business rate will be lowered from 35 to 15 percent, and the trillions of dollars of American corporate money overseas can now be brought back at a 10 percent rate.
Work with Congress on a End The Offshoring ActEstablishes tariffs to discourage companies from laying off their workers in order to relocate in other countries and ship their products back to the U.S. tax-free.
Work with Congress on a American Energy & Infrastructure ActLeverages public-private partnerships, and private investments through tax incentives, to spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investment over 10 years. It is revenue neutral.
Work with Congress on a School Choice And Education Opportunity ActRedirects education dollars to gives parents the right to send their kid to the public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home school of their choice. Ends common core, brings education supervision to local communities. It expands vocational and technical education, and make 2 and 4-year college more affordable.
Work with Congress on a Repeal and Replace Obamacare ActFully repeals Obamacare and replaces it with Health Savings Accounts, the ability to purchase health insurance across state lines, and lets states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms will also include cutting the red tape at the FDA: there are over 4,000 drugs awaiting approval, and we especially want to speed the approval of life-saving medications.
Work with Congress on a Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act.Allows Americans to deduct childcare and elder care from their taxes, incentivizes employers to provide on-side childcare services, and creates tax-free Dependent Care Savings Accounts for both young and elderly dependents, with matching contributions for low-income families.
Work with Congress on an End Illegal Immigration ActFully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern border with the full understanding that the country Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall; establishes a 2-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after a previous deportation, and a 5-year mandatory minimum for illegally re-entering for those with felony convictions, multiple misdemeanor convictions or two or more prior deportations; also reforms visa rules to enhance penalties for overstaying and to ensure open jobs are offered to American workers first.
Work with Congress on a Restoring Community Safety Act.Reduces surging crime, drugs and violence by creating a Task Force On Violent Crime and increasing funding for programs that train and assist local police; increases resources for federal law enforcement agencies and federal prosecutors to dismantle criminal gangs and put violent offenders behind bars.
Work with Congress on a Restoring National Security Act.Rebuilds our military by eliminating the defense sequester and expanding military investment; provides Veterans with the ability to receive public VA treatment or attend the private doctor of their choice; protects our vital infrastructure from cyber-attack; establishes new screening procedures for immigration to ensure those who are admitted to our country support our people and our values
Work with Congress on a Clean up Corruption in Washington Act.Enacts new ethics reforms to Drain the Swamp and reduce the corrupting influence of special interests on our politics.
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