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Vídeo 58
Respuestas de un extraterrestre de la galaxia Andrómeda – vídeo 58, 18 de agosto del 2011.
Amigos, no tengo noticias buenas. Como os dije en nuestra última conversación, la estrella enana podría acelerarse cuando el Sol la atraiga más. Esto está sucediendo ahora mismo, la estrella enana "Kachina Roja" se acerca cada vez más de prisa y podría llegar con unos meses de adelanto. Podría llegar de 6 a 11 meses antes de lo previsto; todo depende de cuanto se acelere después de que ocurrió un cambio inesperado en el comportamiento del Sol, el cual ha incrementado su campo gravitatorio, como si se estuviera preparando para recibir a la estrella enana, proporcionándole la velocidad necesaria para que pueda regresar a la zona donde está el agujero negro al lado opuesto de su órbita. La estrella enana es mucho más grande que el cometa, es como si se comparara un gorrión a un águila. Creemos que los Krulians no están atrasando a la estrella enana porque, aunque su nave espacial continúa siguiéndola de cerca, no parece que estén haciendo nada para reducir esta aceleración. La posición angular de la Tierra y el Sol está cambiando rápidamente y es posible que la órbita de la Luna varíe, y el resultado será que en aproximadamente 30 días su elipse se incrementará. Cuanto más elíptica sea la órbita de la Luna, las mareas serán más altas en ciertas zonas lo cual ocasionará muchas inundaciones en las costas.
Es posible que perdáis el planeta Mercurio cuando pase la estrella enana; debido a que el Sol está desequilibrado, es posible que el Sol absorba a Mercurio o que sus grandes erupciones lo lancen fuera de su órbita. El campo geomagnético del planeta se volverá extremadamente frágil durante estos acontecimientos, por lo que después del 20 de septiembre no os deberías poner al sol durante las erupciones solares. Veréis que las plantas se secarán en unas horas y no podrá sobrevivir nada que esté expuesto al sol durante estos picos de energía. Es posible que placas tectónicas enteras se hundan en los océanos y el agua dulce de los lagos y ríos se calentará con la energía solar irradiada. Algunos estáis preguntando "¿puedes decirnos detalladamente como se va a recuperar el planeta Tierra una vez que las "Kachinas" hayan completado su destrucción", pero esto es una utopía. No se puede predecir. Al principio cada caso, región, o grupo tendrá que resolver sus problemas locales. Los amigos que nos proporcionaron las coordenadas de donde se encuentran nos podrán ayudar a rescatar a los supervivientes de cada región de la que estemos encargados, y ellos serán los primeros que contactaremos. Trataremos de encontrar a todos los que sobreviváis. Seréis una gran ayuda porque conocéis los hechos mucho mejor que la mayoría de la gente.
Es una perdida de tiempo que en estos momentos conteste preguntas específicas; os informaré directamente de los hechos y de los acontecimientos que ocurran mientras seáis capaces de recibir los datos. Estamos muy ocupados grabando nuestra misión en la base de datos de la Comunidad Galáctica y parte de nuestra flota está ayudando a los Arcturians para que abandonen las bases terrestres y submarinas. Una gran astronave nodriza arcturian está estacionada encima de varias regiones para recoger equipo y materiales, por lo que podréis escuchar muchos ruidos extraños cuando esta gran astronave esté cerca de vuestras regiones. CB (el capitán Bill) me trajo una grabación de un ruido extraño que se oyó en dos ciudades rusas; este es el tipo de ruido que genera la reverberación de un portal que está abierto para el transporte local, cuando se trasladaba equipo pesado que se había sacado de las bases regionales.
CB también trajo algunas copias de un libro de apuntes viejo al que llamáis "Manuscrito Voynich", que se encontró hace siglos y está escrito en un idioma extraterrestre que nunca nadie ha utilizado en este planeta. Tuvisteis mucha suerte de descubrir este libro. El estudiante que perdió su libro de apuntes personales hace unos 550 años pertenecía a una raza de humanoides altos y delgados, los Taags, los cuales son gente muy amable que viven en Orión. Llevan a cabo investigación botánica en varias galaxias. En la escritura, ella describe las plantas que encontraron y observaron en otros sistemas solares, e hizo algunas copias de las posiciones astrológicas donde estas especies habían sido catalogadas. Teniendo en cuenta con cuanto cuidado ella estaba haciendo estos apuntes personales, se debe tratar de un aprendiz de botánica que estaría muy triste al perder estos apuntes. Hace 500 años los sistemas de navegación de las astronaves de muchas razas no se comunicaban con las bases de datos como se hace hoy en día, y mucha información se escribía o se grababa. Un científico nunca haría este tipo de anotación botánica pero si que lo haría un niño en un campo de entrenamiento. A veces los niños se concentran en sus hallazgos y pierden cosas. Lo mismo pasa cuando se trata de niños de otras razas.
Espero que podamos seguir comunicándonos hasta finales de septiembre u octubre, que será cuando creemos que vuestra red de comunicaciones empezará a fallar. Mis mensajes serán breves a partir de ahora pero serán en tiempo real. Basándonos en vuestras frecuencias de transmisión, hemos adaptado nuestro equipo, a petición de CB, al canal 16 de VHF marina, y al canal VHF 7 de los camiones. Es posible que en octubre o noviembre transmitamos mensajes para los que estén en comunicación con estos aparatos. Esto no será necesario para rescatar a los que nos hayan dado sus coordenadas, sino que será para facilitar las comunicaciones con grupos aislados para que nos comuniquen donde se encuentran. Muchos preguntasteis acerca de la piedra negra que transmite a distancia las ondas cerebrales, que le dimos a CB y que parece un guijarro o una piedra vulgar. Esta programada, es decir, que funciona sólo entre las dos personas para las que está programada. El os mostrará una foto.
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Video 58
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video fifth eight - August 18, 2011.
Friends I have not good news. As I told you in our last conversation, the Dwarf Star could suffer acceleration from a given point of influence of the sun. This is happening right now, the Dwarf Star "Red Kachina" is coming at an increasing rate and may advance its position in a few months. It may reduce the time of arrival of 11 for 6 months or less, everything depends on this acceleration caused by an unexpected change in behavior of your Sun, which amplified its gravitational field as if he had been scheduled to receive the Dwarf Star and provide speed necessary for its apex to return to the influence of the black hole in its orbital apex opposite the sun. Dwarf Star is much larger than this comet, like comparing a sparrow to an eagle. We believe that the Dwarf Star is no longer in arrears by Krulians because its spacecraft continues to follow closely Dwarf Star, but it seems to be doing nothing to reduce this acceleration. The angular position of the Earth to the sun is changing rapidly and the moon may suffer an orbital patch, moving to a more pronounced ellipse, Approximately 30 days from now. The more elliptical orbits get the moon; the tides will be higher in smaller away tangencies so many coastal areas will be flooded widely.
You may lose the planet Mercury during this passages; the imbalance caused in the sun can absorb it or throw it out of orbit with large solar flares. The geomagnetic field of the planet will enter a state of extreme fragility during these passages, therefore not exposed to the sun after the 20th of next September during solar flares. You will see the plants dry out in hours and nothing is exposed to the sun in these peaks can survive. Entire tectonic plates may sink in the oceans and freshwater of lakes and rivers will warm up by solar energy radiated. Some of you are asking “Can you give us a step by step breakdown of the recovery process for planet Earth once “Kachinas” has done their damage” but this is a utopia. There is no such a recipe to follow. Each case, each region, each group will have to solve their local problems in the first moments. The friends who provided us with the location coordinates may assist us in this rescue for survivors in each region that we serve, and will be the first to be contacted. We will try to find all of you who are among the survivors. You will be a great help that you're much more enlightened than most of the facts.
I guess to answer specific questions at this time of events is therefore a waste of time; I will inform directly the facts and the possible unfolding of events as you are able to receive data. We are extremely busy covering and recording our mission to the database of the 'Community Galactica and part of our fleet is helping Arcturians to
abandon the land and submarine bases. A large Arcturian mother ship is hovering over various regions collecting the equipment and materials so you will hear many strange noises when this big ship is lying next to your regions. CB brought a recording of strange noise in Russian territory over two cities and this is the type of noise generated by reverberation of a portal opened for local transportation when moving heavy equipment removed from regional bases.
CB also brought a few copies of an old Note book called by you as “Voynich Manuscript” which was found Centuries ago in a language foreign to any you've used here on the planet. Well, this is really a lucky find. The student who lost his book of personal notes to about 550 years ago belonged to a race of humanoids tall and thin, the Taags, a very gentle people who live in Orion. They do botanical research in several galaxies. For writing, she describes the plants found and observed in other solar systems, and made some copies of astrological positions where these species had been cataloged from. The affection, with which she was making these personal notes, should be a trainee in botany which must have been very sad to lose these notes. 500 years ago, the navigation systems of ships of many races did not communicate with databases like today, and much was written down or recorded. A scientist would never do this botanical annotation type but a child in field training yes. Children sometimes become absorbed with their findings and forget things everywhere. With children of other races is no different.
I hope we can continue communicating through the end of September or October, when we believe your reporting system network will begin to shut down. My messages will be short from now on but will be in real time. According to your system of transmission frequencies, we simulated in our equipment at the request of CB, the VHF marine channel 16, and channel 7 VHF of the automotive trucks. During operations in October or November, we may broadcast messages to those who are connected with these systems. This is not really necessary to rescue by the coordinates received, it is eventual to facilitate communications with isolated groups that may give references of where they are. Many of you ask about the black stone of transmission of brain waves in the distance, given to CB and it looks like any other pebble. It is tuned that is, works specifically between two people for whom it was programmed. He will put a picture for you.
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You may lose the planet Mercury during this passages; the imbalance caused in the sun can absorb it or throw it out of orbit with large solar flares. The geomagnetic field of the planet will enter a state of extreme fragility during these passages, therefore not exposed to the sun after the 20th of next September during solar flares. You will see the plants dry out in hours and nothing is exposed to the sun in these peaks can survive. Entire tectonic plates may sink in the oceans and freshwater of lakes and rivers will warm up by solar energy radiated. Some of you are asking “Can you give us a step by step breakdown of the recovery process for planet Earth once “Kachinas” has done their damage” but this is a utopia. There is no such a recipe to follow. Each case, each region, each group will have to solve their local problems in the first moments. The friends who provided us with the location coordinates may assist us in this rescue for survivors in each region that we serve, and will be the first to be contacted. We will try to find all of you who are among the survivors. You will be a great help that you're much more enlightened than most of the facts.
I guess to answer specific questions at this time of events is therefore a waste of time; I will inform directly the facts and the possible unfolding of events as you are able to receive data. We are extremely busy covering and recording our mission to the database of the 'Community Galactica and part of our fleet is helping Arcturians to
abandon the land and submarine bases. A large Arcturian mother ship is hovering over various regions collecting the equipment and materials so you will hear many strange noises when this big ship is lying next to your regions. CB brought a recording of strange noise in Russian territory over two cities and this is the type of noise generated by reverberation of a portal opened for local transportation when moving heavy equipment removed from regional bases.
CB also brought a few copies of an old Note book called by you as “Voynich Manuscript” which was found Centuries ago in a language foreign to any you've used here on the planet. Well, this is really a lucky find. The student who lost his book of personal notes to about 550 years ago belonged to a race of humanoids tall and thin, the Taags, a very gentle people who live in Orion. They do botanical research in several galaxies. For writing, she describes the plants found and observed in other solar systems, and made some copies of astrological positions where these species had been cataloged from. The affection, with which she was making these personal notes, should be a trainee in botany which must have been very sad to lose these notes. 500 years ago, the navigation systems of ships of many races did not communicate with databases like today, and much was written down or recorded. A scientist would never do this botanical annotation type but a child in field training yes. Children sometimes become absorbed with their findings and forget things everywhere. With children of other races is no different.
I hope we can continue communicating through the end of September or October, when we believe your reporting system network will begin to shut down. My messages will be short from now on but will be in real time. According to your system of transmission frequencies, we simulated in our equipment at the request of CB, the VHF marine channel 16, and channel 7 VHF of the automotive trucks. During operations in October or November, we may broadcast messages to those who are connected with these systems. This is not really necessary to rescue by the coordinates received, it is eventual to facilitate communications with isolated groups that may give references of where they are. Many of you ask about the black stone of transmission of brain waves in the distance, given to CB and it looks like any other pebble. It is tuned that is, works specifically between two people for whom it was programmed. He will put a picture for you.
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