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Vídeo 69
Respuestas de un extraterrestre de la galaxia Andrómeda – vídeo 69, 10 de noviembre del 2011.
...Amigos, CB (el capitán Bill) insistió que viniera para contestar las siguientes preguntas y volveré en unos tres días para hablar de nuevo.
Estamos ayudando a los Arcturians a sacar una base submarina cerca de la isla de Socotra en el Mar Arábigo.
Como sabréis, una astronave Kruliana desvió al asteroide YU-55 de su ruta a la luna, trayéndole un poco más cerca a la órbita de la Tierra, y por eso vuestros astrónomos corrigieron a que distancia iba a pasar de la Tierra.
Como sabréis, una astronave Kruliana desvió al asteroide YU-55 de su ruta a la luna, trayéndole un poco más cerca a la órbita de la Tierra, y por eso vuestros astrónomos corrigieron a que distancia iba a pasar de la Tierra.
La Comunidad Galáctica decidió obstaculizar los planes que las élites tenían para vuestro planeta, la información se la dieron los Pleyadianos.
Si las grandes catástrofes naturales ocurrieran cuando ellos estaban seguros y confiados que iban a pasar, esto facilitaría su plan de genocidio.
Una gran astronave Kruliana pasó cerca del planeta bloqueando a los meteoritos, el rastro de Elenin, que a principios de noviembre iba a interrumpir vuestras comunicaciones.
La economía del planeta está entrando en una crisis total, vuestro gobierno tendrá que empezar un conflicto importante para llevar a cabo los planes del control mundial y esto se podrá detectar con mayor facilidad; si este plan se ejecutara, puede que nos den ordenes para intervenir en el planeta.
Esto es lo que los Pleyadianos llevan deseando desde hace muchos meses, quieren llevar a cabo una intervención abierta con la participación directa de las poblaciones locales.
El paso de esta colonia al nivel "uno" de la frecuencia esta recibiendo mucha ayuda de las sociedades que llevan mucho tiempo trabajan para posibilitar esta evolución.
Es más complicado de lo que parece, ya que la junta directiva de la Comunidad Galáctica decidió que no se le puede permitir a vuestro gobierno que ejecute los planes pre-establecidos para eliminar a los grupos étnicos que ellos consideran
También se decidió esperar a que comenzaran los conflictos para que las sociedades extraterrestres revelen en masa que estarán presentes para armonizar la crisis.
Vuestras élites están desperdiciando el tiempo, no han podido usar Elenin, ni YU-55, ni el sistema Nibiru en el momento apropiado, así que pronto perderán el control de la situación.
Vuestras élites están desperdiciando el tiempo, no han podido usar Elenin, ni YU-55, ni el sistema Nibiru en el momento apropiado, así que pronto perderán el control de la situación.
Por desgracia, al principio os vais a encontrar en el medio de la venganza que ellos han planeado, pero no durará mucho tiempo.
Los reptiles no podrán participar en lo más mínimo, porque por órdenes de la Comunidad Galáctica sus actividades están prácticamente suspendidas en la Tierra, es decir, vuestras élites no tendrán ningún tipo de cobertura.
Las maniobras militares claramente demuestran el propósito de sus planes, que es poner naciones en contra de otras naciones, especialmente en las zonas más pobladas del planeta.
Para vuestras élites se trata de un juego en el que las cartas están marcadas, todos los involucrados saben exactamente que es lo que tienen que hacer en el juego para eliminar a la población.
Que la gente quiera la destrucción de sus vecinos es el resultado de los deseos de las élites y no de los ciudadanos ordinarios.
Que la gente quiera la destrucción de sus vecinos es el resultado de los deseos de las élites y no de los ciudadanos ordinarios.
Estas naciones podrían vivir en paz si el poder no estuviera centralizado en tan pocos.
La estrategia de la Comunidad Galáctica fue inteligente, al eliminar el factor de la "naturaleza" de la agenda de vuestras élites, obliga a vuestros gobiernos a que adopten medidas que demostrarían claramente su intenciones genocidias.
Este cambio en la política de la Comunidad Galáctica, con respecto a la "no interferencia", es muy interesante porque vuestro planeta está realmente en una situación en la que es necesario implementar medidas de urgencia.
En cuanto al sistema Nibiru, pienso que se le volverá a poner en su ruta normal en el interior del sistema solar, pero esta situación es peligrosa y se resolverá cuando pase en unos pocos meses.
Además, los Arcturians fueron los que aliviaron la presión del magma del volcán que amenazaba con estallar en las Islas Canarias y tirar la mitad de la isla al mar, y este desastre natural estaba a punto de ocurrir.
Además, los Arcturians fueron los que aliviaron la presión del magma del volcán que amenazaba con estallar en las Islas Canarias y tirar la mitad de la isla al mar, y este desastre natural estaba a punto de ocurrir.
Ellos taladraron un agujero en la capa de lava donde la presión era la más grande, para reducir la posibilidad de que ocurriera un desastre, como previamente esperaban vuestras élites.
Los Krulians también están controlando el Sol tanto como es posible, para tratar de que los "servicios básicos" del planeta sigan funcionando todo el tiempo que sea necesario.
No penséis que porque ningún asteroide se estrelló en el planeta que no está pasando nada.
No está sucediendo mucho más por razones que entenderéis en un futuro próximo.
Muchas personas están trabajando muy duro para que vuestro nivel de éxito mejore y llegue a la proporción que todos esperan.
Tened cuidado y tened fe de que todo lo que se hace es para que esta situación general sea mas justa y que haya menos sufrimiento.
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Video 69
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video sixty nine - November 10, 2011.
Tened cuidado y tened fe de que todo lo que se hace es para que esta situación general sea mas justa y que haya menos sufrimiento.
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Video 69
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video sixty nine - November 10, 2011.
...Friends, I came here at the insistence of CB to comment on these points and I return in about three days for a new conversation. We are assisting the Arcturians in an operation to remove a submarine base near the island Socotra in the Arabian Sea.
As you could follow, the asteroid YU-55 was diverted from his route to the moon by Krulians ship, bringing it a little more close to Earth's orbit, and that made your astronomers make corrections in the distances of Earth flyby. The Community Galactica decided to hinder the plans by the current elite of your planet, they were advised by Pleiadeans. If major natural disasters to happen at the moment as they were certain and confident, would facilitate the plan of genocide. A large craft Krulians passed near the planet covering the effects of meteorites, the trail of Elenin, which would disable your communications in early November. The economy of the planet is going into total crisis, your government will have to start a major conflict to carry out plans for global control and that will be more easily traced, because if such a plan is in place, we may be ordered to the intervention of the planet. This is what Pleiadeans wish for many months, an open intervention with the direct participation of local populations. The passage of this colony to the level "one" of frequency, is receiving major interventions by societies that long ago, working for such development. It's more complicated than it seems because it was settled by the board of the Community Galactica that your government can not run the pre-established plans to eliminate the ethnicities considered "disposable" by them. It was also resolved to await the beginning of the conflicts to a massive revelation of extraterrestrial societies that will be present to harmonize the situation. Your elites are losing time, they could not count on Elenin, nor with the YU-55, and not with the system Nibiru in its correct time, and so will they lose control of the situation soon. Unfortunately, at first, you are in the midst of planned retaliation for them but will not for long. The reptilians are unable to voice any participation, because their activities are practically suspended on Earth by orders of the Community Galactica that is, your elites will be without any coverage. The military movements clearly demonstrate the purpose of this game, putting the nation against nation, especially in more populated areas of the planet. For your elites this is a game with marked cards, everyone involved knows exactly what role they should play the game of population elimination. The effect of making the people want the destruction of its neighbor is the desire of the elites and not ordinary citizens. These nations could live in peace if there is no such centralization of power by so few. The strategy of "Community Galactica was smart, removing the factor" nature "of the agenda of your elites, it is forcing your governments to take an initiative that will demonstrate clearly the intention of genocide. This change in policy of the Community Galactica, with respect to "non-interference" was very interesting because your planet is really in a situation where emergency measures are necessarily being implemented. Regarding the Nibiru system, I believe it will be restored to the normal route on the inside of the solar system, but this situation belligerent, should already be resolved when it passes in a few months. Also, the Arcturians were responsible for the relief of the pressure of magma from the volcano that threatened to blow up Canary Islands throwing half of the island and the sea causing the natural disaster that was about to happen. They pierced the sheet of lava at the point of greatest pressure to reduce the possibility of another disaster event, previously expected by your elites. The Krulians are also keeping under control the sun as much as possible, to try to keep the "basic facilities" of the planet running as long as needed. Do not think because no asteroid collided with the planet, nothing is happening. Not much is happening for reasons that you will understand in the near future. Many people are working hard to make it possible to increase your level of success with the proportion expected by all. Take care and have faith that all this way to end a fairer and less suffering for this general situation.
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As you could follow, the asteroid YU-55 was diverted from his route to the moon by Krulians ship, bringing it a little more close to Earth's orbit, and that made your astronomers make corrections in the distances of Earth flyby. The Community Galactica decided to hinder the plans by the current elite of your planet, they were advised by Pleiadeans. If major natural disasters to happen at the moment as they were certain and confident, would facilitate the plan of genocide. A large craft Krulians passed near the planet covering the effects of meteorites, the trail of Elenin, which would disable your communications in early November. The economy of the planet is going into total crisis, your government will have to start a major conflict to carry out plans for global control and that will be more easily traced, because if such a plan is in place, we may be ordered to the intervention of the planet. This is what Pleiadeans wish for many months, an open intervention with the direct participation of local populations. The passage of this colony to the level "one" of frequency, is receiving major interventions by societies that long ago, working for such development. It's more complicated than it seems because it was settled by the board of the Community Galactica that your government can not run the pre-established plans to eliminate the ethnicities considered "disposable" by them. It was also resolved to await the beginning of the conflicts to a massive revelation of extraterrestrial societies that will be present to harmonize the situation. Your elites are losing time, they could not count on Elenin, nor with the YU-55, and not with the system Nibiru in its correct time, and so will they lose control of the situation soon. Unfortunately, at first, you are in the midst of planned retaliation for them but will not for long. The reptilians are unable to voice any participation, because their activities are practically suspended on Earth by orders of the Community Galactica that is, your elites will be without any coverage. The military movements clearly demonstrate the purpose of this game, putting the nation against nation, especially in more populated areas of the planet. For your elites this is a game with marked cards, everyone involved knows exactly what role they should play the game of population elimination. The effect of making the people want the destruction of its neighbor is the desire of the elites and not ordinary citizens. These nations could live in peace if there is no such centralization of power by so few. The strategy of "Community Galactica was smart, removing the factor" nature "of the agenda of your elites, it is forcing your governments to take an initiative that will demonstrate clearly the intention of genocide. This change in policy of the Community Galactica, with respect to "non-interference" was very interesting because your planet is really in a situation where emergency measures are necessarily being implemented. Regarding the Nibiru system, I believe it will be restored to the normal route on the inside of the solar system, but this situation belligerent, should already be resolved when it passes in a few months. Also, the Arcturians were responsible for the relief of the pressure of magma from the volcano that threatened to blow up Canary Islands throwing half of the island and the sea causing the natural disaster that was about to happen. They pierced the sheet of lava at the point of greatest pressure to reduce the possibility of another disaster event, previously expected by your elites. The Krulians are also keeping under control the sun as much as possible, to try to keep the "basic facilities" of the planet running as long as needed. Do not think because no asteroid collided with the planet, nothing is happening. Not much is happening for reasons that you will understand in the near future. Many people are working hard to make it possible to increase your level of success with the proportion expected by all. Take care and have faith that all this way to end a fairer and less suffering for this general situation.
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