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Vídeo 81
Respuestas de un extraterrestre de la galaxia Andrómeda – vídeo 81, 23 de junio del 2012.
...Aquí están algunas respuestas a preguntas que resumen cientos de correos electrónicos acerca de estos temas.
Algunos amigos preguntan, Mythi, mucho de lo que se ha dicho se basa en las antiguas escrituras. Un tema que es común a todas ellas es la presencia en la Tierra en ciertos momentos de nuestra historia de los ángeles y arcángeles. ¿Es esto verdad?
-Los ángeles y arcángeles son vuestros hermanos ancianos.
Ellos son los que ayudarán a cuidar a los más jóvenes.
Si un Krulian del nivel 8 descendiera a la Tierra, tu pensarías que es un arcángel, porque eso es lo que transmitiría su presencia a tu alma, y también a la mía.
Yo estoy en el nivel 5; por lo que soy un hermano ordinario mayor con mucho más experiencia y con buena voluntad.
Nunca os subestiméis, sois seres vivos y esto será cierto durante toda la eternidad.
Tú al ser un individuo eres inmortal.
Todos los espíritu cuando se crean tienen una firma o característica que es única y específica, se imprime en el iris de los ojos, así que es cierto el viejo dicho "los ojos son el espejo del alma."
Esta misma firma nos acompañará hasta que lleguemos al desconocido "punto máximo de la creación" en muchos miles de millones de años.
Es interesante saber que si ahora hicierais una base de datos con todas las firmas de los iris, podrías identificar a la misma persona en cualquier encarnación que tenga en el futuro a partir de esta fecha.
Podrías saber si tu abuelo regresara en el futuro como tu hijo o nieto. ¡Todavía os queda mucho que aprender!
Mythi, ¿si durante el rescate que mencionaste fueran los grises, qué deberíamos hacer? ¿Escapar? ¿Atacar?
-Como he dicho anteriormente, cometéis un error cuando generalizáis a todos los grises.
Mythi, ¿si durante el rescate que mencionaste fueran los grises, qué deberíamos hacer? ¿Escapar? ¿Atacar?
-Como he dicho anteriormente, cometéis un error cuando generalizáis a todos los grises.
Hay razas de grises que, considerando lo que es normal para vosotros, transmiten una paz casi angelical.
Son razas muy avanzadas, pero siempre parecen ser niños debido a la amabilidad y la dulzura que transmiten.
Incluso en vuestro planeta hay "humanos" de todos los tipos, muchos de hecho se pueden considerar que son una enfermedad.
Hay grises del "nivel uno" que aún tienen problemas relacionándose con otras razas con respecto a una socialización
armoniosa y equilibrada.
armoniosa y equilibrada.
Estos son los que se juntan con los reptiles para intercambiar favores y tecnología.
Los grises oscuros pertenecen a ciertas sociedades del "nivel cero" que simplemente roban la tecnología para su gente.
Un consejo importante: cuando quieras sentir como es un ser, mírale directamente a los ojos.
Pídele que se quite las lentes oscuras si las tuviera, él sabrá por qué se lo pides y no se negará si no tuviera nada que ocultarte.
MoonAmiMars pregunta, al nuevo planeta lo llamamos "Enoch" pero me pregunto como lo llaman los nativos Pleyadianos.
-Bueno, lo llamáis "Enoch" y algunos otros nombres, pero los nativos lo llaman con un nombre que suena como "Taus."
El amigo Lookbr, pregunta acerca de la dieta y el colesterol. ¿Cuál es la dieta recomendada para nosotros en este cambio de Era?
-Durante muchas décadas la calidad de la comida en vuestro planeta ha empeorado debido a que le añaden productos químicos y conservantes que son muy perjudiciales para la salud, pero que benefician las "ganancias" de las industrias alimentarias.
MoonAmiMars pregunta, al nuevo planeta lo llamamos "Enoch" pero me pregunto como lo llaman los nativos Pleyadianos.
-Bueno, lo llamáis "Enoch" y algunos otros nombres, pero los nativos lo llaman con un nombre que suena como "Taus."
El amigo Lookbr, pregunta acerca de la dieta y el colesterol. ¿Cuál es la dieta recomendada para nosotros en este cambio de Era?
-Durante muchas décadas la calidad de la comida en vuestro planeta ha empeorado debido a que le añaden productos químicos y conservantes que son muy perjudiciales para la salud, pero que benefician las "ganancias" de las industrias alimentarias.
Si vuestra comida fuera sana, podríais comer los hidratos de carbono, proteínas, azúcares y grasas que quisierais.
Por supuesto, la moderación sería necesaria para mantener vuestra forma anatómica, la cual genera confort para cada individuo.
El cuerpo humanoide es extremadamente versátil para comer sólo lo que necesita y evitar los alimentos que sean excesivos.
El mayor problema que tenéis en vuestros hábitos alimenticios actuales son los efectos acumulativos de determinadas sustancias.
Tratad de consumir frutas y verduras frescas, proteínas de origen conocido, y grasas animales en vez de grasas vegetales hidrogenados.
Os daréis cuenta de que yo no debería fomentar el consumo de animales, pero considerando el tipo físico actual de los habitantes del planeta, el consumo de las proteínas animales es necesario para mantener el equilibrio del tipo biológico que produce vuestro ADN actual.
Con los cambios que van a ocurrir en la siguiente etapa del planeta, esta dependencia de proteínas y grasas animales disminuirá, pero tardará miles de años en eliminarse del todo.
-Acerca del tema del "colesterol", es un mito que se produjo por una interpretación errónea que ha generado y sigue generando una gran cantidad de ganancias para vuestra industria farmacéutica.
-Acerca del tema del "colesterol", es un mito que se produjo por una interpretación errónea que ha generado y sigue generando una gran cantidad de ganancias para vuestra industria farmacéutica.
No existe el colesterol bueno y el colesterol malo, como los llamáis, es el mismo elemento.
Cuando no se utiliza activamente para reparar a las células del cuerpo lo llamáis "colesterol bueno" (HDL) y cuando se activa para luchar contra un proceso inflamatorio o reconstructivo y se acumula en los lugares donde el cuerpo lo necesita, lo llamáis "colesterol malo" (LDL).
Es como si dijerais que el bombero en la cochera es "bueno" y el que sale a rescatar a una víctima es "malo", no tiene ningún sentido.
El 26 por ciento de todo el colesterol que tiene el cuerpo humanoide está en el cerebro.
El colesterol se necesita para sintetizar sustancias que son necesarias para las células nerviosas, por lo que las medicinas que bajan el colesterol pueden ocasionar una pérdida grande de memoria.
Cuando vuestro cuerpo necesita repararse, el hígado envía la cantidad necesaria de colesterol para reparar y para combatir los radicales libres y las infecciones, lo cual mantiene la integridad de la tejidos a nivel celular.
El cuerpo humanoide no podría funcionar sin colesterol porque sintetiza vitaminas en las membranas celulares, por lo que bajarlo es lo mismo que jugar contra tu equipo.
Si vuestro colesterol es alto, es porque vuestro cuerpo necesita mucho para hacer las reparaciones.
Al reducir artificialmente estos niveles, se le niega al cuerpo el número de "bomberos" que es necesario para atender a la urgencia.
Cuando las medicinas reducen el colesterol, el cuerpo deja de tener las materias primas necesarias para funcionar correctamente y esto ocasionará problemas más graves en el futuro.
Pero el mito del colesterol genera grandes ganancias, millones de medicamentos se venden todos los días, y os siguen engañando con cuales son los niveles "ideales", en asociación con la confabulación de vuestros médicos.
Pero podéis estar seguro de que todo este engaño tiene los días contados.
Pero podéis estar seguro de que todo este engaño tiene los días contados.
Se establecerá una nueva fase de verdad e integridad en el planeta, y gradualmente se eliminarán del nuevo escenario a todas estas sanguijuelas.
Video 81
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video eighty one - June 23, 2012.
Video 81
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video eighty one - June 23, 2012.
Here are some answers to questions that bring together hundreds of emails about these issues. Some friends ask: Mythi, much has been said based on ancient scriptures. One issue that is common to them all is the presence on earth of angels and archangels in moments of our history. This has some truth? - Angels and archangels are your elder brothers. They are those who help care for younger ones. If a level 8 Krulians descends on Earth, you would interpret as an archangel because that is what his presence would convey to your soul, and also to mine. I'm level 5; say that I am only an ordinary older brother with much more experience and some good will. Never underestimate you, you are a living being, and this is true for all eternity. You as an individual are immortal. Every spirit when it is created, has a unique and specific signature, it is printed in the iris of your eyes, so when the old saying that "the eyes are the mirror of the soul" is true. This same signature will accompany us, until we get to the unknown "maximum point of creation, in the many billions of years hence. Interesting information is that if you make now a database with all the signatures of the iris, can identify the same person in any incarnation that it has in the future, after this date. If your grandfather comes in the future as your child or grandchild, you would know. Much still to learn! Mythi if in the process of rescue mentioned we are approached by the grays, what shall we do? Escape? Attack? - As I said earlier, you make a wrong idea to generalize all grays. There are breeds grays that convey an almost angelic peace to your standards. They are very advanced races, but always seem to children, by the kindness and gentleness that they convey. As to your own planet there are "human" of all kinds, many can even be considered as a disease. There are grays of "level one" that are still problems with regard to a harmonious and balanced socializing with other races. These are those who join the reptilians to barter favors and technology. The dark gray belong to some societies "zero level" that simply steal the technology for their groups. An important tip: when you want to feel what a being is, try to look directly into his eyes. Ask him to take off the dark lenses if he's using, he will know why and will not deny, if he have nothing to hide you.
MoonAmiMars asks: We call the new planet "Enoch," but I wonder if that's what the native Pleiadeans call it. - Well, you call "Enoch¨ and some other names but they call his planet in a way whose sound is "Taus". Friend Lookbr, among others makes many questions about diet and cholesterol. What is the diet recommended to us in this change of Age? - Food on your planet for many decades is compromised by chemicals and preservatives very harmful for your health, but healthy for the "cash" of food industries. If the food offered to you would be healthy, you could eat carbohydrates, proteins, sugars and fats, as want to. Of course moderation would be buoyed by your own anatomical shape, which generates comfort for each individual. The humanoid body is extremely versatile to take only what you need and dispense food that is excessive. The biggest problem in your current eating habits is the cumulative effects of certain substances. Try to consume fresh fruits and vegetables, proteins from known sources, and animal fats instead of hydrogenated vegetable fats. You can imagine that I should not talk about animal consumption, but for the current physical context of the planet inhabitants, the consumption of animal protein is necessary for the balance of biological type created by your current DNA. With the changes planned for the next stage of the planet, this dependency of fat and animal protein will decrease but will still take thousands of years to be completely eliminated. - On the subject of "cholesterol", it is a myth generated by an error of interpretation that has generated and still generates a lot of profit for your pharmaceutical industry. There is no good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, which you call so, is the same element. When it is not activated being used for repair body cells it is called by you "good cholesterol" (HDL), and when it is activated, fighting an inflammatory or reconstructive process and accumulates in places where the body needs it, you call it "bad cholesterol" (LDL). It's how you say that the fireman in the garage is "good" and what comes out to rescue a victim is "bad", totally illogical. 26 percent of all the cholesterol existing in humanoid body is in the brain. Cholesterol synthesized a series of substances needed for nerve cells so the anti-cholesterol can lead to large losses of memory. When your body needs repairs, your liver sends the amount of cholesterol needed to repair and to fight free radicals and infections, maintaining the integrity of the tissues at the cellular level. The humanoid body would not work without it because above all he synthesizes vitamins in cell membranes, so fighting it is to play against your own team. If your cholesterol level is high, it is because your body needs high amount of it for repairs being made. Artificially reducing these levels is to deny the body the number of "firemen" necessary for emergency care. The reduction induced by medications eventually leave your body without the raw material needed to work properly and this will lead to more serious problems in the future. But the myth of cholesterol generates high profits, millions of drugs sold every day and you will continue to be deluded about the "ideal" levels recommended, colluded by your physicians. But rest assured that all this deception has its days numbered. A new phase of truth and integrity must be established on the planet, and all these leeches will be gradually removed from the new scenario. Video 82
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video eighty two - July 7, 2012. Again, here are some answers to questions that bring together hundreds of emails about these issues. Mythi, several people are claiming that the planet Neptune is the "wandering planet" as described in the prophecies, is this justified?
- The Dwarf Star or planet x is not the planet Neptune as some of you are saying. The planet Neptune and all the others will have their new orbits defined, as I had said some time ago. Neptune is getting more influence from Dwarf Star than all the other planets and this is causing a reaction more significant in its orbital behavior. The
planet Pleiadeans, will become part the system and the Dwarf Star, will pass through the system, and will go away. Changing Age and frequency of the entire solar system will
MoonAmiMars asks: We call the new planet "Enoch," but I wonder if that's what the native Pleiadeans call it. - Well, you call "Enoch¨ and some other names but they call his planet in a way whose sound is "Taus". Friend Lookbr, among others makes many questions about diet and cholesterol. What is the diet recommended to us in this change of Age? - Food on your planet for many decades is compromised by chemicals and preservatives very harmful for your health, but healthy for the "cash" of food industries. If the food offered to you would be healthy, you could eat carbohydrates, proteins, sugars and fats, as want to. Of course moderation would be buoyed by your own anatomical shape, which generates comfort for each individual. The humanoid body is extremely versatile to take only what you need and dispense food that is excessive. The biggest problem in your current eating habits is the cumulative effects of certain substances. Try to consume fresh fruits and vegetables, proteins from known sources, and animal fats instead of hydrogenated vegetable fats. You can imagine that I should not talk about animal consumption, but for the current physical context of the planet inhabitants, the consumption of animal protein is necessary for the balance of biological type created by your current DNA. With the changes planned for the next stage of the planet, this dependency of fat and animal protein will decrease but will still take thousands of years to be completely eliminated. - On the subject of "cholesterol", it is a myth generated by an error of interpretation that has generated and still generates a lot of profit for your pharmaceutical industry. There is no good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, which you call so, is the same element. When it is not activated being used for repair body cells it is called by you "good cholesterol" (HDL), and when it is activated, fighting an inflammatory or reconstructive process and accumulates in places where the body needs it, you call it "bad cholesterol" (LDL). It's how you say that the fireman in the garage is "good" and what comes out to rescue a victim is "bad", totally illogical. 26 percent of all the cholesterol existing in humanoid body is in the brain. Cholesterol synthesized a series of substances needed for nerve cells so the anti-cholesterol can lead to large losses of memory. When your body needs repairs, your liver sends the amount of cholesterol needed to repair and to fight free radicals and infections, maintaining the integrity of the tissues at the cellular level. The humanoid body would not work without it because above all he synthesizes vitamins in cell membranes, so fighting it is to play against your own team. If your cholesterol level is high, it is because your body needs high amount of it for repairs being made. Artificially reducing these levels is to deny the body the number of "firemen" necessary for emergency care. The reduction induced by medications eventually leave your body without the raw material needed to work properly and this will lead to more serious problems in the future. But the myth of cholesterol generates high profits, millions of drugs sold every day and you will continue to be deluded about the "ideal" levels recommended, colluded by your physicians. But rest assured that all this deception has its days numbered. A new phase of truth and integrity must be established on the planet, and all these leeches will be gradually removed from the new scenario. Video 82
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video eighty two - July 7, 2012. Again, here are some answers to questions that bring together hundreds of emails about these issues. Mythi, several people are claiming that the planet Neptune is the "wandering planet" as described in the prophecies, is this justified?
- The Dwarf Star or planet x is not the planet Neptune as some of you are saying. The planet Neptune and all the others will have their new orbits defined, as I had said some time ago. Neptune is getting more influence from Dwarf Star than all the other planets and this is causing a reaction more significant in its orbital behavior. The
planet Pleiadeans, will become part the system and the Dwarf Star, will pass through the system, and will go away. Changing Age and frequency of the entire solar system will
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