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Vídeo 83
Respuestas de un extraterrestre de la galaxia Andrómeda – vídeo 83, 12 de julio del 2012.
...De nuevo, estas son respuestas a preguntas que se incluyeron en cientos de correos electrónicos.
Mythi, muchos amigos quieren saber más detalles acerca de los próximos acontecimientos, ¿que más podrías decirnos?
-Aquellos que esperaban acontecimientos apocalípticos se frustraron y reaccionaron de manera inmadura, porque no entendieron que, de hecho, se os ayudó mucho en este importante etapa.

Vídeo 83
Respuestas de un extraterrestre de la galaxia Andrómeda – vídeo 83, 12 de julio del 2012.
...De nuevo, estas son respuestas a preguntas que se incluyeron en cientos de correos electrónicos.
Mythi, muchos amigos quieren saber más detalles acerca de los próximos acontecimientos, ¿que más podrías decirnos?
-Aquellos que esperaban acontecimientos apocalípticos se frustraron y reaccionaron de manera inmadura, porque no entendieron que, de hecho, se os ayudó mucho en este importante etapa.
¿Os acordáis de que el año pasado incluso tuvieron que evacuar vuestra estación espacial y se suspendió vuestro programa espacial ?
Vuestros gobiernos sabían lo que iba a suceder y los acontecimientos subsiguientes les cogieron por sorpresa.
El año pasado no perdisteis vuestra red de satélites y la estación espacial gracias a la intervención de los Krulians, que neutralizaron el cometa Elenin y retrasaron el sistema Nibiru.
Pero ahora es cuando los acontecimientos no se van a paliar, por lo menos eso es lo que se ha documentado, y ahora ocurrirá el acontecimiento para el que ellos construyeron sus refugios subterráneos.
El Sol está invirtiendo sus polos y esto generará grandes explosiones espontáneas de alta potencia que se dirigirán hacia los "túneles gravitatorios" de la Tierra que ya se está alineando con el ecuador de la galaxia, lo que debilita considerablemente el campo magnético de los planetas en todos los sistemas solares que están cambiando de hemisferio.
Por lo tanto, no es un ciclo solar normal el que sucede cuando se ha rotado completamente alrededor de la galaxia.
Acordaros de las anteriores recomendaciones de cómo protegeros sí estas explosiones llegaran a vuestra región, no exponeros al Sol durante el día y sólo salir por la noche.
Muchos lugares estarán muy secos y los incendios podrán extenderse con facilidad.
Mira, el planeta se expandirá; puede que hasta el cinco por ciento más grande en su diámetro debido a la expansión del magma producida por los efectos de la alta radiación.
Ya sabes lo que esto implicará; el reordenamiento de las placas tectónicas y los terremotos, maremotos subsiguientes y el volcanismo.
No sólo se expandirá el planeta Tierra, todo los planetas del sistema solar van a sufrir el mismo proceso de calentamiento.
La distribución actual de vuestros continentes se debe a que el planeta se ha expandido muchas veces durante muchos cataclismos cósmicos que han ocurrido en su historia.
Muchos de los Pleyadianos que viven en el planeta Tierra se están mudando a Taus, por lo tanto, parece que queda poco tiempo para que finalice el ciclo.
Sólo las numerosas unidades de "control y rescate" de la flota Pleyadiana están circundando el planeta.
Los científicos y el personal de apoyo de la base Antártica también serán transferidos a Taus.
La base continuará en pleno funcionamiento con el personal especializado de mantenimiento.
180 unidades Arcturianas que cuidan las bases subterráneas se encargarán del rescate.
Nuestra flota se dividirá entre Pleyadianos y Arcturianos porque participamos en las dos operaciones como coordinadores y en el control de las operaciones.
La última opción de vuestras élites será empezar en cualquier momento la guerra planeada ya que el sistema HAARP no va a funcionar, porque si se mantuviera encendido durante la alta actividad solar sus antenas se destruirían.
Vuestras élites saben que van a estar aislados, que no tendrán el control monetario o de las comunicaciones, y quieren aprovecharse de esto porque las masas no tienen ningún lugar adonde correr, con la excepción de a sus garras.
Ellos tratarán de mantener el poder por la fuerza, que es lo único para lo que se han preparan lo suficientemente en estos últimos años.
Creo que no es necesario que repita todo lo que he dicho anteriormente de estos acontecimientos, así que preparos tanto como podáis para hacer frente a los hechos.
Abasteceros de alimentos básicos y medicamentos para un año o dos, porque si no se os pudiera rescatar rápidamente, vosotros y vuestras familias podríais sobrevivir sin grandes problemas hasta que las cosas empiecen a normalizarse.
Si hiciera demasiado frío en vuestra región, pensar en como llegar a un lugar que tenga una temperatura más cálida, ya que sin electricidad o gas/gasolina podría ser difícil sobrevivir el frío.
Distanciaros de las ciudades grandes y de los centros urbanos.
Estos días muchas naves espaciales muy grandes están cruzando el portal solar; no se que piensa hacer la Comunidad Galáctica pero que están organizando una operación grande.
Estos días muchas naves espaciales muy grandes están cruzando el portal solar; no se que piensa hacer la Comunidad Galáctica pero que están organizando una operación grande.
Los Camelopardalis y los Sirius también están muy activos en el sistema solar.
También hay mucho tráfico en la ruta Tierra-Marte, muchas astronaves pilotadas por los grises están transportando mercancías desde las bases de vuestros gobiernos a las bases de Marte.
Nunca he visto el sistema solar tan concurrido como ahora.
Le daré las coordenadas de todos los amigos que podrían ayudar en el trabajo a nuestro oficial de navegación, para que entre los datos en el ordenador de la flota.
Seguiremos recibiendo las coordenadas mientras vuestras comunicaciones funcionen.
Esto no es una garantía sino una posibilidad grande de ser rescatado en las regiones más afectadas. Una vez que tengamos mas información, os la comunicaré.
Mythi, quedan muchas preguntas acerca de los contactos multidimensional, lo siento pero podrías ser un poco más específico?
-Otra dimensión es otro sitio de referencia desde el que se puede ver y observar, pero que no es detectable desde la dimensión anterior.
Mythi, quedan muchas preguntas acerca de los contactos multidimensional, lo siento pero podrías ser un poco más específico?
-Otra dimensión es otro sitio de referencia desde el que se puede ver y observar, pero que no es detectable desde la dimensión anterior.
Las escalas de frecuencia que existen en una dimensión dada definen cómo se desarrollan las funciones cerebrales en las etapas de activación, lo cual produce cambios en la secuencia del genoma y cambios directos en el ADN de las sociedades y de las personas de esa dimensión.
Otra dimensión es un nivel diferente de energía cuántica; no se interacciona con dimensiones diferentes porque sus "materias" no se tocan.
Es como si trataras de agarrar tu sombra con la mano, sabes que existe la sombra, es real, pero se debe a la existencia de una fuente de luz, se trata sólo de la ausencia de energía.
Nunca podrías ver con tus ojos de la tercera dimensión a un ser de otra dimensión, ni si quiera si se quisiera mostrar.
Cuando digo que confundís las dimensiones con los niveles de frecuencia, es porque no os habéis dado cuenta de que no es físicamente posible que la materia de distintas dimensiones se interaccione mutuamente.
Vosotros estáis en el nivel cero de la tercera dimensión; incluso los Krulians, que pertenecen al nivel ocho, no pueden ver a los seres de la cuarta dimensión, porque es imposible.
Podéis ver a los Krulians y a varias decenas de razas que tienen distintos niveles de activación cerebral porque todos están en la misma dimensión.
Los Krulians, al igual que otras muchas razas superiores, pueden evitar que las mentes menos activadas se den cuenta de su presencia física, al ser capaces de fácilmente bloquear estas imágenes cerebrales, algo que yo también puedo hacer.
Yo podría elaborar durante horas acerca de las muchas diferencias en los diez niveles de activación cerebral de la tercera dimensión, pero vosotros os volveríais a creer la utopía de los contactos multidimensionales.
Daros cuenta de que todo el universo en el que vivimos está en la TERCERA DIMENSION.
La cuarta dimensión vive en un nivel de energía que es totalmente diferente del de la tercera dimensión.
Sólo vuestros espíritus, o lo que llamamos "nuestra luz", van a una nivel intermedio que pertenece a la cuarta dimensión cuando están esperando a regresar a la "escuela" de la tercera dimensión.
LA TIERRA NO ENTRARA EN LA CUARTA DIMENSIÓN, ni siquiera si todos os murierais, por lo que la Tierra no va a ir a ningún lugar, sólo sois vosotros los que os vais a marchar.
Las personas que tienen intenciones buenas y hablan de "otras dimensiones" es porque confunden el significado de la palabra "dimensión" con los diferentes niveles de activación cerebral de la tercera dimensión.
Tal vez vuestras élites hayan inculcado esta idea en vuestra cultura popular, y parece que han tenido éxito.
Ahora llegaréis al nivel uno, vuestros cerebros se adaptarán a una nueva fase de activación, y el ADN de generaciones futuras se re-escribirá durante la gestación de vuestros hijos futuros.
Estoy seguro de que es una nueva etapa, así que no hablemos más de "otra dimensión."
Cuando empecéis a conocer a las razas que tienen varios niveles de activación cerebral, entenderéis mejor el concepto de la tercera dimensión de nuestro universo en el que todos vivimos.
Mira, no tengo la costumbre de poetizar la información y no incluyo connotaciones religiosas, soy muy técnico; sé que a muchos os gustan los narradores de historias, que citan referencias de vuestras culturas o religiones, pero los hechos son los hechos.
En nuestra cultura decimos que "para el buen entendedor, media palabra basta", por lo que tratamos de hablar poco y de entender mucho.
Creo que he sido lo más claro posible para que todo el mundo puede entenderlo.
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Video 83
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video eighty three - July 12, 2012.
...Again, here are some answers to questions that bring together hundreds of emails about these issues.
Mythi many friends want more details on upcoming events, you could tell us something more enlightening?
- Those who hoped for apocalyptic events, were frustrated and reacted so childish, not understanding that, in fact, you were much helped in this important crossing. You remember last year that even your space station had to be evacuated and your space program was discontinued. Your governments knew what would happen and were caught by surprise by the events that followed. You did not lose your network of satellites and your space station
last year by the intervention of Krulians, by neutralization of the comet Elenin, and the backwardness of the system Nibiru. But now it's time the event will not be alleviated, at least that is what is recorded, and is the event for which the underground shelters were planned for them. The sun is reversing its poles and it will generate large spontaneous bursts of high power to be directed to the alignment of the Earth "gravitational tunnels" that is already positioning aligned with the equator of the galaxy, greatly weakening the magnetic field of the planets in all solar systems that are changing hemisphere. So, that's not going to be a normal solar cycle, one happens every full rotation of the galaxy. Remember the previous recommendations on how to protect yourselves if these bursts reach your region, not out in the sun during the day, go out only at night. Many places will be very dry and fires can spread very easily. See, the planet will expand; it may be up to five percent larger in diameter due to the expansion of the magma under the effect of high radiation. You know what this will entail; the rearrangement of tectonic plates and the resulting earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanism. Not only the planet Earth will expand, all the planets of the system will suffer the same heating process. Your continents have this distribution today because the planet has expanded many times in many cosmic cataclysms that have happened in its history. Much of the Pleiadeans who live on planet Earth are being transferred to the Taus, therefore, seems that the cycle completion is near. Only the many units Pleiadeans of "control and rescue" fleet are circling the planet. Scientists and supporting staff of Base Antarctic will also be transferred to Taus. The base will continue in full operation with the specialized staff in its maintenance. 180 units Arcturian who run the various underground bases will work for the redemption. Our fleet will be divided among Pleiadeans and Arcturians because we partake of the two operations as a liaison and operational control. The last card of your elites will be the war planned to be initiated at any time since the HAARP system will not work, because if connected during high solar activity its antennas will be destroyed. Your elites know that they will be isolated, without monetary control, no control of communications, and they want to take advantage of it because the masses have nowhere to run, except for their claws. They will try to maintain power by force, which is the only resource for which they prepared enough in these last years. I believe do not need to repeat everything I said earlier for these events, so be prepared, as you can, to face the facts. Try to stock up on basic food and medicines for a year or two, because if there is no quick rescue, you and your family can survive without major problems until things begins getting back to normal. If your area is too cold, try to plan to go to places with warmer temperatures, since no electricity or gas, may be difficult to beat the cold. Distance from major cities and urban centers. Many very large spacecraft are crossing the solar portal these days; do not know the details of the plans of CG but it seem a major operation being organized. The Camelopardalis and Sirius are also very active in the system. Great movement also on the route Earth Mars, many ships with operators Grays are moving between bases of your governments and Martian bases, performing transportation of cargo. I've never seen the system as busy as now. I'll be passing the coordinates of all the friends that can help in the work for our navigating officer, so he put the data in the system of the fleet. So until your communications work, we are getting the coordinates. This is not a guarantee but a great possibility of redemption in the most affected regions. Once we know some detail I communicate to you. Mythi, many questions remain about contacts multidimensional, sorry but you could still be a little more specific?
- Another dimension is another reference site for viewing and observation, undetectable by the standards of previous dimension. The scales of frequency in a given dimension defines how the brain functions are developed in their stages of activation, with consequent changes in the genome sequence and direct changes in the DNA of societies and people in that dimension. Another dimension is a different level of quantum energy; it does not interact with different dimensions as their "matter" does not touch. It's like you want to pick your shade with your hand, you know that the shadow exists, it is real, but is subject to the existence of a light source, it is only the absence of energy. A being from another dimension could never be seen with your eyes of the third dimension even if he wants to be showing you. When I say you confuse dimension with levels of frequency, it is because you have not realized that there is no physical possibility of the matter interaction between dimensions. You are the
zero level of the third dimension, even being Krulians level eight; they cannot see beings of the fourth dimension, because it is impossible. You can see the Krulians and dozens of other breeds of various levels of brain activation as are all in the same dimension. The Krulians like many other superior races, they can prevent minds less activated even realize his physical presence, with a simple blocking of these brain images, I can also do this. I would be expounding on the many differences in the ten levels of brain activation of the third dimension for hours, and you would fall in yourself about the utopia of talking about multidimensional contacts. Keep in your minds that the whole universe in which we live is in THE THIRD DIMENSION. The fourth dimension lives in a totally different level of energy, off the third dimension. Only your spirits, or as we call "our light" goes to an intermediate level belonging to the fourth dimension while waiting for your return to "school" of the third dimension. THE EARTH WILL NOT FOR THE FOURTH DIMENSION, nor if you all die, so that the Earth is not going anywhere, just you. Any well-meaning person talking about of "other dimensions", you can be sure that they are confusing the meaning of the word "dimension" with different levels of brain activation of the third dimension. Maybe this idea has been inculcated into your popular culture by your elites, and it seems that they had enough effect. You will now get to level one, your brains will become a new phase of activation, and your DNA for future generations will be rewritten in the gestation of your new child. I'm pretty sure that in this new phase, not to speak more in "another dimension". When you begin to know races of various levels of brain activation, will better comprehend the concept of the third dimension of our universe that we all live. Look, I do not have the habit of poeticize information and not to include religious connotations, I'm technical; I know many of you enjoy storytellers, citing references of your cultures or religions, but facts are facts. In our culture we say that "for a good listener, half word is enough", so we seek to speak little, and understand much. I believe being as clear as possible so that everyone can understand this. Video 84
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video eighty four - July 22, 2012. Mythi, you know what is in the local called Aristarchus Crater on the Moon? - Well, if you're asking me is because something has been detected for you there so I can mention. This installation type "crater" is part of a large base in which energy is generated for the activation of two portals, the transfer of minerals Camelopardalis, and "transportation gateway" of the Community Galactica, both installed on your moon. All power to the facilities of several lunar bases originates there. This base is extremely well protected by a powerful force field so completely inviolate to your current standards of technology. As I already mentioned earlier, your governments have bombed some installations on the Moon with missiles on several occasions, and so are totally forbidden to set foot again on that planetoid. But Mythi, by what right, these bases are installed on our Moon?
- You must understand once and for all, that the Moon does not belong to earthlings. No planetoid is it a moon or a planet inhabited belongs to the whole community in that region. There are no "property deeds" to the heavenly bodies. When a society colonizes a planet, it becomes sovereign, and as that society is there, it will be possessed of all its resources. The galactic communities control resource exploitation in the inhabited planets within their areas, preventing abuses and disputes over resources. Your planet, from the next frequency change should be recognized as a sovereign society, and thereafter any exploitation of resources on your planet will require the consent of your leadership to happen. For this reason, there is a large movement of scientists from different races to finish their projects for the sampling of animal, vegetable and mineral of your planet until the end of this year. The mining authorized by your elites in exchange for technologies will all be canceled by the Galactica Community as your elites do not officially represent the planet since there is no approved society to be represented. Under the supervision of the Community Galactica, a council should be formed during the early years of the new colony, and yes this will be the official representative of the planet Earth.
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- Those who hoped for apocalyptic events, were frustrated and reacted so childish, not understanding that, in fact, you were much helped in this important crossing. You remember last year that even your space station had to be evacuated and your space program was discontinued. Your governments knew what would happen and were caught by surprise by the events that followed. You did not lose your network of satellites and your space station
last year by the intervention of Krulians, by neutralization of the comet Elenin, and the backwardness of the system Nibiru. But now it's time the event will not be alleviated, at least that is what is recorded, and is the event for which the underground shelters were planned for them. The sun is reversing its poles and it will generate large spontaneous bursts of high power to be directed to the alignment of the Earth "gravitational tunnels" that is already positioning aligned with the equator of the galaxy, greatly weakening the magnetic field of the planets in all solar systems that are changing hemisphere. So, that's not going to be a normal solar cycle, one happens every full rotation of the galaxy. Remember the previous recommendations on how to protect yourselves if these bursts reach your region, not out in the sun during the day, go out only at night. Many places will be very dry and fires can spread very easily. See, the planet will expand; it may be up to five percent larger in diameter due to the expansion of the magma under the effect of high radiation. You know what this will entail; the rearrangement of tectonic plates and the resulting earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanism. Not only the planet Earth will expand, all the planets of the system will suffer the same heating process. Your continents have this distribution today because the planet has expanded many times in many cosmic cataclysms that have happened in its history. Much of the Pleiadeans who live on planet Earth are being transferred to the Taus, therefore, seems that the cycle completion is near. Only the many units Pleiadeans of "control and rescue" fleet are circling the planet. Scientists and supporting staff of Base Antarctic will also be transferred to Taus. The base will continue in full operation with the specialized staff in its maintenance. 180 units Arcturian who run the various underground bases will work for the redemption. Our fleet will be divided among Pleiadeans and Arcturians because we partake of the two operations as a liaison and operational control. The last card of your elites will be the war planned to be initiated at any time since the HAARP system will not work, because if connected during high solar activity its antennas will be destroyed. Your elites know that they will be isolated, without monetary control, no control of communications, and they want to take advantage of it because the masses have nowhere to run, except for their claws. They will try to maintain power by force, which is the only resource for which they prepared enough in these last years. I believe do not need to repeat everything I said earlier for these events, so be prepared, as you can, to face the facts. Try to stock up on basic food and medicines for a year or two, because if there is no quick rescue, you and your family can survive without major problems until things begins getting back to normal. If your area is too cold, try to plan to go to places with warmer temperatures, since no electricity or gas, may be difficult to beat the cold. Distance from major cities and urban centers. Many very large spacecraft are crossing the solar portal these days; do not know the details of the plans of CG but it seem a major operation being organized. The Camelopardalis and Sirius are also very active in the system. Great movement also on the route Earth Mars, many ships with operators Grays are moving between bases of your governments and Martian bases, performing transportation of cargo. I've never seen the system as busy as now. I'll be passing the coordinates of all the friends that can help in the work for our navigating officer, so he put the data in the system of the fleet. So until your communications work, we are getting the coordinates. This is not a guarantee but a great possibility of redemption in the most affected regions. Once we know some detail I communicate to you. Mythi, many questions remain about contacts multidimensional, sorry but you could still be a little more specific?
- Another dimension is another reference site for viewing and observation, undetectable by the standards of previous dimension. The scales of frequency in a given dimension defines how the brain functions are developed in their stages of activation, with consequent changes in the genome sequence and direct changes in the DNA of societies and people in that dimension. Another dimension is a different level of quantum energy; it does not interact with different dimensions as their "matter" does not touch. It's like you want to pick your shade with your hand, you know that the shadow exists, it is real, but is subject to the existence of a light source, it is only the absence of energy. A being from another dimension could never be seen with your eyes of the third dimension even if he wants to be showing you. When I say you confuse dimension with levels of frequency, it is because you have not realized that there is no physical possibility of the matter interaction between dimensions. You are the
zero level of the third dimension, even being Krulians level eight; they cannot see beings of the fourth dimension, because it is impossible. You can see the Krulians and dozens of other breeds of various levels of brain activation as are all in the same dimension. The Krulians like many other superior races, they can prevent minds less activated even realize his physical presence, with a simple blocking of these brain images, I can also do this. I would be expounding on the many differences in the ten levels of brain activation of the third dimension for hours, and you would fall in yourself about the utopia of talking about multidimensional contacts. Keep in your minds that the whole universe in which we live is in THE THIRD DIMENSION. The fourth dimension lives in a totally different level of energy, off the third dimension. Only your spirits, or as we call "our light" goes to an intermediate level belonging to the fourth dimension while waiting for your return to "school" of the third dimension. THE EARTH WILL NOT FOR THE FOURTH DIMENSION, nor if you all die, so that the Earth is not going anywhere, just you. Any well-meaning person talking about of "other dimensions", you can be sure that they are confusing the meaning of the word "dimension" with different levels of brain activation of the third dimension. Maybe this idea has been inculcated into your popular culture by your elites, and it seems that they had enough effect. You will now get to level one, your brains will become a new phase of activation, and your DNA for future generations will be rewritten in the gestation of your new child. I'm pretty sure that in this new phase, not to speak more in "another dimension". When you begin to know races of various levels of brain activation, will better comprehend the concept of the third dimension of our universe that we all live. Look, I do not have the habit of poeticize information and not to include religious connotations, I'm technical; I know many of you enjoy storytellers, citing references of your cultures or religions, but facts are facts. In our culture we say that "for a good listener, half word is enough", so we seek to speak little, and understand much. I believe being as clear as possible so that everyone can understand this. Video 84
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video eighty four - July 22, 2012. Mythi, you know what is in the local called Aristarchus Crater on the Moon? - Well, if you're asking me is because something has been detected for you there so I can mention. This installation type "crater" is part of a large base in which energy is generated for the activation of two portals, the transfer of minerals Camelopardalis, and "transportation gateway" of the Community Galactica, both installed on your moon. All power to the facilities of several lunar bases originates there. This base is extremely well protected by a powerful force field so completely inviolate to your current standards of technology. As I already mentioned earlier, your governments have bombed some installations on the Moon with missiles on several occasions, and so are totally forbidden to set foot again on that planetoid. But Mythi, by what right, these bases are installed on our Moon?
- You must understand once and for all, that the Moon does not belong to earthlings. No planetoid is it a moon or a planet inhabited belongs to the whole community in that region. There are no "property deeds" to the heavenly bodies. When a society colonizes a planet, it becomes sovereign, and as that society is there, it will be possessed of all its resources. The galactic communities control resource exploitation in the inhabited planets within their areas, preventing abuses and disputes over resources. Your planet, from the next frequency change should be recognized as a sovereign society, and thereafter any exploitation of resources on your planet will require the consent of your leadership to happen. For this reason, there is a large movement of scientists from different races to finish their projects for the sampling of animal, vegetable and mineral of your planet until the end of this year. The mining authorized by your elites in exchange for technologies will all be canceled by the Galactica Community as your elites do not officially represent the planet since there is no approved society to be represented. Under the supervision of the Community Galactica, a council should be formed during the early years of the new colony, and yes this will be the official representative of the planet Earth.
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