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People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. - Isaac Asimov
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 Arcturian Conversation PART II: From Me to We in the NOW

Darkest Night Before the Dawn
A Conversation with the Arcturians

PART II: From Me to We in the NOW

Sue/The Arcturians: 
Now a lot has occurred, especially in the United States and those protected by the United States. That is because the United States was supposed to be the flashpoint of ascension.

And it’s the newest country, along with Australia. So it will be the United States for the northern hemisphere, and Australia for the southern hemisphere, and they are right next to each other. And that wave of ascension will be activated with those two continents and then move all around the planet. But it can’t occur while that matrix is still active and still attached to the planet.

So as we each do a personal assessment, the greatest contribution we can make is assisting as many people as possible to focus on their grounding. That way, we can maintain our presence in this Higher Frequency.

Sue/The Arcturians: 
In this Higher Frequency, yes, and when we, {now Suzille is saying this, but we’ll say you}, when humanity grounds themselves, humanity is meant to be a grounding board. Because they are conscious. They are conscious of the planet, and they are conscious of the atmosphere, and they are conscious of the other planets. 

And so there are beings that are conscious, as well as beings that deeply love the Earth. Because there are beings that love the Earth deeply, but they are not conscious of those types of concepts, because they live in rural lands or agricultural lands, but they love the planet. And those are the ones that are the final grounders. Because they love the planet, and they will be able to pull in that Light and share it with the planet.

And those that have selfish needs and work against the planet, that frequency of Light will be too hard, too dangerous. It will disarticulate their selfish power over other’s needs. Because power over others is a low frequency, and power within is a very high frequency. 

So those that resonate to a power over others, they have a low frequency of consciousness. And so when that Higher Light comes in, they’ll get zapped, because it will be too strong for them. 

And they will be taken with the matrix to a baby planet to start over. Because there really is no death, just a next cycle. And when that cycle occurs as that matrix leaves, then only those that have truly loved the planet will be able to stay on the planet, because that is where they have always been.

Do you understand what we are saying by that?

Yes, the timing is interesting because a lot of this information is coming to Light on how this existence has functioned and what the aims and intentions have been and continue to be. I always had this optimism in my mind that surely they will all come to realize that, and I think the Arcturians, I think you’ve actually mentioned recently that they are being made aware that their actions have implications. And so in a way, they have been warned that if their ways continue, there will be consequences.

Sue/The Arcturians:
Because Energy out is Energy back.

Right, and I’ve always held his hope that knowing that, decisions would be made that would alter these intentions, and they would focus more upon the well-being because there is more power in love than fear.

Sue/The Arcturians:
There are some that will be able to shift out of that power over consciousness, but a large percentage of the people that have power over consciousness, they came to Earth from another planet and from another planet and from another planet.

And in a way, they are the destroyers and part of the………

Sue/The Arcturians:
What’s that noise, Shawnna?

Ha-ha. I guess that’s the alarm sounding (laugh). It’s my clock. That means time is up for them. That’s what that means.

Sue/The Arcturians:
Oh, OK good. Time is up for those who are selfish. 

But it doesn’t look that way. Especially in The United States, it doesn’t look that way. The United States was meant to be the flashpoint, and there is a major battle going on. And sometimes something really dark and scary has to happen to wake people up from, “Oh it’s all cool, it’s all fine.”  

No, it’s not all cool, it’s not all fine. There’s still plenty of darkness to be transmuted. And this transmutational process will occur within one who does not seek power within. 

Transmutation is a process that can only occur once a human has moved into the energy field of sharing and of healing and of energy out and remembering who you really are, remembering that you are also a Higher Dimensional Being. And there’s more frequencies to yourself than you see in the physical plane. 

And as humanity connects more and more with the Higher Frequencies of their own self, then they will be able to have that Fourth Dimensional perspective and that Fifth Dimensional perspective. 

And as that becomes more and more and closer to a majority, then the power withins will be able to take control. But, unfortunately, the power over others are in control within this now. Not everywhere, but in far too many places.

Well, I was going to say that kind of leads into my next question, which is how can we accelerate the process of the matrix being removed? I guess it’s a natural process as you’ve mentioned, but are we able to impact that in any way?

Sue/The Arcturians:
The Galactics are surrounding the planet. The Galactics are here to assist. However, Gaia is a free will planet, as we have said, and humanity has to ask for the assistance. They can pray to their God, they can ask the Galactics for assistance, and they can give service to others. 

And a lot of people are doing these things, but a lot of people are just barely surviving. And that is because the power over others have created societies in which too many people are placed out of the realm of assistance.

And until humanity is able to love humanity enough to do everything that they personally can do in their own fashion and many, many people are doing, but it isn’t 51 %. It has to be a bigger percentage in order to make that shift.

Do you understand what we are saying by that?

Yes, definitely. I wonder how far off we are?

Yes, that is something that we won’t share because that is something that humanity has to talk to each other and find out. And humanity has to listen for the Light, listen for the Love, and follow the Light, and follow the Love.

And when there is fear and when there is injustice, they need to stand up against it and say, “No, we will not participate in your fear. We will not participate in your injustice.”

And before people do that, they usually have to wait until it becomes extremely extreme.

And that is a glitch about humanity in the third dimension. And basically humanity will need the Galactics’ help. But that means that humanity is going to have to move beyond their belief that they are the most evolved beings and realize that they are choosing to wear a third dimensional vessel, but there are many others that wear fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and even higher dimensional vessels. And those beings can fix it, but they can’t fix it without the majority of the planet asking for help because it is a free will planet.

Well, interestingly enough, it feels like we’ve come full circle. Even back to when we first began this conversation, and we were having difficulties, and there was silence, so I had that chance to go within and explore that deeper message. 

It felt like it was, like you just mentioned, reaching those extremes that kind of catapult us into wanting to engage and make a difference and get on our feet and recognize that it is time.
This is the alarm sounding, and this is the extreme, and so it is time to not just listen, but participate.

Sue/The Arcturians:
Yes, and to get out of denial. 

You know, too many people live in denial. They see what they want to see, and they ignore what they don’t want to see. And as more and more people really allow themselves to see what is really occurring, then they will say, “Wait a second, this isn’t OK. I don’t want this to happen. What can I do to change? How can we work together to change this?”

And it’s that We, moving from Me to We. Moving from Me to We, and We includes the planet. 

If you look at the Native Americans and all the people, the farmers and the people that love Earth and the people that serve it, Weincludes the planet. They are all fully aware that everything in your body, it comes from something from the planet. Your physical body is made of the elements and elementals of the physical Earth. You are a chunk of Earth that has the consciousness of your Higher Dimensional Self. 

And so when that consciousness moves into all the areas of the chunk of Earth that is the body that you are wearing, then humanity begins to deeply remember and awaken. And awakening and remembering are the same because as you awaken you remember, and as you remember you awaken.

The Starships are ready. There is so much help. The Pleaidians are buzzing the planet on a regular basis, and they are talking to people on a regular basis.  We, the Arcturians, are talking to people on a regular basis and other Higher Beings, the Archangels and Ascended Masters and the Elohim. It’s just a matter of time…..and leaving time.

As long as people think in time, then they’re stuck in time, and they’re stuck in third dimensional time.

It’s the moving of the consciousness into the Now that allows one’s perceptions to leave time and to move into the Higher Frequencies of the Higher Fourth and Fifth Dimension that is not bound by time and exists within the Now of the One.

And I think that’s the perfect segue into one of our main focus points, which will be the power of the Here and Now. And I think since anyone who is listening to this conversation has probably reached that point to be awake and in that stage of remembering. We just want to remind everyone that they have a responsibility to contribute.

Sue/The Arcturians:
Yes, it is a responsibility. And that’s one of the first things that people realize when they begin to awaken. They realize that they have a responsibility to help this planet. This planet has lot of problems. They need to help it in some way.

And you don’t have to be a genius, you don’t have to be wealthy, and you don’t have to be any special person. Because the planet is made of everyday people. It’s an everyday planet, and everyday people in their everyday life can make much more of a difference than they can imagine. 

Absolutely. As we all focus on that power within, we recognize it. We are important, we have unique contributions to make, and together we will make a difference.

Sue/The Arcturians:
Yes, together. Together is the word, isn’t it? 
Yes, together as One, because we are One.

Well, thank you so much for speaking with us.

Did you have any final questions, Shawnna, or are you fine with the conversation as it is?

I think that wraps up an excellent conversation that’s really relevant for everyone to hear at this time. As always, we’re grateful for this guidance, and we have much to consider and think about and to act upon.

Sue/The Arcturians:
Yes, thank you so much to all and Blessings be to you all.

And we’re always here with you, and we have the doors to the fourth and the fifth dimension wide open, as well as the doors to our many Starships that resonate just beyond.

It’s part of the reason why the dark ones are so frightened and revving up their nefarious ways because they, too, know that We, the Higher Frequencies of reality, the Higher Frequencies of the people that are wearing an Earth vessel, are surrounding them. They are above them, and they are among them.


As you reflect upon PART II of the message, please share what draws your attention and let us know why. Share in the comments below!

Consider how you can share awareness and encourage others to ground into the planet in order to withstand higher frequencies and join Gaia in this transformation.

We also invite you to contribute to the process of planetary awakening by joining us for a live event on Friday (see details below). We are providing you with an opportunity to step up and into action. Learn more and register.

Power of Here and Now
LIVE Webinar with Dr. Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians
Friday, June 29, 2018
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Event Fee: $44.00

Register NOW All registrants receive a free gift!
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 Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Eclipse, Unity Consciousness, Perceptual Fields and PREPARING FOR FIRST CONTACT book

The Eclipse, Unity Consciousness of Perceptual Fields
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
 Dear Arcturians,
For some reason, I feel as though the eclipse of August 21, 2017 has a special importance, especially for the United States. I do not live in an area where I will see the eclipse, but I do live in the United States, which has been in a lot of chaos.
Perhaps I am so interested in this particular eclipse because chaos almost always precedes change, and the United States has had a lot of chaos lately. I will present some information from the Net for the reader first, then put your Arcturian response below that.
Below is some:
Click below link to see the path of the Eclipse
The Great American Eclipse:
    A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, causing the moon to temporarily cast its shadow on Earth, appearing to darken the sun.
    The sun is 400 times larger than the moon, but it is also approximately 400 times farther away, making the sun and moon appears the same size during an eclipse.
NASA on the Total Eclipse
Solar eclipses are not uncommon. They happen about twice a year. But total eclipses are only visible to those in the path of the moon’s shadow as it crosses the Earth.
A total solar eclipse has not been visible from the United States since 1979. Not many people witnessed that eclipse because the path just clipped five states in the Northwest and the skies were cloudy.
The centerline will cross 12 states, but everyone in the continental Unites States will see at least a partial eclipse.
Nashville is the only large metropolitan city that will experience the total eclipse. Portland will see a 99 percent eclipse and Atlanta will see 97 percent eclipse. Half of Kansas City and half of St Louis, Missouri, are in the path of the total eclipse.
Only those in path of the total eclipse will experience seeing the sun’s corona, the bright ring around the edge of the moon’s shadow, and stars in the daytime.
As the moon moves in front of the sun, several bright points of light, known as Baily’s Beads, shine around the moon's edges. They are the sun’s light rays streaming through the valleys along the moon's horizon. estimates that more than half a million people -- and possibly as many as 2 million -- will flock to South Carolina to see the eclipse.
South Carolina is expected to see the huge influx of visitors because it will be the nearest spot within the path of totality for at least 100 million Americans in the Atlantic Seaboard and Florida.
The centerline of the total eclipse across South Carolina is 251.1 miles long.
The average width of the path of totality across South Carolina is 71.5 miles.
Path of Aug. 21, 2017 Eclipse
The eclipse will cross the United States from Oregon to South Carolina in 94 minutes. The states in the path are Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia and South Carolina.
The total solar eclipse will enter South Carolina at 2:36 p.m. and leave the Atlantic coast at 2:49 p.m.
The last two total solar eclipses visible from South Carolina were on March 7, 1970, and May 28, 1900.
Meteorologists say there is only a fair chance of clear skies in South Carolina at the time of the eclipse; so many people are expected to relocate to find clearer conditions as the time of the eclipse approaches.
The total eclipse will be over Greenville and Anderson at 2:39 p.m. and will last two minutes 38 seconds. It will be over Orangeburg at 2:43 p.m. and it will last two minutes and 26 seconds. Less than 5 minutes later, it will exit the state after being visible over Charleston for 2 minutes and 34 second
The boundaries of the sunset partial eclipse in Western Europe
Calculation with Eclipse Droid with atmospheric refraction
In northwestern Europe, the eclipse will only be visible as a partial eclipse, in the evening or at sunset.
Only Iceland, Ireland, and Scotland will see the eclipse from beginning to end
In the rest of the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, and Portugal, sunset will occur before the end of the eclipse.
In Germany, only in the extreme northwest the beginning of the eclipse might be visible just at sunset. In all regions east of the orange line in the map, the eclipse will be invisible.

Dear Arcturians,
For some reason, I feel as though the eclipse of August 21, 2017 has a special importance, especially for the United States. I do not live in an area where I will see the eclipse, but I do live in the United States, which has been in a lot of chaos.
Perhaps I am so interested in this particular eclipse because chaos almost always precedes change, and the United States has had a lot of chaos lately. I will present some information from the Net for the reader first, then put your Arcturian response below that.
Below is some:
Click below link to see the path of the Eclipse
The Great American Eclipse:
    A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, causing the moon to temporarily cast its shadow on Earth, appearing to darken the sun.
    The sun is 400 times larger than the moon, but it is also approximately 400 times farther away, making the sun and moon appears the same size during an eclipse.
NASA on the Total Eclipse
Solar eclipses are not uncommon. They happen about twice a year. But total eclipses are only visible to those in the path of the moon’s shadow as it crosses the Earth.
A total solar eclipse has not been visible from the United States since 1979. Not many people witnessed that eclipse because the path just clipped five states in the Northwest and the skies were cloudy.
The centerline will cross 12 states, but everyone in the continental Unites States will see at least a partial eclipse.
Nashville is the only large metropolitan city that will experience the total eclipse. Portland will see a 99 percent eclipse and Atlanta will see 97 percent eclipse. Half of Kansas City and half of St Louis, Missouri, are in the path of the total eclipse.
Only those in the path of the total eclipse will experience seeing the sun’s corona, the bright ring around the edge of the moon’s shadow, and stars in the daytime.
As the moon moves in front of the sun, several bright points of light, known as Baily’s Beads, shine around the moon's edges. They are the sun’s light rays streaming through the valleys along the moon's horizon. estimates that more than half a million people -- and possibly as many as 2 million -- will flock to South Carolina to see the eclipse.
South Carolina is expected to see the huge influx of visitors because it will be the nearest spot within the path of totality for at least 100 million Americans in the Atlantic Seaboard and Florida.
The centerline of the total eclipse across South Carolina is 251.1 miles long.
The average width of the path of totality across South Carolina is 71.5 miles.
Path of Aug. 21, 2017 Eclipse
The eclipse will cross the United States from Oregon to South Carolina in 94 minutes. The states in the path are Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia and South Carolina.
The total solar eclipse will enter South Carolina at 2:36 p.m. and leave the Atlantic coast at 2:49 p.m.
The last two total solar eclipses visible from South Carolina were on March 7, 1970, and May 28, 1900.
Meteorologists say there is only a fair chance of clear skies in South Carolina at the time of the eclipse; so many people are expected to relocate to find clearer conditions as the time of the eclipse approaches.
The total eclipse will be over Greenville and Anderson at 2:39 p.m. and will last two minutes 38 seconds. It will be over Orangeburg at 2:43 p.m. and it will last two minutes and 26 seconds. Less than 5 minutes later, it will exit the state after being visible over Charleston for 2 minutes and 34 second
The boundaries of the sunset partial eclipse in Western Europe
Calculation with Eclipse Droid with atmospheric refraction
In northwestern Europe, the eclipse will only be visible as a partial eclipse, in the evening or at sunset.
Only Iceland, Ireland, and Scotland will see the eclipse from beginning to end
In the rest of the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, and Portugal, sunset will occur before the end of the eclipse.
In Germany, only in the extreme northwest the beginning of the eclipse might be visible just at sunset. In all regions east of the orange line in the map, the eclipse will be invisible.

Dear Suzille, you asked if the eclipse had any special significance, and our answer is “absolutely.” For one thing, the eclipse is something in which Americans from all over the country are interested. Therefore, the eclipse offers a great “unity of interest.”
Unity of interest provides a common ground where many Americans from different areas, and with different lifestyles, as well as across all economic levels, can share their “choice of perception.” Let us speak for a moment about the concept of “choice of perception.”
Everyone is always creating their reality via their “choice of perception.” For example, one could choose to look at their unpaid bills, which they have no way of paying. This perception will likely make them very sad, depressed and even defeated.
On the other hand, if they chose to look at the bills they have chosen as the most important bills, and the ones they have paid, they will feel happier and more inspired to find a way to pay the rest of the bills.
In other words, when one chooses to put their attention onto the challenges of life, rather than the rewards of life, they will feel helpless and depressed. On the other hand, if you just look at the few bills that you could pay, and take a moment to deeply understand how you found a way to pay those bills, you can expand that creativity and self esteem to make you feel even better.
Most of you have heard the term, “What you think about –You bring about!”
“But how do I control my thinking?” we hear many of you asking. The answer is the same. What you choose to perceive has a great deal to do with controlling your thinking.
For example, if you direct your attention on a problem, your problem will expand. However, if you place your attention on the solution for that problem, you will feel more in control of your life.
When you feel in control of your life, you believe that you can choose to place your perceptions and your attentions on the components of your reality that you love, enjoy, are proud of, and very importantly, are centered around “service to others.”
Service to others places your attention on, “How can I help this person, this situation, this place, or even this thing. Then, if there is a problem, for example, you have placed your attention on “a door that you will open.”
In other words, you have already you convinced yourself on, “Yes I CAN.” Release the tag on lines such as, “This door is too big to open,” and return you perceptions to the “inner image” of yourself opening that “symbolic” or “real” door.
Whether or not you can open that door is less important than the fact that you have perceived that door, not as a barrier,” but as something you WILL be able to open. With that positive message to your self, your mind and emotions will calibrate to find the solution.
On the other hand, if you had perceived the door as something that you could never open, there would be no reason to try to open it. Therefore, your self-perception would be of yourself, walking away from that door because you could NOT open it.
You are always perceiving your self, whether or not you are aware of it. If you are not aware that you are perceiving/watching your self, the opinions that arise from your perceptions will be stored in your unconscious mind. Therefore, you will forget your perceptions, as well as anything you could have learned from them.
Let us now address the eclipse. If you chose to perceive the eclipse as, “Big deal. Eclipses have never changed anything about me or my life.” Then you have denied yourself the opportunity to experience a “unity of perception” that is very rare in such a large and diverse country.
On the other hand, if you choose to tune into the energy field of all those who can perceive and who are choosing to perceive the Eclipse, you have allowed your perceptual field to join into the collective consciousness of all those who are watching, and/or thinking, about the Eclipse.
Yes, your thoughts are very much a component of your “perceptual field.” For one thing, if you do not think about the Eclipse, you will not remember to put yourself in a situation where you CAN perceive it, or place your attention on the fact that thousands of people are able to see the Eclipse and have chosen to go outside and look at it.
You might say, “Just because they all saw it, doesn’t mean I can. I am not in the path of the Eclipse.” Yes, that is true that your physical body may not be in the path of the eclipse. However, there are many people who can see it, at least for a moment.
Therefore, all you need do is to place your attention on your own inner perception of the Eclipse, or on the television or computer screen. Why do you do that? Because “what you think about, you bring about.” Even though you were unable to perceive this event, your consciousness was focused on the same thing that thousands of other people’s consciousness is focusing on.
Therefore, you have chosen to perceive a group energy field. With so many people placing their thoughts and expectations on the same thing, you have joined into a group energy field that was created by so many people gathering to experience the event of the Eclipse.
This degree of Unity Consciousness goes beyond time and/or space. Therefore, you will NOT see the Eclipse at the same time zone, or from the same place as others who perceive it. However, you have joined into a group energy field of people, from different places and different time zones, who have chosen to direct their perceptual field on that event.
In fact, you may watch it on television, or on your computer, as these machines will allow you to direct your perceptual field into the same energy field that thousands of others are tuning into. It is this unity of “choice of perception” that is important. Even the people who will actually be able to perceive the Eclipse within the same time zone and at the same place, will all have different lives, ages, and histories.
Therefore, everyone will be looking through their own perceptual field, which has been created from all their interests, manners of thinking, reasons for watching, or even those who are not able to perceive the Eclipse at all, but are directing their thoughts and attention onto the same thing as many thousands of others across a very large country.
The gift of this Eclipse is UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. Even if only a few people realize that the Eclipse has activated this sense of Unity Consciousness it does not matter. This united human consciousness, focused on one event, will create a beacon into the higher dimensions saying,
“We, the humans on Earth, are able to choose to look up into the sky without fear or superstition. We, the humans of Earth, are becoming evolved enough to unite our consciousness on the same event that travels across the entire country, starting at one of the last states to be colonized, Oregon, and ending at one of the first 13 colonies, South Carolina.
While everyone is “looking into the sky,” perhaps they will see our Starships that will fly a bit lower to be more recognizable. In fact, what if the eclipse brought in the New Age of full disclosure that we, the members of your Galactic Family, are constantly with you.
We have come within the NOW because YOU have called us. Just as humans no longer believe that an Eclipse is an omen for the “end of the world,” more and more of them are fully aware that we, your Galactic Family, are here in your skies ready and willing to assist you, if you ask.
Yes, Gaia is a “Free Will” planet and we will respect your free will to see, or not see, that we are with you. We are here within this now to tell you that,

“You are not alone, as we, your Galactic Family, are always with you.”

We are ONE and ready to return to the ONE of our true Galactic Selves
Blessings From the Arcturians 


Dear Readers,


We are ONE and ready to return to the ONE of our true Galactic Selves
Blessings Sue Lie

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie

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Saturday, July 1, 2017

A Conversation between Steve Beckow and the Arcturians


Arcturian Conversation with Steve Beckow

Good evening everyone. I’m Steve Bekow chief editor of the Golden Age of Gaia and Linda is away on Holiday and so I’m absolutely delighted to have Sue Lie here with us and through Sue I’ll be talking with the Arcturians. I’m looking forward to talking to the Arcturians about their society and their life style.

To hear this recording, please click HERE

Arcturian Society

Arcturians Conversation with Steve Beckow

SB: Well, I’m looking forward to talking to the Arcturians about their society and their life style. What do you think?

SL: These are good questions. I never thought of that, so we’ll just have to ask them. Whatever I say is what they say because I don’t have a clue.

SB: (laughter) One that you don’t have a clue on.

SL: The way that I experience them is like there’s a tapping inside of me and there is a calling inside of me and other than that, I don’t really see anything. I feel it.

SB: What do you feel? Like when they come in what do you feel?

SL: Unconditional Love. Yes, there’s really a lot of unconditional love and a kind of trust.

SB: So, fifth-dimensional love, seventh-dimensional love?

SL: I’ve never asked what dimension it was.

SB: Well, all love at a certain level is unconditional, right? Love Is unconditional. But, it would have to be unconditional love? I understand.

SL: Well, the Arcturians are multidimensional, but I think that they hang out more in the ninth or tenth and beyond dimensions.

SB: We don’t really have a description of their society and lifestyle from them from themselves. We have a lot of people talking about which I don’t get the sense is accurate. So here we go. We’ve got an hour to get all the details we can from them.

SL: Okay

SB: I’ll give you time to make your transition.

SL: Yes, I really have to raise my consciousness for this one.

Arcturians: Steve Bekow, we are very happy to have this communication with you.

SB: We are very happy to have communication with you by the way. We would like to spend this hour just listening to you describe where you come from, because some people say a planet.

Some people say a star. Some people say it’s no place of form at all. And so we don’t know anything about that. We don’t know what your lifestyle is. We don’t even know what form you have or take when you do take form.

I understand you’re multidimensional. That’s all we know there. So we know very little about you for sure and if you could, tell us about you as Arcturians. I think the information would be very welcome.

Arcturian: And, if you could give Suzille some help and ask some specific questions that would be helpful for her. What’s your first question?

SB: First of all, where are you from? Specifically, when you call yourself Arcturians, which implies that you’re from somewhere, where is that?

Arcturians: We are actually from Arcturus, which is a star. And if you look at the handle of the Big Dipper and follow the handle out to the end, then you go off a little bit to the right and down a bit, you will see Arcturus.

This is a little story that was interesting. When Suzille bought this house, her and her husband had to get as much out as they could because the moving vans had already left and they had to drive up through the night.

It’s a five-hour drive. They arrived about two or three in the morning because they had to be there for when the moving vans were there to open the door. So they got in and they went upstairs and looked out the windows and there was the big dipper and Arcturus right in the middle of window.

SB: Wow, that’s great.

Arcturians: There are no mistakes and there are no accidents.

SB: So is it enough to know that you are from the constellation Arcturus? Where in the constellation are you from?

Arcturians: Well, it is difficult to put that answer in human terms because we don’t hold a “solo body” in the manner human’s hold a solo body. We are multi-dimensional beings therefore we can resonate as low as the higher fifth-dimension and as high as the twelfth dimension and beyond.

The higher that the resonance rises, the less there is any sense of individuality. In fact, what we would think of as “individuality” would not be at all what you would think of as individuality because our bodies do not have sharp edges.

SB: When do you take a body?

Arcturians: When we choose to, we can take a form. There have been others that have channeled how they perceive our form, but it is partially their perception and partially our form. We would only take a form if a person really needs us to take a form. Then, we would be automatically reading that person’s needs and that would influence the forms that we would take.

SB: I guess the implication of that, is that if any of the representations of you thus far are accurate, they’re only accurate in representing what’s in the person’s mind who is seeing, right? You took the form that they could understand, that they want to see. Is that correct?

Arcturians: We would take a form that they could understand. We are not concerned with whether or not they would want to see it because, if they don’t want to see us, we would know that we wouldn’t be communicating with them.

SB: So form is not a big consideration in your minds. I was going to say that on a normal day, but you don’t have days so it’s just not a big consideration with you. Is that correct?

A: Yes, a form is not – it’s an essence. Instead of saying that we have a body, we would say that we have an essence. And, there is some variation within our essences. There really isn’t a male/female gender type of essence.

But, some of us when we say, Arcturus, we mean the star Arcturus and there are, as you can imagine, many different stars and each star has different planets. So there are many different versions of different realities in which we live. And, just as one might travel around the United States, we would travel around our galaxy of Bootes.

SB: So, when we use the word Arcturian are we referring to a galaxy, or a constellation? I think a constellation is bigger than a galaxy, isn’t it? I’m not sure.

A: There is a constellation of Arcturus and galaxy of Arcturus. And the words, again there are words that are created from a human mind where it is on form and labeling.

SB: Right, I imagine if I asked you the name you use for yourselves, I probably couldn’t understand it because your language would be different. Is that correct?

A: Yes, it would be something that you would instantly receive within you.

SB: Would I be able to make sense? Some languages are hard for us to even hear because we’re not used to thinking of that as a language.

A: Well, we the Arcturians are kind of accustomed to speaking in human language. And also there is a galactic language, which is basically telepathy where everybody reads each other’s minds.

We work with the Pleiades and the Sirians and many of the other beings. We’re constantly interacting with all the beings – primarily the Pleiaidans, the Sirian and the Andromedans, even though they are not of Earth’s galaxy they’re still very helpful and we all work together because the galaxy in which you live is going through a beautiful transition. A beautiful transition!

SB: Do you want to say a little bit more about that transition? It will take us away from our main subject, but if we could talk about it for just a wee bit. So, the whole Galaxy is going through a transition?

A: That answer could be infinite. So ask a specific question about it?

SB: Are there more planets in the galaxy that are going through this transition that we’re going through?

A: Yes it is quite normal. Just as it is in the human form when one ‘dies’ – they don’t die they just move into a higher frequency of reality. And, the higher frequency of reality have a greater freedom in terms of time and space. Time and space is limited to third dimensional, fourth dimensional conceptions. Even in the fifth-dimension – that’s the transitional dimension.

SB: From duality to non-duality, is that correct?

A: Well, from “time and space” to “here and now.”

SB: Okay, thank you.

A: Yes, there’s only here. There’s only Now.

SB: You have observed our life style, have you not? It of course is dependent upon food, so we do a lot of eating or preparing, or shopping or things like that. But, you see and of course we have time and space and therefore we have these nights and days and circadian rhythms. What do you say about your own lifestyle? What can you tell us about your own life style?

A: Our lifestyle is one of service. And, we don’t have a need for jobs. We don’t have a need for food; we don’t have a need for a home. We don’t have a need for a profession. We don’t need any of these third dimensional things.

Blessing, We are the Arcturians

Posted by Suzanne Lie at 10:16 AM
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